function Admin_Controller()
     // Set base crumb
     $this->bep_site->set_crumb($this->lang->line('backendpro_control_panel'), 'admin');
     // Set container variable
     $this->_container = $this->config->item('backendpro_template_admin') . "container.php";
     // Set Pop container variable
     $this->_popup_container = $this->config->item('backendpro_template_admin') . "popup.php";
     // Make sure user is logged in
     check('Control Panel');
     // Check to see if the install path still exists
     if (is_dir('install')) {
         flashMsg('warning', $this->lang->line('backendpro_remove_install'));
     // Set private meta tags
     $this->bep_site->set_metatag('robots', 'nofollow, noindex');
     $this->bep_site->set_metatag('pragma', 'nocache', TRUE);
     // Load the ADMIN asset group
     // Loading language file here rather than Shop_admin_controller.php.
     // Otherwise menu items will not be displayed
     $this->load->module_language('kaimonokago', 'kaimonokagoadmin');
     $this->load->module_language('welcome', 'webshop');
     log_message('debug', 'BackendPro : Admin_Controller class loaded');
 function Public_Controller()
     // Set container variable
     $this->_container = $this->config->item('backendpro_template_public') . "container.php";
     // Set public meta tags
     // Load the PUBLIC asset group
     log_message('debug', 'BackendPro : Public_Controller class loaded');
Esempio n. 3
 function Admin_Controller()
     // Set base crumb
     $this->page->set_crumb($this->lang->line('backendpro_control_panel'), 'admin');
     // Set container variable
     $this->_container = $this->config->item('backendpro_template_admin') . "container.php";
     // Set Pop container variable
     $this->_popup_container = $this->config->item('backendpro_template_admin') . "popup.php";
     // Make sure user is logged in
     check('Control Panel');
     // Check to see if the install path still exists
     if (is_dir('install')) {
         flashMsg('warning', $this->lang->line('backendpro_remove_install'));
     // If the system is down display warning
     if ($this->preference->item('maintenance_mode')) {
         flashMsg('warning', $this->lang->line('backendpro_site_off'));
     // Set private meta tags
     $this->page->set_metatag('robots', 'nofollow, noindex');
     $this->page->set_metatag('pragma', 'nocache', TRUE);
     log_message('debug', 'BackendPro : Admin_Controller class loaded');
 function Shop_Controller()
     // Loading config
     // Set container variable
     $this->_container = $this->config->item('backendpro_template_shop') . "container.php";
     // Set public meta tags
     // Load shop assets
     $this->load->module_library('site', 'kk_assets');
     // Load the PUBLIC asset group in bep_assets.php
     log_message('debug', 'BackendPro : Shop_Controller class loaded');
     // Loading language helper
     // $this->lang->load('webshop');
     // From CI shopping cart
     // Still using PHP session here.
     // loading Norwegian language files
     // $this->config->set_item('language', 'norwegian');
     // $this->lang->load('norwegian_general', 'norwegian');
     // Loading all the module models here instead of autoload.php
     $this->load->module_model('category', 'MCats');
     $this->load->module_model('menus', 'MMenus');
     $this->load->module_model('customer', 'MCustomers');
     $this->load->module_model('orders', 'MOrders');
     $this->load->module_model('pages', 'MPages');
     $this->load->module_model('products', 'MProducts');
     $this->load->module_model('subscribers', 'MSubscribers');
     $this->load->module_model('languages', 'MLangs');
     $this->load->module_model('slideshow', 'MSlideshow');
     // Loading libraries instead of autoload
     // for BEP 0.6
     // Loading helpers
     $this->load->helper(array('security', 'form', 'mytools'));
     $this->mainmodule = $this->preference->item('main_module_name');
     $this->data['mainmodule'] = $this->mainmodule;
     // Total price will be displayed
     // handlekurv means shopping cart in Norwegian
     // sorry for this. I will use English in future.
     // It's too late and too much work to replace now.
     if (isset($_SESSION['totalprice'])) {
         $this->data['handlekurv'] = $_SESSION['totalprice'];
     } else {
         $this->data['handlekurv'] = 0;
     // main nav
     // webshop config main_nav_parent_id
     $tree = array();
     // this will store value like english, norwegian etc. not an array
     $multilang = $this->preference->item('multi_language');
     // this will return 1 or 0
     // if preference is not set then use the $this->config->item('language'); from config.php
     $mylanguage = strtolower($this->preference->item('website_language'));
     // this will return norwegian etc
     if (!$mylanguage) {
         // this means it is not set in preference use config item
         $mylanguage = $this->config->item('language');
         // generally english
     //Should we check if it exist in omc_languages?
     if (!$multilang) {
         // this means it is a single lang
         // use the $mylanguage as default
         $this->language = $mylanguage;
     $this->data['multilang'] = $multilang;
     $this->data['mylanguage'] = $mylanguage;
     $sessionlang = $this->session->userdata('lang');
     $this->data['sessionlang'] = $sessionlang;
     if (empty($sessionlang)) {
         // first load, it needs to set it as english
         $this->language = 'english';
     } else {
         // otherwise get it from session
         $this->language = $this->session->userdata('lang');
     $this->data['language'] = $this->language;
     // find lang id
     $this->lang_id = $this->MLangs->getId($this->language);
     $this->data['mylanguage1'] = $this->lang_id;
     if (!$this->lang_id == 0) {
         $this->lang_id = $this->lang_id['id'];
     } else {
         $this->lang_id = 0;
     // load language depends on lang
     $this->load->module_language('welcome', 'webshop', $this->language);
     // This part is used in all the pages so load it here
     // For customer login status
     if (isset($_SESSION['customer_first_name'])) {
         $this->data['customer_status'] = 1;
         $myemail = $_SESSION['email'];
         $size = 40;
         $mygravatar = gravatar($myemail, $size);
         $this->data['loginstatus'] = $mygravatar . lang('general_hello') . $_SESSION['customer_first_name'] . ". " . lang('general_logged_in') . "<br />\r\n                <a href=\"index.php/" . $this->data['mainmodule'] . "/logout \">Log out</a>";
     } else {
         $this->data['customer_status'] = 0;
         $this->data['loginstatus'] = "" . $this->lang->line('general_not_logged_in') . "<br /><a href=\"index.php/" . $this->data['mainmodule'] . "/login \">" . lang('general_login') . "</a>\r\n                <br /><a href=\"index.php/" . $this->data['mainmodule'] . "/registration \">" . lang('general_register') . "</a>";
     // $parentid is depends on lang_id
     // find parentid from where lang_id=$lang_id and where menu.parentid=0
     $parentid = $this->MMenus->getrootMenusByLang($this->lang_id);
     if ($parentid) {
         $parentid = $parentid;
     } else {
         $parentid = 0;
     $this->data['lang_id'] = $this->lang_id;
     $this->MMenus->generateTreewithLang($tree, $parentid, $this->lang_id);
     // $this->MMenus->generateTree($tree,$parentid);
     $this->data['mainnav'] = $tree;
     // left category menu
     // webshop config categories_parent_id
     // it used to be like this $parentid=1;
     // need to find parentid by lang_id where lang_id is 0,1,2,3.. where cat_id is 1 or true
     $main_cat_id = $this->preference->item('categories_parent_id');
     $cat_parent = $this->MCats->getParentidbyLang($main_cat_id, $this->lang_id);
     $this->data['cat_parent'] = $cat_parent;
     // delete me later
     if ($cat_parent) {
         // in order to prevent an error after installtion
         $cat_parentid = array_keys($cat_parent);
         $cat_parentid = $cat_parentid[0];
     $this->data['parent'] = $cat_parentid;
     //$parentid = $this->preference->item('categories_parent_id');
     $order = 'order';
     $this->data['navlist'] = $this->MCats->getCatNavbyLang($cat_parentid, $order, $this->lang_id);
     // $this->data['navlisttest'] = $this->MCats->getCatNavbyLangtest($parentid,$this->lang_id);
     $mostsold = "most sold";
     //$mostsold = $this->MProducts ->getFeaturedProducts($mostsold);
     $mostsold = $this->MProducts->getFeaturedProductsbyLang($mostsold, $this->lang_id);
     $this->data['mostsold'] = $mostsold;
     $newproduct = "new product";
     $newproduct = $this->MProducts->getFeaturedProducts($newproduct);
     $this->data['newproduct'] = $newproduct;
     // load modules/languages/model/mlangs
     $this->load->module_model('languages', 'MLangs');
     // get all the languages
     $this->data['langs'] = $this->MLangs->getLangDropDown();
     // get the main module, this must be the same as $route['default_controller'] = "welcome"; in config/routes.php