Esempio n. 1

/* Define this constant to make sure that all other files
 * are NOT directly accessed and are invoked only from index.php */
define("LOAD_INC", true);
/* Define ABSPATH as path to this directory */
defined("ABSPATH") || define("ABSPATH", dirname(__FILE__) . "/");
/* Define application path */
defined("APPLICATION_PATH") || define("APPLICATION_PATH", ABSPATH . "application/");
/* Define path to the core steelcode classes
 * You may change this path if the core files are installed in some other directory */
define("INCLUDE_PATH", "steelcode/");
require_once INCLUDE_PATH . "includes/auto-loader.php";
$obj_steelcode = new Steelcode_Application();
/* Define this constant to help autoloaded function to load 
 * current controller */
define("CURRENT_CTRL", $obj_steelcode->getControllerPath());
Esempio n. 2

/* Define this constant to make sure that all other files
 * are NOT directly accessed and are invoked only from index.php */
define('LOAD_INC', true);
defined('ABSPATH') || define('ABSPATH', dirname(__FILE__) . "/");
defined('APPLICATION_PATH') || define('APPLICATION_PATH', ABSPATH . 'application/');
/* Define path to the core steelcode classes
 * You may change this path if the core files are installed in some other directory */
define('INCLUDE_PATH', 'Steelcode/');
require_once INCLUDE_PATH . 'steelcode.php';
$application = new Steelcode_Application(APPLICATION_PATH);
$controller = $application->getControllerPath();