Esempio n. 1
 private static function lock_file_name($file_name)
     $file_name = (string) $file_name;
     if (!SmartFileSysUtils::check_file_or_dir_name($file_name)) {
         //-- this is for absolute paths for example, to avoid create lock outside ...
         if (!is_dir('tmp/locks')) {
         //end if
         $lock_file = 'tmp/locks/' . SmartHashCrypto::sha256(SMART_FRAMEWORK_SECURITY_KEY . '!' . $file_name) . '__' . substr(Smart::safe_filename($file_name, '-'), 0, 99) . '.__LOCK__';
         // this is a max of 165 chars (file name is no more than 255 bytes on many systems)
     } else {
         $lock_file = $file_name . '.__LOCK__';
     //end if else
     return (string) $lock_file;
Esempio n. 2
  * Decompress RAW LZS
  * @access 		private
  * @internal
 public static function decompressRawLZS($compressed)
     $unarch = trim(self::RawInflate((string) $compressed));
     //-- checksum verification
     $arr = explode('#CHECKSUM-SHA1#', $unarch);
     $unarch = trim($arr[0]);
     $checksum = trim($arr[1]);
     if ((string) SmartHashCrypto::sha1($unarch) != (string) $checksum) {
         Smart::log_warning('SmartArchiverLZS/decompressRawLZS: Checksum Failed');
         return '';
         // string is corrupted, avoid to return
     //end if
     return @hex2bin(strtolower($unarch));
 public static function save_debug_info($y_area, $y_debug_token, $is_main)
     //-- {{{SYNC-DEBUG-DATA}}}
     if ((string) SMART_FRAMEWORK_DEBUG_MODE != 'yes') {
         return false;
     //end if
     if ((string) $y_area != 'idx' and (string) $y_area != 'adm') {
         return false;
     //end if
     $y_debug_token = trim((string) $y_debug_token);
     if ((string) $y_debug_token == '') {
         return false;
     //end if
     $the_dir = 'tmp/logs/' . Smart::safe_filename($y_area) . '/' . date('Y-m-d@H') . '-debug-data/' . Smart::safe_filename($y_debug_token) . '/';
     //-- #END# SYNC
     if ($is_main) {
         $the_file = $the_dir . 'debug-main.log';
     } else {
         $the_file = $the_dir . 'debug-sub-req-' . time() . '-' . SmartHashCrypto::sha1($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']) . '.log';
     //end if else
     if (!is_dir($the_dir)) {
     //end if
     if (is_dir($the_dir)) {
         if (is_writable($the_dir)) {
             $arr = array();
             //-- generate debug info if set to show optimizations
             //-- generate debug info if set to show internals
             if (defined('SMART_FRAMEWORK_INTERNAL_DEBUG')) {
             //end if
             $dbg_stats = (array) SmartFrameworkRegistry::getDebugMsgs('stats');
             $arr['date-time'] = date('Y-m-d H:i:s O');
             $arr['debug-token'] = (string) $y_debug_token;
             $arr['is-request-main'] = $is_main;
             $arr['request-hash'] = SmartHashCrypto::sha1($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']);
             $arr['request-uri'] = (string) $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'];
             $arr['resources-time'] = $dbg_stats['time'];
             $arr['resources-memory'] = $dbg_stats['memory'];
             $arr['response-code'] = (int) http_response_code();
             $arr['response-headers'] = base64_encode(Smart::seryalize((array) headers_list()));
             if (function_exists('getallheaders')) {
                 $arr['request-headers'] = base64_encode(Smart::seryalize((array) getallheaders()));
             } else {
                 $arr['request-headers'] = base64_encode(Smart::seryalize(''));
             //end if else
             $arr['env-req-filtered'] = base64_encode(Smart::seryalize((array) SmartFrameworkRegistry::getRequestVars()));
             $arr['env-get'] = base64_encode(Smart::seryalize((array) $_GET));
             $arr['env-post'] = base64_encode(Smart::seryalize((array) $_POST));
             $arr['env-cookies'] = base64_encode(Smart::seryalize((array) $_COOKIE));
             $arr['env-server'] = base64_encode(Smart::seryalize((array) $_SERVER));
             if (@session_status() === PHP_SESSION_ACTIVE) {
                 $arr['php-session'] = base64_encode(Smart::seryalize((array) $_SESSION));
             } else {
                 $arr['php-session'] = base64_encode(Smart::seryalize(''));
             //end if else
             if (SmartAuth::check_login() === true) {
                 $arr['auth-data'] = array('is_auth' => true, 'login_data' => (array) SmartAuth::get_login_data(), '#login-pass#', SmartAuth::get_login_password());
             } else {
                 $arr['auth-data'] = array('is_auth' => false, 'login_data' => array());
             //end if else
             foreach ((array) SmartFrameworkRegistry::getDebugMsgs('optimizations') as $key => $val) {
                 $arr['log-optimizations'][(string) $key] = base64_encode(Smart::seryalize((array) $val));
             //end foreach
             foreach ((array) SmartFrameworkRegistry::getDebugMsgs('extra') as $key => $val) {
                 $arr['log-extra'][(string) $key] = base64_encode(Smart::seryalize((array) $val));
             //end foreach
             foreach ((array) SmartFrameworkRegistry::getDebugMsgs('db') as $key => $val) {
                 $arr['log-db'][(string) $key] = base64_encode(Smart::seryalize((array) $val));
             //end foreach
             $arr['log-mail'] = base64_encode(Smart::seryalize((array) SmartFrameworkRegistry::getDebugMsgs('mail')));
             foreach ((array) SmartFrameworkRegistry::getDebugMsgs('modules') as $key => $val) {
                 $arr['log-modules'][(string) $key] = base64_encode(Smart::seryalize((array) $val));
             //end foreach
             SmartFileSystem::write($the_file, Smart::seryalize($arr));
         //end if
     //end if
     return true;
    public static function test_fs()
            return SmartComponents::operation_notice('Test Unit File System Tests are DISABLED ...');
        //end if
        $time = microtime(true);
        $err = '';
        $tests = array();
        if ((string) DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR != '\\') {
            // broken links do not work on Windows !
            $tests[] = '##### FileSystem OPERATIONS / TESTS - ALL: #####';
        } else {
            $tests[] = '##### FileSystem OPERATIONS / TESTS *** PARTIAL SUPPORT ONLY (BY PLATFORM) ***: #####';
        //end if else
        $test_string = '#START#' . "\n" . 'グッド' . "\n" . 'SmartFramework/Test/FileSystem' . "\n" . time() . "\n" . SMART_FRAMEWORK_HTACCESS_NOINDEXING . SMART_FRAMEWORK_HTACCESS_FORBIDDEN . SMART_FRAMEWORK_HTACCESS_NOEXECUTION . "\n" . '#END#';
        $test_str_cksum = SmartHashCrypto::sha512($test_string);
        $long_prefixed = SmartFileSysUtils::prefixed_sha1_path(sha1(time()));
        $short_prefixed = SmartFileSysUtils::prefixed_uuid10_dir(Smart::uuid_10_seq());
        $the_base_folder = 'tmp/tests/';
        $the_sufx_folder = 'Folder1';
        $the_base_file = 'NORMAL-Write_123_@#.txt';
        $the_folder = $the_base_folder . $the_sufx_folder . '/';
        $the_copy_folder = $the_base_folder . 'folder2';
        $the_move_folder = $the_base_folder . 'FOLDER3';
        $the_extra_folder = $the_folder . 'extra/';
        $the_file = $the_folder . $the_base_file;
        $get_folder = SmartFileSysUtils::add_dir_last_slash(SmartFileSysUtils::get_dir_from_path($the_folder));
        $get_file = SmartFileSysUtils::get_file_name_from_path($the_file);
        $get_xfile = SmartFileSysUtils::get_noext_file_name_from_path($the_file);
        $get_ext = SmartFileSysUtils::get_file_extension_from_path($the_file);
        $the_copy_file = $the_file . '.copy.txt';
        $the_move_file = $the_extra_folder . $the_base_file . '.copy.moved.txt';
        $the_broken_link = $the_extra_folder . 'a-broken-link';
        $the_broken_dir_link = $the_extra_folder . 'a-broken-dir-link';
        $the_good_link = $the_extra_folder . 'a-good-link';
        $the_good_dir_link = $the_extra_folder . 'a-good-dir-link';
        $tests[] = 'INITIAL-FOLDER: ' . $get_folder;
        $tests[] = 'NEW-FOLDER: ' . $the_folder;
        $tests[] = 'NEW-FILE: ' . $the_file;
        if ((string) $err == '') {
            $the_test = 'CHECK TEST SAFE PATH NAME: DIR / FILE ...';
            $tests[] = $the_test;
            if ((string) Smart::safe_pathname((string) $get_folder) !== (string) $get_folder or (string) Smart::safe_pathname((string) $the_copy_file) !== (string) $the_copy_file) {
                $err = 'ERROR: SAFE PATH NAME TEST ... FAILED !!!';
            //end if
        //end if
        if ((string) $err == '') {
            $the_test = 'CHECK TEST ABSOLUTE / BACKWARD PATHS ...';
            $tests[] = $the_test;
            if (!SmartFileSysUtils::check_file_or_dir_name('/this/is/absolute', 'no') or SmartFileSysUtils::check_file_or_dir_name('/this/is/absolute') or SmartFileSysUtils::check_file_or_dir_name('/this/is/../backward/path')) {
                $err = 'ERROR: CHECK TEST ABSOLUTE / BACKWARD PATHS ... FAILED !!!';
            //end if
        //end if
        if ((string) $err == '') {
            $the_test = 'CHECK EXTRACT FOLDER FROM PATH ...';
            $tests[] = $the_test;
            if ((string) $get_folder != SmartFileSysUtils::add_dir_last_slash(Smart::dir_name($the_folder))) {
                $err = 'ERROR: Path Extraction FAILED: Dir=' . $get_folder . ' ; DirName=' . SmartFileSysUtils::add_dir_last_slash(Smart::dir_name($the_folder));
            //end if
        //end if
        if ((string) $err == '') {
            $the_test = 'CHECK EXTRACT FILE AND EXTENSION FROM PATH (1) ...';
            $tests[] = $the_test;
            if ((string) $get_folder . SmartFileSysUtils::add_dir_last_slash($the_sufx_folder) . $get_file != $the_file) {
                $err = 'ERROR :: Path Extraction FAILED: Re-Composed-File=' . $get_folder . SmartFileSysUtils::add_dir_last_slash($the_sufx_folder) . $get_file . ' ; File=' . $the_file;
            //end if
        //end if
        if ((string) $err == '') {
            $the_test = 'CHECK EXTRACT FILE AND EXTENSION FROM PATH (2) ...';
            $tests[] = $the_test;
            if ((string) $get_file != $get_xfile . '.' . $get_ext) {
                $err = 'ERROR :: Path Extraction FAILED: File=' . $get_file . ' ; XFile=' . $get_xfile . ' ; Ext=' . $get_ext;
            //end if
        //end if
        if ((string) $err == '') {
            $the_test = 'CHECK PATH NAME DIR: check_file_or_dir_name() : ' . $the_folder;
            $tests[] = $the_test;
            $result = 0;
            $result = SmartFileSysUtils::check_file_or_dir_name($the_folder);
            if ($result !== 1) {
                $err = 'ERROR :: ' . $the_test . ' #RESULT=' . $result;
            //end if
        //end if
        if ((string) $err == '') {
            $the_test = 'CHECK PATH NAME FILE: check_file_or_dir_name() : ' . $the_file;
            $tests[] = $the_test;
            $result = 0;
            $result = SmartFileSysUtils::check_file_or_dir_name($the_file);
            if ($result !== 1) {
                $err = 'ERROR :: ' . $the_test . ' #RESULT=' . $result;
            //end if
        //end if
        if ((string) $err == '') {
            $parent_folder = SmartFileSysUtils::add_dir_last_slash('');
            $the_test = 'Check Add Dir Last (trailing) Slash: Empty Folder Name';
            $tests[] = $the_test;
            if ((string) $parent_folder != './') {
                $err = 'ERROR :: ' . $the_test . ' #RESULT=' . $result;
            //end if
        //end if
        if ((string) $err == '') {
            $parent_folder = SmartFileSysUtils::add_dir_last_slash('.');
            $the_test = 'Check Add Dir Last (trailing) Slash: Dot Folder Name: ' . $parent_folder;
            $tests[] = $the_test;
            if ((string) $parent_folder != './') {
                $err = 'ERROR :: ' . $the_test . ' #RESULT=' . $result;
            //end if
        //end if
        if ((string) $err == '') {
            $parent_folder = SmartFileSysUtils::add_dir_last_slash('./');
            $the_test = 'Check Add Dir Last (trailing) Slash: DotSlash Folder Name: ' . $parent_folder;
            $tests[] = $the_test;
            if ((string) $parent_folder != './') {
                $err = 'ERROR :: ' . $the_test . ' #RESULT=' . $result;
            //end if
        //end if
        if ((string) $err == '') {
            $parent_folder = SmartFileSysUtils::add_dir_last_slash(Smart::dir_name($the_base_folder));
            $the_test = 'Check Parent Dir Name with Add Dir Last (trailing) Slash: ' . $parent_folder . ' # from: ' . $the_base_folder;
            $tests[] = $the_test;
            if ((string) $parent_folder != 'tmp/') {
                $err = 'ERROR :: ' . $the_test . ' #RESULT=' . $result;
            //end if
        //end if
        if ((string) $err == '') {
            if (is_dir($get_folder)) {
                $the_test = 'DIR DELETE - INIT CLEANUP: dir_delete() + recursive: ' . $get_folder;
                $tests[] = $the_test;
                $result = 0;
                $result = SmartFileSystem::dir_delete($the_base_folder, true);
                if ($result !== 1) {
                    $err = 'ERROR :: ' . $the_test . ' #RESULT=' . $result;
                //end if
            } else {
                $tests[] = 'DIR DELETE - INIT CLEANUP: Test Not Run (folder does not exists): ' . $get_folder;
            //end if else
        //end if
        if ((string) $err == '') {
            $the_test = 'DIR CREATE RECURSIVE: dir_recursive_create() : ' . $the_folder . $long_prefixed . $short_prefixed;
            $tests[] = $the_test;
            $result = 0;
            $result = SmartFileSystem::dir_recursive_create($the_folder . $long_prefixed . $short_prefixed);
            if ($result !== 1) {
                $err = 'ERROR :: ' . $the_test . ' #RESULT=' . $result;
            //end if
        //end if
        if ((string) $err == '') {
            $the_test = 'DIR CREATE NON-RECURSIVE: dir_create() : extra/ in : ' . $the_extra_folder;
            $tests[] = $the_test;
            $result = 0;
            $result = SmartFileSystem::dir_recursive_create($the_extra_folder);
            if ($result !== 1) {
                $err = 'ERROR :: ' . $the_test . ' #RESULT=' . $result;
            //end if
        //end if
        if ((string) DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR != '\\') {
            // broken links do not work on Windows !
            if ((string) $err == '') {
                $the_test = 'CREATE BROKEN FILE LINK FOR DELETION (1): link_create() : as : ' . $the_broken_link;
                $tests[] = $the_test;
                $result = 0;
                $result = SmartFileSystem::link_create('tmp/cache', $the_broken_link);
                if ($result !== 1) {
                    $err = 'ERROR :: ' . $the_test . ' #RESULT=' . $result;
                //end if
            //end if
            if ((string) $err == '') {
                $the_test = 'DELETE BROKEN FILE LINK (1): delete() : as : ' . $the_broken_link;
                $tests[] = $the_test;
                $result = 0;
                $result = SmartFileSystem::delete($the_broken_link);
                if ($result !== 1 || is_link($the_broken_link)) {
                    $err = 'ERROR :: ' . $the_test . ' #RESULT=' . $result;
                //end if
            //end if
            if ((string) $err == '') {
                $the_test = 'CREATE BROKEN FILE LINK FOR DELETION (2): link_create() : as : ' . $the_broken_link;
                $tests[] = $the_test;
                $result = 0;
                $result = SmartFileSystem::link_create('tmp/index.html', $the_broken_link);
                if ($result !== 1) {
                    $err = 'ERROR :: ' . $the_test . ' #RESULT=' . $result;
                //end if
            //end if
            if ((string) $err == '') {
                $the_test = 'DELETE BROKEN FILE LINK (2): dir_delete() : as : ' . $the_broken_link;
                $tests[] = $the_test;
                $result = 0;
                $result = SmartFileSystem::dir_delete($the_broken_link);
                if ($result !== 1 || is_link($the_broken_link)) {
                    $err = 'ERROR :: ' . $the_test . ' #RESULT=' . $result;
                //end if
            //end if
            if ((string) $err == '') {
                $the_test = 'CREATE BROKEN FILE LINK: link_create() : as : ' . $the_broken_link;
                $tests[] = $the_test;
                $result = 0;
                $result = SmartFileSystem::link_create('tmp/index.html', $the_broken_link);
                if ($result !== 1) {
                    $err = 'ERROR :: ' . $the_test . ' #RESULT=' . $result;
                //end if
            //end if
            if ((string) $err == '') {
                $the_test = 'CREATE BROKEN DIR LINK: link_create() : as : ' . $the_broken_dir_link;
                $tests[] = $the_test;
                $result = 0;
                $result = SmartFileSystem::link_create('tmp/', $the_broken_dir_link);
                if ($result !== 1) {
                    $err = 'ERROR :: ' . $the_test . ' #RESULT=' . $result;
                //end if
            //end if
            if ((string) $err == '') {
                $the_test = 'CREATE A FILE LINK: link_create() : as : ' . $the_good_link;
                $tests[] = $the_test;
                $result = 0;
                $result = SmartFileSystem::link_create(Smart::real_path('tmp/index.html'), $the_good_link);
                if ($result !== 1) {
                    $err = 'ERROR :: ' . $the_test . ' #RESULT=' . $result;
                //end if
            //end if
            if ((string) $err == '') {
                $the_test = 'CREATE A DIR LINK: link_create() : as : ' . $the_good_dir_link;
                $tests[] = $the_test;
                $result = 0;
                $result = SmartFileSystem::link_create(Smart::real_path('tmp/'), $the_good_dir_link);
                if ($result !== 1) {
                    $err = 'ERROR :: ' . $the_test . ' #RESULT=' . $result;
                //end if
            //end if
        //end if
        if ((string) $err == '') {
            $the_test = 'FILE WRITE with empty content: write() : ' . $the_file;
            $tests[] = $the_test;
            $result = 0;
            $result = SmartFileSystem::write($the_file, '');
            if ($result !== 1) {
                $err = 'ERROR :: ' . $the_test . ' #RESULT=' . $result;
            //end if
        //end if
        if ((string) $err == '') {
            $the_test = 'FILE WRITE: write() / before append : ' . $the_file;
            $tests[] = $the_test;
            $result = 0;
            $result = SmartFileSystem::write($the_file, $test_string);
            if ($result !== 1) {
                $err = 'ERROR :: ' . $the_test . ' #RESULT=' . $result;
            //end if
        //end if
        if ((string) $err == '') {
            $the_test = 'FILE WRITE: write() +append : ' . $the_file;
            $tests[] = $the_test;
            $result = 0;
            $result = SmartFileSystem::write($the_file, $test_string, 'a');
            if ($result !== 1) {
                $err = 'ERROR :: ' . $the_test . ' #RESULT=' . $result;
            //end if
        //end if
        if ((string) $err == '') {
            $the_test = 'FILE READ / Append: read() Full Size: ' . $the_file;
            $tests[] = $the_test;
            $result = 0;
            $result = SmartFileSystem::read($the_file);
            if ((string) SmartHashCrypto::sha512($result) != (string) SmartHashCrypto::sha512($test_string . $test_string)) {
                $err = 'ERROR :: ' . $the_test . ' #RESULT=' . $result;
            //end if
        //end if
        if ((string) $err == '') {
            $the_test = 'FILE WRITE: re-write() : ' . $the_file;
            $tests[] = $the_test;
            $result = 0;
            $result = SmartFileSystem::write($the_file, $test_string);
            if ($result !== 1) {
                $err = 'ERROR :: ' . $the_test . ' #RESULT=' . $result;
            //end if
        //end if
        if ((string) DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR != '\\') {
            // broken links do not work on Windows !
            if ((string) $err == '') {
                $the_test = 'FILE WRITE TO A BROKEN LINK: write() : ' . $the_broken_link;
                $tests[] = $the_test;
                $result = 0;
                $result = SmartFileSystem::write($the_broken_link, $test_string);
                if ($result !== 1) {
                    $err = 'ERROR :: ' . $the_test . ' #RESULT=' . $result;
                //end if
            //end if
            if ((string) $err == '') {
                $the_test = 'DELETE THE BROKEN LINK AFTER write() and RE-CREATE IT : ' . $the_broken_link;
                $tests[] = $the_test;
                $result = 0;
                $result = SmartFileSystem::delete($the_broken_link);
                if ($result !== 1) {
                    $err = 'ERROR :: ' . $the_test . ' #RESULT=' . $result;
                //end if
            //end if
            if ((string) $err == '') {
                $the_test = 'RE-CREATE BROKEN FILE LINK [AFTER WRITE]: link_create() : as : ' . $the_broken_link;
                $tests[] = $the_test;
                $result = 0;
                $result = SmartFileSystem::link_create('tmp/index.html', $the_broken_link);
                if ($result !== 1) {
                    $err = 'ERROR :: ' . $the_test . ' #RESULT=' . $result;
                //end if
            //end if
            if ((string) $err == '') {
                $the_test = 'FILE WRITE: write_if_not_exists() with Content Compare to a broken link : ' . $the_broken_link;
                $tests[] = $the_test;
                $result = 0;
                $result = SmartFileSystem::write_if_not_exists($the_broken_link, $test_string, 'yes');
                if ($result !== 1) {
                    $err = 'ERROR :: ' . $the_test . ' #RESULT=' . $result;
                //end if
            //end if
            if ((string) $err == '') {
                $the_test = 'DELETE THE BROKEN LINK AFTER write_if_not_exists() and RE-CREATE IT : ' . $the_broken_link;
                $tests[] = $the_test;
                $result = 0;
                $result = SmartFileSystem::delete($the_broken_link);
                if ($result !== 1) {
                    $err = 'ERROR :: ' . $the_test . ' #RESULT=' . $result;
                //end if
            //end if
            if ((string) $err == '') {
                $the_test = 'RE-CREATE BROKEN FILE LINK [AFTER WRITE-IF-NOT-EXISTS]: link_create() : as : ' . $the_broken_link;
                $tests[] = $the_test;
                $result = 0;
                $result = SmartFileSystem::link_create('tmp/index.html', $the_broken_link);
                if ($result !== 1) {
                    $err = 'ERROR :: ' . $the_test . ' #RESULT=' . $result;
                //end if
            //end if
        //end if
        if ((string) $err == '') {
            $the_test = 'FILE WRITE: write_if_not_exists() without Content Compare : ' . $the_file;
            $tests[] = $the_test;
            $result = 0;
            $result = SmartFileSystem::write_if_not_exists($the_file, $test_string, 'no');
            if ($result !== 1) {
                $err = 'ERROR :: ' . $the_test . ' #RESULT=' . $result;
            //end if
        //end if
        if ((string) $err == '') {
            $the_test = 'FILE READ: read() Full Size: ' . $the_file;
            $tests[] = $the_test;
            $result = 0;
            $result = SmartFileSystem::read($the_file);
            if ((string) SmartHashCrypto::sha512($result) != (string) $test_str_cksum) {
                $err = 'ERROR :: ' . $the_test . ' #RESULT=' . $result;
            //end if
        //end if
        if ((string) $err == '') {
            $the_test = 'FILE READ: read() Partial Size, First 10 bytes: ' . $the_file;
            $tests[] = $the_test;
            $result = 0;
            $result = SmartFileSystem::read($the_file, 10);
            if ((string) sha1($result) != (string) sha1(substr($test_string, 0, 10))) {
                // here we read bytes so substr() not SmartUnicode::sub_str() should be used
                $err = 'ERROR :: ' . $the_test . ' #RESULT=' . $result;
            //end if
        //end if
        if ((string) $err == '') {
            $the_test = 'FILE STATIC-READ: staticread() Full Size: ' . $the_file;
            $tests[] = $the_test;
            $result = 0;
            $result = SmartFileSystem::staticread($the_file);
            if ((string) SmartHashCrypto::sha512($result) != (string) $test_str_cksum) {
                $err = 'ERROR :: ' . $the_test . ' #RESULT=' . $result;
            //end if
        //end if
        if ((string) $err == '') {
            $the_test = 'FILE STATIC-READ: staticread() Partial Size, First 10 bytes: ' . $the_file;
            $tests[] = $the_test;
            $result = 0;
            $result = SmartFileSystem::staticread($the_file, 10);
            if ((string) sha1($result) != (string) sha1(substr($test_string, 0, 10))) {
                // here we read bytes so substr() not SmartUnicode::sub_str() should be used
                $err = 'ERROR :: ' . $the_test . ' #RESULT=' . $result;
            //end if
        //end if
        if ((string) $err == '') {
            $the_test = 'FILE COPY: copy() : ' . $the_file . ' to: ' . $the_copy_file;
            $tests[] = $the_test;
            $result = 0;
            $result = SmartFileSystem::copy($the_file, $the_copy_file);
            if ($result !== 1) {
                $err = 'ERROR :: ' . $the_test . ' #RESULT=' . $result;
            //end if
        //end if
        if ((string) $err == '') {
            $the_test = 'FILE COPY with OVERWRITE: copy() : ' . $the_file . ' to: ' . $the_copy_file;
            $tests[] = $the_test;
            $result = 0;
            $result = SmartFileSystem::copy($the_file, $the_copy_file, true);
            // overwrite destination file(s)
            if ($result !== 1) {
                $err = 'ERROR :: ' . $the_test . ' #RESULT=' . $result;
            //end if
        //end if
        if ((string) $err == '') {
            $the_test = 'FILE RE-COPY (test should re-write the destination): copy() : ' . $the_file . ' to: ' . $the_move_file;
            $tests[] = $the_test;
            $result = 0;
            $result = SmartFileSystem::copy($the_file, $the_move_file);
            if ($result !== 1) {
                $err = 'ERROR :: ' . $the_test . ' #RESULT=' . $result;
            } else {
                $the_test = 'FILE DELETE: delete() : ' . $the_move_file;
                $tests[] = $the_test;
                $result = 0;
                $result = SmartFileSystem::delete($the_move_file);
                if ($result !== 1) {
                    $err = 'ERROR :: ' . $the_test . ' #RESULT=' . $result;
                //end if
            //end if
        //end if
        if ((string) $err == '') {
            $the_test = 'FILE RENAME/MOVE: rename() : ' . $the_copy_file . ' to: ' . $the_move_file;
            $tests[] = $the_test;
            $result = 0;
            $result = SmartFileSystem::rename($the_copy_file, $the_move_file);
            if ($result !== 1) {
                $err = 'ERROR :: ' . $the_test . ' #RESULT=' . $result;
            //end if
        //end if
        if ((string) $err == '') {
            if (is_dir('__development/')) {
                $the_test = 'RECURSIVE COPY (CLONE) DIR [DEVELOPMENT]: dir_copy() : ' . '__development/' . ' to: ' . $the_folder . '__development';
                $tests[] = $the_test;
                $result = 0;
                $result = SmartFileSystem::dir_copy('__development/', $the_folder . '__development');
                if ($result !== 1) {
                    $err = 'ERROR :: ' . $the_test . ' #RESULT=' . $result;
                //end if
                if ((string) $err == '') {
                    $the_test = 'DIR COMPARE THE [DEVELOPMENT] SOURCE WITH [DEVELOPMENT] DESTINATION AFTER DIR COPY AND DIR MOVE:' . "\n" . 'compare_folders() : ' . '__development/' . ' with: ' . $the_folder . '__development/';
                    $tests[] = $the_test;
                    $arr_diff = array();
                    $arr_diff = SmartFileSystem::compare_folders('__development', $the_folder . '__development', true, true);
                    if (Smart::array_size($arr_diff) > 0) {
                        $err = 'ERROR :: ' . $the_test . ' #DIFFERENCES=' . print_r($arr_diff, 1);
                    //end if
                //end if
            } else {
                $tests[] = 'RECURSIVE COPY (CLONE) DIR [DEVELOPMENT]: Test Not Run (Development environment not detected) ...';
            //end if else
        //end if
        if ((string) $err == '') {
            $the_test = 'RECURSIVE COPY (CLONE) DIR: dir_copy() : ' . $the_folder . ' to: ' . $the_copy_folder;
            $tests[] = $the_test;
            $result = 0;
            $result = SmartFileSystem::dir_copy($the_folder, $the_copy_folder);
            if ($result !== 1) {
                $err = 'ERROR :: ' . $the_test . ' #RESULT=' . $result;
            //end if
        //end if
        if ((string) $err == '') {
            $the_test = 'MOVE/RENAME DIR: dir_rename() : ' . $the_copy_folder . ' to: ' . $the_move_folder;
            $tests[] = $the_test;
            $result = 0;
            $result = SmartFileSystem::dir_rename($the_copy_folder, $the_move_folder);
            if ($result !== 1) {
                $err = 'ERROR :: ' . $the_test . ' #RESULT=' . $result;
            //end if
        //end if
        if ((string) $err == '') {
            $the_test = 'DIR COMPARE THE SOURCE WITH DESTINATION AFTER DIR COPY AND DIR MOVE: ' . $the_folder . ' with: ' . $the_move_folder;
            $tests[] = $the_test;
            $arr_diff = array();
            $arr_diff = SmartFileSystem::compare_folders($the_folder, $the_move_folder, true, true);
            if (Smart::array_size($arr_diff) > 0) {
                $err = 'ERROR :: ' . $the_test . ' #DIFFERENCES=' . print_r($arr_diff, 1);
            //end if
        //end if
        if ((string) $err == '') {
            $the_test = 'DIR DELETE - SIMPLE: dir_delete() non-recursive: ' . $the_extra_folder;
            $tests[] = $the_test;
            $result = 0;
            $result = SmartFileSystem::dir_delete($the_extra_folder, false);
            if ($result !== 1) {
                $err = 'ERROR :: ' . $the_test . ' #RESULT=' . $result;
            //end if
        //end if
        if ((string) $err == '') {
            $the_test = 'DIR DELETE - LAST CLEANUP: dir_delete() + recursive: ' . $get_folder;
            $tests[] = $the_test;
            $result = 0;
            $result = SmartFileSystem::dir_delete($the_base_folder, true);
            if ($result !== 1) {
                $err = 'ERROR :: ' . $the_test . ' #RESULT=' . $result;
            //end if
        //end if
        $time = 'TOTAL TIME was: ' . (microtime(true) - $time);
        $end_tests = '##### END TESTS ... ' . $time . ' sec. #####';
        if ((string) $err == '') {
            $img_sign = 'lib/core/img/sign_info.png';
            $img_check = 'lib/core/img/q_completed.png';
            $text_main = Smart::escape_js('<span style="color:#83B953;">Good ... Perfect &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; :: &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; グッド ... パーフェクト</span>');
            $text_info = Smart::escape_js('<h2><span style="color:#83B953;">All</span> the SmartFramework FS Operations <span style="color:#83B953;">Tests PASSED on PHP</span><hr></h2><span style="font-size:14px;">' . Smart::nl_2_br(Smart::escape_html(implode("\n" . '* ', $tests) . "\n" . $end_tests)) . '</span>');
        } else {
            $img_sign = 'lib/core/img/sign_error.png';
            $img_check = 'lib/core/img/q_warning.png';
            $text_main = Smart::escape_js('<span style="color:#FF5500;">An ERROR occured ... &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; :: &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; エラーが発生しました ...</span>');
            $text_info = Smart::escape_js('<h2><span style="color:#FF5500;">A test FAILED</span> when testing FS Operations.<span style="color:#FF5500;"><hr>FAILED Test Details</span>:</h2><br><h3>' . Smart::escape_html($tests[Smart::array_size($tests) - 1]) . '</h3><br><span style="font-size:14px;"><pre>' . Smart::escape_html($err) . '</pre></span>');
        //end if else
        $html = <<<HTML
<h1>SmartFramework LibFileSystem Tests: DONE ... [ Time: {$time} sec. ]</h1>
<script type="text/javascript">
\t\t'<img src="{$img_sign}" align="right"><h1>{$text_main}</h1><hr><span style="color:#333333;"><img src="{$img_check}" align="right">{$text_info}<br>',
\t\t'FileSystem Operations Test Suite for SmartFramework: PHP',
        return $html;
Esempio n. 5
 public function Run()
     //-- sample page variable from Request (GET/POST)
     $some_var_from_request = $this->RequestVarGet('extra_text', 'default', 'string');
     $module_area = $this->ControllerGetParam('module-area');
     $the_lang = (string) $this->ConfigParamGet('regional.language-id');
     $the_xlang = (string) $this->ConfigParamGet('regional.language-id');
     // repeat this to check if caching works
     if ($this->IfDebug()) {
         $this->SetDebugData('Module Area', $module_area);
         $this->SetDebugData('Module Path', $this->ControllerGetParam('module-path'));
         $this->SetDebugData('Module Name', $this->ControllerGetParam('module-name'));
         $this->SetDebugData('URL Script', $this->ControllerGetParam('url-script'));
         $this->SetDebugData('URL Path', $this->ControllerGetParam('url-path'));
         $this->SetDebugData('URL Address', $this->ControllerGetParam('url-addr'));
         $this->SetDebugData('URL Page', $this->ControllerGetParam('url-page'));
         $this->SetDebugData('Config / Language ID', $the_lang);
     //end if
     if ($this->PageCacheisActive()) {
         //-- because the Request can modify the content, also the unique key must take in account variables that will vary the page config or page content vars
         $the_page_cache_key = 'samples-toolkit-' . $module_area . '__' . SmartHashCrypto::sha384((string) $some_var_from_request);
     //end if
     if ($this->PageCacheisActive()) {
         $test_cache = $this->PageGetFromCache('cached-samples', $the_page_cache_key);
         if (Smart::array_size($test_cache) > 0) {
             if (is_array($test_cache['configs']) && is_array($test_cache['vars'])) {
                 // if valid cache (test as we exported both arrays ... so they must be the 2 arrays again)
                 $this->PageViewSetCfgs((array) $test_cache['configs']);
                 $this->PageViewSetVars((array) $test_cache['vars']);
                 $this->PageViewAppendVar('main', "\n" . '<!-- Redis Cached Content Key: ' . Smart::escape_html($the_page_cache_key) . ' -->' . "\n");
                 // add a markup to the HTML to know was served from cache ...
                 if ($this->IfDebug()) {
                     $this->SetDebugData('Page Cache Info', 'Serving page from Persistent Cache: Redis (override PHP Execution). Page key is: ' . $the_page_cache_key);
                 // end if
                 // the page was served from Cache (stop here)
             //end if
         //end if
     //end if
     //=== if no cached, execute the code below ...
     $this->PageViewSetCfg('template-path', 'default');
     // set the template path (must be inside etc/templates/)
     $this->PageViewSetCfg('template-file', 'template.htm');
     // set the template file
     $fcontent = SmartFileSystem::staticread('lib/framework/css/ux-toolkit-samples.html');
     $arr_data = explode('<body>', $fcontent);
     $fcontent = (string) $arr_data[1];
     $arr_data = explode('</body>', $fcontent);
     $fcontent = (string) $arr_data[0];
     //-- building a semantic URL
     $url_test_unit = Smart::url_add_params($this->ControllerGetParam('url-script'), array('page' => 'samples.testunit', 'tab' => 0));
     // will generate: index.php?page=samples.testunit OR admin.php?page=samples.testunit
     $url_test_unit = Smart::url_make_semantic($url_test_unit);
     // convert the above to a pretty URL as: ?/page/samples.testunit (in this case index.php is ignored) OR admin.php?/page/samples.testunit
     //-- building a regular URL
     $url_benchmark = Smart::url_add_params($this->ControllerGetParam('url-script'), array('page' => 'samples.benchmark.html'));
     $url_benchmark = Smart::url_make_semantic($url_benchmark);
     $translator_core = SmartTextTranslations::getTranslator('@core', 'messages');
     $translator_mod_samples = SmartTextTranslations::getTranslator('mod-samples', 'samples');
     $txt_hello_world = $translator_mod_samples->text('hello-world');
     // this is just an internal test, normally the translator should not be unset ...
     $translator_mod_samples = SmartTextTranslations::getTranslator('mod-samples', 'samples');
     $txt_this_is_sf = $translator_mod_samples->text('this-is-smart-framework');
     $this->PageViewSetVars(['title' => 'Toolkit Samples', 'main' => '<h1>This text should not be displayed, it was RESET !!!</h1>']);
     // test reset
     $this->PageViewSetVar('main', SmartMarkersTemplating::render_template('<h1>' . '[####TXT-HELLO-WORLD####]</h1><div align="right"><b>[####DATE-TIME|html####] [[####TXT-OK####]]' . "\n" . '</b></div><br><a class="ux-button ux-button-special" href="" target="_blank"><i class="fa fa-cloud-download"></i> &nbsp; Download Smart.Framework (latest stable releases)</a> &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; <a class="ux-button ux-button-highlight" href="" target="_blank"><i class="fa fa-book"></i> &nbsp; Documentation for the Smart.Framework</a><br>' . "\n" . '<br><a class="ux-button ux-button-primary" href="[####URL-TESTUNIT|html####]"><i class="fa fa-object-group"></i> &nbsp; Go to the Smart.Framework PHP/Javascript Test &amp; Demo Suite</a> &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; <a class="ux-button ux-button-secondary" href="[####URL-BENCHMARK|html####]"><i class="fa fa-line-chart"></i> &nbsp; Benchmark URL for Smart.Framework</a><br><br>', ['DATE-TIME' => date('Y-m-d H:i:s O'), 'TXT-OK' => $translator_core->text('ok'), 'TXT-HELLO-WORLD' => '<span title="LanguageID: ' . Smart::escape_html($the_xlang) . '" style="cursor:help;">' . '[' . Smart::escape_html($the_lang) . ']' . '</span>' . ' ' . $txt_hello_world . ', ' . $txt_this_is_sf . ' - a modern PHP / Javascript framework featuring MVC + Middlewares', 'URL-TESTUNIT' => $url_test_unit, 'URL-BENCHMARK' => $url_benchmark]));
     $this->PageViewAppendVar('main', '<hr><div style="color:#DDDDDD">' . Smart::escape_html('Unicode@String :: Smart スマート // Cloud Application Platform クラウドアプリケーションプラットフォーム :: áâãäåāăąÁÂÃÄÅĀĂĄ ćĉčçĆĈČÇ ďĎ èéêëēĕėěęÈÉÊËĒĔĖĚĘ ĝģĜĢ ĥħĤĦ ìíîïĩīĭȉȋįÌÍÎÏĨĪĬȈȊĮ ijĵIJĴ ķĶ ĺļľłĹĻĽŁ ñńņňÑŃŅŇ óôõöōŏőøœÒÓÔÕÖŌŎŐØŒ ŕŗřŔŖŘ șşšśŝßȘŞŠŚŜ țţťȚŢŤ ùúûüũūŭůűųÙÚÛÜŨŪŬŮŰŲ ŵŴ ẏỳŷÿýẎỲŶŸÝ źżžŹŻŽ') . '</div><hr><div align="right">[' . Smart::escape_html($some_var_from_request) . ']</div>');
     $this->PageViewAppendVar('main', trim($fcontent));
     //== cache page (if redis - persistent cache is set in config)
     //-- if Redis is active this will cache the page for 1 hour ...
     if ($this->PageCacheisActive()) {
         $this->PageSetInCache('cached-samples', $the_page_cache_key, array('configs' => $this->PageViewGetCfgs(), 'vars' => $this->PageViewGetVars()), 3600);
         if ($this->IfDebug()) {
             $this->SetDebugData('Page Cache Info', 'Setting page in Persistent Cache: Redis (after PHP Execution). Page key is: ' . $the_page_cache_key);
         //end if
     } else {
         if ($this->IfDebug()) {
             $this->SetDebugData('Page Cache Info', 'Persistent Cache (Redis) is not active. Serving Page from PHP Execution.');
         //end if
     //end if else
Esempio n. 6
 public static final function DownloadsHandler($encrypted_download_pack, $controller_key)
     $encrypted_download_pack = (string) $encrypted_download_pack;
     $controller_key = (string) $controller_key;
     $client_signature = SmartUtils::get_visitor_signature();
     if ((string) SMART_APP_VISITOR_COOKIE == '') {
         Smart::log_info('File Download', 'Failed: 400 / Invalid Visitor Cookie' . ' on Client: ' . $client_signature);
         self::Raise400Error('ERROR: Invalid Visitor UUID. Cookies must be enabled to enable this feature !');
         return '';
     //end if
     $downloaded_file = '';
     // init
     $decoded_download_packet = (string) trim((string) SmartUtils::crypto_decrypt((string) $encrypted_download_pack, 'SmartFramework//DownloadLink' . SMART_FRAMEWORK_SECURITY_KEY));
     if ((string) $decoded_download_packet != '') {
         // if data is corrupted, decrypt checksum does not match, will return an empty string
         if (SMART_FRAMEWORK_ADMIN_AREA === true) {
             // {{{SYNC-DWN-CTRL-PREFIX}}}
             $controller_key = (string) 'AdminArea/' . $controller_key;
         } else {
             $controller_key = (string) 'IndexArea/' . $controller_key;
         //end if
         //-- {{{SYNC-DOWNLOAD-ENCRYPT-ARR}}}
         $arr_metadata = explode("\n", (string) $decoded_download_packet, 6);
         // only need first 5 parts
         // #PACKET-STRUCTURE# [we will have an array like below, according with the: SmartUtils::create_download_link()]
         // [TimedAccess]\n
         // [FilePath]\n
         // [AccessKey]\n
         // [UniqueKey]\n
         // [SFR.UA]\n
         // #END#
         $crrtime = (string) trim((string) $arr_metadata[0]);
         $filepath = (string) trim((string) $arr_metadata[1]);
         $access_key = (string) trim((string) $arr_metadata[2]);
         $unique_key = (string) trim((string) $arr_metadata[3]);
         $timed_hours = 1;
         // default expire in 1 hour
         if (defined('SMART_FRAMEWORK_DOWNLOAD_EXPIRE')) {
             if ((int) SMART_FRAMEWORK_DOWNLOAD_EXPIRE > 0) {
                 if ((int) SMART_FRAMEWORK_DOWNLOAD_EXPIRE <= 24) {
                     // max is 24 hours (since download link is bind to unique browser signature + unique cookie ... make non-sense to keep more)
                     $timed_hours = (int) SMART_FRAMEWORK_DOWNLOAD_EXPIRE;
                 //end if
             //end if
         //end if
         if ((int) $timed_hours > 0) {
             if ((int) $crrtime < (int) (time() - 60 * 60 * $timed_hours)) {
                 Smart::log_info('File Download', 'Failed: 403 / Download expired at: ' . date('Y-m-d H:i:s O', (int) $crrtime) . ' for: ' . $filepath . ' on Client: ' . $client_signature);
                 self::Raise403Error('ERROR: The Access Key for this Download is Expired !');
                 return '';
             //end if
         //end if
         if ((string) $access_key != (string) sha1('DownloadLink:' . SMART_SOFTWARE_NAMESPACE . '-' . SMART_FRAMEWORK_SECURITY_KEY . '-' . SMART_APP_VISITOR_COOKIE . ':' . $filepath . '^' . $controller_key)) {
             Smart::log_info('File Download', 'Failed: 403 / Invalid Access Key for: ' . $filepath . ' on Client: ' . $client_signature);
             self::Raise403Error('ERROR: Invalid Access Key for this Download !');
             return '';
         //end if
         if ((string) $unique_key != (string) SmartHashCrypto::sha1('Time=' . $crrtime . '#' . SMART_SOFTWARE_NAMESPACE . '-' . SMART_FRAMEWORK_SECURITY_KEY . '-' . $access_key . '-' . SmartUtils::unique_auth_client_private_key() . ':' . $filepath . '+' . $controller_key)) {
             Smart::log_info('File Download', 'Failed: 403 / Invalid Client (Unique) Key for: ' . $filepath . ' on Client: ' . $client_signature);
             self::Raise403Error('ERROR: Invalid Client Key to Access this Download !');
             return '';
         //end if
         if (SmartFileSysUtils::check_file_or_dir_name($filepath)) {
             $skip_log = 'no';
             // default log
             if (defined('SMART_FRAMEWORK_DOWNLOAD_SKIP_LOG')) {
                 $skip_log = 'yes';
                 // do not log if accessed via admin area and user is authenticated
             //end if
             $tmp_file_ext = (string) strtolower(SmartFileSysUtils::get_file_extension_from_path($filepath));
             // [OK]
             $tmp_file_name = (string) strtolower(SmartFileSysUtils::get_file_name_from_path($filepath));
             $tmp_eval = SmartFileSysUtils::mime_eval($tmp_file_name);
             $mime_type = (string) $tmp_eval[0];
             $mime_disp = (string) $tmp_eval[1];
             //-- the path must not start with / but this is tested below
             $tmp_arr_paths = (array) explode('/', $filepath, 2);
             // only need 1st part for testing
             //-- allow file downloads just from specific folders like wpub/ or wsys/ (this is a very important security fix to dissalow any downloads that are not in the specific folders)
             if (substr((string) $filepath, 0, 1) != '/' and strpos((string) SMART_FRAMEWORK_DOWNLOAD_FOLDERS, '<' . trim((string) $tmp_arr_paths[0]) . '>') !== false and stripos((string) SMART_FRAMEWORK_DENY_UPLOAD_EXTENSIONS, '<' . $tmp_file_ext . '>') === false) {
                 // re-test finally
                 if (is_file($filepath)) {
                     if (!headers_sent()) {
                         $fp = @fopen($filepath, 'rb');
                         $fsize = @filesize($filepath);
                         if (!$fp || $fsize <= 0) {
                             Smart::log_info('File Download', 'Failed: 404 / The requested File is Empty or Not Readable: ' . $filepath . ' on Client: ' . $client_signature);
                             self::Raise404Error('WARNING: The requested File is Empty or Not Readable !');
                             return '';
                         //end if
                         //-- set max execution time to zero
                         ini_set('max_execution_time', 0);
                         // we can expect a long time if file is big, but this will be anyway overriden by the WebServer Timeout Directive
                         // cache headers are presumed to be sent by runtime before of this step
                         header('Content-Type: ' . $mime_type);
                         header('Content-Disposition: ' . $mime_disp);
                         header('Content-Length: ' . $fsize);
                         // output without reading all in memory
                     } else {
                         Smart::log_info('File Download', 'Failed: 500 / Headers Already Sent: ' . $filepath . ' on Client: ' . $client_signature);
                         self::Raise500Error('ERROR: Download Failed, Headers Already Sent !');
                         return '';
                     //end if else
                     if ((string) $skip_log != 'yes') {
                         $downloaded_file = (string) $filepath;
                         // return the file name to be logged
                     //end if
                 } else {
                     Smart::log_info('File Download', 'Failed: 404 / The requested File does not Exists: ' . $filepath . ' on Client: ' . $client_signature);
                     self::Raise404Error('WARNING: The requested File for Download does not Exists !');
                     return '';
                 //end if else
             } else {
                 Smart::log_info('File Download', 'Failed: 403 / Access to this File is Denied: ' . $filepath . ' on Client: ' . $client_signature);
                 self::Raise403Error('ERROR: Download Access to this File is Denied !');
                 return '';
             //end if else
         } else {
             Smart::log_info('File Download', 'Failed: 400 / Unsafe File Path: ' . $filepath . ' on Client: ' . $client_signature);
             self::Raise400Error('ERROR: Unsafe Download File Path !');
             return '';
         //end if else
     } else {
         Smart::log_info('File Download', 'Failed: 400 / Invalid Data Packet' . ' on Client: ' . $client_signature);
         self::Raise400Error('ERROR: Invalid Download Data Packet !');
         return '';
     //end if else
     return (string) $downloaded_file;
  * Generate a PDF Document on the fly from a piece of HTML code.
  * Notice: this is using a secured cache folder, unique per visitor ID
  * @param STRING $y_html_content				:: The HTML Code
  * @param ENUM $y_orientation					:: Page Orientation: 'normal' | 'wide'
  * @param STRING $y_runtime_script 				:: The allowed Runtime Script to allow send credentials for sub-downloads. Ex: admin.php
  * @param STRING $y_runtime_url					:: The allowed Runtime URL ended by '/' to allow send credentials for sub-downloads. Ex: http(s)://some-server/some_path/ ; normally this should be set in config to enforce https:// and a single URL only
  * @param BOOLEAN $y_allow_send_credentials 	:: Set to TRUE to allow or set to FALSE to dissalow sending the auth credentials for sub-downloads: in the case there are embedded pictures generated by admin.php which may need authentication before to work, the credentials need to be set automatically in this case
  * @returns STRING 							:: The PDF Document Contents
 public static function generate($y_html_content, $y_orientation = 'normal', $y_runtime_script = '', $y_runtime_url = '', $y_allow_send_credentials = false)
     $pdfdata = '';
     $htmldoc = self::is_active();
     if ((string) $htmldoc != '') {
         if ((string) $y_orientation == 'wide') {
             $orientation = self::tag_page_wide();
         } else {
             $orientation = self::tag_page_normal();
         //end if else
         $tmp_prefix_dir = 'tmp/cache/pdf/';
         $protect_file = $tmp_prefix_dir . '.htaccess';
         $dir = $tmp_prefix_dir . SMART_FRAMEWORK_SESSION_PREFIX . '/';
         // we use different for index / admin / @
         $uniquifier = SmartUtils::unique_auth_client_private_key() . SMART_APP_VISITOR_COOKIE;
         $the_dir = $dir . Smart::safe_varname(Smart::uuid_10_seq() . '_' . Smart::uuid_10_num() . '_' . SmartHashCrypto::sha1($uniquifier)) . '/';
         $tmp_uuid = Smart::uuid_45($uniquifier) . Smart::uuid_36($uniquifier);
         $file = $the_dir . '__document_' . SmartHashCrypto::sha256('@@PDF#File::Cache@@' . $tmp_uuid) . '.html';
         $logfile = $the_dir . '__headers_' . SmartHashCrypto::sha256('@@PDF#File::Cache@@' . $tmp_uuid) . '.log';
         if (is_dir($the_dir)) {
         //end if
         if (!is_dir($the_dir)) {
         // end if
         SmartFileSystem::write_if_not_exists($protect_file, trim(SMART_FRAMEWORK_HTACCESS_FORBIDDEN) . "\n", 'yes');
         //-- process the code
         $y_html_content = (string) self::remove_between_tags((string) $y_html_content);
         $y_html_content = (string) self::safe_charset((string) $y_html_content);
         //-- extract images
         $htmlparser = new SmartHtmlParser((string) $y_html_content);
         $arr_imgs = $htmlparser->get_tags('img');
         $htmlparser = '';
         $chk_duplicates_arr = array();
         for ($i = 0; $i < Smart::array_size($arr_imgs); $i++) {
             $tmp_img_src = trim((string) $arr_imgs[$i]['src']);
             if (strlen($chk_duplicates_arr[$tmp_img_src]) <= 0) {
                 $tmp_url_img_src = '';
                 if ((string) $y_runtime_script != '' and (string) $y_runtime_url != '') {
                     // replace relative paths
                     if (substr($tmp_img_src, 0, @strlen($y_runtime_script)) == (string) $y_runtime_script) {
                         $tmp_url_img_src = (string) $y_runtime_url . $tmp_img_src;
                         $y_html_content = (string) @str_replace('src="' . $tmp_img_src . '"', 'src="' . $tmp_url_img_src . '"', (string) $y_html_content);
                         $tmp_img_src = (string) $tmp_url_img_src;
                     //end if
                 //end if
                 $tmp_img_ext = '.' . strtolower(SmartFileSysUtils::get_file_extension_from_path($tmp_img_src));
                 // [OK]
                 $tmp_img_cache = 'pdf_img_' . SmartHashCrypto::sha256('@@PDF#File::Cache::IMG@@' . '#' . $i . '@' . $tmp_img_src . '//' . $tmp_uuid);
                 $tmp_arr = array();
                 if (substr($tmp_img_src, 0, 7) == 'http://' or substr($tmp_img_src, 0, 8) == 'https://') {
                     $tmp_img_ext = '';
                     // we clear the extension as we don't know yet (we will get it from headers)
                     $tmp_img_cache = 'pdf_url_img_' . SmartHashCrypto::sha256('@@PDF#File::Cache::URL::IMG@@' . '#' . $i . '@' . $tmp_img_src . '//' . $tmp_uuid);
                 //end if
                 if ($y_allow_send_credentials === true) {
                     $allow_set_credentials = 'yes';
                 } else {
                     $allow_set_credentials = 'no';
                 //end if else
                 $tmp_arr = SmartUtils::load_url_or_file($tmp_img_src, SMART_FRAMEWORK_NETSOCKET_TIMEOUT, 'GET', '', '', '', $allow_set_credentials);
                 // [OK] :: allow set credentials
                 $tmp_img_ext = '.noextension';
                 $tmp_where_we_guess = '';
                 $guess_arr = array();
                 $guess_arr = SmartUtils::guess_image_extension_by_url_head($tmp_arr['headers']);
                 $tmp_img_ext = (string) $guess_arr['extension'];
                 $tmp_where_we_guess = (string) $guess_arr['where-was-detected'];
                 $guess_arr = array();
                 if ((string) $tmp_img_ext == '') {
                     $tmp_img_ext = SmartUtils::guess_image_extension_by_first_bytes(substr($tmp_arr['content'], 0, 256));
                     if ((string) $tmp_img_ext != '') {
                         $tmp_where_we_guess = ' First Bytes ...';
                     //end if
                 //end if
                 if ((string) SMART_FRAMEWORK_DEBUG_MODE == 'yes') {
                     // if debug, append information to log
                     SmartFileSystem::write($logfile, '####################' . "\n" . '#################### [FILE # ' . $i . ' = \'' . $tmp_img_src . '\']' . "\n\n" . '==== [MODE] :: ' . $tmp_arr['mode'] . "\n" . '==== [LOG] :: ' . "\n" . $tmp_arr['log'] . "\n" . '==== [HEADERS] ::' . "\n" . $tmp_arr['headers'] . "\n" . '########' . "\n" . '==== [GUESS EXTENSION] :: ' . $tmp_where_we_guess . "\n\n" . '###################' . "\n\n\n\n", 'a');
                 //end if
                 if ((string) $tmp_arr['result'] == '1' and (string) $tmp_arr['code'] == '200') {
                     SmartFileSystem::write($the_dir . $tmp_img_cache . $tmp_img_ext, $tmp_arr['content']);
                     //-- if empty, it may be a file
                     if ((string) $tmp_img_ext == '' or (string) $tmp_img_ext == '.png' or (string) $tmp_img_ext == '.gif' or (string) $tmp_img_ext == '.jpg') {
                         $y_html_content = (string) @str_replace('src="' . $tmp_img_src . '"', 'src="' . $tmp_img_cache . $tmp_img_ext . '"', (string) $y_html_content);
                     } else {
                         // we want to avoid html code to be loaded as image by mistakes of http browser class or servers
                         $y_html_content = (string) @str_replace('src="' . $tmp_img_src . '"', 'src="' . $y_runtime_url . 'lib/framework/img/sign_warn.png"', (string) $y_html_content);
                     //end if else
                 } else {
                     $y_html_content = (string) @str_replace('src="' . $tmp_img_src . '"', 'src="' . $y_runtime_url . 'lib/framework/img/sign_error.png"', (string) $y_html_content);
                 //end if
             //end if
             $chk_duplicates_arr[$tmp_img_src] = 'processed';
         //end for
         $chk_duplicates_arr = array();
         $arr_imgs = array();
         SmartFileSystem::write($file, $orientation . "\n" . $y_html_content);
         if (is_file($file)) {
             @passthru($htmldoc . ' ' . self::pdf_options($file));
             $pdfdata = ob_get_clean();
         } else {
             Smart::log_warning('ERROR: PDF Generator Failed to find the PDF Document: ' . $file . "\n" . $y_html_content);
         //end if else
         //-- cleanup
         if ((string) SMART_FRAMEWORK_DEBUG_MODE != 'yes') {
             // if not debug, cleanup the dir
             if (is_dir($the_dir)) {
             //end if
         //end if
     } else {
         Smart::log_notice('NOTICE: PDF Generator is INACTIVE ...');
     //end if
     return (string) $pdfdata;
Esempio n. 8
  * Start the Session on request
 public static function start()
     if (self::$started !== false) {
         // avoid start session if already started ...
     //end if
     self::$started = true;
     // avoid run start again
     $browser_os_ip_identification = SmartUtils::get_os_browser_ip();
     // get browser and os identification
     if ((string) $browser_os_ip_identification['bw'] == '@s#' or (string) $browser_os_ip_identification['bw'] == 'bot') {
         // in this case start no session for robots or the self browser (as they do not need to share info between many visits) ; if the self browser fail to identify will be at least identified as robot in the worst case
     //end if
     //-- no log as the cookies can be dissalowed by the browser
     if ((string) SMART_APP_VISITOR_COOKIE == '') {
         // session need cookies
     //end if
     $sf_sess_mode = 'files';
     $sf_sess_area = 'default-sess';
     $sf_sess_ns = 'unknown';
     $sf_sess_dir = 'tmp/sess';
     if (!defined('SMART_FRAMEWORK_SESSION_PREFIX')) {
         Smart::log_warning('FATAL ERROR: Invalid Session Prefix :: SMART_FRAMEWORK_SESSION_PREFIX');
     //end if
         Smart::log_warning('WARNING: Session Prefix must have a length between 3 and 9 characters :: SMART_FRAMEWORK_SESSION_PREFIX');
     //end if
     if (!preg_match('/^[a-z\\-]+$/', (string) SMART_FRAMEWORK_SESSION_PREFIX)) {
         Smart::log_warning('WARNING: Session Prefix contains invalid characters :: SMART_FRAMEWORK_SESSION_PREFIX');
     //end if
     if (!defined('SMART_FRAMEWORK_SESSION_NAME')) {
         Smart::log_warning('FATAL ERROR: Invalid Session Name :: SMART_FRAMEWORK_SESSION_NAME');
     //end if
         Smart::log_warning('WARNING: Session Name must have a length between 10 and 25 characters :: SMART_FRAMEWORK_SESSION_NAME');
     //end if
     if (!preg_match('/^[_A-Za-z0-9]+$/', (string) SMART_FRAMEWORK_SESSION_NAME)) {
         Smart::log_warning('WARNING: Session Name contains invalid characters :: SMART_FRAMEWORK_SESSION_NAME');
     //end if
     if (!SmartFrameworkSecurity::ValidateVariableName(strtolower(SMART_FRAMEWORK_SESSION_NAME))) {
         Smart::log_warning('WARNING: Session Name have an invalid value :: SMART_FRAMEWORK_SESSION_NAME');
     //end if
         Smart::log_warning('FATAL ERROR: Invalid Session GC Lifetime :: SMART_FRAMEWORK_SESSION_LIFETIME');
     //end if
         Smart::log_warning('Invalid INIT constant value for SMART_FRAMEWORK_SESSION_LIFETIME');
     //end if
     if (!is_dir('tmp/sessions/')) {
         Smart::log_warning('FATAL ERROR: The Folder \'tmp/sessions/\' does not exists for use with Session !');
     //end if
     $detected_session_mode = (string) ini_get('session.save_handler');
     if ((string) $detected_session_mode === 'files') {
         if ((string) SMART_FRAMEWORK_SESSION_HANDLER !== 'files') {
             Smart::log_warning('FATAL ERROR: The value set for SMART_FRAMEWORK_SESSION_HANDLER is not set to: files / but the value found in session.save_handler is: ' . $detected_session_mode);
         //end if
     } elseif ((string) $detected_session_mode === 'user') {
         if ((string) SMART_FRAMEWORK_SESSION_HANDLER === 'files') {
             Smart::log_warning('FATAL ERROR: The value set for SMART_FRAMEWORK_SESSION_HANDLER is set to: files / but the value found in session.save_handler is: ' . $detected_session_mode);
         //end if
     } else {
         Smart::log_warning('FATAL ERROR: The value set for session.save_handler must be set to one of these modes: files or user');
     //end if
     //--  generate a the client private key based on it's IP and Browser
     $the_sess_client_uuid = SmartUtils::unique_client_private_key();
     // SHA512 key to protect session data agains forgers
     //-- a very secure approach based on a chain, derived with a secret salt from the framework security key:
     // (1) an almost unique client private key lock based on it's IP and Browser
     // (2) an entropy derived from the client random cookie combined with the (1)
     // (3) a unique session name suffix derived from (1) and (2)
     // (4) a unique session id composed from (1) and (2)
     //-- thus the correlation between the random public client cookie, the session name suffix and the session id makes impossible to forge it as it locks to IP+Browser, using a public entropy cookie all encrypted with a secret key and derived and related, finally composed.
     $the_sess_client_lock = SmartHashCrypto::sha1(SMART_FRAMEWORK_SECURITY_KEY . '#' . $the_sess_client_uuid);
     $the_sess_client_entropy = SmartHashCrypto::sha1(SMART_APP_VISITOR_COOKIE . '*' . $the_sess_client_uuid . '%' . SMART_FRAMEWORK_SECURITY_KEY);
     $the_sess_nsuffix = SmartHashCrypto::sha1($the_sess_client_uuid . ':' . SMART_FRAMEWORK_SECURITY_KEY . '^' . $the_sess_client_entropy . '+' . $the_sess_client_lock . '$' . SMART_APP_VISITOR_COOKIE);
     $the_sess_id = $the_sess_client_entropy . '-' . $the_sess_client_lock;
     // session ID combines the secret client key based on it's IP / Browser and the Client Entropy Cookie
     $sf_sess_area = Smart::safe_filename((string) SMART_FRAMEWORK_SESSION_PREFIX);
     $sf_sess_dpfx = substr($the_sess_client_entropy, 0, 1) . '-' . substr($the_sess_client_lock, 0, 1);
     // this come from hexa so 3 chars are 16x16x16=4096 dirs
     if ((string) $browser_os_ip_identification['bw'] == '@s#') {
         $sf_sess_ns = '@sr-' . $sf_sess_dpfx;
     } elseif ((string) $browser_os_ip_identification['bw'] == 'bot') {
         $sf_sess_ns = 'r0-' . $sf_sess_dpfx;
         // we just need a short prefix for robots (on disk is costly for GC to keep separate folders, but of course, not so safe)
     } else {
         $sf_sess_ns = 'c-' . substr($browser_os_ip_identification['bw'], 0, 3) . '-' . $sf_sess_dpfx;
         // we just need a short prefix for clients (on disk is costly for GC to keep separate folders, but of course, not so safe)
     //end if else
     $sf_sess_ns = Smart::safe_filename($sf_sess_ns);
     //-- by default set for files
     $sf_sess_mode = 'files';
     $sf_sess_dir = 'tmp/sessions/' . $sf_sess_area . '/' . $sf_sess_ns . '/';
     if ((string) $detected_session_mode === 'user') {
         if (class_exists('SmartCustomSession')) {
             if ((string) get_parent_class('SmartCustomSession') == 'SmartAbstractCustomSession') {
                 $sf_sess_mode = 'user-custom';
                 $sf_sess_dir = 'tmp/sessions/' . $sf_sess_area . '/';
                 // here the NS is saved in DB so we do not need to complicate paths
             } else {
                 Smart::log_warning('SESSION INIT ERROR: Invalid Custom Session Handler. The class SmartCustomSession must be extended from class SmartAbstractCustomSession ...');
             //end if else
         } else {
             Smart::log_warning('SESSION INIT ERROR: Custom Session Handler requires the class SmartCustomSession ...');
         //end if
     //end if
     $sf_sess_dir = Smart::safe_pathname($sf_sess_dir);
     if (!is_dir($sf_sess_dir)) {
     //end if
     SmartFileSystem::write_if_not_exists('tmp/sessions/' . $sf_sess_area . '/' . 'index.html', '');
     $the_name_of_session = (string) SMART_FRAMEWORK_SESSION_NAME . '__Key_' . $the_sess_nsuffix;
     // protect session name data agains forgers
     @session_id((string) $the_sess_id);
     @session_name((string) $the_name_of_session);
     $tmp_exp_seconds = Smart::format_number_int(SMART_FRAMEWORK_SESSION_LIFETIME, '+');
     if ($tmp_exp_seconds > 0) {
         @session_set_cookie_params((int) $tmp_exp_seconds, '/');
         // session cookie expire and the path
     // end if
     //-- be sure that session_write_close() is executed at the end of script if script if die('') premature and before pgsql shutdown register in the case of DB sessions
     //-- handle custom session handler
     if ((string) $sf_sess_mode === 'user-custom') {
         $sess_obj = new SmartCustomSession();
         $sess_obj->sess_area = (string) $sf_sess_area;
         $sess_obj->sess_ns = (string) $sf_sess_ns;
         $sess_obj->sess_expire = (int) $tmp_exp_seconds;
         session_set_save_handler(array($sess_obj, 'open'), array($sess_obj, 'close'), array($sess_obj, 'read'), array($sess_obj, 'write'), array($sess_obj, 'destroy'), array($sess_obj, 'gc'));
     //end if else
     //-- start session
     if ((string) $_SESSION['SoftwareFramework_VERSION'] != (string) SMART_FRAMEWORK_VERSION or (string) $_SESSION['website_ID'] != (string) SMART_SOFTWARE_NAMESPACE or strlen($_SESSION['session_ID']) < 32) {
         $_SESSION['SoftwareFramework_VERSION'] = (string) SMART_FRAMEWORK_VERSION;
         // software version
         $_SESSION['SoftwareFramework_SessionMode'] = (string) $sf_sess_mode;
         // session mode
         $_SESSION['website_ID'] = (string) SMART_SOFTWARE_NAMESPACE;
         // the website ID
         $_SESSION['uniqbrowser_ID'] = (string) $the_sess_client_uuid;
         // a true unique browser ID (this is a protection against sessionID forgers)
         $_SESSION['session_ID'] = (string) @session_id();
         // read current session ID
         $_SESSION['session_STARTED'] = (string) date('Y-m-d H:i:s O');
         // read current session ID
     //end if
     if (!isset($_SESSION['visit_COUNTER'])) {
         $_SESSION['visit_COUNTER'] = 1;
     } else {
         $_SESSION['visit_COUNTER'] += 1;
     //end if else
     $_SESSION['SmartFramework__Browser__Identification__Data'] = (array) $browser_os_ip_identification;
     if ((string) $_SESSION['uniqbrowser_ID'] != (string) $the_sess_client_uuid) {
         // we need at least a md5 session
         //-- log, then unset old session (these are not well tested ...)
         Smart::log_notice('Session Security Breakpoint :: Session-BrowserUniqueID = ' . $_SESSION['uniqbrowser_ID'] . "\n" . 'SessionSecurityUniqueID = ' . $the_sess_client_uuid . "\n" . 'Browser Ident = ' . $browser_os_ip_identification['bw'] . "\n" . 'Cookies = ' . print_r($_COOKIE, 1) . "\n" . 'SessID = ' . $_SESSION['session_ID'] . "\n" . 'ClientIP = ' . SmartUtils::get_ip_client() . ' @ ' . $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'] . "\n" . 'UserAgent = ' . $_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT']);
         $_SESSION = array();
         // reset it
         //-- unset the cookie (from this below is tested)
         @setcookie($the_name_of_session, 'EXPIRED', 1, '/');
         //-- stop execution with message
         Smart::raise_error('SESSION // SECURITY BREAK POINT: Possible Session Forgery Detected ...', 'SESSION // SECURITY BREAK POINT: Possible Session Forgery Detected ! Please refresh the page ... A new session will be assigned ! If you are not trying to forge another user\' session this situation can occur also if you are behind a proxy and some of your navigation parameters has been changed ! If this problem persist try to restart your browser or use other browser. If still persist, contact the website administrator');
         // just in case
         // or is better to silent discard it ?
     //end if
     self::$active = time();
     // successfuly started
Esempio n. 9
 public static function get_visitor_tracking_uid()
     return (string) SmartHashCrypto::sha1('>' . SMART_SOFTWARE_NAMESPACE . '[' . SMART_FRAMEWORK_SECURITY_KEY . ']' . self::client_ident_private_key() . '>' . SMART_APP_VISITOR_COOKIE);
Esempio n. 10
 private function _hash($string)
     // force use sha1() encryption (unixman)
     //$result = sha1($string);
     //$out ='';
     // Convert hexadecimal hash value to binary string
     //for($c=0;$c<strlen($result);$c+=2) {
     //	$out .= chr(hexdec($result[$c].$result[$c+1]));
     //} //end for
     //return $out;
     switch ((string) $this->mode) {
         // enhancement by unixman
         case 'md5':
             $result = SmartHashCrypto::md5($string);
         case 'sha1':
             $result = SmartHashCrypto::sha1($string);
         case 'sha256':
             $result = SmartHashCrypto::sha256($string);
         case 'sha384':
             $result = SmartHashCrypto::sha384($string);
         case 'sha512':
             $result = SmartHashCrypto::sha512($string);
             Smart::log_warning('ERROR: Invalid mode for: SmartCryptoCipherHash / _hash: ' . $this->mode . ' ; Using sha1()');
             $result = sha1($string);
     //end switch
     return (string) @hex2bin((string) $result);
     // convert hexadecimal hash value to binary string