Esempio n. 1
     * showOptionsPage
     * Displays the print option page.
     * @return Void Does not return anything.
    function showOptionsPage()
        $statstype = $this->_getGETRequest('statstype', null);
        if ($statstype == null) {
            return false;
        $path = $this->_getGETRequest('path', '');
        $stats_api = $this->GetApi('Splittest_Stats');
        $bg_color = 'white';
        $print_options = '<input type="hidden" name="statstype" value="' . htmlentities($statstype, ENT_QUOTES, SENDSTUDIO_CHARSET) . '" />';
        switch ($statstype) {
            case 'splittest':
                $splitStatIds = $this->_getGETRequest('statids', null);
                $jobIds = $this->_getGETRequest('jobids', null);
                $splitStatIds = SplitTest_API::FilterIntSet($splitStatIds);
                $jobIds = SplitTest_API::FilterIntSet($jobIds);
                $print_options .= '<input type="hidden" name="split_statids" value="' . implode(',', $splitStatIds) . '" />';
                $print_options .= '<input type="hidden" name="jobids" value="' . implode(',', $jobIds) . '" />';
                $options = array('snapshot' => GetLang('Addon_splittest_Menu_ViewStats'), 'open' => GetLang('Addon_splittest_open_summary'), 'click' => GetLang('Addon_splittest_linkclick_summary'), 'bounce' => GetLang('Addon_splittest_bounce_summary'), 'unsubscribe' => GetLang('Addon_splittest_unsubscribe_summary'));
                foreach ($options as $key => $val) {
                    $bg_color = $bg_color == 'white' ? '#EDECEC' : 'white';
                    $print_options .= '<div style="background-color: ' . $bg_color . '; padding: 5px; margin-bottom: 5px;">';
                    $print_options .= '<input id="print_' . $key . '" type="checkbox" name="options[]" value="' . $key . '" checked="checked" style="margin:0;"/>
						<label for="print_' . $key . '">' . $val . '</label>' . "\n";
                    $print_options .= '</div>' . "\n";
        $this->template_system->assign('path', $path);
        $this->template_system->Assign('title', GetLang('Addon_splittest_PrintSplitTestStatistics'));
        $this->template_system->Assign('print_options', $print_options);
Esempio n. 2
  * printPage
  * @return Void Doesn't return anything.
 public function printPage()
     $user = GetUser();
     $split_api = $this->GetApi('Splittest');
     // for permission checks
     $subaction = $this->_getGetRequest('subaction', 'print');
     $perpage = $this->_getGetRequest('PerPageDisplay', null);
     $jobids = $this->_getGETRequest('jobids', null);
     $listids = $this->_getGETRequest('split_statids', null);
     $jobids = explode(",", $jobids);
     $listids = explode(",", $listids);
     if (!SplitTest_API::OwnsJobs($user->Get('userid'), $jobids) && !$user->Admin()) {
         FlashMessage(GetLang('NoAccess'), SS_FLASH_MSG_ERROR, $this->base_url);
     // Get some setup parameters for the API
     $sortdetails = array('sort' => 'splitname', 'direction' => 'asc');
     $page_number = 0;
     $perpage = 20;
     $displayAll = false;
     // just show a single splitest campaign send. If you want every campaign send for a split test set to true
     $dateFromat = self::getDateFormat();
     $statitics = array();
     $jobid = 0;
     for ($i = 0; $i < count($jobids); $i++) {
         $stats = array();
         $stats_api = new Splittest_Stats_API();
         $jobid = $jobids[$i];
         $splitid = $listids[$i];
         // get the array of stats data
         $stats = $stats_api->GetStats(array($splitid), $sortdetails, false, $page_number, $perpage, $displayAll, $jobid);
         foreach ($stats as $stats_id => $stats_details) {
             $stats[$stats_id]['splitname'] = htmlspecialchars($stats_details['splitname'], ENT_QUOTES, SENDSTUDIO_CHARSET);
             $stats[$stats_id]['campaign_names'] = htmlspecialchars($stats_details['campaign_names'], ENT_QUOTES, SENDSTUDIO_CHARSET);
             $stats[$stats_id]['list_names'] = htmlspecialchars($stats_details['list_names'], ENT_QUOTES, SENDSTUDIO_CHARSET);
         // A Splittest can be sent multiple times hence we might have multiple campaign record sets here
         while (list($id, $data) = each($stats)) {
             $charts = $this->generateCharts($data['splitname'], $data['campaigns'], $subaction);
             foreach ($charts as $type => $data) {
                 $stats[$id][$type] = $data;
         $statistics[] = $stats;
     $template = GetTemplateSystem(dirname(__FILE__) . '/templates');
     $template->Assign('DateFormat', $dateFromat);
     $template->Assign('statsData', $statistics);
     $template->Assign('subaction', $subaction);
     $options = $this->_getGETRequest('options', null);
     for ($i = 0; $i < count($options); $i++) {
         $template->Assign($options[$i], $options[$i]);
Esempio n. 3
  * Admin_Action_Delete
  * This function handles what happens when you delete a split test.
  * It checks you are doing a form post.
  * Then it grabs the api and passes the id(s) across to the api to delete.
  * It checks what the api returns and creates a flash message based on the result.
  * Eg you can't delete a split test campaign while it's sending.
  * After that, it returns you to the 'Manage' page.
  * @uses SplitTest_API::Delete
  * @see Admin_Action_Default
  * @uses GetApi
 public function Admin_Action_Delete()
     $user = GetUser();
     $api = $this->GetApi();
     $split_ids = $this->_getPOSTRequest('splitids', null);
     if (is_null($split_ids)) {
         $split_ids = $this->_getPOSTRequest('splitid', null);
     if (is_null($split_ids)) {
         FlashMessage(GetLang('Addon_splittest_ChooseSplittestsToDelete'), SS_FLASH_MSG_ERROR, $this->admin_url);
     $split_ids = SplitTest_API::FilterIntSet($split_ids);
     if (!SplitTest_API::OwnsSplitTests($user->Get('userid'), $split_ids) && !$user->Admin()) {
         FlashMessage(GetLang('NoAccess'), SS_FLASH_MSG_ERROR, $this->admin_url);
     $deleted = 0;
     $not_deleted = 0;
     foreach ($split_ids as $split_id) {
         $delete_success = $api->Delete($split_id);
         if ($delete_success) {
      * If there are only "delete ok" messages, then just work out the number to show
      * and then create a flash message.
     $url = $this->admin_url;
     if ($not_deleted > 0) {
         $url = null;
     if ($deleted == 1) {
         FlashMessage(GetLang('Addon_splittest_SplittestDeleted_One'), SS_FLASH_MSG_SUCCESS, $url);
         if ($not_deleted == 0) {
     if ($deleted > 1) {
         FlashMessage(sprintf(GetLang('Addon_splittest_SplittestDeleted_Many'), self::PrintNumber($deleted)), SS_FLASH_MSG_SUCCESS, $url);
         if ($not_deleted == 0) {
     if ($not_deleted == 1) {
         $msg = GetLang('Addon_splittest_SplittestNotDeleted_One');
     } else {
         $msg = sprintf(GetLang('Addon_splittest_SplittestNotDeleted_Many'), self::PrintNumber($not_deleted));
     FlashMessage($msg, SS_FLASH_MSG_ERROR, $this->admin_url);
Esempio n. 4
  * ShowStats
  * Displays statistics for a split test.
  * @param Int $split_id The ID of a split test.
  * @return String The HTML to output.
 private function ShowStats($split_id)
     $user = GetUser();
     $template_name = 'splittest_campaign_stats';
     $split_api = $this->GetApi('Splittest');
     $stats_api = $this->GetApi('Splittest_Stats');
     $date_format = self::getDateFormat();
     $jobid = $this->_getGETRequest('jobid', null);
     if (!SplitTest_API::OwnsSplitTests($user->Get('userid'), $split_id) && !$user->Admin()) {
         FlashMessage(GetLang('NoAccess'), SS_FLASH_MSG_ERROR, $this->base_url);
     $stats = $stats_api->GetStats(array($split_id), array(), false, 0, 1, false, $jobid);
     $stats = $stats[$jobid];
     $stats['splitname'] = htmlspecialchars($stats['splitname'], ENT_QUOTES, SENDSTUDIO_CHARSET);
     $stats['campaign_names'] = htmlspecialchars($stats['campaign_names'], ENT_QUOTES, SENDSTUDIO_CHARSET);
     $stats['list_names'] = htmlspecialchars($stats['list_names'], ENT_QUOTES, SENDSTUDIO_CHARSET);
     $charts = $this->generateCharts($stats['splitname'], $stats['campaigns']);
     foreach ($charts as $type => $data) {
         $stats[$type] = $data;
     $this->template_system->Assign('AdminUrl', $this->admin_url, false);
     $this->template_system->Assign('ApplicationUrl', $this->application_url, false);
     $this->template_system->Assign('DateFormat', $date_format);
     $this->template_system->Assign('statsDetails', $stats);
     $this->template_system->Assign('FlashMessages', GetFlashMessages());