Esempio n. 1
  * Output a CSV-file as a download
  * @param string $filename					The name of the file.
  * @param array $array						The array to convert.
  * @param array[optional] $columns			The column names you want to use.
  * @param array[optional] $excludeColumns	The columns you want to exclude.
 public static function outputCSV($filename, array $array, array $columns = null, array $excludeColumns = null)
     // get settings
     $splitCharacter = BackendAuthentication::getUser()->getSetting('csv_split_character');
     $lineEnding = BackendAuthentication::getUser()->getSetting('csv_line_ending');
     // reformat
     if ($lineEnding == '\\n') {
         $lineEnding = "\n";
     if ($lineEnding == '\\r\\n') {
         $lineEnding = "\r\n";
     // convert into CSV
     $csv = SpoonFileCSV::arrayToString($array, $columns, $excludeColumns, $splitCharacter, '"', $lineEnding);
     // set headers for download
     $headers[] = 'Content-type: application/csv; charset=' . SPOON_CHARSET;
     $headers[] = 'Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="' . $filename;
     $headers[] = 'Content-Length: ' . strlen($csv);
     $headers[] = 'Pragma: no-cache';
     // overwrite the headers
     // ouput the CSV
     echo $csv;
Esempio n. 2
  * Create the CSV.
  * @return	void
 private function createCsv()
     // create csv
     $csv = SpoonFileCSV::arrayToString($this->rows, $this->columnHeaders);
     // set headers for download
     $headers[] = 'Content-type: application/csv; charset=utf-8';
     $headers[] = 'Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="' . date('Ymd_His') . '.csv"';
     $headers[] = 'Content-Length: ' . strlen($csv);
     $headers[] = 'Pragma: no-cache';
     // overwrite the headers
     // output
     echo $csv;
     // exit here
Esempio n. 3
  * Output a CSV-file as a download
  * @param string $filename The name of the file.
  * @param array $array The array to convert.
  * @param array $columns The column names you want to use.
  * @param array $excludeColumns The columns you want to exclude.
 public static function outputCSV($filename, array $array, array $columns = null, array $excludeColumns = null)
     // get settings
     $splitCharacter = Authentication::getUser()->getSetting('csv_split_character');
     $lineEnding = Authentication::getUser()->getSetting('csv_line_ending');
     // reformat
     if ($lineEnding == '\\n') {
         $lineEnding = "\n";
     if ($lineEnding == '\\r\\n') {
         $lineEnding = "\r\n";
     // convert into CSV
     $csv = \SpoonFileCSV::arrayToString($array, $columns, $excludeColumns, $splitCharacter, '"', $lineEnding);
     // set headers for download
     $charset = BackendModel::getContainer()->getParameter('kernel.charset');
     throw new RedirectException('Return the csv data', new Response($csv, Response::HTTP_OK, ['Content-type' => 'application/csv; charset=' . $charset, 'Content-Disposition' => 'attachment; filename="' . $filename . '"', 'Content-Length' => mb_strlen($csv), 'Pragma' => 'no-cache']));
Esempio n. 4
  * Output a CSV-file as a download
  * @param string $filename       The name of the file.
  * @param array  $array          The array to convert.
  * @param array  $columns        The column names you want to use.
  * @param array  $excludeColumns The columns you want to exclude.
 public static function outputCSV($filename, array $array, array $columns = null, array $excludeColumns = null)
     // get settings
     $splitCharacter = Authentication::getUser()->getSetting('csv_split_character');
     $lineEnding = Authentication::getUser()->getSetting('csv_line_ending');
     // reformat
     if ($lineEnding == '\\n') {
         $lineEnding = "\n";
     if ($lineEnding == '\\r\\n') {
         $lineEnding = "\r\n";
     // convert into CSV
     $csv = \SpoonFileCSV::arrayToString($array, $columns, $excludeColumns, $splitCharacter, '"', $lineEnding);
     // set headers for download
     $charset = BackendModel::getContainer()->getParameter('kernel.charset');
     header('Content-type: application/csv; charset=' . $charset);
     header('Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="' . $filename . '"');
     header('Content-Length: ' . strlen($csv));
     header('Pragma: no-cache');
     // output the CSV
     echo $csv;
Esempio n. 5
  * Exports the statistics of all mailings for a given campaign ID in CSV format. This function will send headers to download the CSV and exit your script after use.
  * @return	void
  * @param	int $id		The ID of the campaign.
 public static function exportStatisticsByCampaignID($id)
     // set the filename and path
     $filename = 'statistics-' . SpoonDate::getDate('YmdHi') . '.csv';
     // fetch the addresses by group
     $records = array();
     $records[] = BackendMailmotorCMHelper::getStatisticsByCampaignID($id);
     // unset some records
     unset($records[0]['opens'], $records[0]['clicks'], $records[0]['clicks_percentage'], $records[0]['recipients_total'], $records[0]['recipients_percentage']);
     // set columns
     $columns = array();
     $columns[] = BL::msg('MailingCSVRecipients');
     $columns[] = BL::msg('MailingCSVUniqueOpens');
     $columns[] = BL::msg('MailingCSVUnsubscribes');
     $columns[] = BL::msg('MailingCSVBounces');
     $columns[] = BL::msg('MailingCSVUnopens');
     $columns[] = BL::msg('MailingCSVBouncesPercentage');
     $columns[] = BL::msg('MailingCSVUniqueOpensPercentage');
     $columns[] = BL::msg('MailingCSVUnopensPercentage');
     // set start of the CSV
     $csv = SpoonFileCSV::arrayToString($records, $columns);
     // fetch all mailings in this campaign
     $mailings = BackendModel::getDB()->getRecords(BackendMailmotorModel::QRY_DATAGRID_BROWSE_SENT_FOR_CAMPAIGN, array('sent', $id));
     // mailings set
     if (!empty($mailings)) {
         // set mailings columns
         $mailingColumns = array();
         $mailingColumns['name'] = BL::lbl('Name');
         $mailingColumns['language'] = BL::lbl('Language');
         // add the records to the csv string
         $csv .= PHP_EOL . 'Mailings:' . PHP_EOL . SpoonFileCSV::arrayToString($mailings, $mailingColumns, array('id', 'campaign_id', 'campaign_name', 'send_on', 'status'));
     // set headers for download
     $headers = array();
     $headers[] = 'Content-type: application/octet-stream';
     $headers[] = 'Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="' . $filename . '"';
     // overwrite the headers
     // output the CSV string
     echo $csv;
     // exit here