public function execute($par) { $this->setHeaders(); $this->getOutput()->addModuleStyles('mediawiki.special'); $this->edits = SiteStats::edits(); $this->good = SiteStats::articles(); $this->images = SiteStats::images(); $this->total = SiteStats::pages(); $this->users = SiteStats::users(); $this->activeUsers = SiteStats::activeUsers(); $this->hook = ''; $text = Xml::openElement('table', ['class' => 'wikitable mw-statistics-table']); # Statistic - pages $text .= $this->getPageStats(); # Statistic - edits $text .= $this->getEditStats(); # Statistic - users $text .= $this->getUserStats(); # Statistic - usergroups $text .= $this->getGroupStats(); # Statistic - other $extraStats = []; if (Hooks::run('SpecialStatsAddExtra', [&$extraStats, $this->getContext()])) { $text .= $this->getOtherStats($extraStats); } $text .= Xml::closeElement('table'); # Customizable footer $footer = $this->msg('statistics-footer'); if (!$footer->isBlank()) { $text .= "\n" . $footer->parse(); } $this->getOutput()->addHTML($text); }
public function execute($par) { global $wgMemc, $wgDisableCounters, $wgMiserMode; $this->setHeaders(); $this->getOutput()->addModuleStyles('mediawiki.special'); $this->views = SiteStats::views(); $this->edits = SiteStats::edits(); $this->good = SiteStats::articles(); $this->images = SiteStats::images(); $this->total = SiteStats::pages(); $this->users = SiteStats::users(); $this->activeUsers = SiteStats::activeUsers(); $this->hook = ''; # Staticic - views $viewsStats = ''; if (!$wgDisableCounters) { $viewsStats = $this->getViewsStats(); } # Set active user count if (!$wgMiserMode) { $key = wfMemcKey('sitestats', 'activeusers-updated'); // Re-calculate the count if the last tally is old... if (!$wgMemc->get($key)) { $dbw = wfGetDB(DB_MASTER); SiteStatsUpdate::cacheUpdate($dbw); $wgMemc->set($key, '1', 24 * 3600); // don't update for 1 day } } $text = Xml::openElement('table', array('class' => 'wikitable mw-statistics-table')); # Statistic - pages $text .= $this->getPageStats(); # Statistic - edits $text .= $this->getEditStats(); # Statistic - users $text .= $this->getUserStats(); # Statistic - usergroups $text .= $this->getGroupStats(); $text .= $viewsStats; # Statistic - popular pages if (!$wgDisableCounters && !$wgMiserMode) { $text .= $this->getMostViewedPages(); } # Statistic - other $extraStats = array(); if (wfRunHooks('SpecialStatsAddExtra', array(&$extraStats))) { $text .= $this->getOtherStats($extraStats); } $text .= Xml::closeElement('table'); #<Wikia> wfRunHooks("CustomSpecialStatistics", array(&$this, &$text)); #</Wikia> # Customizable footer $footer = wfMessage('statistics-footer'); if (!$footer->isBlank()) { $text .= "\n" . $footer->parse(); } $this->getOutput()->addHTML($text); }
public function execute($par) { global $wgOut, $wgMemc; global $wgDisableCounters, $wgMiserMode; $this->setHeaders(); $this->views = SiteStats::views(); $this->edits = SiteStats::edits(); $this->good = SiteStats::articles(); $this->images = SiteStats::images(); $this->total = SiteStats::pages(); $this->users = SiteStats::users(); $this->activeUsers = SiteStats::activeUsers(); $this->admins = SiteStats::numberingroup('sysop'); $this->hook = ''; # Staticic - views $viewsStats = ''; if (!$wgDisableCounters) { $viewsStats = $this->getViewsStats(); } # Set active user count if (!$wgMiserMode) { $key = wfMemcKey('sitestats', 'activeusers-updated'); // Re-calculate the count if the last tally is old... if (!$wgMemc->get($key)) { $dbw = wfGetDB(DB_MASTER); SiteStatsUpdate::cacheUpdate($dbw); $wgMemc->set($key, '1', 24 * 3600); // don't update for 1 day } } $text = Xml::openElement('table', array('class' => 'wikitable mw-statistics-table')); # Statistic - pages $text .= $this->getPageStats(); # Statistic - edits $text .= $this->getEditStats(); # Statistic - users $text .= $this->getUserStats(); # Statistic - usergroups $text .= $this->getGroupStats(); $text .= $viewsStats; # Statistic - popular pages if (!$wgDisableCounters && !$wgMiserMode) { $text .= $this->getMostViewedPages(); } # Statistic - other $extraStats = array(); if (wfRunHooks('SpecialStatsAddExtra', array(&$extraStats))) { $text .= $this->getOtherStats($extraStats); } $text .= Xml::closeElement('table'); # Customizable footer $footer = wfMsgExt('statistics-footer', array('parseinline')); if (!wfEmptyMsg('statistics-footer', $footer) && $footer != '') { $text .= "\n" . $footer; } $wgOut->addHTML($text); }
/** * constructor */ function wfSpecialStatistics() { global $wgOut, $wgLang, $wgRequest; $fname = 'wfSpecialStatistics'; $action = $wgRequest->getVal('action'); $dbr = wfGetDB(DB_SLAVE); $views = SiteStats::views(); $edits = SiteStats::edits(); $good = SiteStats::articles(); $images = SiteStats::images(); $total = SiteStats::pages(); $users = SiteStats::users(); $admins = $dbr->selectField('user_groups', 'COUNT(*)', array('ug_group' => 'sysop'), $fname); $numJobs = $dbr->estimateRowCount('job'); if ($action == 'raw') { $wgOut->disable(); header('Pragma: nocache'); echo "total={$total};good={$good};views={$views};edits={$edits};users={$users};admins={$admins};images={$images};jobs={$numJobs}\n"; return; } else { $text = '==' . wfMsg('sitestats') . "==\n"; $text .= wfMsgExt('sitestatstext', array('parsemag'), $wgLang->formatNum($total), $wgLang->formatNum($good), $wgLang->formatNum($views), $wgLang->formatNum($edits), $wgLang->formatNum(sprintf('%.2f', $total ? $edits / $total : 0)), $wgLang->formatNum(sprintf('%.2f', $edits ? $views / $edits : 0)), $wgLang->formatNum($numJobs), $wgLang->formatNum($images)); $text .= "\n==" . wfMsg('userstats') . "==\n"; $text .= wfMsgExt('userstatstext', array('parsemag'), $wgLang->formatNum($users), $wgLang->formatNum($admins), '[[' . wfMsgForContent('grouppage-sysop') . ']]', $wgLang->formatNum(sprintf('%.2f', $admins / $users * 100)), User::makeGroupLinkWiki('sysop')); $wgOut->addWikiText($text); global $wgDisableCounters, $wgMiserMode, $wgUser, $wgLang, $wgContLang; if (!$wgDisableCounters && !$wgMiserMode) { $page = $dbr->tableName('page'); $sql = "SELECT page_namespace, page_title, page_counter FROM {$page} WHERE page_is_redirect = 0 AND page_counter > 0 ORDER BY page_counter DESC"; $sql = $dbr->limitResult($sql, 10, 0); $res = $dbr->query($sql, $fname); if ($res) { $wgOut->addHtml('<h2>' . wfMsgHtml('statistics-mostpopular') . '</h2>'); $skin = $wgUser->getSkin(); $wgOut->addHtml('<ol>'); while ($row = $dbr->fetchObject($res)) { // BizzWiki begin {{ if (!$wgUser->isAllowed('browse', $row->page_namespace)) { continue; } // BizzWiki end }} $link = $skin->makeKnownLinkObj(Title::makeTitleSafe($row->page_namespace, $row->page_title)); $dirmark = $wgContLang->getDirMark(); $wgOut->addHtml('<li>' . $link . $dirmark . ' [' . $wgLang->formatNum($row->page_counter) . ']</li>'); } $wgOut->addHtml('</ol>'); $dbr->freeResult($res); } } $footer = wfMsg('statistics-footer'); if (!wfEmptyMsg('statistics-footer', $footer) && $footer != '') { $wgOut->addWikiText($footer); } } }
public function execute($par) { global $wgOut, $wgRequest, $wgMessageCache; global $wgDisableCounters, $wgMiserMode; $wgMessageCache->loadAllMessages(); $this->setHeaders(); $this->views = SiteStats::views(); $this->edits = SiteStats::edits(); $this->good = SiteStats::articles(); $this->images = SiteStats::images(); $this->total = SiteStats::pages(); $this->users = SiteStats::users(); $this->activeUsers = SiteStats::activeUsers(); $this->admins = SiteStats::numberingroup('sysop'); $this->numJobs = SiteStats::jobs(); # Staticic - views $viewsStats = ''; if (!$wgDisableCounters) { $viewsStats = $this->getViewsStats(); } # Set active user count if (!$wgMiserMode) { $dbw = wfGetDB(DB_MASTER); SiteStatsUpdate::cacheUpdate($dbw); } # Do raw output if ($wgRequest->getVal('action') == 'raw') { $this->doRawOutput(); } $text = Xml::openElement('table', array('class' => 'mw-statistics-table')); # Statistic - pages $text .= $this->getPageStats(); # Statistic - edits $text .= $this->getEditStats(); # Statistic - users $text .= $this->getUserStats(); # Statistic - usergroups $text .= $this->getGroupStats(); $text .= $viewsStats; # Statistic - popular pages if (!$wgDisableCounters && !$wgMiserMode) { $text .= $this->getMostViewedPages(); } $text .= Xml::closeElement('table'); # Customizable footer $footer = wfMsgExt('statistics-footer', array('parseinline')); if (!wfEmptyMsg('statistics-footer', $footer) && $footer != '') { $text .= "\n" . $footer; } $wgOut->addHTML($text); }
public function execute($par) { global $wgMemc; $miserMode = $this->getConfig()->get('MiserMode'); $this->setHeaders(); $this->getOutput()->addModuleStyles('mediawiki.special'); $this->edits = SiteStats::edits(); $this->good = SiteStats::articles(); $this->images = SiteStats::images(); $this->total = SiteStats::pages(); $this->users = SiteStats::users(); $this->activeUsers = SiteStats::activeUsers(); $this->hook = ''; # Set active user count if (!$miserMode) { $key = wfMemcKey('sitestats', 'activeusers-updated'); // Re-calculate the count if the last tally is old... if (!$wgMemc->get($key)) { $dbw = wfGetDB(DB_MASTER); SiteStatsUpdate::cacheUpdate($dbw); $wgMemc->set($key, '1', 24 * 3600); // don't update for 1 day } } $text = Xml::openElement('table', array('class' => 'wikitable mw-statistics-table')); # Statistic - pages $text .= $this->getPageStats(); # Statistic - edits $text .= $this->getEditStats(); # Statistic - users $text .= $this->getUserStats(); # Statistic - usergroups $text .= $this->getGroupStats(); # Statistic - other $extraStats = array(); if (Hooks::run('SpecialStatsAddExtra', array(&$extraStats, $this->getContext()))) { $text .= $this->getOtherStats($extraStats); } $text .= Xml::closeElement('table'); # Customizable footer $footer = $this->msg('statistics-footer'); if (!$footer->isBlank()) { $text .= "\n" . $footer->parse(); } $this->getOutput()->addHTML($text); }
/** * Show the special page * * @param mixed $par (not used) */ function wfSpecialStatistics($par = '') { global $wgOut, $wgLang, $wgRequest; $dbr = wfGetDB(DB_SLAVE); $views = SiteStats::views(); $edits = SiteStats::edits(); $good = SiteStats::articles(); $images = SiteStats::images(); $total = SiteStats::pages(); $users = SiteStats::users(); $admins = SiteStats::admins(); $numJobs = SiteStats::jobs(); if ($wgRequest->getVal('action') == 'raw') { $wgOut->disable(); header('Pragma: nocache'); echo "total={$total};good={$good};views={$views};edits={$edits};users={$users};admins={$admins};images={$images};jobs={$numJobs}\n"; return; } else { $text = "__NOTOC__\n"; $text .= '==' . wfMsg('sitestats') . "==\n"; $text .= wfMsgExt('sitestatstext', array('parsemag'), $wgLang->formatNum($total), $wgLang->formatNum($good), $wgLang->formatNum($views), $wgLang->formatNum($edits), $wgLang->formatNum(sprintf('%.2f', $total ? $edits / $total : 0)), $wgLang->formatNum(sprintf('%.2f', $edits ? $views / $edits : 0)), $wgLang->formatNum($numJobs), $wgLang->formatNum($images)) . "\n"; $text .= "==" . wfMsg('userstats') . "==\n"; $text .= wfMsgExt('userstatstext', array('parsemag'), $wgLang->formatNum($users), $wgLang->formatNum($admins), '[[' . wfMsgForContent('grouppage-sysop') . ']]', $wgLang->formatNum(sprintf('%.2f', $admins / $users * 100)), User::makeGroupLinkWiki('sysop')) . "\n"; global $wgDisableCounters, $wgMiserMode, $wgUser, $wgLang, $wgContLang; if (!$wgDisableCounters && !$wgMiserMode) { $res = $dbr->select('page', array('page_namespace', 'page_title', 'page_counter'), array('page_is_redirect' => 0, 'page_counter > 0'), __METHOD__, array('ORDER BY' => 'page_counter DESC', 'LIMIT' => 10)); if ($res->numRows() > 0) { $text .= "==" . wfMsg('statistics-mostpopular') . "==\n"; while ($row = $res->fetchObject()) { $title = Title::makeTitleSafe($row->page_namespace, $row->page_title); if ($title instanceof Title) { $text .= '* [[:' . $title->getPrefixedText() . ']] (' . $wgLang->formatNum($row->page_counter) . ")\n"; } } $res->free(); } } $footer = wfMsg('statistics-footer'); if (!wfEmptyMsg('statistics-footer', $footer) && $footer != '') { $text .= "\n" . $footer; } $wgOut->addWikiText($text); } }
function register() { global $wgContLang, $wgNamespaceAliases, $wgDisableCounters; $lib = array('getNsIndex' => array($this, 'getNsIndex'), 'pagesInCategory' => array($this, 'pagesInCategory'), 'pagesInNamespace' => array($this, 'pagesInNamespace'), 'usersInGroup' => array($this, 'usersInGroup'), 'interwikiMap' => array($this, 'interwikiMap')); $info = array('siteName' => $GLOBALS['wgSitename'], 'server' => $GLOBALS['wgServer'], 'scriptPath' => $GLOBALS['wgScriptPath'], 'stylePath' => $GLOBALS['wgStylePath'], 'currentVersion' => SpecialVersion::getVersion()); if (!self::$namespacesCache || self::$namespacesCacheLang !== $wgContLang->getCode()) { $namespaces = array(); $namespacesByName = array(); foreach ($wgContLang->getFormattedNamespaces() as $ns => $title) { $canonical = MWNamespace::getCanonicalName($ns); $namespaces[$ns] = array('id' => $ns, 'name' => $title, 'canonicalName' => strtr($canonical, '_', ' '), 'hasSubpages' => MWNamespace::hasSubpages($ns), 'hasGenderDistinction' => MWNamespace::hasGenderDistinction($ns), 'isCapitalized' => MWNamespace::isCapitalized($ns), 'isContent' => MWNamespace::isContent($ns), 'isIncludable' => !MWNamespace::isNonincludable($ns), 'isMovable' => MWNamespace::isMovable($ns), 'isSubject' => MWNamespace::isSubject($ns), 'isTalk' => MWNamespace::isTalk($ns), 'defaultContentModel' => MWNamespace::getNamespaceContentModel($ns), 'aliases' => array()); if ($ns >= NS_MAIN) { $namespaces[$ns]['subject'] = MWNamespace::getSubject($ns); $namespaces[$ns]['talk'] = MWNamespace::getTalk($ns); $namespaces[$ns]['associated'] = MWNamespace::getAssociated($ns); } else { $namespaces[$ns]['subject'] = $ns; } $namespacesByName[strtr($title, ' ', '_')] = $ns; if ($canonical) { $namespacesByName[$canonical] = $ns; } } $aliases = array_merge($wgNamespaceAliases, $wgContLang->getNamespaceAliases()); foreach ($aliases as $title => $ns) { if (!isset($namespacesByName[$title]) && isset($namespaces[$ns])) { $ct = count($namespaces[$ns]['aliases']); $namespaces[$ns]['aliases'][$ct + 1] = $title; $namespacesByName[$title] = $ns; } } $namespaces[NS_MAIN]['displayName'] = wfMessage('blanknamespace')->inContentLanguage()->text(); self::$namespacesCache = $namespaces; self::$namespacesCacheLang = $wgContLang->getCode(); } $info['namespaces'] = self::$namespacesCache; $info['stats'] = array('pages' => (int) SiteStats::pages(), 'articles' => (int) SiteStats::articles(), 'files' => (int) SiteStats::images(), 'edits' => (int) SiteStats::edits(), 'views' => $wgDisableCounters ? null : (int) SiteStats::views(), 'users' => (int) SiteStats::users(), 'activeUsers' => (int) SiteStats::activeUsers(), 'admins' => (int) SiteStats::numberingroup('sysop')); return $this->getEngine()->registerInterface('', $lib, $info); }
protected function appendStatistics($property) { global $wgDisableCounters; $data = array(); $data['pages'] = intval(SiteStats::pages()); $data['articles'] = intval(SiteStats::articles()); if (!$wgDisableCounters) { $data['views'] = intval(SiteStats::views()); } $data['edits'] = intval(SiteStats::edits()); $data['images'] = intval(SiteStats::images()); $data['users'] = intval(SiteStats::users()); $data['activeusers'] = intval(SiteStats::activeUsers()); $data['admins'] = intval(SiteStats::numberingroup('sysop')); $data['jobs'] = intval(SiteStats::jobs()); return $this->getResult()->addValue('query', $property, $data); }
/** * Print basic information about this site. */ public function printWikiInfo() { global $wgSitename, $wgLanguageCode; $this->prepareSerialization(); $this->delay_flush = 35; // don't do intermediate flushes with default parameters // assemble export data: $expData = new SMWExpData(new SMWExpResource('&wiki;#wiki')); $expData->addPropertyObjectValue(SMWExporter::getInstance()->getSpecialNsResource('rdf', 'type'), new SMWExpData(SMWExporter::getInstance()->getSpecialNsResource('swivt', 'Wikisite'))); // basic wiki information $expData->addPropertyObjectValue(SMWExporter::getInstance()->getSpecialNsResource('rdfs', 'label'), new SMWExpLiteral($wgSitename)); $expData->addPropertyObjectValue(SMWExporter::getInstance()->getSpecialNsResource('swivt', 'siteName'), new SMWExpLiteral($wgSitename, '')); $expData->addPropertyObjectValue(SMWExporter::getInstance()->getSpecialNsResource('swivt', 'pagePrefix'), new SMWExpLiteral(SMWExporter::getInstance()->expandURI('&wikiurl;'), '')); $expData->addPropertyObjectValue(SMWExporter::getInstance()->getSpecialNsResource('swivt', 'smwVersion'), new SMWExpLiteral(SMW_VERSION, '')); $expData->addPropertyObjectValue(SMWExporter::getInstance()->getSpecialNsResource('swivt', 'langCode'), new SMWExpLiteral($wgLanguageCode, '')); $mainpage = Title::newMainPage(); if (!is_null($mainpage)) { $ed = new SMWExpData(new SMWExpResource($mainpage->getFullURL())); $expData->addPropertyObjectValue(SMWExporter::getInstance()->getSpecialNsResource('swivt', 'mainPage'), $ed); } // statistical information $expData->addPropertyObjectValue(SMWExporter::getInstance()->getSpecialNsResource('swivt', 'pageCount'), new SMWExpLiteral(SiteStats::pages(), '')); $expData->addPropertyObjectValue(SMWExporter::getInstance()->getSpecialNsResource('swivt', 'contentPageCount'), new SMWExpLiteral(SiteStats::articles(), '')); $expData->addPropertyObjectValue(SMWExporter::getInstance()->getSpecialNsResource('swivt', 'mediaCount'), new SMWExpLiteral(SiteStats::images(), '')); $expData->addPropertyObjectValue(SMWExporter::getInstance()->getSpecialNsResource('swivt', 'editCount'), new SMWExpLiteral(SiteStats::edits(), '')); // SiteStats::views was deprecated in MediaWiki 1.25 // "Stop calling this function, it will be removed some time in the future" //$expData->addPropertyObjectValue( // SMWExporter::getInstance()->getSpecialNsResource( 'swivt', 'viewCount' ), // new SMWExpLiteral( SiteStats::views(), '' ) //); $expData->addPropertyObjectValue(SMWExporter::getInstance()->getSpecialNsResource('swivt', 'userCount'), new SMWExpLiteral(SiteStats::users(), '')); $expData->addPropertyObjectValue(SMWExporter::getInstance()->getSpecialNsResource('swivt', 'adminCount'), new SMWExpLiteral(SiteStats::numberingroup('sysop'), '')); $this->serializer->startSerialization(); $this->serializer->serializeExpData(SMWExporter::getInstance()->getOntologyExpData('')); $this->serializer->serializeExpData($expData); // link to list of existing pages: if (strpos(SMWExporter::getInstance()->expandURI('&wikiurl;'), '?') === false) { // check whether we have title as a first parameter or in URL $nexturl = SMWExporter::getInstance()->expandURI('&export;?offset=0'); } else { $nexturl = SMWExporter::getInstance()->expandURI('&export;&offset=0'); } $expData = new SMWExpData(new SMWExpResource($nexturl)); $ed = new SMWExpData(SMWExporter::getInstance()->getSpecialNsResource('owl', 'Thing')); $expData->addPropertyObjectValue(SMWExporter::getInstance()->getSpecialNsResource('rdf', 'type'), $ed); $ed = new SMWExpData(new SMWExpResource($nexturl)); $expData->addPropertyObjectValue(SMWExporter::getInstance()->getSpecialNsResource('rdfs', 'isDefinedBy'), $ed); $this->serializer->serializeExpData($expData); $this->serializer->finishSerialization(); $this->flush(true); }
/** * Return value of a magic variable (like PAGENAME) * * @private * * @param $index integer * @param bool|\PPFrame $frame * * @throws MWException * @return string */ function getVariableValue($index, $frame = false) { global $wgContLang, $wgSitename, $wgServer; global $wgArticlePath, $wgScriptPath, $wgStylePath; if (is_null($this->mTitle)) { // If no title set, bad things are going to happen // later. Title should always be set since this // should only be called in the middle of a parse // operation (but the unit-tests do funky stuff) throw new MWException(__METHOD__ . ' Should only be ' . ' called while parsing (no title set)'); } /** * Some of these require message or data lookups and can be * expensive to check many times. */ if (wfRunHooks('ParserGetVariableValueVarCache', array(&$this, &$this->mVarCache))) { if (isset($this->mVarCache[$index])) { return $this->mVarCache[$index]; } } $ts = wfTimestamp(TS_UNIX, $this->mOptions->getTimestamp()); wfRunHooks('ParserGetVariableValueTs', array(&$this, &$ts)); $pageLang = $this->getFunctionLang(); switch ($index) { case 'currentmonth': $value = $pageLang->formatNum(MWTimestamp::getInstance($ts)->format('m')); break; case 'currentmonth1': $value = $pageLang->formatNum(MWTimestamp::getInstance($ts)->format('n')); break; case 'currentmonthname': $value = $pageLang->getMonthName(MWTimestamp::getInstance($ts)->format('n')); break; case 'currentmonthnamegen': $value = $pageLang->getMonthNameGen(MWTimestamp::getInstance($ts)->format('n')); break; case 'currentmonthabbrev': $value = $pageLang->getMonthAbbreviation(MWTimestamp::getInstance($ts)->format('n')); break; case 'currentday': $value = $pageLang->formatNum(MWTimestamp::getInstance($ts)->format('j')); break; case 'currentday2': $value = $pageLang->formatNum(MWTimestamp::getInstance($ts)->format('d')); break; case 'localmonth': $value = $pageLang->formatNum(MWTimestamp::getLocalInstance($ts)->format('m')); break; case 'localmonth1': $value = $pageLang->formatNum(MWTimestamp::getLocalInstance($ts)->format('n')); break; case 'localmonthname': $value = $pageLang->getMonthName(MWTimestamp::getLocalInstance($ts)->format('n')); break; case 'localmonthnamegen': $value = $pageLang->getMonthNameGen(MWTimestamp::getLocalInstance($ts)->format('n')); break; case 'localmonthabbrev': $value = $pageLang->getMonthAbbreviation(MWTimestamp::getLocalInstance($ts)->format('n')); break; case 'localday': $value = $pageLang->formatNum(MWTimestamp::getLocalInstance($ts)->format('j')); break; case 'localday2': $value = $pageLang->formatNum(MWTimestamp::getLocalInstance($ts)->format('d')); break; case 'pagename': $value = wfEscapeWikiText($this->mTitle->getText()); break; case 'pagenamee': $value = wfEscapeWikiText($this->mTitle->getPartialURL()); break; case 'fullpagename': $value = wfEscapeWikiText($this->mTitle->getPrefixedText()); break; case 'fullpagenamee': $value = wfEscapeWikiText($this->mTitle->getPrefixedURL()); break; case 'subpagename': $value = wfEscapeWikiText($this->mTitle->getSubpageText()); break; case 'subpagenamee': $value = wfEscapeWikiText($this->mTitle->getSubpageUrlForm()); break; case 'rootpagename': $value = wfEscapeWikiText($this->mTitle->getRootText()); break; case 'rootpagenamee': $value = wfEscapeWikiText(wfUrlEncode(str_replace(' ', '_', $this->mTitle->getRootText()))); break; case 'basepagename': $value = wfEscapeWikiText($this->mTitle->getBaseText()); break; case 'basepagenamee': $value = wfEscapeWikiText(wfUrlEncode(str_replace(' ', '_', $this->mTitle->getBaseText()))); break; case 'talkpagename': if ($this->mTitle->canTalk()) { $talkPage = $this->mTitle->getTalkPage(); $value = wfEscapeWikiText($talkPage->getPrefixedText()); } else { $value = ''; } break; case 'talkpagenamee': if ($this->mTitle->canTalk()) { $talkPage = $this->mTitle->getTalkPage(); $value = wfEscapeWikiText($talkPage->getPrefixedURL()); } else { $value = ''; } break; case 'subjectpagename': $subjPage = $this->mTitle->getSubjectPage(); $value = wfEscapeWikiText($subjPage->getPrefixedText()); break; case 'subjectpagenamee': $subjPage = $this->mTitle->getSubjectPage(); $value = wfEscapeWikiText($subjPage->getPrefixedURL()); break; case 'pageid': // requested in bug 23427 $pageid = $this->getTitle()->getArticleID(); if ($pageid == 0) { # 0 means the page doesn't exist in the database, # which means the user is previewing a new page. # The vary-revision flag must be set, because the magic word # will have a different value once the page is saved. $this->mOutput->setFlag('vary-revision'); wfDebug(__METHOD__ . ": {{PAGEID}} used in a new page, setting vary-revision...\n"); } $value = $pageid ? $pageid : null; break; case 'revisionid': # Let the edit saving system know we should parse the page # *after* a revision ID has been assigned. $this->mOutput->setFlag('vary-revision'); wfDebug(__METHOD__ . ": {{REVISIONID}} used, setting vary-revision...\n"); $value = $this->mRevisionId; break; case 'revisionday': # Let the edit saving system know we should parse the page # *after* a revision ID has been assigned. This is for null edits. $this->mOutput->setFlag('vary-revision'); wfDebug(__METHOD__ . ": {{REVISIONDAY}} used, setting vary-revision...\n"); $value = intval(substr($this->getRevisionTimestamp(), 6, 2)); break; case 'revisionday2': # Let the edit saving system know we should parse the page # *after* a revision ID has been assigned. This is for null edits. $this->mOutput->setFlag('vary-revision'); wfDebug(__METHOD__ . ": {{REVISIONDAY2}} used, setting vary-revision...\n"); $value = substr($this->getRevisionTimestamp(), 6, 2); break; case 'revisionmonth': # Let the edit saving system know we should parse the page # *after* a revision ID has been assigned. This is for null edits. $this->mOutput->setFlag('vary-revision'); wfDebug(__METHOD__ . ": {{REVISIONMONTH}} used, setting vary-revision...\n"); $value = substr($this->getRevisionTimestamp(), 4, 2); break; case 'revisionmonth1': # Let the edit saving system know we should parse the page # *after* a revision ID has been assigned. This is for null edits. $this->mOutput->setFlag('vary-revision'); wfDebug(__METHOD__ . ": {{REVISIONMONTH1}} used, setting vary-revision...\n"); $value = intval(substr($this->getRevisionTimestamp(), 4, 2)); break; case 'revisionyear': # Let the edit saving system know we should parse the page # *after* a revision ID has been assigned. This is for null edits. $this->mOutput->setFlag('vary-revision'); wfDebug(__METHOD__ . ": {{REVISIONYEAR}} used, setting vary-revision...\n"); $value = substr($this->getRevisionTimestamp(), 0, 4); break; case 'revisiontimestamp': # Let the edit saving system know we should parse the page # *after* a revision ID has been assigned. This is for null edits. $this->mOutput->setFlag('vary-revision'); wfDebug(__METHOD__ . ": {{REVISIONTIMESTAMP}} used, setting vary-revision...\n"); $value = $this->getRevisionTimestamp(); break; case 'revisionuser': # Let the edit saving system know we should parse the page # *after* a revision ID has been assigned. This is for null edits. $this->mOutput->setFlag('vary-revision'); wfDebug(__METHOD__ . ": {{REVISIONUSER}} used, setting vary-revision...\n"); $value = $this->getRevisionUser(); break; case 'revisionsize': # Let the edit saving system know we should parse the page # *after* a revision ID has been assigned. This is for null edits. $this->mOutput->setFlag('vary-revision'); wfDebug(__METHOD__ . ": {{REVISIONSIZE}} used, setting vary-revision...\n"); $value = $this->getRevisionSize(); break; case 'namespace': $value = str_replace('_', ' ', $wgContLang->getNsText($this->mTitle->getNamespace())); break; case 'namespacee': $value = wfUrlencode($wgContLang->getNsText($this->mTitle->getNamespace())); break; case 'namespacenumber': $value = $this->mTitle->getNamespace(); break; case 'talkspace': $value = $this->mTitle->canTalk() ? str_replace('_', ' ', $this->mTitle->getTalkNsText()) : ''; break; case 'talkspacee': $value = $this->mTitle->canTalk() ? wfUrlencode($this->mTitle->getTalkNsText()) : ''; break; case 'subjectspace': $value = str_replace('_', ' ', $this->mTitle->getSubjectNsText()); break; case 'subjectspacee': $value = wfUrlencode($this->mTitle->getSubjectNsText()); break; case 'currentdayname': $value = $pageLang->getWeekdayName((int) MWTimestamp::getInstance($ts)->format('w') + 1); break; case 'currentyear': $value = $pageLang->formatNum(MWTimestamp::getInstance($ts)->format('Y'), true); break; case 'currenttime': $value = $pageLang->time(wfTimestamp(TS_MW, $ts), false, false); break; case 'currenthour': $value = $pageLang->formatNum(MWTimestamp::getInstance($ts)->format('H'), true); break; case 'currentweek': # @bug 4594 PHP5 has it zero padded, PHP4 does not, cast to # int to remove the padding $value = $pageLang->formatNum((int) MWTimestamp::getInstance($ts)->format('W')); break; case 'currentdow': $value = $pageLang->formatNum(MWTimestamp::getInstance($ts)->format('w')); break; case 'localdayname': $value = $pageLang->getWeekdayName((int) MWTimestamp::getLocalInstance($ts)->format('w') + 1); break; case 'localyear': $value = $pageLang->formatNum(MWTimestamp::getLocalInstance($ts)->format('Y'), true); break; case 'localtime': $value = $pageLang->time(MWTimestamp::getLocalInstance($ts)->format('YmdHis'), false, false); break; case 'localhour': $value = $pageLang->formatNum(MWTimestamp::getLocalInstance($ts)->format('H'), true); break; case 'localweek': # @bug 4594 PHP5 has it zero padded, PHP4 does not, cast to # int to remove the padding $value = $pageLang->formatNum((int) MWTimestamp::getLocalInstance($ts)->format('W')); break; case 'localdow': $value = $pageLang->formatNum(MWTimestamp::getLocalInstance($ts)->format('w')); break; case 'numberofarticles': $value = $pageLang->formatNum(SiteStats::articles()); break; case 'numberoffiles': $value = $pageLang->formatNum(SiteStats::images()); break; case 'numberofusers': $value = $pageLang->formatNum(SiteStats::users()); break; case 'numberofactiveusers': $value = $pageLang->formatNum(SiteStats::activeUsers()); break; case 'numberofpages': $value = $pageLang->formatNum(SiteStats::pages()); break; case 'numberofadmins': $value = $pageLang->formatNum(SiteStats::numberingroup('sysop')); break; case 'numberofedits': $value = $pageLang->formatNum(SiteStats::edits()); break; case 'numberofviews': global $wgDisableCounters; $value = !$wgDisableCounters ? $pageLang->formatNum(SiteStats::views()) : ''; break; case 'currenttimestamp': $value = wfTimestamp(TS_MW, $ts); break; case 'localtimestamp': $value = MWTimestamp::getLocalInstance($ts)->format('YmdHis'); break; case 'currentversion': $value = SpecialVersion::getVersion(); break; case 'articlepath': return $wgArticlePath; case 'sitename': return $wgSitename; case 'server': return $wgServer; case 'servername': $serverParts = wfParseUrl($wgServer); return $serverParts && isset($serverParts['host']) ? $serverParts['host'] : $wgServer; case 'scriptpath': return $wgScriptPath; case 'stylepath': return $wgStylePath; case 'directionmark': return $pageLang->getDirMark(); case 'contentlanguage': global $wgLanguageCode; return $wgLanguageCode; case 'cascadingsources': $value = CoreParserFunctions::cascadingsources($this); break; default: $ret = null; wfRunHooks('ParserGetVariableValueSwitch', array(&$this, &$this->mVarCache, &$index, &$ret, &$frame)); return $ret; } if ($index) { $this->mVarCache[$index] = $value; } return $value; }
public static function numberoffiles($parser, $raw = null) { return self::formatRaw(SiteStats::images(), $raw); }
/** * Return value of a magic variable (like PAGENAME) * * @private */ function getVariableValue($index) { global $wgContLang, $wgSitename, $wgServer, $wgServerName, $wgScriptPath; /** * Some of these require message or data lookups and can be * expensive to check many times. */ if (wfRunHooks('ParserGetVariableValueVarCache', array(&$this, &$this->mVarCache))) { if (isset($this->mVarCache[$index])) { return $this->mVarCache[$index]; } } $ts = wfTimestamp(TS_UNIX, $this->mOptions->getTimestamp()); wfRunHooks('ParserGetVariableValueTs', array(&$this, &$ts)); # Use the time zone global $wgLocaltimezone; if (isset($wgLocaltimezone)) { $oldtz = getenv('TZ'); putenv('TZ=' . $wgLocaltimezone); } wfSuppressWarnings(); // E_STRICT system time bitching $localTimestamp = date('YmdHis', $ts); $localMonth = date('m', $ts); $localMonthName = date('n', $ts); $localDay = date('j', $ts); $localDay2 = date('d', $ts); $localDayOfWeek = date('w', $ts); $localWeek = date('W', $ts); $localYear = date('Y', $ts); $localHour = date('H', $ts); if (isset($wgLocaltimezone)) { putenv('TZ=' . $oldtz); } wfRestoreWarnings(); switch ($index) { case 'currentmonth': return $this->mVarCache[$index] = $wgContLang->formatNum(gmdate('m', $ts)); case 'currentmonthname': return $this->mVarCache[$index] = $wgContLang->getMonthName(gmdate('n', $ts)); case 'currentmonthnamegen': return $this->mVarCache[$index] = $wgContLang->getMonthNameGen(gmdate('n', $ts)); case 'currentmonthabbrev': return $this->mVarCache[$index] = $wgContLang->getMonthAbbreviation(gmdate('n', $ts)); case 'currentday': return $this->mVarCache[$index] = $wgContLang->formatNum(gmdate('j', $ts)); case 'currentday2': return $this->mVarCache[$index] = $wgContLang->formatNum(gmdate('d', $ts)); case 'localmonth': return $this->mVarCache[$index] = $wgContLang->formatNum($localMonth); case 'localmonthname': return $this->mVarCache[$index] = $wgContLang->getMonthName($localMonthName); case 'localmonthnamegen': return $this->mVarCache[$index] = $wgContLang->getMonthNameGen($localMonthName); case 'localmonthabbrev': return $this->mVarCache[$index] = $wgContLang->getMonthAbbreviation($localMonthName); case 'localday': return $this->mVarCache[$index] = $wgContLang->formatNum($localDay); case 'localday2': return $this->mVarCache[$index] = $wgContLang->formatNum($localDay2); case 'pagename': return wfEscapeWikiText($this->mTitle->getText()); case 'pagenamee': return $this->mTitle->getPartialURL(); case 'fullpagename': return wfEscapeWikiText($this->mTitle->getPrefixedText()); case 'fullpagenamee': return $this->mTitle->getPrefixedURL(); case 'subpagename': return wfEscapeWikiText($this->mTitle->getSubpageText()); case 'subpagenamee': return $this->mTitle->getSubpageUrlForm(); case 'basepagename': return wfEscapeWikiText($this->mTitle->getBaseText()); case 'basepagenamee': return wfUrlEncode(str_replace(' ', '_', $this->mTitle->getBaseText())); case 'talkpagename': if ($this->mTitle->canTalk()) { $talkPage = $this->mTitle->getTalkPage(); return wfEscapeWikiText($talkPage->getPrefixedText()); } else { return ''; } case 'talkpagenamee': if ($this->mTitle->canTalk()) { $talkPage = $this->mTitle->getTalkPage(); return $talkPage->getPrefixedUrl(); } else { return ''; } case 'subjectpagename': $subjPage = $this->mTitle->getSubjectPage(); return wfEscapeWikiText($subjPage->getPrefixedText()); case 'subjectpagenamee': $subjPage = $this->mTitle->getSubjectPage(); return $subjPage->getPrefixedUrl(); case 'revisionid': // Let the edit saving system know we should parse the page // *after* a revision ID has been assigned. $this->mOutput->setFlag('vary-revision'); wfDebug(__METHOD__ . ": {{REVISIONID}} used, setting vary-revision...\n"); return $this->mRevisionId; case 'revisionday': // Let the edit saving system know we should parse the page // *after* a revision ID has been assigned. This is for null edits. $this->mOutput->setFlag('vary-revision'); wfDebug(__METHOD__ . ": {{REVISIONDAY}} used, setting vary-revision...\n"); return intval(substr($this->getRevisionTimestamp(), 6, 2)); case 'revisionday2': // Let the edit saving system know we should parse the page // *after* a revision ID has been assigned. This is for null edits. $this->mOutput->setFlag('vary-revision'); wfDebug(__METHOD__ . ": {{REVISIONDAY2}} used, setting vary-revision...\n"); return substr($this->getRevisionTimestamp(), 6, 2); case 'revisionmonth': // Let the edit saving system know we should parse the page // *after* a revision ID has been assigned. This is for null edits. $this->mOutput->setFlag('vary-revision'); wfDebug(__METHOD__ . ": {{REVISIONMONTH}} used, setting vary-revision...\n"); return intval(substr($this->getRevisionTimestamp(), 4, 2)); case 'revisionyear': // Let the edit saving system know we should parse the page // *after* a revision ID has been assigned. This is for null edits. $this->mOutput->setFlag('vary-revision'); wfDebug(__METHOD__ . ": {{REVISIONYEAR}} used, setting vary-revision...\n"); return substr($this->getRevisionTimestamp(), 0, 4); case 'revisiontimestamp': // Let the edit saving system know we should parse the page // *after* a revision ID has been assigned. This is for null edits. $this->mOutput->setFlag('vary-revision'); wfDebug(__METHOD__ . ": {{REVISIONTIMESTAMP}} used, setting vary-revision...\n"); return $this->getRevisionTimestamp(); case 'revisionuser': // Let the edit saving system know we should parse the page // *after* a revision ID has been assigned. This is for null edits. $this->mOutput->setFlag('vary-revision'); wfDebug(__METHOD__ . ": {{REVISIONUSER}} used, setting vary-revision...\n"); return $this->getRevisionUser(); case 'namespace': return str_replace('_', ' ', $wgContLang->getNsText($this->mTitle->getNamespace())); case 'namespacee': return wfUrlencode($wgContLang->getNsText($this->mTitle->getNamespace())); case 'talkspace': return $this->mTitle->canTalk() ? str_replace('_', ' ', $this->mTitle->getTalkNsText()) : ''; case 'talkspacee': return $this->mTitle->canTalk() ? wfUrlencode($this->mTitle->getTalkNsText()) : ''; case 'subjectspace': return $this->mTitle->getSubjectNsText(); case 'subjectspacee': return wfUrlencode($this->mTitle->getSubjectNsText()); case 'currentdayname': return $this->mVarCache[$index] = $wgContLang->getWeekdayName(gmdate('w', $ts) + 1); case 'currentyear': return $this->mVarCache[$index] = $wgContLang->formatNum(gmdate('Y', $ts), true); case 'currenttime': return $this->mVarCache[$index] = $wgContLang->time(wfTimestamp(TS_MW, $ts), false, false); case 'currenthour': return $this->mVarCache[$index] = $wgContLang->formatNum(gmdate('H', $ts), true); case 'currentweek': // @bug 4594 PHP5 has it zero padded, PHP4 does not, cast to // int to remove the padding return $this->mVarCache[$index] = $wgContLang->formatNum((int) gmdate('W', $ts)); case 'currentdow': return $this->mVarCache[$index] = $wgContLang->formatNum(gmdate('w', $ts)); case 'localdayname': return $this->mVarCache[$index] = $wgContLang->getWeekdayName($localDayOfWeek + 1); case 'localyear': return $this->mVarCache[$index] = $wgContLang->formatNum($localYear, true); case 'localtime': return $this->mVarCache[$index] = $wgContLang->time($localTimestamp, false, false); case 'localhour': return $this->mVarCache[$index] = $wgContLang->formatNum($localHour, true); case 'localweek': // @bug 4594 PHP5 has it zero padded, PHP4 does not, cast to // int to remove the padding return $this->mVarCache[$index] = $wgContLang->formatNum((int) $localWeek); case 'localdow': return $this->mVarCache[$index] = $wgContLang->formatNum($localDayOfWeek); case 'numberofarticles': return $this->mVarCache[$index] = $wgContLang->formatNum(SiteStats::articles()); case 'numberoffiles': return $this->mVarCache[$index] = $wgContLang->formatNum(SiteStats::images()); case 'numberofusers': return $this->mVarCache[$index] = $wgContLang->formatNum(SiteStats::users()); case 'numberofactiveusers': return $this->mVarCache[$index] = $wgContLang->formatNum(SiteStats::activeUsers()); case 'numberofpages': return $this->mVarCache[$index] = $wgContLang->formatNum(SiteStats::pages()); case 'numberofadmins': return $this->mVarCache[$index] = $wgContLang->formatNum(SiteStats::numberingroup('sysop')); case 'numberofedits': return $this->mVarCache[$index] = $wgContLang->formatNum(SiteStats::edits()); case 'numberofviews': return $this->mVarCache[$index] = $wgContLang->formatNum(SiteStats::views()); case 'currenttimestamp': return $this->mVarCache[$index] = wfTimestamp(TS_MW, $ts); case 'localtimestamp': return $this->mVarCache[$index] = $localTimestamp; case 'currentversion': return $this->mVarCache[$index] = SpecialVersion::getVersion(); case 'sitename': return $wgSitename; case 'server': return $wgServer; case 'servername': return $wgServerName; case 'scriptpath': return $wgScriptPath; case 'directionmark': return $wgContLang->getDirMark(); case 'contentlanguage': global $wgContLanguageCode; return $wgContLanguageCode; default: $ret = null; if (wfRunHooks('ParserGetVariableValueSwitch', array(&$this, &$this->mVarCache, &$index, &$ret))) { return $ret; } else { return null; } } }
protected function appendStatistics($property) { global $wgDisableCounters; $data = array(); $data['pages'] = intval(SiteStats::pages()); $data['articles'] = intval(SiteStats::articles()); if (!$wgDisableCounters) { $data['views'] = intval(SiteStats::views()); } $data['edits'] = intval(SiteStats::edits()); $data['images'] = intval(SiteStats::images()); $data['users'] = intval(SiteStats::users()); $data['activeusers'] = intval(SiteStats::activeUsers()); $data['admins'] = intval(SiteStats::numberingroup('sysop')); $data['jobs'] = intval(SiteStats::jobs()); // Wikia change begin // @author macbre wfRunHooks('APIQuerySiteInfoStatistics', array($this, &$data)); // Wikia change end return $this->getResult()->addValue('query', $property, $data); }
protected function appendStatistics($property) { $data = array(); $data['pages'] = intval(SiteStats::pages()); $data['articles'] = intval(SiteStats::articles()); $data['views'] = intval(SiteStats::views()); $data['edits'] = intval(SiteStats::edits()); $data['images'] = intval(SiteStats::images()); $data['users'] = intval(SiteStats::users()); $data['admins'] = intval(SiteStats::admins()); $data['jobs'] = intval(SiteStats::jobs()); $this->getResult()->addValue('query', $property, $data); }
/** * Return value of a magic variable (like PAGENAME) * * @private * * @param $index integer * @param $frame PPFrame * * @return string */ function getVariableValue($index, $frame = false) { global $wgContLang, $wgSitename, $wgServer; global $wgArticlePath, $wgScriptPath, $wgStylePath; if (is_null($this->mTitle)) { // If no title set, bad things are going to happen // later. Title should always be set since this // should only be called in the middle of a parse // operation (but the unit-tests do funky stuff) throw new MWException(__METHOD__ . ' Should only be ' . ' called while parsing (no title set)'); } /** * Some of these require message or data lookups and can be * expensive to check many times. */ if (wfRunHooks('ParserGetVariableValueVarCache', array(&$this, &$this->mVarCache))) { if (isset($this->mVarCache[$index])) { return $this->mVarCache[$index]; } } $ts = wfTimestamp(TS_UNIX, $this->mOptions->getTimestamp()); wfRunHooks('ParserGetVariableValueTs', array(&$this, &$ts)); # Use the time zone global $wgLocaltimezone; if (isset($wgLocaltimezone)) { $oldtz = date_default_timezone_get(); date_default_timezone_set($wgLocaltimezone); } $localTimestamp = date('YmdHis', $ts); $localMonth = date('m', $ts); $localMonth1 = date('n', $ts); $localMonthName = date('n', $ts); $localDay = date('j', $ts); $localDay2 = date('d', $ts); $localDayOfWeek = date('w', $ts); $localWeek = date('W', $ts); $localYear = date('Y', $ts); $localHour = date('H', $ts); if (isset($wgLocaltimezone)) { date_default_timezone_set($oldtz); } $pageLang = $this->getFunctionLang(); switch ($index) { case 'currentmonth': $value = $pageLang->formatNum(gmdate('m', $ts)); break; case 'currentmonth1': $value = $pageLang->formatNum(gmdate('n', $ts)); break; case 'currentmonthname': $value = $pageLang->getMonthName(gmdate('n', $ts)); break; case 'currentmonthnamegen': $value = $pageLang->getMonthNameGen(gmdate('n', $ts)); break; case 'currentmonthabbrev': $value = $pageLang->getMonthAbbreviation(gmdate('n', $ts)); break; case 'currentday': $value = $pageLang->formatNum(gmdate('j', $ts)); break; case 'currentday2': $value = $pageLang->formatNum(gmdate('d', $ts)); break; case 'localmonth': $value = $pageLang->formatNum($localMonth); break; case 'localmonth1': $value = $pageLang->formatNum($localMonth1); break; case 'localmonthname': $value = $pageLang->getMonthName($localMonthName); break; case 'localmonthnamegen': $value = $pageLang->getMonthNameGen($localMonthName); break; case 'localmonthabbrev': $value = $pageLang->getMonthAbbreviation($localMonthName); break; case 'localday': $value = $pageLang->formatNum($localDay); break; case 'localday2': $value = $pageLang->formatNum($localDay2); break; case 'pagename': $value = wfEscapeWikiText($this->mTitle->getText()); break; case 'pagenamee': $value = wfEscapeWikiText($this->mTitle->getPartialURL()); break; case 'fullpagename': $value = wfEscapeWikiText($this->mTitle->getPrefixedText()); break; case 'fullpagenamee': $value = wfEscapeWikiText($this->mTitle->getPrefixedURL()); break; case 'subpagename': $value = wfEscapeWikiText($this->mTitle->getSubpageText()); break; case 'subpagenamee': $value = wfEscapeWikiText($this->mTitle->getSubpageUrlForm()); break; case 'basepagename': $value = wfEscapeWikiText($this->mTitle->getBaseText()); break; case 'basepagenamee': $value = wfEscapeWikiText(wfUrlEncode(str_replace(' ', '_', $this->mTitle->getBaseText()))); break; case 'talkpagename': if ($this->mTitle->canTalk()) { $talkPage = $this->mTitle->getTalkPage(); $value = wfEscapeWikiText($talkPage->getPrefixedText()); } else { $value = ''; } break; case 'talkpagenamee': if ($this->mTitle->canTalk()) { $talkPage = $this->mTitle->getTalkPage(); $value = wfEscapeWikiText($talkPage->getPrefixedUrl()); } else { $value = ''; } break; case 'subjectpagename': $subjPage = $this->mTitle->getSubjectPage(); $value = wfEscapeWikiText($subjPage->getPrefixedText()); break; case 'subjectpagenamee': $subjPage = $this->mTitle->getSubjectPage(); $value = wfEscapeWikiText($subjPage->getPrefixedUrl()); break; case 'revisionid': # Let the edit saving system know we should parse the page # *after* a revision ID has been assigned. $this->mOutput->setFlag('vary-revision'); wfDebug(__METHOD__ . ": {{REVISIONID}} used, setting vary-revision...\n"); $value = $this->mRevisionId; break; case 'revisionday': # Let the edit saving system know we should parse the page # *after* a revision ID has been assigned. This is for null edits. $this->mOutput->setFlag('vary-revision'); wfDebug(__METHOD__ . ": {{REVISIONDAY}} used, setting vary-revision...\n"); $value = intval(substr($this->getRevisionTimestamp(), 6, 2)); break; case 'revisionday2': # Let the edit saving system know we should parse the page # *after* a revision ID has been assigned. This is for null edits. $this->mOutput->setFlag('vary-revision'); wfDebug(__METHOD__ . ": {{REVISIONDAY2}} used, setting vary-revision...\n"); $value = substr($this->getRevisionTimestamp(), 6, 2); break; case 'revisionmonth': # Let the edit saving system know we should parse the page # *after* a revision ID has been assigned. This is for null edits. $this->mOutput->setFlag('vary-revision'); wfDebug(__METHOD__ . ": {{REVISIONMONTH}} used, setting vary-revision...\n"); $value = substr($this->getRevisionTimestamp(), 4, 2); break; case 'revisionmonth1': # Let the edit saving system know we should parse the page # *after* a revision ID has been assigned. This is for null edits. $this->mOutput->setFlag('vary-revision'); wfDebug(__METHOD__ . ": {{REVISIONMONTH1}} used, setting vary-revision...\n"); $value = intval(substr($this->getRevisionTimestamp(), 4, 2)); break; case 'revisionyear': # Let the edit saving system know we should parse the page # *after* a revision ID has been assigned. This is for null edits. $this->mOutput->setFlag('vary-revision'); wfDebug(__METHOD__ . ": {{REVISIONYEAR}} used, setting vary-revision...\n"); $value = substr($this->getRevisionTimestamp(), 0, 4); break; case 'revisiontimestamp': # Let the edit saving system know we should parse the page # *after* a revision ID has been assigned. This is for null edits. $this->mOutput->setFlag('vary-revision'); wfDebug(__METHOD__ . ": {{REVISIONTIMESTAMP}} used, setting vary-revision...\n"); $value = $this->getRevisionTimestamp(); break; case 'revisionuser': # Let the edit saving system know we should parse the page # *after* a revision ID has been assigned. This is for null edits. $this->mOutput->setFlag('vary-revision'); wfDebug(__METHOD__ . ": {{REVISIONUSER}} used, setting vary-revision...\n"); $value = $this->getRevisionUser(); break; case 'namespace': $value = str_replace('_', ' ', $wgContLang->getNsText($this->mTitle->getNamespace())); break; case 'namespacee': $value = wfUrlencode($wgContLang->getNsText($this->mTitle->getNamespace())); break; case 'talkspace': $value = $this->mTitle->canTalk() ? str_replace('_', ' ', $this->mTitle->getTalkNsText()) : ''; break; case 'talkspacee': $value = $this->mTitle->canTalk() ? wfUrlencode($this->mTitle->getTalkNsText()) : ''; break; case 'subjectspace': $value = $this->mTitle->getSubjectNsText(); break; case 'subjectspacee': $value = wfUrlencode($this->mTitle->getSubjectNsText()); break; case 'currentdayname': $value = $pageLang->getWeekdayName(gmdate('w', $ts) + 1); break; case 'currentyear': $value = $pageLang->formatNum(gmdate('Y', $ts), true); break; case 'currenttime': $value = $pageLang->time(wfTimestamp(TS_MW, $ts), false, false); break; case 'currenthour': $value = $pageLang->formatNum(gmdate('H', $ts), true); break; case 'currentweek': # @bug 4594 PHP5 has it zero padded, PHP4 does not, cast to # int to remove the padding $value = $pageLang->formatNum((int) gmdate('W', $ts)); break; case 'currentdow': $value = $pageLang->formatNum(gmdate('w', $ts)); break; case 'localdayname': $value = $pageLang->getWeekdayName($localDayOfWeek + 1); break; case 'localyear': $value = $pageLang->formatNum($localYear, true); break; case 'localtime': $value = $pageLang->time($localTimestamp, false, false); break; case 'localhour': $value = $pageLang->formatNum($localHour, true); break; case 'localweek': # @bug 4594 PHP5 has it zero padded, PHP4 does not, cast to # int to remove the padding $value = $pageLang->formatNum((int) $localWeek); break; case 'localdow': $value = $pageLang->formatNum($localDayOfWeek); break; case 'numberofarticles': $value = $pageLang->formatNum(SiteStats::articles()); break; case 'numberoffiles': $value = $pageLang->formatNum(SiteStats::images()); break; case 'numberofusers': $value = $pageLang->formatNum(SiteStats::users()); break; case 'numberofactiveusers': $value = $pageLang->formatNum(SiteStats::activeUsers()); break; case 'numberofpages': $value = $pageLang->formatNum(SiteStats::pages()); break; case 'numberofadmins': $value = $pageLang->formatNum(SiteStats::numberingroup('sysop')); break; case 'numberofedits': $value = $pageLang->formatNum(SiteStats::edits()); break; case 'numberofviews': $value = $pageLang->formatNum(SiteStats::views()); break; case 'currenttimestamp': $value = wfTimestamp(TS_MW, $ts); break; case 'localtimestamp': $value = $localTimestamp; break; case 'currentversion': $value = SpecialVersion::getVersion(); break; case 'articlepath': return $wgArticlePath; case 'sitename': return $wgSitename; case 'server': return $wgServer; case 'servername': $serverParts = wfParseUrl($wgServer); return $serverParts && isset($serverParts['host']) ? $serverParts['host'] : $wgServer; case 'scriptpath': return $wgScriptPath; case 'stylepath': return $wgStylePath; case 'directionmark': return $pageLang->getDirMark(); case 'contentlanguage': global $wgLanguageCode; return $wgLanguageCode; default: $ret = null; if (wfRunHooks('ParserGetVariableValueSwitch', array(&$this, &$this->mVarCache, &$index, &$ret, &$frame))) { return $ret; } else { return null; } } if ($index) { $this->mVarCache[$index] = $value; } return $value; }
protected function appendStatistics($property) { $data = array(); $data['pages'] = intval(SiteStats::pages()); $data['articles'] = intval(SiteStats::articles()); if (!$this->getConfig()->get('DisableCounters')) { $data['views'] = intval(SiteStats::views()); } $data['edits'] = intval(SiteStats::edits()); $data['images'] = intval(SiteStats::images()); $data['users'] = intval(SiteStats::users()); $data['activeusers'] = intval(SiteStats::activeUsers()); $data['admins'] = intval(SiteStats::numberingroup('sysop')); $data['jobs'] = intval(SiteStats::jobs()); wfRunHooks('APIQuerySiteInfoStatisticsInfo', array(&$data)); return $this->getResult()->addValue('query', $property, $data); }
public function prepareVariables() { global $wgContLang, $wgSitename, $wgServer, $wgServerName, $wgScriptPath; global $wgContLanguageCode; global $wgTitle; $this->mRevisionId = $this->mTitle->getLatestRevID(); $ts = time(); # Use the time zone global $wgLocaltimezone; if (isset($wgLocaltimezone)) { $oldtz = getenv('TZ'); putenv('TZ=' . $wgLocaltimezone); } wfSuppressWarnings(); // E_STRICT system time bitching $localTimestamp = date('YmdHis', $ts); $localMonth = date('m', $ts); $localMonthName = date('n', $ts); $localDay = date('j', $ts); $localDay2 = date('d', $ts); $localDayOfWeek = date('w', $ts); $localWeek = date('W', $ts); $localYear = date('Y', $ts); $localHour = date('H', $ts); if (isset($wgLocaltimezone)) { putenv('TZ=' . $oldtz); } wfRestoreWarnings(); // some simpler ones... $w2lVars = array('currentmonth' => $wgContLang->formatNum(gmdate('m', $ts)), 'currentmonthname' => $wgContLang->getMonthName(gmdate('n', $ts)), 'currentmonthnamegen' => $wgContLang->getMonthNameGen(gmdate('n', $ts)), 'currentmonthabbrev' => $wgContLang->getMonthAbbreviation(gmdate('n', $ts)), 'currentday' => $wgContLang->formatNum(gmdate('j', $ts)), 'currentday2' => $wgContLang->formatNum(gmdate('d', $ts)), 'localmonth' => $wgContLang->formatNum($localMonth), 'localmonthname' => $wgContLang->getMonthName($localMonthName), 'localmonthnamegen' => $wgContLang->getMonthNameGen($localMonthName), 'localmonthabbrev' => $wgContLang->getMonthAbbreviation($localMonthName), 'localday' => $wgContLang->formatNum($localDay), 'localday2' => $wgContLang->formatNum($localDay2), 'pagename' => wfEscapeWikiText($this->mTitle->getText()), 'pagenamee' => $this->mTitle->getPartialURL(), 'fullpagename' => wfEscapeWikiText($this->mTitle->getPrefixedText()), 'fullpagenamee' => $this->mTitle->getPrefixedURL(), 'subpagename' => wfEscapeWikiText($this->mTitle->getSubpageText()), 'subpagenamee' => $this->mTitle->getSubpageUrlForm(), 'basepagename' => wfEscapeWikiText($this->mTitle->getBaseText()), 'basepagenamee' => wfUrlEncode(str_replace(' ', '_', $this->mTitle->getBaseText())), 'revisionid' => $this->mRevisionId, 'revisionday' => intval(substr($this->getRevisionTimestamp(), 6, 2)), 'revisionday2' => substr($this->getRevisionTimestamp(), 6, 2), 'revisionmonth' => substr($this->getRevisionTimestamp(), 4, 2), 'revisionmonth1' => intval(substr($this->getRevisionTimestamp(), 4, 2)), 'revisionyear' => substr($this->getRevisionTimestamp(), 0, 4), 'revisiontimestamp' => $this->getRevisionTimestamp(), 'namespace' => str_replace('_', ' ', $wgContLang->getNsText($this->mTitle->getNamespace())), 'namespacee' => wfUrlencode($wgContLang->getNsText($this->mTitle->getNamespace())), 'talkspace' => $this->mTitle->canTalk() ? str_replace('_', ' ', $this->mTitle->getTalkNsText()) : '', 'talkspacee' => $this->mTitle->canTalk() ? wfUrlencode($this->mTitle->getTalkNsText()) : '', 'subjectspace' => $this->mTitle->getSubjectNsText(), 'subjectspacee' => wfUrlencode($this->mTitle->getSubjectNsText()), 'currentdayname' => $wgContLang->getWeekdayName(gmdate('w', $ts) + 1), 'currentyear' => $wgContLang->formatNum(gmdate('Y', $ts), true), 'currenttime' => $wgContLang->time(wfTimestamp(TS_MW, $ts), false, false), 'currenthour' => $wgContLang->formatNum(gmdate('H', $ts), true), 'currentweek' => $wgContLang->formatNum((int) gmdate('W', $ts)), 'currentdow' => $wgContLang->formatNum(gmdate('w', $ts)), 'localdayname' => $wgContLang->getWeekdayName($localDayOfWeek + 1), 'localyear' => $wgContLang->formatNum($localYear, true), 'localtime' => $wgContLang->time($localTimestamp, false, false), 'localhour' => $wgContLang->formatNum($localHour, true), 'localweek' => $wgContLang->formatNum((int) $localWeek), 'localdow' => $wgContLang->formatNum($localDayOfWeek), 'numberofarticles' => $wgContLang->formatNum(SiteStats::articles()), 'numberoffiles' => $wgContLang->formatNum(SiteStats::images()), 'numberofusers' => $wgContLang->formatNum(SiteStats::users()), 'numberofpages' => $wgContLang->formatNum(SiteStats::pages()), 'numberofadmins' => $wgContLang->formatNum(SiteStats::numberingroup('sysop')), 'numberofedits' => $wgContLang->formatNum(SiteStats::edits()), 'currenttimestamp' => wfTimestampNow(), 'localtimestamp' => $localTimestamp, 'currentversion' => SpecialVersion::getVersion(), 'sitename' => $wgSitename, 'server' => $wgServer, 'servername' => $wgServerName, 'scriptpath' => $wgScriptPath, 'directionmark' => $wgContLang->getDirMark(), 'contentlanguage' => $wgContLanguageCode, 'pageid' => $this->mTitle->getArticleID(), 'namespacenumber' => $this->mTitle->getNamespace(), 'numberofactiveusers' => $wgContLang->formatNum(SiteStats::activeUsers()), 'revisionuser' => $this->mRevision->getUserText(), 'stylepath' => $wgStylePath); // These are a bit more complicated... //case 'talkpagename': if ($this->mTitle->canTalk()) { $talkPage = $this->mTitle->getTalkPage(); $talkpagename = wfEscapeWikiText($talkPage->getPrefixedText()); } else { $talkpagename = ''; } $w2lVars['talkpagename'] = $talkpagename; //case 'talkpagenamee': if ($this->mTitle->canTalk()) { $talkPage = $this->mTitle->getTalkPage(); $talkpagenamee = $talkPage->getPrefixedUrl(); } else { $talkpagenamee = ''; } $w2lVars['talkpagenamee'] = $talkpagenamee; //case 'subjectpagename': $subjPage = $this->mTitle->getSubjectPage(); $w2lVars['subjectpagename'] = wfEscapeWikiText($subjPage->getPrefixedText()); $w2lVars['subjectpagenamee'] = $subjPage->getPrefixedUrl(); wfRunHooks('w2lTemplateVars', array(&$this, &$w2lVars)); $w2lVars = array_change_key_case($w2lVars, CASE_UPPER); return $w2lVars; }
/** * Return value of a magic variable (like PAGENAME) * * @private */ function getVariableValue($index) { global $wgContLang, $wgSitename, $wgServer, $wgServerName, $wgScriptPath; /** * Some of these require message or data lookups and can be * expensive to check many times. */ static $varCache = array(); if (wfRunHooks('ParserGetVariableValueVarCache', array(&$this, &$varCache))) { if (isset($varCache[$index])) { return $varCache[$index]; } } $ts = time(); wfRunHooks('ParserGetVariableValueTs', array(&$this, &$ts)); # Use the time zone global $wgLocaltimezone; if (isset($wgLocaltimezone)) { $oldtz = getenv('TZ'); putenv('TZ=' . $wgLocaltimezone); } $localTimestamp = date('YmdHis', $ts); $localMonth = date('m', $ts); $localMonthName = date('n', $ts); $localDay = date('j', $ts); $localDay2 = date('d', $ts); $localDayOfWeek = date('w', $ts); $localWeek = date('W', $ts); $localYear = date('Y', $ts); $localHour = date('H', $ts); if (isset($wgLocaltimezone)) { putenv('TZ=' . $oldtz); } switch ($index) { case 'currentmonth': return $varCache[$index] = $wgContLang->formatNum(date('m', $ts)); case 'currentmonthname': return $varCache[$index] = $wgContLang->getMonthName(date('n', $ts)); case 'currentmonthnamegen': return $varCache[$index] = $wgContLang->getMonthNameGen(date('n', $ts)); case 'currentmonthabbrev': return $varCache[$index] = $wgContLang->getMonthAbbreviation(date('n', $ts)); case 'currentday': return $varCache[$index] = $wgContLang->formatNum(date('j', $ts)); case 'currentday2': return $varCache[$index] = $wgContLang->formatNum(date('d', $ts)); case 'localmonth': return $varCache[$index] = $wgContLang->formatNum($localMonth); case 'localmonthname': return $varCache[$index] = $wgContLang->getMonthName($localMonthName); case 'localmonthnamegen': return $varCache[$index] = $wgContLang->getMonthNameGen($localMonthName); case 'localmonthabbrev': return $varCache[$index] = $wgContLang->getMonthAbbreviation($localMonthName); case 'localday': return $varCache[$index] = $wgContLang->formatNum($localDay); case 'localday2': return $varCache[$index] = $wgContLang->formatNum($localDay2); case 'pagename': return $this->mTitle->getText(); case 'pagenamee': return $this->mTitle->getPartialURL(); case 'fullpagename': return $this->mTitle->getPrefixedText(); case 'fullpagenamee': return $this->mTitle->getPrefixedURL(); case 'subpagename': return $this->mTitle->getSubpageText(); case 'subpagenamee': return $this->mTitle->getSubpageUrlForm(); case 'basepagename': return $this->mTitle->getBaseText(); case 'basepagenamee': return wfUrlEncode(str_replace(' ', '_', $this->mTitle->getBaseText())); case 'talkpagename': if ($this->mTitle->canTalk()) { $talkPage = $this->mTitle->getTalkPage(); return $talkPage->getPrefixedText(); } else { return ''; } case 'talkpagenamee': if ($this->mTitle->canTalk()) { $talkPage = $this->mTitle->getTalkPage(); return $talkPage->getPrefixedUrl(); } else { return ''; } case 'subjectpagename': $subjPage = $this->mTitle->getSubjectPage(); return $subjPage->getPrefixedText(); case 'subjectpagenamee': $subjPage = $this->mTitle->getSubjectPage(); return $subjPage->getPrefixedUrl(); case 'revisionid': return $this->mRevisionId; case 'revisionday': return intval(substr($this->getRevisionTimestamp(), 6, 2)); case 'revisionday2': return substr($this->getRevisionTimestamp(), 6, 2); case 'revisionmonth': return intval(substr($this->getRevisionTimestamp(), 4, 2)); case 'revisionyear': return substr($this->getRevisionTimestamp(), 0, 4); case 'revisiontimestamp': return $this->getRevisionTimestamp(); case 'namespace': return str_replace('_', ' ', $wgContLang->getNsText($this->mTitle->getNamespace())); case 'namespacee': return wfUrlencode($wgContLang->getNsText($this->mTitle->getNamespace())); case 'talkspace': return $this->mTitle->canTalk() ? str_replace('_', ' ', $this->mTitle->getTalkNsText()) : ''; case 'talkspacee': return $this->mTitle->canTalk() ? wfUrlencode($this->mTitle->getTalkNsText()) : ''; case 'subjectspace': return $this->mTitle->getSubjectNsText(); case 'subjectspacee': return wfUrlencode($this->mTitle->getSubjectNsText()); case 'currentdayname': return $varCache[$index] = $wgContLang->getWeekdayName(date('w', $ts) + 1); case 'currentyear': return $varCache[$index] = $wgContLang->formatNum(date('Y', $ts), true); case 'currenttime': return $varCache[$index] = $wgContLang->time(wfTimestamp(TS_MW, $ts), false, false); case 'currenthour': return $varCache[$index] = $wgContLang->formatNum(date('H', $ts), true); case 'currentweek': // @bug 4594 PHP5 has it zero padded, PHP4 does not, cast to // int to remove the padding return $varCache[$index] = $wgContLang->formatNum((int) date('W', $ts)); case 'currentdow': return $varCache[$index] = $wgContLang->formatNum(date('w', $ts)); case 'localdayname': return $varCache[$index] = $wgContLang->getWeekdayName($localDayOfWeek + 1); case 'localyear': return $varCache[$index] = $wgContLang->formatNum($localYear, true); case 'localtime': return $varCache[$index] = $wgContLang->time($localTimestamp, false, false); case 'localhour': return $varCache[$index] = $wgContLang->formatNum($localHour, true); case 'localweek': // @bug 4594 PHP5 has it zero padded, PHP4 does not, cast to // int to remove the padding return $varCache[$index] = $wgContLang->formatNum((int) $localWeek); case 'localdow': return $varCache[$index] = $wgContLang->formatNum($localDayOfWeek); case 'numberofarticles': return $varCache[$index] = $wgContLang->formatNum(SiteStats::articles()); case 'numberoffiles': return $varCache[$index] = $wgContLang->formatNum(SiteStats::images()); case 'numberofusers': return $varCache[$index] = $wgContLang->formatNum(SiteStats::users()); case 'numberofpages': return $varCache[$index] = $wgContLang->formatNum(SiteStats::pages()); case 'numberofadmins': return $varCache[$index] = $wgContLang->formatNum(SiteStats::admins()); case 'currenttimestamp': return $varCache[$index] = wfTimestampNow(); case 'localtimestamp': return $varCache[$index] = $localTimestamp; case 'currentversion': return $varCache[$index] = SpecialVersion::getVersion(); case 'sitename': return $wgSitename; case 'server': return $wgServer; case 'servername': return $wgServerName; case 'scriptpath': return $wgScriptPath; case 'directionmark': return $wgContLang->getDirMark(); case 'contentlanguage': global $wgContLanguageCode; return $wgContLanguageCode; default: $ret = null; if (wfRunHooks('ParserGetVariableValueSwitch', array(&$this, &$varCache, &$index, &$ret))) { return $ret; } else { return null; } } }
protected function appendStatistics($property) { $data = []; $data['pages'] = intval(SiteStats::pages()); $data['articles'] = intval(SiteStats::articles()); $data['edits'] = intval(SiteStats::edits()); $data['images'] = intval(SiteStats::images()); $data['users'] = intval(SiteStats::users()); $data['activeusers'] = intval(SiteStats::activeUsers()); $data['admins'] = intval(SiteStats::numberingroup('sysop')); $data['jobs'] = intval(SiteStats::jobs()); Hooks::run('APIQuerySiteInfoStatisticsInfo', [&$data]); return $this->getResult()->addValue('query', $property, $data); }
public function loadSiteStats() { global $wgDisableCounters; self::$siteStatsLoaded = true; return array(array('pages' => (int) SiteStats::pages(), 'articles' => (int) SiteStats::articles(), 'files' => (int) SiteStats::images(), 'edits' => (int) SiteStats::edits(), 'views' => $wgDisableCounters ? null : (int) SiteStats::views(), 'users' => (int) SiteStats::users(), 'activeUsers' => (int) SiteStats::activeUsers())); }