Esempio n. 1
 public function saveSkill(Skill $skill)
     try {
     } catch (Exception $e) {
         throw new DaoException($e->getMessage(), $e->getCode(), $e);
Esempio n. 2
  * User goes gym and trains
  * @return mixed (array/boolean)
 public function train()
     Session 1-4	100 strength gain per day
     Session 5-14	50 strength gain per day
     Session 15-34	25 strength gain per day
     Session 35-64	10 strength gain per day
     Session 65-124	5 strength gain per day
     Session 125-199	2 strength gain per day
     Session 200+	1 strength gain per day
     $r = Service::getDB()->query("SELECT uid FROM `train_historial` WHERE uid = '" . $this->id . "'");
     $trainedDays = sizeof($r);
     if ($trainedDays < 5) {
         $strengh = 100;
     } elseif ($trainedDays < 15) {
         $strengh = 50;
     } elseif ($trainedDays < 35) {
         $strengh = 25;
     } elseif ($trainedDays < 65) {
         $strengh = 10;
     } elseif ($trainedDays < 125) {
         $strengh = 5;
     } elseif ($trainedDays < 200) {
         $strengh = 2;
     } else {
         $strengh = 1;
     $skill = new Skill();
     $skill->strengh += $strengh;
     if ($skill->save()) {
         Service::getDB()->insert('train_historial', array('uid' => $this->id, 'date' => $this->now()));
         return array('strengh' => $strengh, 'trainedDays' => $trainedDays);
     } else {
         return false;
 protected function envSkills()
     $skill = new Skill();
     $skill->skill_title = 'PHP';
     $skill->percent = '70';
     $skill->description_title = 'My Skills';
     $skill->description = 'Are Sweet';
     $skill->template_id = 1;
     $skill11 = new Skill();
     $skill11->skill_title = 'Javascript';
     $skill11->percent = '50';
     $skill11->description_title = 'My Skills';
     $skill11->description = 'Are Sweet';
     $skill11->template_id = 1;
     $skill12 = new Skill();
     $skill12->skill_title = 'CSS';
     $skill12->percent = '50';
     $skill12->description_title = 'My Skills';
     $skill12->description = 'Are Sweet';
     $skill12->template_id = 1;
     $skill2 = new Skill();
     $skill2->skill_title = 'PHP';
     $skill2->percent = '20';
     $skill2->description_title = 'My Skills';
     $skill2->description = 'Are Sweet';
     $skill2->template_id = 2;
     $skill3 = new Skill();
     $skill3->skill_title = 'PHP';
     $skill3->percent = '20';
     $skill3->description_title = 'My Skills';
     $skill3->description = 'Are Sweet';
     $skill3->template_id = 3;
Esempio n. 4
  * Performs the work of inserting or updating the row in the database.
  * If the object is new, it inserts it; otherwise an update is performed.
  * All related objects are also updated in this method.
  * @param PropelPDO $con
  * @return int             The number of rows affected by this insert/update and any referring fk objects' save() operations.
  * @throws PropelException
  * @see        save()
 protected function doSave(PropelPDO $con)
     $affectedRows = 0;
     // initialize var to track total num of affected rows
     if (!$this->alreadyInSave) {
         $this->alreadyInSave = true;
         // We call the save method on the following object(s) if they
         // were passed to this object by their corresponding set
         // method.  This object relates to these object(s) by a
         // foreign key reference.
         if ($this->aUser !== null) {
             if ($this->aUser->isModified() || $this->aUser->isNew()) {
                 $affectedRows += $this->aUser->save($con);
         if ($this->aSkill !== null) {
             if ($this->aSkill->isModified() || $this->aSkill->isNew()) {
                 $affectedRows += $this->aSkill->save($con);
         if ($this->isNew() || $this->isModified()) {
             // persist changes
             if ($this->isNew()) {
             } else {
             $affectedRows += 1;
         $this->alreadyInSave = false;
     return $affectedRows;
Esempio n. 5
     $data['skills'] = Skill::all();
     $app->render('skills/overview.html', $data);
 $app->map('/delete/:id', function ($id) use($app, $data) {
     $data['skill'] = Skill::find($id);
     if ($app->request->isPost()) {
     $app->render('skills/delete.html', $data);
 })->via('GET', 'POST')->name('skills_delete');
 $app->map('/new', function () use($app, $data) {
     if ($app->request->isPost()) {
         $edu_level = EducationLevel::find($app->request->post('educationlevel'));
         $skill = new Skill();
         $skill->name = $app->request->post('title');
         $data['new_skill'] = $skill;
     $app->render('skills/new.html', $data);
 })->via('GET', 'POST')->name('skills_new');
 $app->map('/edit/:id', function ($id) use($app, $data) {
     $data['request_method'] = $app->request->getMethod();
     $skill = Skill::find($id);
     if ($app->request->isGet()) {
         $data['skill'] = $skill->toArray();
     } else {
         if ($app->request->isPost()) {
             $skill->name = $app->request->post('title');
             $data['new_skill'] = $skill->toArray();
Esempio n. 6
  * Generates units from user work and pays his salary
  * @return mixed (boolean/array)
 public function work()
     * P = 10 * (4+E) * N * C * R * Q   
     P - Productivity
     E - Economy skill level
     N - Employee multiplier (Number of employees already worked that day in the company.)
     	if employeesWorked <=10 Then N = 1.0 + (10-employeesWorked) * 0.05
     	elseif employeesWorked <=20 Then N = 1.0 - (employeesWorked-10) * 0.03
     	elseif employeesWorked <=30 Then N = 0.7 - (employeesWorked-20) * 0.02
     	else N=0.5;
     	1 If home country controls capital
     	0.75 If not
     	for manufacture companies:
     		1.25 If region's country owns the appropriate high raw. (eg: Iron for Weapons)
     		1 If region's country do not own the appropriate high raw.
     	for raw companies:
     		1.0 in high regions
     		0.75 in medium region.
     	1.0 for manufacture companies
     	for raw companies
     		1.0 for Q1 companies
     		1.2 for Q2 companies
     		1.4 for Q3 companies
     		1.6 for Q4 companies
     		1.8 for Q5 companies
     $job = new Job();
     $job = $job->getByUid($this->uid);
     if (!$job) {
         throw new Exception("you don't have a job");
     $skills = new Skill();
     $E = $skills->economic;
     $employeesWorked = 1;
     if ($employeesWorked <= 10) {
         $N = 1.0 + (10 - $employeesWorked) * 0.05;
     } elseif ($employeesWorked <= 20) {
         $N = 1.0 - ($employeesWorked - 10) * 0.03;
     } elseif ($employeesWorked <= 30) {
         $N = 0.7 - ($employeesWorked - 20) * 0.02;
     } else {
         $N = 0.5;
     $company = new Company();
     $region = new Region();
     $companyRegion = $region->get($company->region);
     //does the region have the resource that company produces?
     // also determine product quality
     if ($company->productType == Company::PRODUCT_TYPE_RESOURCE) {
         $R = $companyRegion->resourceAmount / 10;
         $Q = 1;
     } else {
         $product = new Product();
         if ($companyRegion->resourceType == $product->resource) {
             $R = 1.25;
         } else {
             $R = 1;
         $Q = 0.8 + 0.2 * $company->quality;
     $country = new Country();
     $country = $country->get($companyRegion->country);
     $capitalRegion = $region->get($country->capitalRegionId);
     //is country capital owned by original owners?
     if ($capitalRegion->country == $capitalRegion->countryConqueror) {
         $C = 1;
     } else {
         $C = 0.75;
     if ($companyRegion->resourceAmount > 0) {
         $productivity = 10 * (4 + $E) * $N * $C * $R * $Q;
     } else {
         $productivity = 10 * (4 + $E) * $N * $C * $Q;
     $user = new User($this->uid);
     $skills->economic += 0.125;
     $company->pendingUnits += $productivity;
     //calculate produced units
     if ($company->productType == Company::PRODUCT_TYPE_RESOURCE) {
         $createdUnits = floor($company->pendingUnits);
         $company->pendingUnits -= $createdUnits;
         $added = $company->addStock($createdUnits, Company::PRODUCT_TYPE_PRODUCT);
         if ($added) {
     } else {
         $minProduct = $product->productivityBase * $company->quality;
         $createdUnits = floor($company->pendingUnits / $minProduct);
         if ($company->pendingUnits > $minProduct) {
         $company->pendingUnits -= $createdUnits * $minProduct;
         $added = $company->addStock($createdUnits, Company::PRODUCT_TYPE_PRODUCT);
         if ($added) {
     //pay salary
     $transactionData = array('quantity' => $job->salary, 'action' => 'PAY_SALARY', 'receiver' => $this->uid, 'receiverType' => Company::RECEIVER_TYPE_USER);
     if ($company->transaction($transactionData)) {
         //save historial
         Service::getDB()->insert('work_historial', array('uid' => $this->uid, 'date' => $this->now()));
         return array('productivity' => $productivity, 'createdUnits' => $createdUnits);
     } else {
         return false;
Esempio n. 7
 function testGetSkills()
     $description_id = 1;
     $race_id = 1;
     $stat_id = 1;
     $test_character = new Character($description_id, $race_id, $stat_id);
     $name = "Acrobatics";
     $description = "stuff";
     $id = 1;
     $test_skill = new Skill($name, $description, $id);
     $name2 = "Athletics";
     $description2 = "other stuff";
     $id2 = 2;
     $test_skill2 = new Skill($name2, $description2, $id2);
     $this->assertEquals($test_character->getSkills(), [$test_skill, $test_skill2]);
Esempio n. 8
 function test_find()
     $name = "Acrobatics";
     $description = "stuff";
     $id = 1;
     $test_class = new Skill($name, $description, $id);
     $name2 = "Athletics";
     $description2 = "other stuff";
     $id2 = 2;
     $test_class2 = new Skill($name2, $description2, $id2);
     $result = Skill::find($test_class->getId());
     $this->assertEquals($test_class, $result);
  * Store a newly created template in storage.
  * @return Response
 public function store()
     $validator = Validator::make($data = Input::all(), Template::$rules);
     if ($validator->fails()) {
         return Redirect::back()->withErrors($validator)->withInput();
     } else {
         $template = new Template();
         $template->color = Input::get('color');
         $template->layout = Input::get('templateID');
         $template->user_id = Auth::id();
         //Storing header info
         if (Input::has('headerJobTitle')) {
             $header = new Header1();
             $header->job_title = Input::get('headerJobTitle');
             $header->template_id = $template->id;
             if (Input::has('headerResumeTitle')) {
                 $header->description = Input::get('headerResumeTitle');
             if (Input::hasFile('headerImage')) {
                 $header->picture = Input::file('headerImage')->move("images/uploaded/");
             if (Input::has('headerJobTitle')) {
                 $header->description = Input::get('headerJobTitle');
         //Storing adjectives for template 2
         if (Input::has('adjectives1')) {
             $header1 = new Header1();
             $header1->template_id = $template->id;
             $header1->adjective = Input::get('adjectives1');
         if (Input::has('adjectives2')) {
             $header2 = new Header1();
             $header2->template_id = $template->id;
             $header2->adjective = Input::get('adjectives2');
         if (Input::has('adjectives3')) {
             $header3 = new Header1();
             $header3->template_id = $template->id;
             $header3->adjective = Input::get('adjectives3');
         //Checking for up to 6 skill inputs to be accpeted
         if (Input::has('skillPercent1') && Input::has('skillTitle1')) {
             $skill1 = new Skill();
             $skill1->template_id = $template->id;
             $skill1->percent = Input::get('skillPercent1');
             $skill1->skill_title = Input::get('skillTitle1');
             if (Input::has('skillDescription1')) {
                 $skill1->description = Input::get('skillDescription1');
             if (Input::has('skillDescriptionTitle1')) {
                 $skill1->description_title = Input::get('skillDescriptionTitle1');
             if (Input::has('hobbies1')) {
                 $skill1->description_title = Input::get('hobbies1');
         if (Input::has('skillPercent2') && Input::has('skillTitle2')) {
             $skill2 = new Skill();
             $skill2->template_id = $template->id;
             $skill2->percent = Input::get('skillPercent2');
             $skill2->skill_title = Input::get('skillTitle2');
             if (Input::has('skillDescription2')) {
                 $skill2->description = Input::get('skillDescription2');
             if (Input::has('skillDescriptionTitle2')) {
                 $skill2->description_title = Input::get('skillDescriptionTitle2');
             if (Input::has('hobbies2')) {
                 $skill2->description_title = Input::get('hobbies2');
         if (Input::has('skillPercent3') && Input::has('skillTitle3')) {
             $skill3 = new Skill();
             $skill3->template_id = $template->id;
             $skill3->percent = Input::get('skillPercent3');
             $skill3->skill_title = Input::get('skillTitle3');
             if (Input::has('skillDescription3')) {
                 $skill3->description = Input::get('skillDescription3');
             if (Input::has('skillDescriptionTitle3')) {
                 $skill3->description_title = Input::get('skillDescriptionTitle3');
             if (Input::has('hobbies3')) {
                 $skill3->description_title = Input::get('hobbies3');
         if (Input::has('skillPercent4') && Input::has('skillTitle4')) {
             $skill4 = new Skill();
             $skill4->template_id = $template->id;
             $skill4->percent = Input::get('skillPercent4');
             $skill4->skill_title = Input::get('skillTitle4');
             if (Input::has('skillDescription4') && Input::has('descriptionTitle4')) {
                 $skill4->description = Input::get('skillDescription4');
             if (Input::has('skillDescriptionTitle4')) {
                 $skill4->description_title = Input::get('skillDescriptionTitle4');
         if (Input::has('skillPercent5') && Input::has('skillTitle5')) {
             $skill5 = new Skill();
             $skill5->template_id = $template->id;
             $skill5->percent = Input::get('skillPercent5');
             $skill5->skill_title = Input::get('skillTitle5');
             if (Input::has('skillDescription5')) {
                 $skill5->description = Input::get('skillDescription5');
             if (Input::has('skillDescriptionTitle5')) {
                 $skill5->description_title = Input::get('skillDescriptionTitle5');
         //Knowledge storage starts here for template 2
         if (Input::has('knowledge1') && Input::has('miscHead1') && Input::has('miscFoot1') && Input::has('miscPercent1')) {
             $knowledge1 = new Knowledge();
             $knowledge1->template_id = $template->id;
             $knowledge1->knowledge_item = Input::get('knowledge1');
             $knowledge1->sub_percent = Input::get('miscPercent1');
             $knowledge1->sub_head = Input::get('miscHead1');
             $knowledge1->sub_foot = Input::get('miscFoot1');
             if (Input::has('miscTitle1')) {
                 $knowledge1->sub_title = Input::get('miscTitle1');
         if (Input::has('knowledge2') && Input::has('miscHead2') && Input::has('miscFoot2') && Input::has('miscPercent2')) {
             $knowledge2 = new Knowledge();
             $knowledge2->template_id = $template->id;
             $knowledge2->knowledge_item = Input::get('knowledge2');
             $knowledge2->sub_percent = Input::get('miscPercent2');
             $knowledge2->sub_head = Input::get('miscHead2');
             $knowledge2->sub_foot = Input::get('miscFoot2');
         if (Input::has('knowledge3') && Input::has('miscHead3') && Input::has('miscFoot3') && Input::has('miscPercent3')) {
             $knowledge3 = new Knowledge();
             $knowledge3->template_id = $template->id;
             $knowledge3->knowledge_item = Input::get('knowledge3');
             $knowledge3->sub_percent = Input::get('miscPercent3');
             $knowledge3->sub_head = Input::get('miscHead3');
             $knowledge3->sub_foot = Input::get('miscFoot3');
         if (Input::has('knowledge4') && Input::has('miscHead4') && Input::has('miscFoot4') && Input::has('miscPercent4')) {
             $knowledge4 = new Knowledge();
             $knowledge4->template_id = $template->id;
             $knowledge4->knowledge_item = Input::get('knowledge4');
             $knowledge4->sub_percent = Input::get('miscPercent4');
             $knowledge4->sub_head = Input::get('miscHead4');
             $knowledge4->sub_foot = Input::get('miscFoot4');
         if (Input::has('aboutDescription1')) {
             $abouts1 = new About();
             $abouts1->template_id = $template->id;
             $abouts1->description = Input::get('aboutDescription1');
             if (Input::has('aboutTitle')) {
                 $abouts1->title = Input::get('aboutTitle');
             if (Input::hasFile('aboutBackgroundImage1')) {
                 $abouts1->picture = Input::file('aboutBackgroundImage1')->move("images/uploaded/");
         if (Input::has('aboutDescription2')) {
             $abouts2 = new About();
             $abouts2->template_id = $template->id;
             $abouts2->description = Input::get('aboutDescription2');
             if (Input::has('aboutTitle')) {
                 $abouts2->title = Input::get('aboutTitle');
             if (Input::hasFile('aboutBackgroundImage2')) {
                 $abouts2->picture = Input::file('aboutBackgroundImage2')->move("images/uploaded/");
         if (Input::has('aboutDescription3')) {
             $abouts3 = new About();
             $abouts3->template_id = $template->id;
             $abouts3->description = Input::get('aboutDescription3');
             if (Input::has('aboutTitle')) {
                 $abouts3->title = Input::get('aboutTitle');
             if (Input::hasFile('aboutBackgroundImage3')) {
                 $abouts3->picture = Input::file('aboutBackgroundImage3')->move("images/uploaded/");
         if (Input::has('contactDescription')) {
             $contacts = new Contact();
             $contacts->template_id = $template->id;
             $contacts->description = Input::get('contactDescription');
         //Storing services currently for template 2
         if (Input::has('serviceTitle1') || Input::has('serviceTitle2') || Input::has('serviceTitle3') || Input::has('serviceTitle4') || Input::has('serviceTitle5') || Input::has('serviceTitle6')) {
             if (Input::has('serviceTitle1') && Input::has('serviceDescription1')) {
                 $service1 = new Service();
                 $service1->template_id = $template->id;
                 $service1->title = Input::get('serviceTitle1');
                 $service1->description = Input::get('serviceDescription1');
             if (Input::has('serviceTitle2') && Input::has('serviceDescription2')) {
                 $service2 = new Service();
                 $service2->template_id = $template->id;
                 $service2->title = Input::get('serviceTitle2');
                 $service2->description = Input::get('serviceDescription2');
             if (Input::has('serviceTitle3') && Input::has('serviceDescription3')) {
                 $service3 = new Service();
                 $service3->template_id = $template->id;
                 $service3->title = Input::get('serviceTitle3');
                 $service3->description = Input::get('serviceDescription3');
             if (Input::has('serviceTitle4') && Input::has('serviceDescription4')) {
                 $service4 = new Service();
                 $service4->template_id = $template->id;
                 $service4->title = Input::get('serviceTitle4');
                 $service4->description = Input::get('serviceDescription4');
             if (Input::has('serviceTitle5') && Input::has('serviceDescription5')) {
                 $service5 = new Service();
                 $service5->template_id = $template->id;
                 $service5->title = Input::get('serviceTitle5');
                 $service5->description = Input::get('serviceDescription5');
             if (Input::has('serviceTitle6') && Input::has('serviceDescription6')) {
                 $service6 = new Service();
                 $service6->template_id = $template->id;
                 $service6->title = Input::get('serviceTitle6');
                 $service6->description = Input::get('serviceDescription6');
         //There are the inputs for the portfolio storeTemplate1Images
         if (Input::has('portfolioDescription1')) {
             $portfolio1 = new Portfolio();
             if (Input::has('portfolioTitle1')) {
                 $portfolio1->title = Input::get('portfolioTitle1');
             $portfolio1->template_id = $template->id;
             $portfolio1->description = Input::get('portfolioDescription1');
             if (Input::hasFile('portfolioPicture1')) {
                 $portfolio1->picture = Input::file('portfolioPicture1')->move("img/uploaded/");
             if (Input::has('portfolioLink1')) {
                 $portfolio1->link = Input::get('portfolioLink1');
             if (Input::has('portfolioCategory1')) {
                 $portfolio1->category = Input::get('portfolioCategory1');
         if (Input::has('portfolioDescription2')) {
             $portfolio2 = new Portfolio();
             if (Input::has('portfolioTitle2')) {
                 $portfolio2->title = Input::get('portfolioTitle2');
             $portfolio2->template_id = $template->id;
             $portfolio2->description = Input::get('portfolioDescription2');
             if (Input::hasFile('portfolioPicture2')) {
                 $portfolio2->picture = Input::file('portfolioPicture2')->move("img/uploaded/");
             if (Input::has('portfolioLink2')) {
                 $portfolio2->link = Input::get('portfolioLink2');
             if (Input::has('portfolioCategory2')) {
                 $portfolio2->category = Input::get('portfolioCategory2');
         if (Input::has('portfolioDescription3')) {
             $portfolio3 = new Portfolio();
             if (Input::has('portfolioTitle3')) {
                 $portfolio3->title = Input::get('portfolioTitle3');
             $portfolio3->template_id = $template->id;
             $portfolio3->description = Input::get('portfolioDescription3');
             if (Input::hasFile('portfolioPicture3')) {
                 $portfolio3->picture = Input::file('portfolioPicture3')->move("img/uploaded/");
             if (Input::has('portfolioLink3')) {
                 $portfolio3->link = Input::get('portfolioLink3');
             if (Input::has('portfolioCategory3')) {
                 $portfolio3->category = Input::get('portfolioCategory3');
         if (Input::has('portfolioDescription4')) {
             $portfolio4 = new Portfolio();
             if (Input::has('portfolioTitle4')) {
                 $portfolio4->title = Input::get('portfolioTitle4');
             $portfolio4->template_id = $template->id;
             $portfolio4->description = Input::get('portfolioDescription4');
             if (Input::hasFile('portfolioPicture4')) {
                 $portfolio4->picture = Input::file('portfolioPicture4')->move("img/uploaded/");
             if (Input::has('portfolioLink4')) {
                 $portfolio4->link = Input::get('portfolioLink4');
             if (Input::has('portfolioCategory4')) {
                 $portfolio4->category = Input::get('portfolioCategory4');
         if (Input::has('portfolioDescription5')) {
             $portfolio5 = new Portfolio();
             if (Input::has('portfolioTitle5')) {
                 $portfolio5->title = Input::get('portfolioTitle5');
             $portfolio5->template_id = $template->id;
             $portfolio5->description = Input::get('portfolioDescription5');
             if (Input::hasFile('portfolioPicture5')) {
                 $portfolio5->picture = Input::file('portfolioPicture5')->move("img/uploaded/");
             if (Input::has('portfolioLink5')) {
                 $portfolio5->link = Input::get('portfolioLink5');
             if (Input::has('portfolioCategory5')) {
                 $portfolio5->category = Input::get('portfolioCategory5');
         if (Input::has('portfolioDescription6')) {
             $portfolio6 = new Portfolio();
             if (Input::has('portfolioTitle6')) {
                 $portfolio6->title = Input::get('portfolioTitle6');
             $portfolio6->template_id = $template->id;
             $portfolio6->description = Input::get('portfolioDescription6');
             if (Input::hasFile('portfolioPicture6')) {
                 $portfolio6->picture = Input::file('portfolioPicture6')->move("img/uploaded/");
             if (Input::hasFile('portfolioLink6')) {
                 $portfolio6->link = Input::get('portfolioLink6');
             if (Input::hasFile('portfolioCategory6')) {
                 $portfolio6->category = Input::get('portfolioCategory6');
         if (Input::has('awardTitle1') && Input::has('awardNumber1')) {
             $award1 = new Award();
             $award1->template_id = $template->id;
             $award1->award_number = Input::get('awardTitle1');
             $award1->award_title = Input::get('awardNumber1');
         if (Input::has('awardTitle2') && Input::has('awardNumber2')) {
             $award2 = new Award();
             $award2->template_id = $template->id;
             $award2->award_number = Input::get('awardTitle2');
             $award2->award_title = Input::get('awardNumber2');
         if (Input::has('awardTitle3') && Input::has('awardNumber3')) {
             $award3 = new Award();
             $award3->template_id = $template->id;
             $award3->award_number = Input::get('awardTitle3');
             $award3->award_title = Input::get('awardNumber3');
         //Storing up to 6 work experience sections
         if (Input::has('workExperienceStart1') && Input::has('workExperienceDescription1') && Input::has('workExperienceTitle1')) {
             $experience1 = new workExperience();
             if (Input::has('workExperienceExtraText1')) {
                 $experience1->description = Input::get('workExperienceExtraText1');
             $experience1->template_id = $template->id;
             $experience1->start_date = Input::get('workExperienceStart1');
             $experience1->title = Input::get('workExperienceTitle1');
             $experience1->description = Input::get('workExperienceDescription1');
             if (Input::has('workExperienceEnd1')) {
                 $experience1->end_date = Input::get('workExperienceEnd1');
         if (Input::has('workExperienceStart2') && Input::has('workExperienceDescription2') && Input::has('workExperienceTitle2')) {
             $experience2 = new workExperience();
             $experience2->template_id = $template->id;
             $experience2->start_date = Input::get('workExperienceStart2');
             $experience2->title = Input::get('workExperienceTitle2');
             $experience2->description = Input::get('workExperienceDescription2');
             if (Input::has('workExperienceEnd2')) {
                 $experience2->end_date = Input::get('workExperienceEnd2');
         if (Input::has('workExperienceStart3') && Input::has('workExperienceDescription3') && Input::has('workExperienceTitle3')) {
             $experience3 = new workExperience();
             $experience3->template_id = $template->id;
             $experience3->start_date = Input::get('workExperienceStart3');
             $experience3->title = Input::get('workExperienceTitle3');
             $experience3->description = Input::get('workExperienceDescription3');
             if (Input::has('workExperienceEnd3')) {
                 $experience3->end_date = Input::get('workExperienceEnd3');
         if (Input::has('workExperienceStart4') && Input::has('workExperienceDescription4') && Input::has('workExperienceTitle4')) {
             $experience4 = new workExperience();
             $experience4->template_id = $template->id;
             $experience4->start_date = Input::get('workExperienceStart4');
             $experience4->title = Input::get('workExperienceTitle4');
             $experience4->description = Input::get('workExperienceDescription4');
             if (Input::has('workExperienceEnd4')) {
                 $experience4->end_date = Input::get('workExperienceEnd4');
         if (Input::has('workExperienceStart5') && Input::has('workExperienceDescription5') && Input::has('workExperienceTitle5')) {
             $experience5 = new workExperience();
             $experience5->template_id = $template->id;
             $experience5->start_date = Input::get('workExperienceStart5');
             $experience5->title = Input::get('workExperienceTitle5');
             $experience5->description = Input::get('workExperienceDescription5');
             if (Input::has('workExperienceEnd5')) {
                 $experience5->end_date = Input::get('workExperienceEnd5');
         if (Input::has('workExperienceStart6') && Input::has('workExperienceDescription6') && Input::has('workExperienceTitle6')) {
             $experience6 = new workExperience();
             $experience6->template_id = $template->id;
             $experience6->start_date = Input::get('workExperienceStart6');
             $experience6->title = Input::get('workExperienceTitle6');
             $experience6->description = Input::get('workExperienceDescription6');
             if (Input::has('workExperienceEnd6')) {
                 $experience6->end_date = Input::get('workExperienceEnd6');
         if (Input::has('educationStart1') && Input::has('educationDescription1') && Input::has('educationTitle1')) {
             $education1 = new Education();
             $education1->template_id = $template->id;
             $education1->start_date = Input::get('educationStart1');
             if (Input::has('educationEnd1')) {
                 $education1->end_date = Input::get('educationEnd1');
             $education1->title = Input::get('educationTitle1');
             $education1->description = Input::get('educationDescription1');
         if (Input::has('educationStart2') && Input::has('educationDescription2') && Input::has('educationTitle2')) {
             $education2 = new Education();
             $education2->template_id = $template->id;
             $education2->start_date = Input::get('educationStart2');
             if (Input::has('educationEnd2')) {
                 $education2->end_date = Input::get('educationEnd2');
             $education2->title = Input::get('educationTitle2');
             $education2->description = Input::get('educationDescription2');
         if (Input::has('educationStart3') && Input::has('educationDescription3') && Input::has('educationTitle3')) {
             $education3 = new Education();
             $education3->template_id = $template->id;
             $education3->start_date = Input::get('educationStart3');
             if (Input::has('educationEnd3')) {
                 $education3->end_date = Input::get('educationEnd3');
             $education3->title = Input::get('educationTitle3');
             $education3->description = Input::get('educationDescription3');
         if (Input::has('educationStart4') && Input::has('educationDescription4') && Input::has('educationTitle4')) {
             $education4 = new Education();
             $education4->template_id = $template->id;
             $education4->start_date = Input::get('educationStart4');
             if (Input::has('educationEnd4')) {
                 $education4->end_date = Input::get('educationEnd4');
             $education4->title = Input::get('educationTitle4');
             $education4->description = Input::get('educationDescription4');
     return Redirect::action('UsersController@getProfile');
Esempio n. 10
 static function addData()
     // SKILLS:
     $skill1 = new Skill("Acrobatics", "Balancing and tumbling", 1);
     $skill2 = new Skill("Animal Handling", "Using or interacting with domesticated animals.", 2);
     $skill3 = new Skill("Arcana", "Magic related lore and knowledge.", 3);
     $skill4 = new Skill("Athletics", "Climbing, jumping, and swimming.", 4);
     $skill5 = new Skill("Deception", "Hide the truth.", 5);
     $skill6 = new Skill("History", "Recall historical events.", 6);
     $skill7 = new Skill("Insight", "Determine a creature's true intentions.", 7);
     $skill8 = new Skill("Intimidation", "Influence by using threats.", 8);
     $skill9 = new Skill("Investigation", "Look for clues and find hidden things.", 9);
     $skill10 = new Skill("Medicine", "Stabilize the dying or diagnose a disease.", 10);
     $skill11 = new Skill("Nature", "Recall weather, plant, or animal lore.", 11);
     $skill12 = new Skill("Perception", "See, hear, or smell the presence or something.", 12);
     $skill13 = new Skill("Performance", "Ability in dancing, singing, or storytelling.", 13);
     $skill14 = new Skill("Persuasion", "Influence by using goodwill.", 14);
     $skill15 = new Skill("Religion", "Recall religious lore.", 15);
     $skill16 = new Skill("Sleight of Hand", "Concealing items or stealing things.", 16);
     $skill17 = new Skill("Stealth", "Sneaking or hiding.", 17);
     $skill18 = new Skill("Survival", "Track and hunt, avoid hazards, or predict weather.", 18);
     // RACES:
     $race1 = new Race("Good all around, well balanced, adventurer.  Easy to role play and fits most roles well.", "Human", 1);
     $race2 = new Race("Tough and wise. Good clerics. Bearded and can live to over 400. A bit more open than mountain dwarves.", "Hill Dwarf", 2);
     $race3 = new Race("Strong and tough. Good fighters. Bearded and can live to over 400. Likes to keep to their own.", "Mountain Dwarf", 3);
     $race4 = new Race("Fast and intelligent. Good fighters, rogues or wizards. Bronze skin. Has air of superiority.", "High Elf", 4);
     $race5 = new Race("Fast and wise. Good clerics and fighters. Copper/green skin. Very in tune with nature.", "Wood Elf", 5);
     $race6 = new Race("Fast and charismatic. Good rogues. Easily overlooked. Wanderers. Around 3 feet tall.", "Lightfoot Halfling", 6);
     $race7 = new Race("Tough and fast. Good fighters or rogues. Strong natured and boisterous.", "Stout Halfling", 7);
     // CLASSES:
     $class1 = new CharClass("Cleric", "Wise and charismatic. Typically a healer who wields divine power in the service of their diety.", 1);
     $class2 = new CharClass("Fighter", "Strong and tough or fast and tough. Master of combat and knowledgable in weapons and armor.", 2);
     $class3 = new CharClass("Rogue", "Fast and intelligent. Highly skilled and commonly duplicitous. Commonly a seeker of treasures.", 3);
     $class4 = new CharClass("Wizard", "Intelligent and wise. Weaves magic spells that manipulate reality using long studied arcane knowledge.", 4);
     $background1 = new Background("Hermit", "Medicine and religion. Your life has been lonely and you have a secret knowledge.", 1);
     $background2 = new Background("Noble", "History and persuasion. Your life has been luxurious and you benefit from your position of privilege.", 2);
     $background3 = new Background("Soldier", "Athletics and intimidation. Your life has been touched by war and you are recognized by your military rank.", 3);
     $background4 = new Background("Urchin", "Sleight of Hand and Stealth. Your life has been impoverished and you are intimately familiar with city workings.", 4);