Esempio n. 1

/* Parameters contains:
 * - changelog: Summary of the changes
 * - collection: The collection the item belongs to
 * - key: The primary key value of the item
 * - message: A brief description of the event
 * - transition: The transition that triggered this service
 * Note that services are triggered *after* the change has been
 * made.  The only way you can undo changes in a service is by
 * using the cms.Versioning.Rex API if the collection in question
 * supports versioning (not all do).  Also, you can, if necessary,
 * create further modifications to the document, also via the
 * Rex API.
 * Transition is one of:
 * - delete
$default_domain = conf('Site', 'domain');
$mtime = time();
$rex = new Rex($parameters['collection']);
if (!$rex->collection || !$rex->info['Collection']['sitesearch_url']) {
$search = new SiteSearch();
foreach ($parameters['key'] as $key) {
    $search->delete(site_prefix() . '/index/' . sprintf($rex->info['Collection']['sitesearch_url'], $key));
Esempio n. 2
if (!isset($rex->info['Collection']['keywords_field'])) {
    $keywords = '';
} elseif (strpos($rex->info['Collection']['keywords_field'], ',') !== false) {
    $op = '';
    foreach (preg_split('/, ?/', $rex->info['Collection']['keywords_field']) as $f) {
        $keywords .= $op . $parameters['data'][$f];
        $op = ', ';
} else {
    $keywords = $parameters['data'][$rex->info['Collection']['keywords_field']];
$data = array('title' => $parameters['data'][$rex->title], 'url' => site_prefix() . '/index/' . sprintf($rex->info['Collection']['sitesearch_url'], $parameters['key']), 'description' => $description, 'keywords' => $keywords, 'body' => $parameters['data'][$rex->info['Collection']['body_field']], 'access' => $access, 'status' => $status, 'team' => $team, 'ctype' => $parameters['collection'], 'mtime' => (string) $mtime, 'domain' => $default_domain);
if ($parameters['collection'] == 'sitellite_filesystem') {
    $function = extractor_get_function('inc/data/' . $parameters['key']);
    if (!$function) {
        $data['body'] = $data['description'];
    } else {
        $new = $function('inc/data/' . $parameters['key']);
        if (!$new) {
            $data['body'] = $data['description'];
        } else {
            $data['body'] = $new;
$search = new SiteSearch();