Esempio n. 1
  * Generate mappings for Solr based upon currently configured search indexing
 public static function generate_solr_configuration($po_opts = null)
     require_once __CA_LIB_DIR__ . "/core/Search/Solr/SolrConfiguration.php";
     // @TODO what if something goes wrong!?
     CLIUtils::addMessage(_t('Solr schema was created successfully!'), array('color' => 'bold_green'));
     CLIUtils::addMessage(_t("Note that all data has been wiped from the index so you must issue a full reindex now, either using caUtils rebuild-search-index or the web-based tool under Manage > Administration > Maintenance."), array('color' => 'red'));
Esempio n. 2
 private function _refreshSolrConfiguration()
     /* reload all cores */
     $vo_http_client = new Zend_Http_Client();
     $vo_http_client->setUri($this->ops_search_solr_url . "/" . "/admin/cores");
     $vo_search_indexing_config = Configuration::load($this->opo_search_config->get('search_indexing_config'));
     $va_tables = $vo_search_indexing_config->getAssocKeys();
     /* reload all tables */
     foreach ($va_tables as $vs_table) {
         $vo_http_client->setParameterGet(array('action' => 'RELOAD', 'core' => $vs_table));
Esempio n. 3
 private static function getElementType($pa_element_info)
     $va_table_fields = $va_element_opts = array();
     $vn_element_id = $pa_element_info['element_id'];
     switch ($pa_element_info['datatype']) {
         case 0:
             /* Retrieve child elements of the container. */
             $t_element = new ca_metadata_elements((int) $pa_element_info['element_id']);
             if ($t_element->getPrimaryKey()) {
                 $va_children = $t_element->getElementsInSet();
                 foreach ($va_children as $va_child) {
                     if ($va_child['element_id'] == $vn_element_id) {
                     $va_table_fields += SolrConfiguration::getElementType($va_child);
         case 1:
             // text
         // text
         case 3:
             // list
         // list
         case 5:
             // url
         // url
         case 6:
             // currency
         // currency
         case 8:
             // length
         // length
         case 9:
             // weight
         // weight
         case 13:
             // LCSH
         // LCSH
         case 14:
             // geonames
         // geonames
         case 15:
             // file
         // file
         case 16:
             // media
         // media
         case 19:
             // taxonomy
         // taxonomy
         case 20:
             // information service
             $va_element_opts['type'] = 'text';
         case 2:
             // daterange
             $va_element_opts['type'] = 'daterange';
             $va_table_fields['_ca_attribute_' . $vn_element_id . '_text'] = array('type' => 'text');
         case 4:
             // geocode
             $va_element_opts['type'] = 'geocode';
             $va_table_fields['_ca_attribute_' . $vn_element_id . '_text'] = array('type' => 'text');
         case 10:
             // timecode
         // timecode
         case 12:
             // numeric/float
             $va_element_opts['type'] = 'float';
         case 11:
             // integer
             $va_element_opts['type'] = 'int';
             $va_element_opts['type'] = 'text';
     $va_table_fields['_ca_attribute_' . $vn_element_id] = $va_element_opts;
     return $va_table_fields;
Esempio n. 4
    public static function updateSolrConfiguration($pb_invoked_from_command_line = false)
        /* get search and search indexing configuration */
        $po_app_config = Configuration::load();
        $po_search_config = Configuration::load($po_app_config->get("search_config"));
        $po_search_indexing_config = Configuration::load($po_search_config->get("search_indexing_config"));
        $ps_solr_home_dir = $po_search_config->get('search_solr_home_dir');
        $po_datamodel = Datamodel::load();
        $po_search_base = new SearchBase();
        global $o_db;
        if (!is_object($o_db)) {
            /* catch command line usage */
            $o_db = new Db();
        /* parse search indexing configuration to see which tables are indexed */
        $va_tables = $po_search_indexing_config->getAssocKeys();
        /* create solr.xml first to support multicore */
        $vs_solr_xml = "";
        $vs_solr_xml .= '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>' . SolrConfiguration::nl();
        $vs_solr_xml .= '<solr persistent="true">' . SolrConfiguration::nl();
        $vs_solr_xml .= SolrConfiguration::tabs(1) . '<cores adminPath="/admin/cores">' . SolrConfiguration::nl();
        foreach ($va_tables as $vs_table) {
            /* I don't like tablenums, so we use the table name to name the cores */
            $vs_solr_xml .= SolrConfiguration::tabs(2) . '<core name="' . $vs_table . '" instanceDir="' . $vs_table . '" />' . SolrConfiguration::nl();
        $vs_solr_xml .= SolrConfiguration::tabs(1) . '</cores>' . SolrConfiguration::nl();
        $vs_solr_xml .= '</solr>' . SolrConfiguration::nl();
        /* try to write configuration file */
        $vr_solr_xml_file = fopen($ps_solr_home_dir . "/solr.xml", 'w+');
        // overwrite old one
        if (!is_resource($vr_solr_xml_file)) {
            die("Couldn't write to solr.xml file in Solr home directory. Please check the permissions.\n");
        fprintf($vr_solr_xml_file, "%s", $vs_solr_xml);
        /* configure the cores */
        foreach ($va_tables as $vs_table) {
            $t_instance = $po_datamodel->getTableInstance($vs_table);
            /* create core directory */
            if (!file_exists($ps_solr_home_dir . "/" . $vs_table)) {
                if (!mkdir($ps_solr_home_dir . "/" . $vs_table, 0777)) {
                    /* TODO: think about permissions */
                    die("Couldn't create directory in Solr home. Please check the permissions.\n");
            /* create conf directory */
            if (!file_exists($ps_solr_home_dir . "/" . $vs_table . "/conf")) {
                if (!mkdir($ps_solr_home_dir . "/" . $vs_table . "/conf", 0777)) {
                    die("Couldn't create directory in core directory. Please check the permissions.\n");
            /* create solrconfig.xml for this core */
            $vr_solrconfig_xml_file = fopen($ps_solr_home_dir . "/" . $vs_table . "/conf/solrconfig.xml", 'w+');
            if (!is_resource($vr_solrconfig_xml_file)) {
                die("Couldn't write to solrconfig.xml file for core {$vs_table}. Please check the permissions.\n");
            /* read template and copy it */
            $va_solrconfig_xml_template = file(__CA_LIB_DIR__ . "/core/Search/Solr/solrplugin_templates/solrconfig.xml");
            if (!is_array($va_solrconfig_xml_template)) {
                die("Couldn't read solrconfig.xml template.");
            foreach ($va_solrconfig_xml_template as $vs_line) {
                fprintf($vr_solrconfig_xml_file, "%s", $vs_line);
            /* create schema.xml for this core */
            $vr_schema_xml_file = fopen($ps_solr_home_dir . "/" . $vs_table . "/conf/schema.xml", 'w+');
            if (!is_resource($vr_schema_xml_file)) {
                die("Couldn't write to schema.xml file for core {$vs_table}. Please check the permissions.\n");
            /* read template, modify it, add table-specific fields and write to schema.xml configuration for this core */
            $va_schema_xml_template = file(__CA_LIB_DIR__ . "/core/Search/Solr/solrplugin_templates/schema.xml");
            if (!is_array($va_schema_xml_template)) {
                die("Couldn't read solrconfig.xml template.");
            foreach ($va_schema_xml_template as $vs_line) {
                /* 1st replacement: core name */
                if (strpos($vs_line, "CORE_NAME") !== false) {
                    fprintf($vr_schema_xml_file, "%s", str_replace("CORE_NAME", $vs_table, $vs_line));
                /* 2nd replacement: fields - the big part */
                if (strpos($vs_line, "<!--FIELDS-->") !== false) {
                    $vs_field_schema = "";
                    $vs_subject_table_copyfields = "";
                    /* the schema is very very hardcoded, so we have to create a design that still fits
                     * when new metadata elements are created or sth like that. for now, we're just considering
                     * the "straightforward" fields
                    $va_schema_fields = array();
                    /* list of all fields created - is used for copyField directives after field block */
                    /* subject table */
                    /* we add the PK - this is used for incremental indexing */
                    $vs_field_schema .= SolrConfiguration::tabs(2) . '<field name="' . $vs_table . '.' . $t_instance->primaryKey() . '" type="int" indexed="true" stored="true" />' . SolrConfiguration::nl();
                    $vs_field_schema .= SolrConfiguration::tabs(2) . '<field name="' . $t_instance->primaryKey() . '" type="int" indexed="true" stored="true" />' . SolrConfiguration::nl();
                    $vs_subject_table_copyfields .= SolrConfiguration::tabs(1) . '<copyField source="' . $vs_table . '.' . $t_instance->primaryKey() . '" dest="' . $t_instance->primaryKey() . '" />' . SolrConfiguration::nl();
                    /* get fields-to-index from search indexing configuration */
                    if (!is_array($va_table_fields = $po_search_base->getFieldsToIndex($vs_table))) {
                        $va_table_fields = array();
                    $vn_table_num = $po_datamodel->getTableNum($vs_table);
                    /* replace virtual _metadata field with actual _ca_attribute_N type fields */
                    $va_attributes = null;
                    $va_opts = array();
                    if (isset($va_table_fields['_metadata'])) {
                        if (!is_array($va_opts = $va_table_fields['_metadata'])) {
                            $va_opts = array();
                        $qr_type_restrictions = $o_db->query('
							SELECT DISTINCT came.*
							FROM ca_metadata_type_restrictions camtr
							INNER JOIN ca_metadata_elements as came ON came.element_id = camtr.element_id
							WHERE camtr.table_num = ?
						', (int) $vn_table_num);
                        $va_attributes = array();
                        while ($qr_type_restrictions->nextRow()) {
                            $vn_element_id = $qr_type_restrictions->get('element_id');
                            $va_attributes[$vn_element_id] = array('element_id' => $vn_element_id, 'element_code' => $qr_type_restrictions->get('element_code'), 'datatype' => $qr_type_restrictions->get('datatype'));
                    if (is_array($va_table_fields)) {
                        foreach ($va_table_fields as $vs_field_name => $va_field_options) {
                            if (preg_match('!^ca_attribute_(.*)$!', $vs_field_name, $va_matches)) {
                                $qr_type_restrictions = $o_db->query('
									SELECT DISTINCT came.*
									FROM ca_metadata_type_restrictions camtr
									INNER JOIN ca_metadata_elements as came ON came.element_id = camtr.element_id
									WHERE camtr.table_num = ? AND came.element_code = ?
								', (int) $vn_table_num, (string) $va_matches[1]);
                                while ($qr_type_restrictions->nextRow()) {
                                    $vn_element_id = $qr_type_restrictions->get('element_id');
                                    $va_attributes[$vn_element_id] = array('element_id' => $vn_element_id, 'element_code' => $qr_type_restrictions->get('element_code'), 'datatype' => $qr_type_restrictions->get('datatype'));
                    if (is_array($va_attributes)) {
                        foreach ($va_attributes as $vn_element_id => $va_element_info) {
                            $vs_element_code = $va_element_info['element_code'];
                            $va_element_opts = array();
                            switch ($va_element_info['datatype']) {
                                case 0:
                                    /* Retrieve child elements of the container. */
                                    $qr_container_elements = $o_db->query('
										SELECT *
										FROM ca_metadata_elements
										WHERE parent_id = ?', $va_element_info['element_id']);
                                    while ($qr_container_elements->nextRow()) {
                                        /* For each child if it is a container itself, retrieve its own children elements, which are actuall elements*/
                                        $qr_container_grand_children_elements = $o_db->query('
											SELECT *
											FROM ca_metadata_elements
											WHERE parent_id = ?', $qr_container_elements->get('element_id'));
                                        while ($qr_container_grand_children_elements->nextRow()) {
                                            $container_element_code = $qr_container_grand_children_elements->get('element_code');
                                            $va_table_fields[$container_element_code] = array_merge($va_opts, array('type' => 'text'));
                                case 1:
                                    // text
                                // text
                                case 3:
                                    // list
                                // list
                                case 5:
                                    // url
                                // url
                                case 6:
                                    // currency
                                // currency
                                case 8:
                                    // length
                                // length
                                case 9:
                                    // weight
                                // weight
                                case 13:
                                    // LCSH
                                // LCSH
                                case 14:
                                    // geonames
                                // geonames
                                case 15:
                                    // file
                                // file
                                case 16:
                                    // media
                                // media
                                case 19:
                                    // taxonomy
                                // taxonomy
                                case 20:
                                    // information service
                                    $va_element_opts['type'] = 'text';
                                case 2:
                                    // daterange
                                    $va_element_opts['type'] = 'daterange';
                                    $va_table_fields[$vs_element_code . '_text'] = array_merge($va_opts, array('type' => 'text'));
                                case 4:
                                    // geocode
                                    $va_element_opts['type'] = 'geocode';
                                    $va_table_fields[$vs_element_code . '_text'] = array_merge($va_opts, array('type' => 'text'));
                                case 10:
                                    // timecode
                                // timecode
                                case 12:
                                    // numeric/float
                                    $va_element_opts['type'] = 'float';
                                case 11:
                                    // integer
                                    $va_element_opts['type'] = 'int';
                                    $va_element_opts['type'] = 'text';
                            $va_table_fields[$vs_element_code] = array_merge($va_opts, $va_element_opts);
                    /* we now have the current configuration */
                    /* since Solr supports live updates only if changes are 'backwards-compatible'
                     * (i.e. no fields are deleted), we have to merge the current configuration with the
                     * cached one, create the new configuration based upon that and cache it.
                     * Invocation of the command-line script support/utils/createSolrConfiguration.php,
                     * however, creates a completely fresh configuration and caches it.
                    $va_frontend_options = array('lifetime' => null, 'logging' => false, 'write_control' => true, 'automatic_cleaning_factor' => 0, 'automatic_serialization' => true);
                    $vs_cache_dir = __CA_APP_DIR__ . '/tmp';
                    $va_backend_options = array('cache_dir' => $vs_cache_dir, 'file_locking' => true, 'read_control' => false, 'file_name_prefix' => 'ca_cache', 'cache_file_perm' => 0777);
                    $vo_cache = Zend_Cache::factory('Core', 'File', $va_frontend_options, $va_backend_options);
                    if (!($va_cache_data = $vo_cache->load('ca_search_indexing_info_' . $vs_table))) {
                        $va_cache_data = array();
                    if (!$pb_invoked_from_command_line) {
                        $va_table_fields = array_merge($va_cache_data, $va_table_fields);
                    $vo_cache->save($va_table_fields, 'ca_search_indexing_info_' . $vs_table);
                    if (is_array($va_table_fields)) {
                        foreach ($va_table_fields as $vs_field_name => $va_field_options) {
                            if (in_array("STORE", $va_field_options)) {
                                $vb_field_is_stored = true;
                            } else {
                                $vb_field_is_stored = false;
                            if (in_array("DONT_TOKENIZE", $va_field_options)) {
                                $vb_field_is_tokenized = false;
                            } else {
                                $vb_field_is_tokenized = true;
                            $va_schema_fields[] = $vs_table . '.' . $vs_field_name;
                            if (in_array($va_field_options['type'], array('text', 'string'))) {
                                $vs_type = $vb_field_is_tokenized ? 'text' : 'string';
                            } else {
                                if (!isset($va_field_options['type']) && $t_instance->hasField($vs_field_name)) {
                                    switch ($t_instance->getFieldInfo($vs_field_name, "FIELD_TYPE")) {
                                        case FT_TEXT:
                                        case FT_MEDIA:
                                        case FT_FILE:
                                        case FT_PASSWORD:
                                        case FT_VARS:
                                            $va_field_options['type'] = 'text';
                                        case FT_NUMBER:
                                        case FT_TIME:
                                        case FT_TIMERANGE:
                                        case FT_TIMECODE:
                                            $va_field_options['type'] = 'float';
                                        case FT_TIMESTAMP:
                                        case FT_DATETIME:
                                        case FT_HISTORIC_DATETIME:
                                        case FT_DATE:
                                        case FT_HISTORIC_DATE:
                                        case FT_DATERANGE:
                                        case FT_HISTORIC_DATERANGE:
                                            $va_field_options['type'] = 'daterange';
                                        case FT_BIT:
                                            $va_field_options['type'] = 'bool';
                                            $va_field_options['type'] = null;
                                $vs_type = isset($va_field_options['type']) && $va_field_options['type'] ? $va_field_options['type'] : 'text';
                            $vs_field_schema .= SolrConfiguration::tabs(2) . '<field name="' . $vs_table . '.' . $vs_field_name . '" type="' . $vs_type;
                            $vs_field_schema .= '" indexed="true" ';
                            $vb_field_is_stored ? $vs_field_schema .= 'stored="true" ' : ($vs_field_schema .= 'stored="false" ');
                            $vs_field_schema .= '/>' . SolrConfiguration::nl();
                    /* related tables */
                    $va_related_tables = $po_search_base->getRelatedIndexingTables($vs_table);
                    foreach ($va_related_tables as $vs_related_table) {
                        $va_related_table_fields = $po_search_base->getFieldsToIndex($vs_table, $vs_related_table);
                        foreach ($va_related_table_fields as $vs_related_table_field => $va_related_table_field_options) {
                            if (in_array("STORE", $va_related_table_field_options)) {
                                $vb_field_is_stored = true;
                            } else {
                                $vb_field_is_stored = false;
                            if (in_array("DONT_TOKENIZE", $va_related_table_field_options)) {
                                $vb_field_is_tokenized = false;
                            } else {
                                $vb_field_is_tokenized = true;
                            $va_schema_fields[] = $vs_related_table . '.' . $vs_related_table_field;
                            $vs_field_schema .= SolrConfiguration::tabs(2) . '<field name="' . $vs_related_table . '.' . $vs_related_table_field . '" type="';
                            $vb_field_is_tokenized ? $vs_field_schema .= 'text' : ($vs_field_schema .= 'string');
                            $vs_field_schema .= '" indexed="true" ';
                            $vb_field_is_stored ? $vs_field_schema .= 'stored="true" ' : ($vs_field_schema .= 'stored="false" ');
                            $vs_field_schema .= '/>' . SolrConfiguration::nl();
                    /* copyfield directives
                     * we use a single field in each index (called "text") where
                     * all other fields are copied. the text field is the default
                     * search field. it is used if a field name specification is
                     * omitted in a search query.
                    $vs_copyfields = "";
                    foreach ($va_schema_fields as $vs_schema_field) {
                        $vs_copyfields .= SolrConfiguration::tabs(1) . '<copyField source="' . $vs_schema_field . '" dest="text" />' . SolrConfiguration::nl();
                    // Get access points
                    if (!is_array($va_access_points = $po_search_base->getAccessPoints($vs_table))) {
                        $va_access_points = array();
                    foreach ($va_access_points as $vs_access_point => $va_access_point_info) {
                        foreach ($va_access_point_info['fields'] as $vn_i => $vs_schema_field) {
                            $vs_copyfields .= SolrConfiguration::tabs(1) . '<copyField source="' . $vs_schema_field . '" dest="' . $vs_access_point . '" />' . SolrConfiguration::nl();
                        $vs_field_schema .= SolrConfiguration::tabs(2) . '<field name="' . $vs_access_point . '" type="text" indexed="true" stored="true" multiValued="true"/>' . SolrConfiguration::nl();
                    /* write field indexing config into file */
                    fprintf($vr_schema_xml_file, "%s", $vs_field_schema);
                /* 3rd replacement: uniquekey */
                if (strpos($vs_line, "<!--KEY-->") !== false) {
                    $vs_pk = $t_instance->primaryKey();
                    fprintf($vr_schema_xml_file, "%s", str_replace("<!--KEY-->", $vs_table . "." . $vs_pk, $vs_line));
                /* 4th replacement: copyFields */
                if (strpos($vs_line, "<!--COPYFIELDS-->") !== false) {
                    /* $vs_copyfields *should* be set, otherwise the template has been messed up */
                    fprintf($vr_schema_xml_file, "%s", $vs_copyfields);
                    // add copyField for the subject table fields so that the pk can be adressed in 2 ways:
                    // "objects.object_id" or ""
                    fprintf($vr_schema_xml_file, "%s", $vs_subject_table_copyfields);
                /* "normal" line */
                fprintf($vr_schema_xml_file, "%s", $vs_line);