$a2 = new SortableArticle();
$a2->name = 'Second Article';
$a3 = new SortableArticle();
$a3->name = 'Third Article';
$t->info('Assert articles have thecorrect position');
$t->is($a1['position'], 1, 'First item saved has position of 1');
$t->is($a2['position'], 2, 'Second item saved has position of 2');
$t->is($a3['position'], 3, 'Third item saved has position of 3');
$t->info('Test Demote and Promote');
$t->is($a1['position'], 2, 'First item now has position of 2');
$t->is($a2['position'], 1, 'Second item now has position of 1');
$t->is($a1['position'], 3, 'First item now has position of 3');
$t->is($a3['position'], 2, 'Third item now has position of 2');
$t->info('Test Table Method "sort()"');
$table = $a1->getTable();
$sort = array($a1['id'], $a2['id'], $a3['id']);
$t->comment('Sort to original position (before promote/demote)');
$articles = $table->findAllSorted();
$t->is($articles->count(), 3, 'Three articles returned for "findAllSorted()" method');
$t->is($articles[0]['id'], $a1['id'], 'First item is now first');
$t->is($articles[1]['id'], $a2['id'], 'Second item is now second');
$t->is($articles[2]['id'], $a3['id'], 'Third item is last');
$t->comment('Sort to previous position (after promote/demote)');
$sort = array($a2['id'], $a3['id'], $a1['id']);
    $a3->name = 'Third Article';

$t->info('Assert articles have thecorrect position');

    $t->is($a1['position'], 1, 'First item saved has position of 1');
    $t->is($a2['position'], 2, 'Second item saved has position of 2');
    $t->is($a3['position'], 3, 'Third item saved has position of 3');

$t->info('Test Demote and Promote');

    $a1->demote(); doctrine_refresh($a2);
    $t->is($a1['position'], 2, 'First item now has position of 2');
    $t->is($a2['position'], 1, 'Second item now has position of 1');

    $a3->promote(); doctrine_refresh($a1);
    $t->is($a1['position'], 3, 'First item now has position of 3');
    $t->is($a3['position'], 2, 'Third item now has position of 2');

$t->info('Test Table Method "sort()"');

    $table = $a1->getTable();
    $sort = array($a1['id'], $a2['id'], $a3['id']);
    $t->comment('Sort to original position (before promote/demote)');
    $articles = $table->findAllSorted();
    $t->is($articles->count(), 3, 'Three articles returned for "findAllSorted()" method');
    $t->is($articles[0]['id'], $a1['id'], 'First item is now first');
    $t->is($articles[1]['id'], $a2['id'], 'Second item is now second');
    $t->is($articles[2]['id'], $a3['id'], 'Third item is last');