function getNzb($segList) { $nzb = ''; foreach ($segList as $seg) { $nzb .= implode('', $this->getBody('<' . $seg . '>')); } # foreach $spotParser = new SpotParser(); return gzinflate($spotParser->unspecialZipStr($nzb)); }
/* Get the NZB file */ $nzb = false; if (is_array($xmlar['segment'])) { foreach ($xmlar['segment'] as $seg) { $nzb .= implode("", $nzb_spotnntp->getBody("<" . $seg . ">")); } # foreach } else { $nzb .= implode("", $nzb_spotnntp->getBody("<" . $xmlar['segment'] . ">")); } # if if ($nzb !== false) { if ($settings['nzb_download_local'] == true) { $myFile = $settings['nzb_local_queue_dir'] . $xmlar['title'] . ".nzb"; $fh = fopen($myFile, 'w') or die("Unable to open file"); $stringData = gzinflate($spotParser->unspecialZipStr($nzb)); fwrite($fh, $stringData); fclose($fh); echo "NZB toegevoegd aan queue : " . $myFile; } else { Header("Content-Type: application/x-nzb"); Header("Content-Disposition: attachment; filename=\"" . $xmlar['title'] . ".nzb\""); echo gzinflate($spotParser->unspecialZipStr($nzb)); } } else { echo "Unable to get NZB file: " . $nzb_spotnntp->getError(); } # else } catch (Exception $x) { die($x->getMessage()); }