Esempio n. 1
 public function execute($filterChain)
     // execute this filter only once
     if ($this->isFirstCall()) {
         $user = sfContext::getInstance()->getUser();
         if (!$user->isAuthenticated()) {
             $cookie = $this->getContext()->getRequest()->getCookie('rayku');
             if ($cookie) {
                 $value = unserialize(base64_decode($cookie));
                 $c = new Criteria();
                 $c->add(UserPeer::COOKIE_KEY, $value[0]);
                 $c->add(UserPeer::USERNAME, $value[1]);
                 $raykuUser = UserPeer::doSelectOne($c);
                 if ($raykuUser instanceof User) {
                     // sign in
                 } else {
     // Execute next filter
Esempio n. 2
  * @param string $query
  * @param array $parameters
  * @param int $duration
 public function logQuery($query, $parameters = array(), $duration = 0)
     // Don't log queries taking less than 10 seconds.
     if ($duration < 10000) {
     $baseAddr = '';
     foreach ($parameters as $k => $v) {
         $query = str_replace($k, "'" . $v . "'", $query);
     $uri = isset($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']) ? "Query page: https://{$baseAddr}" . $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'] . "\n" : '';
     $this->app->Logging->log('INFO', ($duration != 0 ? number_format($duration / 1000, 3) . 's ' : '') . " Query: \n{$query};\n{$uri}");
Esempio n. 3
 public function login()
     $this->assign('columns', Table::factory('Users')->getColumns());
     if ($this->request->isPost()) {
         $user = Table::factory('Users')->login($this->request->getVar('email'), $this->request->getVar('password'));
         if ($user) {
             return $this->redirectAction("index");
         // tut tut
         Log::warn("Invalid admin login attempt from IP [" . $this->request->getIp() . "] for email [" . $this->request->getVar('email') . "]");
         $this->addError('Invalid login details');
Esempio n. 4
  * Converts a Zotero_Item object to a SimpleXMLElement Atom object
  * Note: Increment Z_CONFIG::$CACHE_VERSION_ATOM_ENTRY when changing
  * the response.
  * @param	object				$item		Zotero_Item object
  * @param	string				$content
  * @return	SimpleXMLElement					Item data as SimpleXML element
 public static function convertItemToAtom(Zotero_Item $item, $queryParams, $permissions, $sharedData = null)
     $t = microtime(true);
     // Uncached stuff or parts of the cache key
     $version = $item->version;
     $parent = $item->getSource();
     $isRegularItem = !$parent && $item->isRegularItem();
     $downloadDetails = $permissions->canAccess($item->libraryID, 'files') ? Zotero_Storage::getDownloadDetails($item) : false;
     if ($isRegularItem) {
         $numChildren = $permissions->canAccess($item->libraryID, 'notes') ? $item->numChildren() : $item->numAttachments();
     // <id> changes based on group visibility in v1
     if ($queryParams['v'] < 2) {
         $id = Zotero_URI::getItemURI($item, false, true);
     } else {
         $id = Zotero_URI::getItemURI($item);
     $libraryType = Zotero_Libraries::getType($item->libraryID);
     // Any query parameters that have an effect on the output
     // need to be added here
     $allowedParams = array('content', 'style', 'css', 'linkwrap');
     $cachedParams = Z_Array::filterKeys($queryParams, $allowedParams);
     $cacheVersion = 2;
     $cacheKey = "atomEntry_" . $item->libraryID . "/" . $item->id . "_" . md5($version . json_encode($cachedParams) . ($downloadDetails ? 'hasFile' : '') . ($libraryType == 'group' ? 'id' . $id : '')) . "_" . $queryParams['v'] . "_" . $cacheVersion . (isset(Z_CONFIG::$CACHE_VERSION_ATOM_ENTRY) ? "_" . Z_CONFIG::$CACHE_VERSION_ATOM_ENTRY : "") . (in_array('bib', $queryParams['content']) && isset(Z_CONFIG::$CACHE_VERSION_BIB) ? "_" . Z_CONFIG::$CACHE_VERSION_BIB : "");
     $xmlstr = Z_Core::$MC->get($cacheKey);
     if ($xmlstr) {
         try {
             // TEMP: Strip control characters
             $xmlstr = Zotero_Utilities::cleanString($xmlstr, true);
             $doc = new DOMDocument();
             $xpath = new DOMXpath($doc);
             $xpath->registerNamespace('atom', Zotero_Atom::$nsAtom);
             $xpath->registerNamespace('zapi', Zotero_Atom::$nsZoteroAPI);
             $xpath->registerNamespace('xhtml', Zotero_Atom::$nsXHTML);
             // Make sure numChildren reflects the current permissions
             if ($isRegularItem) {
                 $xpath->query('/atom:entry/zapi:numChildren')->item(0)->nodeValue = $numChildren;
             // To prevent PHP from messing with namespace declarations,
             // we have to extract, remove, and then add back <content>
             // subelements. Otherwise the subelements become, say,
             // <default:span xmlns=""> instead
             // of just <span xmlns="">, and
             // xmlns:default="" gets added to
             // the parent <entry>. While you might reasonably think that
             // echo $xml->saveXML();
             // and
             // $xml = new SimpleXMLElement($xml->saveXML());
             // echo $xml->saveXML();
             // would be identical, you would be wrong.
             $multiFormat = !!$xpath->query('/atom:entry/atom:content/zapi:subcontent')->length;
             $contentNodes = array();
             if ($multiFormat) {
                 $contentNodes = $xpath->query('/atom:entry/atom:content/zapi:subcontent');
             } else {
                 $contentNodes = $xpath->query('/atom:entry/atom:content');
             foreach ($contentNodes as $contentNode) {
                 $contentParts = array();
                 while ($contentNode->hasChildNodes()) {
                     $contentParts[] = $doc->saveXML($contentNode->firstChild);
                 foreach ($contentParts as $part) {
                     if (!trim($part)) {
                     // Strip the namespace and add it back via SimpleXMLElement,
                     // which keeps it from being changed later
                     if (preg_match('%^<[^>]+xmlns=""%', $part)) {
                         $part = preg_replace('%^(<[^>]+)xmlns=""%', '$1', $part);
                         $html = new SimpleXMLElement($part);
                         $html['xmlns'] = "";
                         $subNode = dom_import_simplexml($html);
                         $importedNode = $doc->importNode($subNode, true);
                     } else {
                         if (preg_match('%^<[^>]+xmlns=""%', $part)) {
                             $part = preg_replace('%^(<[^>]+)xmlns=""%', '$1', $part);
                             $html = new SimpleXMLElement($part);
                             $html['xmlns'] = "";
                             $subNode = dom_import_simplexml($html);
                             $importedNode = $doc->importNode($subNode, true);
                         } else {
                             $docFrag = $doc->createDocumentFragment();
             $xml = simplexml_import_dom($doc);
             StatsD::timing("api.items.itemToAtom.cached", (microtime(true) - $t) * 1000);
             // Skip the cache every 10 times for now, to ensure cache sanity
             if (Z_Core::probability(10)) {
                 $xmlstr = $xml->saveXML();
             } else {
                 return $xml;
         } catch (Exception $e) {
             error_log("WARNING: " . $e);
     $content = $queryParams['content'];
     $contentIsHTML = sizeOf($content) == 1 && $content[0] == 'html';
     $contentParamString = urlencode(implode(',', $content));
     $style = $queryParams['style'];
     $entry = '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>' . '<entry xmlns="' . Zotero_Atom::$nsAtom . '" xmlns:zapi="' . Zotero_Atom::$nsZoteroAPI . '"/>';
     $xml = new SimpleXMLElement($entry);
     $title = $item->getDisplayTitle(true);
     $title = $title ? $title : '[Untitled]';
     $xml->title = $title;
     $author = $xml->addChild('author');
     $createdByUserID = null;
     $lastModifiedByUserID = null;
     switch (Zotero_Libraries::getType($item->libraryID)) {
         case 'group':
             $createdByUserID = $item->createdByUserID;
             // Used for zapi:lastModifiedByUser below
             $lastModifiedByUserID = $item->lastModifiedByUserID;
     if ($createdByUserID) {
         $author->name = Zotero_Users::getUsername($createdByUserID);
         $author->uri = Zotero_URI::getUserURI($createdByUserID);
     } else {
         $author->name = Zotero_Libraries::getName($item->libraryID);
         $author->uri = Zotero_URI::getLibraryURI($item->libraryID);
     $xml->id = $id;
     $xml->published = Zotero_Date::sqlToISO8601($item->dateAdded);
     $xml->updated = Zotero_Date::sqlToISO8601($item->dateModified);
     $link = $xml->addChild("link");
     $link['rel'] = "self";
     $link['type'] = "application/atom+xml";
     $href = Zotero_API::getItemURI($item);
     if (!$contentIsHTML) {
         $href .= "?content={$contentParamString}";
     $link['href'] = $href;
     if ($parent) {
         // TODO: handle group items?
         $parentItem = Zotero_Items::get($item->libraryID, $parent);
         $link = $xml->addChild("link");
         $link['rel'] = "up";
         $link['type'] = "application/atom+xml";
         $href = Zotero_API::getItemURI($parentItem);
         if (!$contentIsHTML) {
             $href .= "?content={$contentParamString}";
         $link['href'] = $href;
     $link = $xml->addChild('link');
     $link['rel'] = 'alternate';
     $link['type'] = 'text/html';
     $link['href'] = Zotero_URI::getItemURI($item, true);
     // If appropriate permissions and the file is stored in ZFS, get file request link
     if ($downloadDetails) {
         $details = $downloadDetails;
         $link = $xml->addChild('link');
         $link['rel'] = 'enclosure';
         $type = $item->attachmentMIMEType;
         if ($type) {
             $link['type'] = $type;
         $link['href'] = $details['url'];
         if (!empty($details['filename'])) {
             $link['title'] = $details['filename'];
         if (isset($details['size'])) {
             $link['length'] = $details['size'];
     $xml->addChild('zapi:key', $item->key, Zotero_Atom::$nsZoteroAPI);
     $xml->addChild('zapi:version', $item->version, Zotero_Atom::$nsZoteroAPI);
     if ($lastModifiedByUserID) {
         $xml->addChild('zapi:lastModifiedByUser', Zotero_Users::getUsername($lastModifiedByUserID), Zotero_Atom::$nsZoteroAPI);
     $xml->addChild('zapi:itemType', Zotero_ItemTypes::getName($item->itemTypeID), Zotero_Atom::$nsZoteroAPI);
     if ($isRegularItem) {
         $val = $item->creatorSummary;
         if ($val !== '') {
             $xml->addChild('zapi:creatorSummary', htmlspecialchars($val), Zotero_Atom::$nsZoteroAPI);
         $val = $item->getField('date', true, true, true);
         if ($val !== '') {
             if ($queryParams['v'] < 3) {
                 $val = substr($val, 0, 4);
                 if ($val !== '0000') {
                     $xml->addChild('zapi:year', $val, Zotero_Atom::$nsZoteroAPI);
             } else {
                 $sqlDate = Zotero_Date::multipartToSQL($val);
                 if (substr($sqlDate, 0, 4) !== '0000') {
                     $xml->addChild('zapi:parsedDate', Zotero_Date::sqlToISO8601($sqlDate), Zotero_Atom::$nsZoteroAPI);
         $xml->addChild('zapi:numChildren', $numChildren, Zotero_Atom::$nsZoteroAPI);
     if ($queryParams['v'] < 3) {
         $xml->addChild('zapi:numTags', $item->numTags(), Zotero_Atom::$nsZoteroAPI);
     $xml->content = '';
     // DOM XML from here on out
     $contentNode = dom_import_simplexml($xml->content);
     $domDoc = $contentNode->ownerDocument;
     $multiFormat = sizeOf($content) > 1;
     // Create a root XML document for multi-format responses
     if ($multiFormat) {
         $contentNode->setAttribute('type', 'application/xml');
         /*$multicontent = $domDoc->createElementNS(
         			Zotero_Atom::$nsZoteroAPI, 'multicontent'
     foreach ($content as $type) {
         // Set the target to either the main <content>
         // or a <multicontent> <content>
         if (!$multiFormat) {
             $target = $contentNode;
         } else {
             $target = $domDoc->createElementNS(Zotero_Atom::$nsZoteroAPI, 'subcontent');
         $target->setAttributeNS(Zotero_Atom::$nsZoteroAPI, "zapi:type", $type);
         if ($type == 'html') {
             if (!$multiFormat) {
                 $target->setAttribute('type', 'xhtml');
             $div = $domDoc->createElementNS(Zotero_Atom::$nsXHTML, 'div');
             $html = $item->toHTML(true);
             $subNode = dom_import_simplexml($html);
             $importedNode = $domDoc->importNode($subNode, true);
         } else {
             if ($type == 'citation') {
                 if (!$multiFormat) {
                     $target->setAttribute('type', 'xhtml');
                 if (isset($sharedData[$type][$item->libraryID . "/" . $item->key])) {
                     $html = $sharedData[$type][$item->libraryID . "/" . $item->key];
                 } else {
                     if ($sharedData !== null) {
                         //error_log("Citation not found in sharedData -- retrieving individually");
                     $html = Zotero_Cite::getCitationFromCiteServer($item, $queryParams);
                 $html = new SimpleXMLElement($html);
                 $html['xmlns'] = Zotero_Atom::$nsXHTML;
                 $subNode = dom_import_simplexml($html);
                 $importedNode = $domDoc->importNode($subNode, true);
             } else {
                 if ($type == 'bib') {
                     if (!$multiFormat) {
                         $target->setAttribute('type', 'xhtml');
                     if (isset($sharedData[$type][$item->libraryID . "/" . $item->key])) {
                         $html = $sharedData[$type][$item->libraryID . "/" . $item->key];
                     } else {
                         if ($sharedData !== null) {
                             //error_log("Bibliography not found in sharedData -- retrieving individually");
                         $html = Zotero_Cite::getBibliographyFromCitationServer(array($item), $queryParams);
                     $html = new SimpleXMLElement($html);
                     $html['xmlns'] = Zotero_Atom::$nsXHTML;
                     $subNode = dom_import_simplexml($html);
                     $importedNode = $domDoc->importNode($subNode, true);
                 } else {
                     if ($type == 'json') {
                         if ($queryParams['v'] < 2) {
                             $target->setAttributeNS(Zotero_Atom::$nsZoteroAPI, "zapi:etag", $item->etag);
                         $textNode = $domDoc->createTextNode($item->toJSON(false, $queryParams, true));
                     } else {
                         if ($type == 'csljson') {
                             $arr = $item->toCSLItem();
                             $json = Zotero_Utilities::formatJSON($arr);
                             $textNode = $domDoc->createTextNode($json);
                         } else {
                             if (in_array($type, Zotero_Translate::$exportFormats)) {
                                 $export = Zotero_Translate::doExport(array($item), $type);
                                 $target->setAttribute('type', $export['mimeType']);
                                 // Insert XML into document
                                 if (preg_match('/\\+xml$/', $export['mimeType'])) {
                                     // Strip prolog
                                     $body = preg_replace('/^<\\?xml.+\\n/', "", $export['body']);
                                     $subNode = $domDoc->createDocumentFragment();
                                 } else {
                                     $textNode = $domDoc->createTextNode($export['body']);
     // TEMP
     if ($xmlstr) {
         $uncached = $xml->saveXML();
         if ($xmlstr != $uncached) {
             $uncached = str_replace('<zapi:year></zapi:year>', '<zapi:year/>', $uncached);
             $uncached = str_replace('<content zapi:type="none"></content>', '<content zapi:type="none"/>', $uncached);
             $uncached = str_replace('<zapi:subcontent zapi:type="coins" type="text/html"></zapi:subcontent>', '<zapi:subcontent zapi:type="coins" type="text/html"/>', $uncached);
             $uncached = str_replace('<title></title>', '<title/>', $uncached);
             $uncached = str_replace('<note></note>', '<note/>', $uncached);
             $uncached = str_replace('<path></path>', '<path/>', $uncached);
             $uncached = str_replace('<td></td>', '<td/>', $uncached);
             if ($xmlstr != $uncached) {
                 error_log("Cached Atom item entry does not match");
                 error_log("  Cached: " . $xmlstr);
                 error_log("Uncached: " . $uncached);
                 Z_Core::$MC->set($cacheKey, $uncached, 3600);
                 // 1 hour for now
     } else {
         $xmlstr = $xml->saveXML();
         Z_Core::$MC->set($cacheKey, $xmlstr, 3600);
         // 1 hour for now
         StatsD::timing("api.items.itemToAtom.uncached", (microtime(true) - $t) * 1000);
     return $xml;
Esempio n. 5
 public function init($extra)
     $this->startTime = microtime(true);
     if (!Z_CONFIG::$API_ENABLED) {
     set_exception_handler(array($this, 'handleException'));
     // TODO: Throw error on some notices but allow DB/Memcached/etc. failures?
     //set_error_handler(array($this, 'handleError'), E_ALL | E_USER_ERROR | E_RECOVERABLE_ERROR);
     set_error_handler(array($this, 'handleError'), E_USER_ERROR | E_RECOVERABLE_ERROR);
     require_once '../model/';
     // On testing sites, include notifications in headers
         Zotero_NotifierObserver::addMessageReceiver(function ($topic, $msg) {
             $header = "Zotero-Debug-Notifications";
             if (!empty($this->headers[$header])) {
                 $notifications = json_decode(base64_decode($this->headers[$header]));
             } else {
                 $notifications = [];
             $notifications[] = $msg;
             $this->headers[$header] = base64_encode(json_encode($notifications));
     register_shutdown_function(array($this, 'checkDBTransactionState'));
     register_shutdown_function(array($this, 'logTotalRequestTime'));
     register_shutdown_function(array($this, 'checkForFatalError'));
     register_shutdown_function(array($this, 'addHeaders'));
     $this->method = $_SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD'];
     if (!in_array($this->method, array('HEAD', 'OPTIONS', 'GET', 'PUT', 'POST', 'DELETE', 'PATCH'))) {
     StatsD::increment("api.request.method." . strtolower($this->method), 0.25);
     // There doesn't seem to be a way for PHP to start processing the request
     // before the entire body is sent, so an Expect: 100 Continue will,
     // depending on the client, either fail or cause a delay while the client
     // waits for the 100 response. To make this explicit, we return an error.
     if (!empty($_SERVER['HTTP_EXPECT'])) {
         header("HTTP/1.1 417 Expectation Failed");
         die("Expect header is not supported");
     // CORS
     if (isset($_SERVER['HTTP_ORIGIN'])) {
         header("Access-Control-Allow-Origin: *");
         header("Access-Control-Allow-Methods: HEAD, GET, POST, PUT, PATCH, DELETE");
         header("Access-Control-Allow-Headers: Content-Type, If-Match, If-None-Match, If-Modified-Since-Version, If-Unmodified-Since-Version, Zotero-API-Version, Zotero-Write-Token");
         header("Access-Control-Expose-Headers: Backoff, ETag, Last-Modified-Version, Link, Retry-After, Total-Results, Zotero-API-Version");
     if ($this->method == 'OPTIONS') {
     if (in_array($this->method, array('POST', 'PUT', 'PATCH'))) {
         $this->ifUnmodifiedSince = isset($_SERVER['HTTP_IF_UNMODIFIED_SINCE']) ? strtotime($_SERVER['HTTP_IF_UNMODIFIED_SINCE']) : false;
         $this->body = file_get_contents("php://input");
         if ($this->body == "" && !in_array($this->action, array('clear', 'laststoragesync', 'removestoragefiles', 'itemContent'))) {
             $this->e400("{$this->method} data not provided");
     if ($this->profile) {
     // If HTTP Basic Auth credentials provided, authenticate
     if (isset($_SERVER['PHP_AUTH_USER'])) {
         $username = $_SERVER['PHP_AUTH_USER'];
         $password = $_SERVER['PHP_AUTH_PW'];
         if ($username == Z_CONFIG::$API_SUPER_USERNAME && $password == Z_CONFIG::$API_SUPER_PASSWORD) {
             $this->userID = 0;
             $this->permissions = new Zotero_Permissions();
         } else {
             if (!empty($extra['allowHTTP']) || !empty($extra['auth'])) {
                 $userID = Zotero_Users::authenticate('password', array('username' => $username, 'password' => $password));
                 if (!$userID) {
                     $this->e401('Invalid login');
                 $this->httpAuth = true;
                 $this->userID = $userID;
     if (!isset($this->userID)) {
         $key = false;
         // Allow Zotero-API-Key header
         if (!empty($_SERVER['HTTP_ZOTERO_API_KEY'])) {
             $key = $_SERVER['HTTP_ZOTERO_API_KEY'];
         // Allow ?key=<apikey>
         if (isset($_GET['key'])) {
             if (!$key) {
                 $key = $_GET['key'];
             } else {
                 if ($_GET['key'] !== $key) {
                     $this->e400("Zotero-API-Key header and 'key' parameter differ");
         // If neither of the above passed, allow "Authorization: Bearer <apikey>"
         // Apache/mod_php doesn't seem to make Authorization available for auth schemes
         // other than Basic/Digest, so use an Apache-specific method to get the header
         if (!$key && function_exists('apache_request_headers')) {
             $headers = apache_request_headers();
             if (isset($headers['Authorization'])) {
                 // Look for "Authorization: Bearer" from OAuth 2.0, and ignore everything else
                 if (preg_match('/^bearer/i', $headers['Authorization'], $matches)) {
                     if (preg_match('/^bearer +([a-z0-9]+)$/i', $headers['Authorization'], $matches)) {
                         $key = $matches[1];
                     } else {
                         $this->e400("Invalid Authorization header format");
         if ($key) {
             $keyObj = Zotero_Keys::authenticate($key);
             if (!$keyObj) {
                 $this->e403('Invalid key');
             $this->apiKey = $key;
             $this->userID = $keyObj->userID;
             $this->permissions = $keyObj->getPermissions();
             // Check Zotero-Write-Token if it exists to make sure
             // this isn't a duplicate request
             if ($this->isWriteMethod()) {
                 if ($cacheKey = $this->getWriteTokenCacheKey()) {
                     if (Z_Core::$MC->get($cacheKey)) {
                         $this->e412("Write token already used");
         } else {
             if (!empty($_GET['session']) && ($this->userID = Zotero_Users::getUserIDFromSessionID($_GET['session']))) {
                 // Users who haven't synced may not exist in our DB
                 if (!Zotero_Users::exists($this->userID)) {
                 $this->cookieAuth = true;
             } else {
                 if (!empty($_GET['auth']) || !empty($extra['auth'])) {
                 // Explicit auth request or not a GET request
                 // /users/<id>/keys is an exception, since the key is embedded in the URL
                 if ($this->method != "GET" && $this->action != 'keys') {
                     $this->e403('An API key is required for write requests.');
                 // Anonymous request
                 $this->permissions = new Zotero_Permissions();
     $this->uri = Z_CONFIG::$API_BASE_URI . substr($_SERVER["REQUEST_URI"], 1);
     // Get object user
     if (isset($this->objectUserID)) {
         if (!$this->objectUserID) {
             $this->e400("Invalid user ID", Z_ERROR_INVALID_INPUT);
         try {
             $this->objectLibraryID = Zotero_Users::getLibraryIDFromUserID($this->objectUserID);
         } catch (Exception $e) {
             if ($e->getCode() == Z_ERROR_USER_NOT_FOUND) {
                 try {
                 } catch (Exception $e) {
                     if ($e->getCode() == Z_ERROR_USER_NOT_FOUND) {
                         $this->e404("User {$this->objectUserID} not found");
                     throw $e;
                 $this->objectLibraryID = Zotero_Users::getLibraryIDFromUserID($this->objectUserID);
             } else {
                 throw $e;
         // Make sure user isn't banned
         if (!Zotero_Users::isValidUser($this->objectUserID)) {
     } else {
         if (isset($this->objectGroupID)) {
             if (!$this->objectGroupID) {
                 $this->e400("Invalid group ID", Z_ERROR_INVALID_INPUT);
             // Make sure group exists
             $group = Zotero_Groups::get($this->objectGroupID);
             if (!$group) {
             // Don't show groups owned by banned users
             if (!Zotero_Users::isValidUser($group->ownerUserID)) {
             $this->objectLibraryID = Zotero_Groups::getLibraryIDFromGroupID($this->objectGroupID);
     $apiVersion = !empty($_SERVER['HTTP_ZOTERO_API_VERSION']) ? (int) $_SERVER['HTTP_ZOTERO_API_VERSION'] : false;
     // Serve v1 to ZotPad 1.x, at Mikko's request
     if (!$apiVersion && !empty($_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT']) && strpos($_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT'], 'ZotPad 1') === 0) {
         $apiVersion = 1;
     // For publications URLs (e.g., /users/:userID/publications/items), swap in
     // objectLibraryID of user's publications library
     if (!empty($extra['publications'])) {
         // Query parameters not yet parsed, so check version parameter
         if ($apiVersion && $apiVersion < 3 || !empty($_REQUEST['v']) && $_REQUEST['v'] < 3 || !empty($_REQUEST['version']) && $_REQUEST['version'] == 1) {
         $userLibraryID = $this->objectLibraryID;
         $this->objectLibraryID = Zotero_Users::getLibraryIDFromUserID($this->objectUserID, 'publications');
         // If one doesn't exist, for write requests create a library if the key
         // has write permission to the user library. For read requests, just
         // return a 404.
         if (!$this->objectLibraryID) {
             if ($this->isWriteMethod()) {
                 if (!$this->permissions->canAccess($userLibraryID) || !$this->permissions->canWrite($userLibraryID)) {
                 $this->objectLibraryID = Zotero_Publications::add($this->objectUserID);
             } else {
                 $this->objectLibraryID = 0;
     // Return 409 if target library is locked
     switch ($this->method) {
         case 'POST':
         case 'PUT':
         case 'DELETE':
             switch ($this->action) {
                 // Library lock doesn't matter for some admin requests
                 case 'keys':
                 case 'storageadmin':
                     if ($this->objectLibraryID && Zotero_Libraries::isLocked($this->objectLibraryID)) {
                         $this->e409("Target library is locked");
     $this->scopeObject = !empty($extra['scopeObject']) ? $extra['scopeObject'] : $this->scopeObject;
     $this->subset = !empty($extra['subset']) ? $extra['subset'] : $this->subset;
     $this->fileMode = !empty($extra['file']) ? !empty($_GET['info']) ? 'info' : 'download' : false;
     $this->fileView = !empty($extra['view']);
     $this->singleObject = $this->objectKey && !$this->subset;
     // If Accept header includes application/atom+xml, send Atom, as long as there's no 'format'
     $atomAccepted = false;
     if (!empty($_SERVER['HTTP_ACCEPT'])) {
         $accept = preg_split('/\\s*,\\s*/', $_SERVER['HTTP_ACCEPT']);
         $atomAccepted = in_array('application/atom+xml', $accept);
     $this->queryParams = Zotero_API::parseQueryParams($_SERVER['QUERY_STRING'], $this->action, $this->singleObject, $apiVersion, $atomAccepted);
     // Sorting by Item Type or Added By currently require writing to shard tables, so don't
     // send those to the read replicas
     if ($this->queryParams['sort'] == 'itemType' || $this->queryParams['sort'] == 'addedBy') {
     $this->apiVersion = $version = $this->queryParams['v'];
     header("Zotero-API-Version: " . $version);
     StatsD::increment("api.request.version.v" . $version, 0.25);
Esempio n. 6
 public function toResponseJSON($requestParams = [], Zotero_Permissions $permissions, $sharedData = null)
     $t = microtime(true);
     if (!$this->loaded['primaryData']) {
     if (!$this->loaded['itemData']) {
     // Uncached stuff or parts of the cache key
     $version = $this->version;
     $parent = $this->getSource();
     $isRegularItem = !$parent && $this->isRegularItem();
     $downloadDetails = $permissions->canAccess($this->libraryID, 'files') ? Zotero_Storage::getDownloadDetails($this) : false;
     if ($isRegularItem) {
         $numChildren = $permissions->canAccess($this->libraryID, 'notes') ? $this->numChildren() : $this->numAttachments();
     $libraryType = Zotero_Libraries::getType($this->libraryID);
     // Any query parameters that have an effect on the output
     // need to be added here
     $allowedParams = ['include', 'style', 'css', 'linkwrap'];
     $cachedParams = Z_Array::filterKeys($requestParams, $allowedParams);
     $cacheVersion = 1;
     $cacheKey = "jsonEntry_" . $this->libraryID . "/" . $this->id . "_" . md5($version . json_encode($cachedParams) . ($downloadDetails ? 'hasFile' : '') . ($libraryType == 'group' ? Zotero_URI::getItemURI($this, true) : '')) . "_" . $requestParams['v'] . "_" . $cacheVersion . (isset(Z_CONFIG::$CACHE_VERSION_RESPONSE_JSON_ITEM) ? "_" . Z_CONFIG::$CACHE_VERSION_RESPONSE_JSON_ITEM : "") . (in_array('bib', $requestParams['include']) && isset(Z_CONFIG::$CACHE_VERSION_BIB) ? "_" . Z_CONFIG::$CACHE_VERSION_BIB : "");
     $cached = Z_Core::$MC->get($cacheKey);
     if (false && $cached) {
         // Make sure numChildren reflects the current permissions
         if ($isRegularItem) {
             $cached['meta']->numChildren = $numChildren;
         StatsD::timing("api.items.itemToResponseJSON.cached", (microtime(true) - $t) * 1000);
         // Skip the cache every 10 times for now, to ensure cache sanity
         if (!Z_Core::probability(10)) {
             return $cached;
     $json = ['key' => $this->key, 'version' => $version, 'library' => Zotero_Libraries::toJSON($this->libraryID)];
     $json['links'] = ['self' => ['href' => Zotero_API::getItemURI($this), 'type' => 'application/json'], 'alternate' => ['href' => Zotero_URI::getItemURI($this, true), 'type' => 'text/html']];
     if ($parent) {
         $parentItem = Zotero_Items::get($this->libraryID, $parent);
         $json['links']['up'] = ['href' => Zotero_API::getItemURI($parentItem), 'type' => 'application/json'];
     // If appropriate permissions and the file is stored in ZFS, get file request link
     if ($downloadDetails) {
         $details = $downloadDetails;
         $type = $this->attachmentMIMEType;
         if ($type) {
             $json['links']['enclosure'] = ['type' => $type];
         $json['links']['enclosure']['href'] = $details['url'];
         if (!empty($details['filename'])) {
             $json['links']['enclosure']['title'] = $details['filename'];
         if (isset($details['size'])) {
             $json['links']['enclosure']['length'] = $details['size'];
     // 'meta'
     $json['meta'] = new stdClass();
     if (Zotero_Libraries::getType($this->libraryID) == 'group') {
         $createdByUserID = $this->createdByUserID;
         $lastModifiedByUserID = $this->lastModifiedByUserID;
         if ($createdByUserID) {
             $json['meta']->createdByUser = Zotero_Users::toJSON($createdByUserID);
         if ($lastModifiedByUserID && $lastModifiedByUserID != $createdByUserID) {
             $json['meta']->lastModifiedByUser = Zotero_Users::toJSON($lastModifiedByUserID);
     if ($isRegularItem) {
         $val = $this->getCreatorSummary();
         if ($val !== '') {
             $json['meta']->creatorSummary = $val;
         $val = $this->getField('date', true, true, true);
         if ($val !== '') {
             $sqlDate = Zotero_Date::multipartToSQL($val);
             if (substr($sqlDate, 0, 4) !== '0000') {
                 $json['meta']->parsedDate = Zotero_Date::sqlToISO8601($sqlDate);
         $json['meta']->numChildren = $numChildren;
     // 'include'
     $include = $requestParams['include'];
     foreach ($include as $type) {
         if ($type == 'html') {
             $json[$type] = trim($this->toHTML());
         } else {
             if ($type == 'citation') {
                 if (isset($sharedData[$type][$this->libraryID . "/" . $this->key])) {
                     $html = $sharedData[$type][$this->libraryID . "/" . $this->key];
                 } else {
                     if ($sharedData !== null) {
                         //error_log("Citation not found in sharedData -- retrieving individually");
                     $html = Zotero_Cite::getCitationFromCiteServer($this, $requestParams);
                 $json[$type] = $html;
             } else {
                 if ($type == 'bib') {
                     if (isset($sharedData[$type][$this->libraryID . "/" . $this->key])) {
                         $html = $sharedData[$type][$this->libraryID . "/" . $this->key];
                     } else {
                         if ($sharedData !== null) {
                             //error_log("Bibliography not found in sharedData -- retrieving individually");
                         $html = Zotero_Cite::getBibliographyFromCitationServer([$this], $requestParams);
                         // Strip prolog
                         $html = preg_replace('/^<\\?xml.+\\n/', "", $html);
                         $html = trim($html);
                     $json[$type] = $html;
                 } else {
                     if ($type == 'data') {
                         $json[$type] = $this->toJSON(true, $requestParams, true);
                     } else {
                         if ($type == 'csljson') {
                             $json[$type] = $this->toCSLItem();
                         } else {
                             if (in_array($type, Zotero_Translate::$exportFormats)) {
                                 $export = Zotero_Translate::doExport([$this], $type);
                                 $json[$type] = $export['body'];
     // TEMP
     if ($cached) {
         $cachedStr = Zotero_Utilities::formatJSON($cached);
         $uncachedStr = Zotero_Utilities::formatJSON($json);
         if ($cachedStr != $uncachedStr) {
             error_log("Cached JSON item entry does not match");
             error_log("  Cached: " . $cachedStr);
             error_log("Uncached: " . $uncachedStr);
             //Z_Core::$MC->set($cacheKey, $uncached, 3600); // 1 hour for now
     } else {
         /*Z_Core::$MC->set($cacheKey, $json, 10);
         		StatsD::timing("api.items.itemToResponseJSON.uncached", (microtime(true) - $t) * 1000);
     return $json;
Esempio n. 7
 private static function processDownloadInternal($userID, $lastsync, DOMDocument $doc, $syncDownloadQueueID = null, $syncDownloadProcessID = null, $params = [])
     $apiVersion = (int) $doc->documentElement->getAttribute('version');
     if ($lastsync == 1) {
     // TEMP
     $cacheKeyExtra = (!empty($params['ft']) ? json_encode($params['ft']) : "") . (!empty($params['ftkeys']) ? json_encode($params['ftkeys']) : "");
     try {
         $cached = Zotero_Sync::getCachedDownload($userID, $lastsync, $apiVersion, $cacheKeyExtra);
         if ($cached) {
     } catch (Exception $e) {
         $msg = $e->getMessage();
         if (strpos($msg, "Too many connections") !== false) {
             $msg = "'Too many connections' from MySQL";
         } else {
             $msg = "'{$msg}'";
         Z_Core::logError("Warning: {$msg} getting cached download");
     $profile = false;
     if ($profile) {
         $shardID = Zotero_Shards::getByUserID($userID);
     if ($syncDownloadQueueID) {
         self::addDownloadProcess($syncDownloadQueueID, $syncDownloadProcessID);
     $updatedNode = $doc->createElement('updated');
     $userLibraryID = Zotero_Users::getLibraryIDFromUserID($userID);
     $updatedCreators = array();
     try {
         // Blocks until any upload processes are done
         $updateTimes = Zotero_Libraries::getUserLibraryUpdateTimes($userID);
         $timestamp = Zotero_DB::getTransactionTimestampUnix();
         $doc->documentElement->setAttribute('timestamp', $timestamp);
         $doc->documentElement->setAttribute('userID', $userID);
         $doc->documentElement->setAttribute('defaultLibraryID', $userLibraryID);
         $updateKey = Zotero_Users::getUpdateKey($userID);
         $doc->documentElement->setAttribute('updateKey', $updateKey);
         // Get libraries with update times >= $timestamp
         $updatedLibraryIDs = array();
         foreach ($updateTimes as $libraryID => $timestamp) {
             if ($timestamp >= $lastsync) {
                 $updatedLibraryIDs[] = $libraryID;
         // Add new and updated groups
         $joinedGroups = Zotero_Groups::getJoined($userID, (int) $lastsync);
         $updatedIDs = array_unique(array_merge($joinedGroups, Zotero_Groups::getUpdated($userID, (int) $lastsync)));
         if ($updatedIDs) {
             $node = $doc->createElement('groups');
             $showGroups = false;
             foreach ($updatedIDs as $id) {
                 $group = new Zotero_Group();
                 $group->id = $id;
                 $xmlElement = $group->toXML($userID);
                 $newNode = dom_import_simplexml($xmlElement);
                 $newNode = $doc->importNode($newNode, true);
                 $showGroups = true;
             if ($showGroups) {
         // If there's updated data in any library or
         // there are any new groups (in which case we need all their data)
         $hasData = $updatedLibraryIDs || $joinedGroups;
         if ($hasData) {
             foreach (Zotero_DataObjects::$classicObjectTypes as $syncObject) {
                 $Name = $syncObject['singular'];
                 // 'Item'
                 $Names = $syncObject['plural'];
                 // 'Items'
                 $name = strtolower($Name);
                 // 'item'
                 $names = strtolower($Names);
                 // 'items'
                 $className = 'Zotero_' . $Names;
                 $updatedIDsByLibraryID = call_user_func(array($className, 'getUpdated'), $userID, $lastsync, $updatedLibraryIDs);
                 if ($updatedIDsByLibraryID) {
                     $node = $doc->createElement($names);
                     foreach ($updatedIDsByLibraryID as $libraryID => $ids) {
                         if ($name == 'creator') {
                             $updatedCreators[$libraryID] = $ids;
                         foreach ($ids as $id) {
                             if ($name == 'item') {
                                 $obj = call_user_func(array($className, 'get'), $libraryID, $id);
                                 $data = array('updatedCreators' => isset($updatedCreators[$libraryID]) ? $updatedCreators[$libraryID] : array());
                                 $xmlElement = Zotero_Items::convertItemToXML($obj, $data, $apiVersion);
                             } else {
                                 $instanceClass = 'Zotero_' . $Name;
                                 $obj = new $instanceClass();
                                 if (method_exists($instanceClass, '__construct')) {
                                 $obj->libraryID = $libraryID;
                                 if ($name == 'setting') {
                                     $obj->name = $id;
                                 } else {
                                     $obj->id = $id;
                                 if ($name == 'tag') {
                                     $xmlElement = call_user_func(array($className, "convert{$Name}ToXML"), $obj, true);
                                 } else {
                                     if ($name == 'creator') {
                                         $xmlElement = call_user_func(array($className, "convert{$Name}ToXML"), $obj, $doc);
                                         if ($xmlElement->getAttribute('libraryID') == $userLibraryID) {
                                     } else {
                                         if ($name == 'relation') {
                                             // Skip new-style related items
                                             if ($obj->predicate == 'dc:relation') {
                                             $xmlElement = call_user_func(array($className, "convert{$Name}ToXML"), $obj);
                                             if ($apiVersion <= 8) {
                                         } else {
                                             if ($name == 'setting') {
                                                 $xmlElement = call_user_func(array($className, "convert{$Name}ToXML"), $obj, $doc);
                                             } else {
                                                 $xmlElement = call_user_func(array($className, "convert{$Name}ToXML"), $obj);
                             if ($xmlElement instanceof SimpleXMLElement) {
                                 if ($xmlElement['libraryID'] == $userLibraryID) {
                                 $newNode = dom_import_simplexml($xmlElement);
                                 $newNode = $doc->importNode($newNode, true);
                     if ($node->hasChildNodes()) {
         // Add full-text content if the client supports it
         if (isset($params['ft'])) {
             $libraries = Zotero_Libraries::getUserLibraries($userID);
             $fulltextNode = false;
             foreach ($libraries as $libraryID) {
                 if (!empty($params['ftkeys']) && $params['ftkeys'] === 'all') {
                     $ftlastsync = 1;
                 } else {
                     $ftlastsync = $lastsync;
                 if (!empty($params['ftkeys'][$libraryID])) {
                     $keys = $params['ftkeys'][$libraryID];
                 } else {
                     $keys = [];
                 $data = Zotero_FullText::getNewerInLibraryByTime($libraryID, $ftlastsync, $keys);
                 if ($data) {
                     if (!$fulltextNode) {
                         $fulltextNode = $doc->createElement('fulltexts');
                     foreach ($data as $itemData) {
                         if ($params['ft']) {
                             $empty = $itemData['empty'];
                         } else {
                             $empty = true;
                         $first = false;
                         $node = Zotero_FullText::itemDataToXML($itemData, $doc, $empty);
             if ($fulltextNode) {
         // Get earliest timestamp
         $earliestModTime = Zotero_Users::getEarliestDataTimestamp($userID);
         $doc->documentElement->setAttribute('earliest', $earliestModTime ? $earliestModTime : 0);
         // Deleted objects
         $deletedKeys = $hasData ? self::getDeletedObjectKeys($userID, $lastsync, true) : false;
         $deletedIDs = self::getDeletedObjectIDs($userID, $lastsync, true);
         if ($deletedKeys || $deletedIDs) {
             $deletedNode = $doc->createElement('deleted');
             // Add deleted data objects
             if ($deletedKeys) {
                 foreach (Zotero_DataObjects::$classicObjectTypes as $syncObject) {
                     $Name = $syncObject['singular'];
                     // 'Item'
                     $Names = $syncObject['plural'];
                     // 'Items'
                     $name = strtolower($Name);
                     // 'item'
                     $names = strtolower($Names);
                     // 'items'
                     if (empty($deletedKeys[$names])) {
                     $typeNode = $doc->createElement($names);
                     foreach ($deletedKeys[$names] as $row) {
                         $node = $doc->createElement($name);
                         if ($row['libraryID'] != $userLibraryID || $name == 'setting') {
                             $node->setAttribute('libraryID', $row['libraryID']);
                         $node->setAttribute('key', $row['key']);
             // Add deleted groups
             if ($deletedIDs) {
                 $name = "group";
                 $names = "groups";
                 $typeNode = $doc->createElement($names);
                 $ids = $doc->createTextNode(implode(' ', $deletedIDs[$names]));
     } catch (Exception $e) {
         if ($syncDownloadQueueID) {
         throw $e;
     function relaxNGErrorHandler($errno, $errstr)
         Zotero_Sync::$validationError = $errstr;
     $valid = $doc->relaxNGValidate(Z_ENV_MODEL_PATH . 'relax-ng/updated.rng');
     if (!$valid) {
         if ($syncDownloadQueueID) {
         throw new Exception(self::$validationError . "\n\nXML:\n\n" . $doc->saveXML());
     // Cache response if response isn't empty
     try {
         if ($doc->documentElement->firstChild->hasChildNodes()) {
             self::cacheDownload($userID, $updateKey, $lastsync, $apiVersion, $doc->saveXML(), $cacheKeyExtra);
     } catch (Exception $e) {
         Z_Core::logError("WARNING: " . $e);
     if ($syncDownloadQueueID) {
     if ($profile) {
         $shardID = Zotero_Shards::getByUserID($userID);
Esempio n. 8
  * Action to check login credentials
 public function executeLoginCheck()
     $connection = RaykuCommon::getDatabaseConnection();
     $sEmail = trim($this->getRequestParameter('name'));
     $sPassword = trim($this->getRequestParameter('pass'));
     if ($sEmail == '' && $sPassword == '') {
     //Check the user credentials
     $this->user = UserPeer::checkLogin($sEmail, $sPassword);
     if (!$this->user) {
         $_SESSION['loginErrorMsg'] = 'Your username or password was incorrect.';
     } else {
      * @todo - check if we ever got a chance to hit this place with recaptch - it looks like no so either lets remove it or make it working
     if (isset($_SESSION['loginWrongPass']) && $_SESSION['loginWrongPass'] >= 5) {
         require_once $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . '/recaptcha/recaptchalib.php';
         // Get a key from
         $publickey = "6Lc_mscSAAAAAE0Bxon37XRl56V_l3Ba0sqib2Zm";
         $privatekey = "6Lc_mscSAAAAAKG3YnU2l3uHYqcBDB6R31XlVTW8";
         # the response from reCAPTCHA
         $resp = null;
         # the error code from reCAPTCHA, if any
         $error = null;
         # was there a reCAPTCHA response?
         $resp = recaptcha_check_answer($privatekey, $_SERVER["REMOTE_ADDR"], $_POST["recaptcha_challenge_field"], $_POST["recaptcha_response_field"]);
         if ($resp->is_valid) {
             $_SESSION['loginWrongPass'] = 0;
             $_SESSION['recaptchaError'] = '';
         } else {
             # set the error code so that we can display it
             $_SESSION['recaptchaError'] = $resp->error;
             $this->user = false;
     if (!$this->user) {
         $this->msg = 'Your username or password was incorrect.';
         /////incrementing session value plus one if the password is wrong
         $_SESSION['loginWrongPass'] = @$_SESSION['loginWrongPass'] + 1;
         if ($_SESSION['loginWrongPass'] >= 5) {
         return sfView::ERROR;
     //If the user hasn't confirmed their account, display a message
     if ($this->user->isTypeUnconfirmed()) {
         $this->msg = 'You have not confirmed your account yet. Please go to your email inbox and click on the link in the confirmation email.';
         return sfView::ERROR;
     //If the user is banned, display a message
     if ($this->user->getHidden()) {
         $this->msg = 'You are currently banned.';
         return sfView::ERROR;
     $this->getUser()->signIn($this->user, $this->getRequestParameter('remember', false));
      * Invisible in practice means "invisible until next login"
      * On each login this flag is set either to 0 or 1
      * There is no possibility to change invisible status while being logged in
     $this->user->setInvisible($this->getRequestParameter('invisible', false));
     $_SESSION[$this->user->getUsername()] = time();
     $currentUser = $this->getUser()->getRaykuUser();
     $userId = $currentUser->getId();
     if (!empty($userId)) {
         mysql_query("delete from popup_close where user_id=" . $userId, $connection) or die(mysql_error());
         mysql_query("delete from sendmessage where asker_id =" . $userId, $connection) or die(mysql_error());
         mysql_query("delete from user_expert where checked_id=" . $userId, $connection) or die(mysql_error());
     if (isset($_SESSION['modelPopupOpen'])) {
         if ($_SESSION['popup_session']) {
     if ($this->getRequestParameter('referer') != 'http://' . RaykuCommon::getCurrentHttpDomain() . '/login') {
         if ($this->getRequestParameter('referer') != NULL) {
             return $this->redirect($this->getRequestParameter('referer'));
     } else {
         return sfView::SUCCESS;
Esempio n. 9
 public function toResponseJSON($requestParams = [])
     $t = microtime(true);
     // Child collections and items can't be cached (easily)
     $numCollections = $this->numCollections();
     $numItems = $this->numItems();
     if (!$requestParams['uncached']) {
         $cacheKey = $this->getCacheKey($requestParams);
         $cached = Z_Core::$MC->get($cacheKey);
         if ($cached) {
             Z_Core::debug("Using cached JSON for {$this->libraryKey}");
             $cached['meta']->numCollections = $numCollections;
             $cached['meta']->numItems = $numItems;
             StatsD::timing("api.collections.toResponseJSON.cached", (microtime(true) - $t) * 1000);
             return $cached;
     $json = ['key' => $this->key, 'version' => $this->version, 'library' => Zotero_Libraries::toJSON($this->libraryID)];
     // 'links'
     $json['links'] = ['self' => ['href' => Zotero_API::getCollectionURI($this), 'type' => 'application/json'], 'alternate' => ['href' => Zotero_URI::getCollectionURI($this, true), 'type' => 'text/html']];
     $parentID = $this->getParentID();
     if ($parentID) {
         $parentCol = Zotero_Collections::get($this->libraryID, $parentID);
         $json['links']['up'] = ['href' => Zotero_API::getCollectionURI($parentCol), 'type' => "application/atom+xml"];
     // 'meta'
     $json['meta'] = new stdClass();
     $json['meta']->numCollections = $numCollections;
     $json['meta']->numItems = $numItems;
     // 'include'
     $include = $requestParams['include'];
     foreach ($include as $type) {
         if ($type == 'data') {
             $json[$type] = $this->toJSON($requestParams);
     if (!$requestParams['uncached']) {
         Z_Core::$MC->set($cacheKey, $json);
         StatsD::timing("api.collections.toResponseJSON.uncached", (microtime(true) - $t) * 1000);
     return $json;
Esempio n. 10
 public function clear()
     if (Zotero_Sync::userIsReadLocked($this->userID) || Zotero_Sync::userIsWriteLocked($this->userID)) {
         $message = "You cannot reset server data while one of your libraries " . "is locked for syncing. Please wait for all related syncs to complete.";
         $this->error(400, 'SYNC_LOCKED', $message);
Esempio n. 11
  * @todo Implement testIncrement().
 public function testIncrement()
     $this->statsd->updateStats("test.increment", "5", "1");
     $this->statsd->increment("test.increment", 12);
Esempio n. 12
  * Handle S3 request
  * Permission-checking provided by items()
 private function _handleFileRequest($item)
     if (!$this->permissions->canAccess($this->objectLibraryID, 'files')) {
     $this->allowMethods(array('HEAD', 'GET', 'POST', 'PATCH'));
     if (!$item->isAttachment()) {
         $this->e400("Item is not an attachment");
     // File info for 4.0 client sync
     // Use of HEAD method was discontinued after 2.0.8/2.1b1 due to
     // compatibility problems with proxies and security software
     if ($this->method == 'GET' && $this->fileMode == 'info') {
         $info = Zotero_Storage::getLocalFileItemInfo($item);
         if (!$info) {
         StatsD::increment("", 1);
         header("Last-Modified: " . gmdate('r', $info['uploaded']));
         header("Content-Type: " . $info['type']);
         header("Content-Length: " . $info['size']);
         header("ETag: " . $info['hash']);
         header("X-Zotero-Filename: " . $info['filename']);
         header("X-Zotero-Modification-Time: " . $info['mtime']);
         header("X-Zotero-Compressed: " . ($info['zip'] ? 'Yes' : 'No'));
     } else {
         if ($this->method == 'GET') {
             $info = Zotero_Storage::getLocalFileItemInfo($item);
             if (!$info) {
             // File viewing
             if ($this->fileView) {
                 $url = Zotero_Attachments::getTemporaryURL($item, !empty($_GET['int']));
                 if (!$url) {
                 StatsD::increment("storage.view", 1);
             // File download
             $url = Zotero_Storage::getDownloadURL($item, 60);
             if (!$url) {
             // Provide some headers to let 5.0 client skip download
             header("Zotero-File-Modification-Time: {$info['mtime']}");
             header("Zotero-File-MD5: {$info['hash']}");
             header("Zotero-File-Size: {$info['size']}");
             header("Zotero-File-Compressed: " . ($info['zip'] ? 'Yes' : 'No'));
             StatsD::increment("", 1);
             Zotero_Storage::logDownload($item, $this->userID, IPAddress::getIP());
         } else {
             if ($this->method == 'POST' || $this->method == 'PATCH') {
                 if (!$item->isImportedAttachment()) {
                     $this->e400("Cannot upload file for linked file/URL attachment item");
                 $libraryID = $item->libraryID;
                 $type = Zotero_Libraries::getType($libraryID);
                 if ($type == 'group') {
                     $groupID = Zotero_Groups::getGroupIDFromLibraryID($libraryID);
                     $group = Zotero_Groups::get($groupID);
                     if (!$group->userCanEditFiles($this->userID)) {
                         $this->e403("You do not have file editing access");
                 } else {
                     $group = null;
                 // If not the client, require If-Match or If-None-Match
                 if (!$this->httpAuth) {
                     if (empty($_SERVER['HTTP_IF_MATCH']) && empty($_SERVER['HTTP_IF_NONE_MATCH'])) {
                         $this->e428("If-Match/If-None-Match header not provided");
                     if (!empty($_SERVER['HTTP_IF_MATCH'])) {
                         if (!preg_match('/^"?([a-f0-9]{32})"?$/', $_SERVER['HTTP_IF_MATCH'], $matches)) {
                             $this->e400("Invalid ETag in If-Match header");
                         if (!$item->attachmentStorageHash) {
                             $this->e412("ETag set but file does not exist");
                         if ($item->attachmentStorageHash != $matches[1]) {
                             $this->libraryVersion = $item->version;
                             $this->libraryVersionOnFailure = true;
                             $this->e412("ETag does not match current version of file");
                     } else {
                         if ($_SERVER['HTTP_IF_NONE_MATCH'] != "*") {
                             $this->e400("Invalid value for If-None-Match header");
                         if (Zotero_Storage::getLocalFileItemInfo($item)) {
                             $this->libraryVersion = $item->version;
                             $this->libraryVersionOnFailure = true;
                             $this->e412("If-None-Match: * set but file exists");
                 // Upload authorization
                 if (!isset($_POST['update']) && !isset($_REQUEST['upload'])) {
                     $info = new Zotero_StorageFileInfo();
                     // Validate upload metadata
                     if (empty($_REQUEST['md5'])) {
                         $this->e400('MD5 hash not provided');
                     if (!preg_match('/[abcdefg0-9]{32}/', $_REQUEST['md5'])) {
                         $this->e400('Invalid MD5 hash');
                     if (!isset($_REQUEST['filename']) || $_REQUEST['filename'] === "") {
                         $this->e400('Filename not provided');
                     // Multi-file upload
                     // For ZIP files, the filename and hash of the ZIP file are different from those
                     // of the main file. We use the former for S3, and we store the latter in the
                     // upload log to set the attachment metadata with them on file registration.
                     if (!empty($_REQUEST['zipMD5'])) {
                         if (!preg_match('/[abcdefg0-9]{32}/', $_REQUEST['zipMD5'])) {
                             $this->e400('Invalid ZIP MD5 hash');
                         if (empty($_REQUEST['zipFilename'])) {
                             $this->e400('ZIP filename not provided');
                         $info->zip = true;
                         $info->hash = $_REQUEST['zipMD5'];
                         $info->filename = $_REQUEST['zipFilename'];
                         $info->itemFilename = $_REQUEST['filename'];
                         $info->itemHash = $_REQUEST['md5'];
                     } else {
                         if (!empty($_REQUEST['zipFilename'])) {
                             $this->e400('ZIP MD5 hash not provided');
                         } else {
                             $info->zip = !empty($_REQUEST['zip']);
                             $info->filename = $_REQUEST['filename'];
                             $info->hash = $_REQUEST['md5'];
                     if (empty($_REQUEST['mtime'])) {
                         $this->e400('File modification time not provided');
                     $info->mtime = $_REQUEST['mtime'];
                     if (!isset($_REQUEST['filesize'])) {
                         $this->e400('File size not provided');
                     $info->size = $_REQUEST['filesize'];
                     if (!is_numeric($info->size)) {
                         $this->e400("Invalid file size");
                     $info->contentType = isset($_REQUEST['contentType']) ? $_REQUEST['contentType'] : null;
                     if (!preg_match("/^[a-zA-Z0-9\\-\\/]+\$/", $info->contentType)) {
                         $info->contentType = null;
                     $info->charset = isset($_REQUEST['charset']) ? $_REQUEST['charset'] : null;
                     if (!preg_match("/^[a-zA-Z0-9\\-]+\$/", $info->charset)) {
                         $info->charset = null;
                     $contentTypeHeader = $info->contentType . ($info->contentType && $info->charset ? "; charset=" . $info->charset : "");
                     // Reject file if it would put account over quota
                     if ($group) {
                         $quota = Zotero_Storage::getEffectiveUserQuota($group->ownerUserID);
                         $usage = Zotero_Storage::getUserUsage($group->ownerUserID);
                     } else {
                         $quota = Zotero_Storage::getEffectiveUserQuota($this->objectUserID);
                         $usage = Zotero_Storage::getUserUsage($this->objectUserID);
                     $total = $usage['total'];
                     $fileSizeMB = round($info->size / 1024 / 1024, 1);
                     if ($total + $fileSizeMB > $quota) {
                         StatsD::increment("storage.upload.quota", 1);
                         $this->e413("File would exceed quota ({$total} + {$fileSizeMB} > {$quota})");
                     Zotero_DB::query("SET TRANSACTION ISOLATION LEVEL SERIALIZABLE");
                     // See if file exists with this filename
                     $localInfo = Zotero_Storage::getLocalFileInfo($info);
                     if ($localInfo) {
                         $storageFileID = $localInfo['storageFileID'];
                         // Verify file size
                         if ($localInfo['size'] != $info->size) {
                             throw new Exception("Specified file size incorrect for existing file " . $info->hash . "/" . $info->filename . " ({$localInfo['size']} != {$info->size})");
                     } else {
                         $oldStorageFileID = Zotero_Storage::getFileByHash($info->hash, $info->zip);
                         if ($oldStorageFileID) {
                             // Verify file size
                             $localInfo = Zotero_Storage::getFileInfoByID($oldStorageFileID);
                             if ($localInfo['size'] != $info->size) {
                                 throw new Exception("Specified file size incorrect for duplicated file " . $info->hash . "/" . $info->filename . " ({$localInfo['size']} != {$info->size})");
                             // Create new file on S3 with new name
                             $storageFileID = Zotero_Storage::duplicateFile($oldStorageFileID, $info->filename, $info->zip, $contentTypeHeader);
                     // If we already have a file, add/update storageFileItems row and stop
                     if (!empty($storageFileID)) {
                         Zotero_Storage::updateFileItemInfo($item, $storageFileID, $info, $this->httpAuth);
                         StatsD::increment("storage.upload.existing", 1);
                         if ($this->httpAuth) {
                             $this->queryParams['format'] = null;
                             header('Content-Type: application/xml');
                             echo "<exists/>";
                         } else {
                             $this->queryParams['format'] = null;
                             header('Content-Type: application/json');
                             $this->libraryVersion = $item->version;
                             echo json_encode(array('exists' => 1));
                     // Add request to upload queue
                     $uploadKey = Zotero_Storage::queueUpload($this->userID, $info);
                     // User over queue limit
                     if (!$uploadKey) {
                         header('Retry-After: ' . Zotero_Storage::$uploadQueueTimeout);
                         if ($this->httpAuth) {
                             $this->e413("Too many queued uploads");
                         } else {
                             $this->e429("Too many queued uploads");
                     StatsD::increment("", 1);
                     // Output XML for client requests (which use HTTP Auth)
                     if ($this->httpAuth) {
                         $params = Zotero_Storage::generateUploadPOSTParams($item, $info, true);
                         $this->queryParams['format'] = null;
                         header('Content-Type: application/xml');
                         $xml = new SimpleXMLElement('<upload/>');
                         $xml->url = Zotero_Storage::getUploadBaseURL();
                         $xml->key = $uploadKey;
                         foreach ($params as $key => $val) {
                             $xml->params->{$key} = $val;
                         echo $xml->asXML();
                     } else {
                         if (!empty($_REQUEST['params']) && $_REQUEST['params'] == "1") {
                             $params = array("url" => Zotero_Storage::getUploadBaseURL(), "params" => array());
                             foreach (Zotero_Storage::generateUploadPOSTParams($item, $info) as $key => $val) {
                                 $params['params'][$key] = $val;
                         } else {
                             $params = Zotero_Storage::getUploadPOSTData($item, $info);
                         $params['uploadKey'] = $uploadKey;
                         $this->queryParams['format'] = null;
                         header('Content-Type: application/json');
                         echo json_encode($params);
                 // API partial upload and post-upload file registration
                 if (isset($_REQUEST['upload'])) {
                     $uploadKey = $_REQUEST['upload'];
                     if (!$uploadKey) {
                         $this->e400("Upload key not provided");
                     $info = Zotero_Storage::getUploadInfo($uploadKey);
                     if (!$info) {
                         $this->e400("Upload key not found");
                     // Partial upload
                     if ($this->method == 'PATCH') {
                         if (empty($_REQUEST['algorithm'])) {
                             throw new Exception("Algorithm not specified", Z_ERROR_INVALID_INPUT);
                         $storageFileID = Zotero_Storage::patchFile($item, $info, $_REQUEST['algorithm'], $this->body);
                     } else {
                         $remoteInfo = Zotero_Storage::getRemoteFileInfo($info);
                         if (!$remoteInfo) {
                             error_log("Remote file {$info->hash}/{$info->filename} not found");
                             $this->e400("Remote file not found");
                         if ($remoteInfo->size != $info->size) {
                             error_log("Uploaded file size does not match " . "({$remoteInfo->size} != {$info->size}) " . "for file {$info->hash}/{$info->filename}");
                     // Set an automatic shared lock in getLocalFileInfo() to prevent
                     // two simultaneous transactions from adding a file
                     Zotero_DB::query("SET TRANSACTION ISOLATION LEVEL SERIALIZABLE");
                     if (!isset($storageFileID)) {
                         // Check if file already exists, which can happen if two identical
                         // files are uploaded simultaneously
                         $fileInfo = Zotero_Storage::getLocalFileInfo($info);
                         if ($fileInfo) {
                             $storageFileID = $fileInfo['storageFileID'];
                         } else {
                             $storageFileID = Zotero_Storage::addFile($info);
                     Zotero_Storage::updateFileItemInfo($item, $storageFileID, $info);
                     Zotero_Storage::logUpload($this->userID, $item, $uploadKey, IPAddress::getIP());
                     header("HTTP/1.1 204 No Content");
                     header("Last-Modified-Version: " . $item->version);
                 // Client post-upload file registration
                 if (isset($_POST['update'])) {
                     if (empty($_POST['mtime'])) {
                         throw new Exception('File modification time not provided');
                     $uploadKey = $_POST['update'];
                     $info = Zotero_Storage::getUploadInfo($uploadKey);
                     if (!$info) {
                         $this->e400("Upload key not found");
                     $remoteInfo = Zotero_Storage::getRemoteFileInfo($info);
                     if (!$remoteInfo) {
                         $this->e400("Remote file not found");
                     if (!isset($info->size)) {
                         throw new Exception("Size information not available");
                     $info->mtime = $_POST['mtime'];
                     // Set an automatic shared lock in getLocalFileInfo() to prevent
                     // two simultaneous transactions from adding a file
                     Zotero_DB::query("SET TRANSACTION ISOLATION LEVEL SERIALIZABLE");
                     // Check if file already exists, which can happen if two identical
                     // files are uploaded simultaneously
                     $fileInfo = Zotero_Storage::getLocalFileInfo($info);
                     if ($fileInfo) {
                         $storageFileID = $fileInfo['storageFileID'];
                     } else {
                         $storageFileID = Zotero_Storage::addFile($info);
                     Zotero_Storage::updateFileItemInfo($item, $storageFileID, $info, true);
                     Zotero_Storage::logUpload($this->userID, $item, $uploadKey, IPAddress::getIP());
                     header("HTTP/1.1 204 No Content");
                 throw new Exception("Invalid request", Z_ERROR_INVALID_INPUT);
Esempio n. 13
 public static function statsdIncrement($stat, $prefix = false)
     $_prefix = $prefix ? $prefix : self::statsdPrefix(false, false);
     StatsD::increment($_prefix . $stat);
Esempio n. 14
                fwrite($fp, "{$stat}:{$value}");
            $content = fread($fp, "100");
            echo "<hr color='red'/>";
        } catch (Exception $ex) {
            error_log("StatsD Exception: " . $ex->getMessage());
$hostname = "";
$port_number = 11109;
$statsd = new StatsD($hostname, $port_number);
for ($i = 0; $i < 180; $i++) {
    if ($i % 100 == 0) {
    } else {
        if ($i % 101 == 0) {
        } else {
Esempio n. 15
 public function executeConnect()
     $this->count = $this->getRequestParameter('count');
Esempio n. 16
 public function executeConnect()