User: Alexandr Date: 29.09.10
Esempio n. 1
 public function index()
     $bDrop = $this->uri->segment(3);
     $aTableNames = modelsToTableNames();
     foreach ($aTableNames as $k => $sTableName) {
         $oSqlBuilder = new SqlBuilder();
         //** Build tables
         $oTableName = new $k();
         $sCreateSql = $oSqlBuilder->setTableName($sTableName)->getCreateTableString($oTableName->db);
         $this->db->query('FLUSH TABLES;');
         if ($bDrop) {
         if (!tableExists($sTableName)) {
         //** Add in any default data
         foreach ($oSqlBuilder->getDefaultDataArray($oTableName->data) as $v) {
     foreach ($aTableNames as $k => $sTableName) {
         $oTableName = new $k();
         //** Make forms
         if (!empty($oTableName->form)) {
             $oFormBuilder = new FormBuilder();
             $sForm = $oFormBuilder->setTableName($sTableName)->setFormName($sTableName)->setFormData($oTableName->form)->getFormString();
             createFile('views/admin/includes/forms/' . $sTableName . '_form.php', $sForm);
Esempio n. 2
 public function edit()
     $postBuilder = new SqlBuilder();
     $post = $postBuilder->from('post')->with(array('status' => array('status_name', 'label', 'id', 'status')))->where(array('id = ' . $_GET['id']))->limit(1)->query();
     $tagsBuilder = new SqlBuilder();
     $tags = $tagsBuilder->select(array('tag'))->from('tag')->where(array('post_id = ' . $post->id))->query();
     $this->render('post/edit', array('post' => $post, 'tags' => $tags));
Esempio n. 3
  * undocumented function
  * @return void
  * @author Justin Palmer
 public function findAll($forceSet = true)
     $database_name = $this->model->database_name();
     $table_name = $this->model->table_name();
     $query = $this->builder->build("SELECT ? FROM `{$database_name}`.`{$table_name}`");
     $this->Statement = $this->prepare(array_shift($query->query));
     return ResultFactory::factory($this->Statement, $forceSet);
Esempio n. 4
 public function __construct(Connection $conn, BaseBuilder $builder = null, Logger $logger = null)
     $this->conn = $conn;
     $this->queryDriver = $conn->createQueryDriver();
     if (!$builder) {
         $builder = SqlBuilder::create($this->queryDriver);
     $this->builder = $builder;
     if (!$logger) {
         $c = ServiceContainer::getInstance();
         $logger ?: $c['logger'];
     $this->logger = $logger;
Esempio n. 5
 public function getRow($field = '*', $where = array(), $order = array(), $offset = 0)
     // 校验参数
     if (!is_string($field) || empty($field)) {
         throw new LibraryException('参数错误:$field');
     if (!is_array($where)) {
         throw new LibraryException('参数错误:$where');
     if (!is_array($order)) {
         throw new LibraryException('参数错误:$order');
     if (!is_numeric($offset) || intval($offset) != $offset || $offset < 0) {
         throw new LibraryException('参数错误:$offset');
     $sql = $this->sqlBuilder->createSelectSql($field, $where, $order, 1, $offset);
     $row = $this->slaveHandle->queryRow($sql);
     return $row;
Esempio n. 6
  * @request_handler
  * @return array
 public function enter($params)
     $fields = array_fill_keys(array('email', 'passwd'), '');
     $post = array_intersect_key(array_merge($fields, $_POST), $fields);
     $message = '';
     $db = DB::getInstance();
     $q_user = $db->query(SqlBuilder::newQuery()->from('user')->select('*')->where('email', $db->quote($post['email']))->limit(1)->getSql());
     if ($q_user->rowCount() == 0) {
         $message = _('Entered email not registered');
     } else {
         $user = $q_user->fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC);
         if ($user['passwd'] != $post['passwd']) {
             $message = _('Incorrect password');
         } else {
             empty($user['name']) and $user['name'] = $user['email'];
     return array('data' => array('message' => $message, 'form' => $post), 'redirect' => empty($message) ? 'profile' : 'login');
Esempio n. 7
  * Wraps an SQL query.
  * @param array $aColumns
  * @param array $aTables
  * @param array $aLimitations
  * @param array $aGroupColumns
  * @param string $primaryKey
  * @param array $aLeftJoinedTables
  * @return integer  The number of rows affected by the query
 function _select($aColumns, $aTables, $aLimitations, $aGroupColumns, $primaryKey, $aLeftJoinedTables = null)
     $conf = $GLOBALS['_MAX']['CONF'];
     $oDbh = OA_DB::singleton();
     $columns = '';
     if (is_array($aColumns)) {
         foreach ($aColumns as $column => $alias) {
             $columns .= $columns == '' ? "SELECT {$column} AS {$alias}" : ",{$column} AS {$alias}";
     } else {
         $columns = "SELECT {$aColumns}";
     $prev_aliases = array();
     $tables = '';
     if (is_array($aTables)) {
         $x = 0;
         if (!is_null($aLeftJoinedTables)) {
             $aTables = array_diff($aTables, $aLeftJoinedTables);
         $joinType = 'INNER';
         while (count($aTables) && $x < 50) {
             foreach ($aTables as $tableKey => $alias) {
                 $table = $tableKey;
                 //  check for prefix
                 if (!empty($conf['table']['prefix']) && strpos($table, $conf['table']['prefix']) != 0) {
                     $table = $conf['table']['prefix'] . $table;
                 $qTable = $oDbh->quoteIdentifier($table, true);
                 $joinLimitation = '';
                 if (count($prev_aliases)) {
                     if (is_array($aLimitations)) {
                         foreach ($aLimitations as $limitationKey => $limitation) {
                             if (preg_match("/({$alias}\\.[a-z0-9_]+ *= *(" . join('|', $prev_aliases) . ")\\..+|(" . join('|', $prev_aliases) . ")\\.[a-z0-9_]+ *= *{$alias}\\..+)/", $limitation)) {
                                 $joinLimitation = $limitation;
                 } else {
                     $tables .= " FROM {$qTable} AS {$alias}";
                 if ($joinLimitation) {
                     $tables .= " {$joinType} JOIN {$qTable} AS {$alias} ON ({$joinLimitation})";
                 } elseif (count($prev_aliases)) {
                 $prev_aliases[] = $alias;
             if (!is_null($aLeftJoinedTables) && !count($aTables)) {
                 $aTables = $aLeftJoinedTables;
                 $aLeftJoinedTables = null;
                 $joinType = 'LEFT';
     } else {
         $tables = "FROM " . $oDbh->quoteIdentifier($aTables, true);
     $where = '';
     if (is_array($aLimitations)) {
         foreach ($aLimitations as $limitation) {
             $where .= $where == '' ? " WHERE {$limitation}" : " AND {$limitation}";
     } else {
         $where = " WHERE {$aLimitations}";
     $group = '';
     if (is_array($aGroupColumns) && count($aGroupColumns) > 0) {
         $group = ' GROUP BY ' . implode(',', $aGroupColumns);
     $query = $columns . $tables . $where . $group;
     return SqlBuilder::_query($query, $primaryKey);
Esempio n. 8
  * @param array $aParams
  * @param bool $allFields
  * @return mixed 0 if no rows affected, true on success, false otherwise
 function deletePlacementZones($aParams, $allFields = false)
     $result = SqlBuilder::_doDelete('placement_zone_assoc', $aParams);
     // Unlink any ads in the campaign that are linked to the zone.
     $pAds = Admin_DA::getAds(array('placement_id' => $aParams['placement_id']));
     foreach ($pAds as $adId => $pAd) {
         SqlBuilder::_doDelete('ad_zone_assoc', array('zone_id' => $aParams['zone_id'], 'ad_id' => $adId));
     return $result;
Esempio n. 9
 protected static function construct_calculation_sql($class_name, $column_name, $operation, &$options)
     $columns = self::$connection->columns(self::get_table_name($class_name));
     if (isset($columns[$column_name])) {
         $column_name = self::quoted_table_name($class_name) . '.' . $column_name;
     $sql = 'SELECT ' . $operation . '(' . (isset($options['distinct']) ? 'DISTINCT ' : '') . $column_name . ') ' . 'FROM ' . (isset($options['from']) ? $options['from'] : self::quoted_table_name($class_name));
     SqlBuilder::add_sql_trail($sql, $options);
     return $sql;
Esempio n. 10
  * @see SqlBuilder::getRawTable
  * @return string
 function getRawTable()
     return $this->sqlBuilder->getRawTable();
Esempio n. 11
  * @request_handler
  * @return array
 public function download($params)
     empty($params['name']) and Template::show404Page();
     $db = DB::getInstance();
     $file = $db->query(SqlBuilder::newQuery()->from('file')->select('*')->where('file_name', $db->quote($params['name']))->limit(1)->getSql())->fetch() or Template::show404Page();
     $dir = rtrim(Config::getConfig('repository'), '\\/') . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR;
     header("Content-Type: {$file['type']}");
     header("Accept-Ranges: bytes");
     header("Content-Length: {$file['size']}");
     header("Content-Disposition: attachment; filename={$file['original_name']}");
     header("Content-Transfer-Encoding: binary");
     readfile($dir . $file['file_name']);
Esempio n. 12
  * Return a SqlBuilder object which has set the table and optionally
  * assigned values to columns based on this instances' properties. This is used in
  * insert(), update(), and delete()
  * @param ModelDescriptor $descriptor
  * @param boolean $useAssignment
  * @param boolean $excludePrimaryKey
  * @return SqlBuilder
 protected function assignmentSqlForThisObject(ModelDescriptor $descriptor, $useAssignment = true, $excludePrimaryKey = false)
     $sqlBuilder = new SqlBuilder();
     if (empty($descriptor->columns)) {
         throw new RecessException('The "' . $descriptor->getTable() . '" table does not appear to exist in your database.', get_defined_vars());
     foreach ($this as $column => $value) {
         if ($excludePrimaryKey && $descriptor->primaryKey == $column) {
         if (in_array($column, $descriptor->columns) && isset($value)) {
             if ($useAssignment) {
                 $sqlBuilder->assign($column, $value);
             } else {
                 $sqlBuilder->equal($column, $value);
     return $sqlBuilder;
 function test_insert()
     $aVariables = array('affiliateid' => 23, 'zonename' => 'foo', 'description' => 'this is the desc', 'category' => 0, 'ad_selection' => 0, 'chain' => 0, 'prepend' => 0, 'append' => 0, 'updated' => '2007-04-03 16:41:15');
     $ret = SqlBuilder::_insert('zones', $aVariables);
     $this->assertTrue($ret > 0);
 function getStatementForBuilder(SqlBuilder $builder, $action, PdoDataSource $source)
     $criteria = $builder->getCriteria();
     $builderTable = $builder->getTable();
     $tableDescriptors = array();
     foreach ($criteria as $criterion) {
         $table = $builderTable;
         $column = $criterion->column;
         if (strpos($column, '.') !== false) {
             $parts = explode('.', $column);
             $table = $parts[0];
             $column = $parts[1];
         if (!isset($tableDescriptors[$table])) {
             $tableDescriptors[$table] = $source->getTableDescriptor($table)->getColumns();
         if (isset($tableDescriptors[$table][$column])) {
             switch ($tableDescriptors[$table][$column]->type) {
                 case RecessType::DATETIME:
                 case RecessType::TIMESTAMP:
                     if (is_int($criterion->value)) {
                         $criterion->value = date('Y-m-d H:i:s', $criterion->value);
                     } else {
                         $criterion->value = null;
                 case RecessType::DATE:
                     $criterion->value = date('Y-m-d', $criterion->value);
                 case RecessType::TIME:
                     $criterion->value = date('H:i:s', $criterion->value);
                 case RecessType::BOOLEAN:
                     $criterion->value = $criterion->value == true ? 1 : 0;
                 case RecessType::INTEGER:
                     if (is_array($criterion->value)) {
                     } else {
                         if (is_numeric($criterion->value)) {
                             $criterion->value = (int) $criterion->value;
                         } else {
                             $criterion->value = null;
                 case RecessType::FLOAT:
                     if (!is_numeric($criterion->value)) {
                         $criterion->value = null;
     $sql = $builder->{$action}();
     $statement = $source->prepare($sql);
     $arguments = $builder->getPdoArguments();
     foreach ($arguments as &$argument) {
         // Begin workaround for PDO's poor numeric binding
         $param = $argument->getQueryParameter();
         if (is_numeric($param)) {
         if (is_string($param) && strlen($param) > 0 && substr($param, 0, 1) !== ':') {
         // End Workaround
         // Ignore parameters that aren't used in this $action (i.e. assignments in select)
         if ('' === $param || strpos($sql, $param) === false) {
         $statement->bindValue($param, $argument->value);
     return $statement;
Esempio n. 15
 function onDeleteNullify(Model $model)
     if (isset($this->through)) {
         return $this->onDeleteDelete($model);
     $modelPk = Model::primaryKeyName($model);
     $queryBuilder = new SqlBuilder();
     $queryBuilder->from(Model::tableFor($this->foreignClass))->assign($this->foreignKey, null)->equal($this->foreignKey, $model->{$modelPk});
     $source = Model::sourceFor($model);
     $source->executeStatement($queryBuilder->update(), $queryBuilder->getPdoArguments());
 // Open the database connection
 $Connection = false;
 if ($WarningCollector->Count() == 0) {
     $Connection = @mysql_connect($DBHost, $DBUser, $DBPass);
     if (!$Connection) {
         $WarningCollector->Add("We couldn't connect to the server you provided (" . $DBHost . "). Are you sure you entered the right server, username and password?");
     } elseif (!mysql_select_db($DBName, $Connection)) {
         $WarningCollector->Add("We connected to the server, but we couldn't access the \"" . $DBName . "\" database. Are you sure it exists and that the specified user has access to it?");
 // Create the administrative user
 if ($WarningCollector->Count() == 0 && $Connection) {
     $Username = FormatStringForDatabaseInput($Username);
     $Password = FormatStringForDatabaseInput($Password);
     $s = new SqlBuilder($Context);
     $s->SetMainTable("User", "u");
     $s->AddFieldNameValue("FirstName", "Administrative");
     $s->AddFieldNameValue("LastName", "User");
     $s->AddFieldNameValue("Email", FormatStringForDatabaseInput($SupportEmail));
     $s->AddFieldNameValue("Name", $Username);
     $s->AddFieldNameValue("Password", $Password, 1, "md5");
     $s->AddFieldNameValue("DateFirstVisit", MysqlDateTime());
     $s->AddFieldNameValue("DateLastActive", MysqlDateTime());
     $s->AddFieldNameValue("CountVisit", 0);
     $s->AddFieldNameValue("CountDiscussions", 0);
     $s->AddFieldNameValue("CountComments", 0);
     $s->AddFieldNameValue("RoleID", 6);
     $s->AddFieldNameValue("StyleID", 1);
     $s->AddFieldNameValue("UtilizeEmail", 0);
     $s->AddFieldNameValue("RemoteIP", GetRemoteIp(1));
Esempio n. 17
     $DBPass = $Configuration['DATABASE_PASSWORD'];
     $Connection = @mysql_connect($DBHost, $DBUser, $DBPass);
     if (!$Connection) {
         $Context->WarningCollector->Add('We couldn&#8217;t connect to the server you provided (' . $DBHost . '). Are you sure you entered the right server, username and password?');
     } elseif (!mysql_select_db($DBName, $Connection)) {
         $Context->WarningCollector->Add('We connected to the server, but we couldn&#8217;t access the \'' . $DBName . '\' database. Are you sure it exists and that the specified user has access to it?');
     } elseif (version_compare(mysql_get_server_info($Connection), '4.1.0', '>=')) {
         /* On MySQL 4.1 and later, force UTF-8 */
         mysql_query('SET NAMES "utf8"', $Connection);
 // Create the administrative user
 if ($Context->WarningCollector->Count() == 0 && $Connection) {
     $Username = FormatStringForDatabaseInput($Username);
     $Password = FormatStringForDatabaseInput($Password);
     $s = new SqlBuilder($Context);
     $s->SetMainTable('User', 'u');
     $s->AddFieldNameValue('FirstName', 'Administrative');
     $s->AddFieldNameValue('LastName', 'User');
     $s->AddFieldNameValue('Email', FormatStringForDatabaseInput($SupportEmail));
     $s->AddFieldNameValue('Name', $Username);
     $s->AddFieldNameValue('Password', $Password, 1, 'md5');
     $s->AddFieldNameValue('DateFirstVisit', MysqlDateTime());
     $s->AddFieldNameValue('DateLastActive', MysqlDateTime());
     $s->AddFieldNameValue('CountVisit', 0);
     $s->AddFieldNameValue('CountDiscussions', 0);
     $s->AddFieldNameValue('CountComments', 0);
     $s->AddFieldNameValue('RoleID', 4);
     $s->AddFieldNameValue('StyleID', 1);
     $s->AddFieldNameValue('UtilizeEmail', 0);
     $s->AddFieldNameValue('RemoteIp', GetRemoteIp(1));
Esempio n. 18
 public function getMorphinxFieldName($field)
     $table = $this->getMorphinxTableForField($field);
     if (is_null($table)) {
         return $field;
     return str_replace('`', '', SqlBuilder::selectAlias($table, $field));
Esempio n. 19
 protected static function attribute_condition($quoted_column_name, $value)
     if ($value === null) {
         return $quoted_column_name . ' IS NULL';
     } else {
         if (is_array($value)) {
             return SqlBuilder::sanitize_sql($quoted_column_name . ' IN (?)', $value);
         } else {
             return SqlBuilder::sanitize_sql($quoted_column_name . ' = ?', $value);
 function getStatementForBuilder(SqlBuilder $builder, $action, PdoDataSource $source)
     $sql = $builder->{$action}();
     $statement = $source->prepare($sql);
     $arguments = $builder->getPdoArguments();
     foreach ($arguments as &$argument) {
         // Begin workaround for PDO's poor numeric binding
         $param = $argument->getQueryParameter();
         if (is_numeric($param)) {
         if (is_string($param) && strlen($param) > 0 && substr($param, 0, 1) !== ':') {
         // End Workaround
         // Ignore parameters that aren't used in this $action (i.e. assignments in select)
         if ('' === $param || strpos($sql, $param) === false) {
         $statement->bindValue($param, $argument->value);
     return $statement;
Esempio n. 21
File: Morm.php Progetto: anicet/morm
  * createInsertSql 
  * build the insert sql query for the model and return it
  * @access private
  * @return string
 private function createInsertSql()
     $to_insert = $this->fieldsToInsert();
     return "insert into `" . $this->_table . "` " . SqlBuilder::set($to_insert);
Esempio n. 22
  * Deletes all rows in result set.
  * @return int number of affected rows or FALSE in case of an error
 public function delete()
     return $this->query($this->sqlBuilder->buildDeleteQuery())->rowCount();
Esempio n. 23
  * Return the SQL representation of this PdoDataSet
  * @return string
 public function toSql()
     return $this->sqlBuilder->select();
Esempio n. 24
  * @todo cache the result
  * @param boolean $with_limit
  * @return integer
 public function get_count($with_limit = false)
     $limit_stmt = $with_limit ? SqlBuilder::order_by($this->order, $this->order_dir) . SqlBuilder::limit($this->offset, $this->limit) : '';
     $rs = SqlTools::sqlQuery("SELECT count(1)\n                        \nFROM " . SqlBuilder::from($this->get_from_tables()) . SqlBuilder::joins($this->joins, $this->getJoinType()) . SqlBuilder::where($this->where, $this->sql_where) . $limit_stmt);
     if ($rs) {
         return (int) mysql_result($rs, 0);
     } else {
         throw new Exception("Fatal error:" . mysql_error());
Esempio n. 25
 private function load()
     if ($this->id == NULL || $this->loaded) {
         return false;
     $queryArgs = [];
     $query = SqlBuilder::buildSelectQuery($this->table, '*', ['id' => $this->id], $queryArgs);
     $params = self::execute($query, $queryArgs, 'single');
     foreach ($params as $column => $value) {
         $this->fields[$column] = $value;
     $this->modified = false;
     $this->loaded = true;
     return true;
Esempio n. 26
 protected function prepare_conditions(&$options)
     $conditions = '';
     if (isset($options['conditions'])) {
         $conditions .= '(' . SqlBuilder::sanitize_sql_for_conditions($options['conditions']) . ')';
     if (isset($this->association_options['conditions'])) {
         if (!empty($conditions)) {
             $conditions .= ' AND ';
         $conditions .= '(' . SqlBuilder::sanitize_sql_for_conditions($this->association_options['conditions']) . ')';
     $options['conditions'] = $conditions;