*/ /** * Sub-Ajax page, requires AJAX_INCLUDE */ if (!defined('AJAX_INCLUDE')) { exit; } switch ($_REQUEST['action']) { case 'flip_state': if (!Access::check('interface', '75')) { debug_event('DENIED', $GLOBALS['user']->username . ' attempted to change the state of a song', '1'); exit; } $song = new Song($_REQUEST['song_id']); $new_enabled = $song->enabled ? false : true; $song->update_enabled($new_enabled, $song->id); $song->enabled = $new_enabled; $song->format(); //Return the new Ajax::button $id = 'button_flip_state_' . $song->id; $button = $song->enabled ? 'disable' : 'enable'; $results[$id] = Ajax::button('?page=song&action=flip_state&song_id=' . $song->id, $button, T_(ucfirst($button)), 'flip_state_' . $song->id); break; case 'shouts': ob_start(); $type = $_REQUEST['object_type']; $id = $_REQUEST['object_id']; if ($type == "song") { $media = new Song($id); $shouts = Shoutbox::get_shouts($type, $id); echo "<script type='text/javascript'>\r\n";
$next_url = AmpConfig::get('web_path') . '/admin/catalog.php'; show_confirmation(T_('Catalog Deleted'), T_('The Catalog and all associated records have been deleted'), $next_url); break; case 'show_delete_catalog': $catalog_id = scrub_in($_GET['catalog_id']); $next_url = AmpConfig::get('web_path') . '/admin/catalog.php?action=delete_catalog&catalog_id=' . scrub_out($catalog_id); show_confirmation(T_('Catalog Delete'), T_('Confirm Deletion Request'), $next_url, 1, 'delete_catalog'); break; case 'enable_disabled': if (AmpConfig::get('demo_mode')) { break; } $songs = $_REQUEST['song']; if (count($songs)) { foreach ($songs as $song_id) { Song::update_enabled(true, $song_id); } $body = count($songs) . ngettext(' Song Enabled', ' Songs Enabled', count($songs)); } else { $body = T_('No Disabled Songs selected'); } $url = AmpConfig::get('web_path') . '/admin/catalog.php'; $title = count($songs) . ngettext(' Disabled Song Processed', ' Disabled Songs Processed', count($songs)); show_confirmation($title, $body, $url); break; case 'clean_all_catalogs': $_REQUEST['catalogs'] = Catalog::get_catalogs(); case 'clean_catalog': toggle_visible('ajax-loading'); ob_end_flush(); /* If they are in demo mode stop them here */