// Is the user allowed to edit this course?
require_capability('moodle/course:update', $course_context);
// Display the page header
$navigation = "<a href=\"{$CFG->wwwroot}/mod/sloodle/view_course.php?id={$course->id}#layouts\">" . get_string('courseconfig', 'sloodle') . "</a>";
print_header_simple(get_string('layoutpage', 'sloodle'), "", $navigation, "", "", true, '', navmenu($course));
// Check the user's permissions regarding layouts
$layouts_can_use = has_capability('mod/sloodle:uselayouts', $course_context);
$layouts_can_edit = has_capability('mod/sloodle:editlayouts', $course_context);
// Only display the layouts if they can use them
if (!$layouts_can_edit) {
    print get_string('layoutmanager:nopermission', 'sloodle');
// Show a list of layouts, if there are any
$layout_names = $sloodle_course->get_layout_names();
if (isset($_POST['courseid'])) {
    /// Update
    $layoutid = required_param('layoutid', PARAM_INT);
    $layoutname = required_param('layoutname', PARAM_TEXT);
    if (in_array($layoutname, $layout_names)) {
        $layoutnamestoids = array_flip($layout_names);
        if ($layoutnamestoids[$layoutname] != $layoutid) {
            print get_string("layoutmanager:namealreadyexists", 'sloodle');
    // Define parameter names we will ignore
    $IGNORE_PARAMS = array('sloodleauthid', 'sloodledebug');
    // This structure will store our values