Esempio n. 1
  * Triggers when an event is created
  * @since	1.3
  * @access	public
  * @param	SocialEvent	The event object
  * @param	SocialUser	The user object
  * @param	bool		Determines if the event is a new event
  * @return
 public function onEventAfterSave(SocialEvent &$event, SocialUser &$author, $isNew)
     // When a new event is created, we want to ensure that it's stored in the user's calendar
     if ($isNew) {
         $eventstart = $event->getEventStart();
         $eventend = $event->getEventEnd();
         // Ensure that the start and end date is set
         if (!$eventstart && !$eventend) {
         $calendar = FD::table('Calendar');
         // Get the start and end date
         $calendar->title = $event->getName();
         $calendar->description = $event->description;
         $calendar->uid = $event->id;
         $calendar->type = SOCIAL_TYPE_EVENT;
         $calendar->date_start = $eventstart->toSql();
         $calendar->date_end = $eventend->toSql();
         $calendar->user_id = $author->id;
Esempio n. 2
  * Post action after completing an event creation to redirect either to the event listing for the event item.
  * @author Jason Rey <*****@*****.**>
  * @since  1.3
  * @access public
  * @param  SocialEvent    $event The SocialEvent object.
 public function complete($event)
     // Recurring support
     // If no recurring data, then just redirect accordingly.
     // If event is in pending, then also redirect accordingly.
     if (empty($event->recurringData) || $event->isPending()) {
         if ($event->isPublished()) {
             return $this->redirect(FRoute::events(array('layout' => 'item', 'id' => $event->getAlias()), false));
         return $this->redirect(FRoute::events(array(), false));
     // If has recurring data, then we need to show the complete page to create all the necessary recurring events
     FD::page()->breadcrumb(JText::_('COM_EASYSOCIAL_PAGE_TITLE_EVENTS'), FRoute::events());
     FD::page()->breadcrumb($event->getName(), $event->getPermalink());
     // Get the recurring schedule
     $schedule = FD::model('Events')->getRecurringSchedule(array('eventStart' => $event->getEventStart(), 'end' => $event->recurringData->end, 'type' => $event->recurringData->type, 'daily' => $event->recurringData->daily));
     $this->set('schedule', $schedule);
     $this->set('event', $event);
     echo parent::display('site/events/createRecurring');