public static function getDefaultFrom() { if (empty(static::$defaultFrom)) { static::$defaultFrom = 'hello@' . Site::getConfig('primary_hostname'); } return static::$defaultFrom; }
public function getName() { if ($parentHostname = \Site::getConfig('parent_hostname')) { return static::$handle . ' (' . $parentHostname . ')'; } else { return false; } }
/** * Constructs a Page that will render a given component class */ public static function createComponentPage($class) { $config = Site::getConfig(); $component = self::getInstance($class); $page = new HTMLPage(Site::Site()); $page->component = $component; return $page; }
static function __classLoaded() { if (empty(static::$siteName)) { static::$siteName = Site::getConfig('label'); } if (empty(static::$siteAbbr)) { static::$siteAbbr = preg_replace('/[^A-Z]/', '', static::$siteName); } }
public function testPoweredByHeader() { $ch = curl_init(); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_URL, sprintf('http://%s/api/test-api-status/v1', \Site::getConfig('primary_hostname'))); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, 1); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_HEADER, 1); $response = curl_exec($ch); $header_size = curl_getinfo($ch, CURLINFO_HEADER_SIZE); $header = substr($response, 0, $header_size); $this->assertRegExp('/^X-Powered-By:\\s*' . preg_quote(ApiRequestHandler::$poweredByHeader) . '\\s*$/m', $header); }
public static function __classLoaded() { parent::__classLoaded(); // generate cookie name if (!static::$cookieName) { static::$cookieName = 's_' . Site::getConfig('handle'); } // auto-detect cookie domain by trimming leading www. from current hostname if (!static::$cookieDomain) { static::$cookieDomain = preg_replace('/^www\\.([^.]+\\.[^.]+)$/i', '$1', $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST']); } }
public static function handleRequest() { if (extension_loaded('newrelic')) { newrelic_disable_autorum(); } // retrieve authentication attempt if ($GLOBALS['Session']->hasAccountLevel('Developer')) { $User = $GLOBALS['Session']->Person; } else { $authEngine = new \Sabre\HTTP\BasicAuth(); $authEngine->setRealm('Develop ' . \Site::$title); $authUserPass = $authEngine->getUserPass(); // try to get user $userClass = \User::$defaultClass; $User = $userClass::getByLogin($authUserPass[0], $authUserPass[1]); // send auth request if login is inadiquate if (!$User || !$User->hasAccountLevel('Developer')) { $authEngine->requireLogin(); die("You must login using a " . \Site::getConfig('primary_hostname') . " account with Developer access\n"); } } // store login to session if (isset($GLOBALS['Session'])) { $GLOBALS['Session'] = $GLOBALS['Session']->changeClass('UserSession', array('PersonID' => $User->ID)); } // detect base path $basePath = array_slice(\Site::$requestPath, 0, count(\Site::$resolvedPath)); // switch to JSON response mode if (static::peekPath() == 'json') { $basePath[] = static::$responseMode = static::shiftPath(); } // handle /develop request if ($_SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD'] == 'GET' && static::getResponseMode() == 'html' && !static::peekPath()) { \RequestHandler::respond('app/ext', array('App' => \Sencha_App::getByName('EmergenceEditor'), 'mode' => 'production', 'title' => 'EmergenceEditor')); } // initial and configure SabreDAV $server = new \Sabre\DAV\Server(new RootCollection()); $server->setBaseUri('/' . join('/', $basePath)); // The lock manager is reponsible for making sure users don't overwrite each others changes. Change 'data' to a different // directory, if you're storing your data somewhere else. # $lockBackend = new Sabre_DAV_Locks_Backend_FS('/tmp/dav-lock'); # $lockPlugin = new Sabre_DAV_Locks_Plugin($lockBackend); # $server->addPlugin($lockPlugin); // filter temporary files $server->addPlugin(new \Sabre\DAV\TemporaryFileFilterPlugin('/tmp/dav-tmp')); // ?mount support $server->addPlugin(new \Sabre\DAV\Mount\Plugin()); // emergence :) $server->addPlugin(new \Emergence\DAV\ServerPlugin()); // All we need to do now, is to fire up the server $server->exec(); }
function Dwoo_Plugin_versioned_url(Dwoo_Core $dwoo, $path, $source = 'site-root', $includeHost = false) { $trimmedPath = ltrim($path, '/'); if ($source == 'site-root') { $url = Site::getVersionedRootUrl($trimmedPath); if ($includeHost) { $url = (Site::getConfig('ssl') ? 'https' : 'http') . '://' . Site::getConfig('primary_hostname') . $url; } return $url; } else { return $path; } }
<?php use Emergence\Database\PostgresConnection; if (!PostgresConnection::hasDefaultInstance() && ($postgresConfig = Site::getConfig('postgres'))) { PostgresConnection::setDefaultInstance($postgresConfig); }
<?php use Emergence\Database\MysqlConnection; if (!MysqlConnection::hasDefaultInstance() && ($mysqlConfig = Site::getConfig('mysql'))) { MysqlConnection::setDefaultInstance($mysqlConfig); }
public static function resolveCollectionFromParent($path) { if (!Site::getConfig('parent_hostname')) { return false; } $fp = fopen('php://memory', 'w+'); $ch = curl_init(static::buildUrl($path)); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, $fp); $responseText = curl_exec($ch); $responseStatus = curl_getinfo($ch, CURLINFO_HTTP_CODE); $responseType = curl_getinfo($ch, CURLINFO_CONTENT_TYPE); if ($responseText === false || curl_errno($ch)) { throw new Exception('Failed to query parent site for collection: ' . curl_error($ch)); } if ($responseStatus != 300 || $responseType != 'application/vnd.emergence.tree+json') { return false; } return json_decode($responseText, true); }
public static function getMysqli() { if (!isset(self::$_mysqli)) { $config = array_merge(array('host' => 'localhost', 'port' => 3306), Site::getConfig('mysql')); // connect to mysql database self::$_mysqli = @new mysqli($config['host'], $config['username'], $config['password'], $config['database'], $config['port'], $config['socket']); self::$_mysqli->set_charset('utf8'); // check for failure or connection error if (mysqli_connect_error()) { self::handleError('connect'); } // set timezone to match PHP self::nonQuery('SET time_zone = "%s"', self::escape(date('P'))); } return self::$_mysqli; }
public static function getDefaultFrom() { return Mailer::$defaultFrom ? Mailer::$defaultFrom : \Site::getConfig('label') . ' <support@' . \Site::getConfig('primary_hostname') . '>'; }
public static function getKeyPrefix() { return Site::getConfig('handle') . ':'; }
<?php $GLOBALS['Session']->requireAccountLevel('Developer'); if ($_SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD'] == 'POST') { $templateDir = Emergence\Dwoo\Engine::$pathCompile . '/' . Site::getConfig('handle'); exec("find {$templateDir} -name \"*.d*.php\" -type f -delete"); die('Templates cleared'); } ?> <!doctype html> <html lang="en"> <head> <meta charset="utf-8"> <title>Clear Templates Cache</title> <style> * { font-size: xx-large; text-align: center; } input { cursor: pointer; margin: 1em; } </style> </head> <body> <form method="POST"> <input type="submit" value="Clear Templates Cache"> </form> </body>
<?php Git::$repositories['Gatekeeper'] = ['remote' => '', 'originBranch' => 'master', 'workingBranch' => 'instances/' . Site::getConfig('primary_hostname'), 'localOnly' => true, 'trees' => ['dwoo-plugins', 'event-handlers', 'html-templates', 'php-classes', 'php-config' => ['exclude' => '#^/Git\\.config\\.php$#'], 'php-migrations', 'phpunit-tests', 'sencha-workspace/pages', 'site-root' => ['exclude' => ['#^/css(/|$)#', '#^/js/pages(/|$)#']]]]; Git::$repositories['symfony-yaml'] = ['remote' => '', 'originBranch' => 'master', 'workingBranch' => 'master', 'trees' => ['php-classes/Symfony/Component/Yaml' => ['path' => '.', 'exclude' => ['#\\.gitignore$#', '#^/Tests#', '#\\.md$#', '#composer\\.json#', '#phpunit\\.xml\\.dist#']]]]; Git::$repositories['jarvus-highlighter'] = ['remote' => "", 'originBranch' => 'master', 'workingBranch' => 'master', 'trees' => ["sencha-workspace/packages/jarvus-highlighter" => '.']];
<?php $GLOBALS['Session']->requireAccountLevel('Developer'); $config = Site::getConfig(); Debug::dump($config, false, 'current config'); // set a degredation if (is_array($_REQUEST['degredations'])) { if (!is_array($config['degredations'])) { $config['degredations'] = array(); } foreach ($_REQUEST['degredations'] as $degredation => $value) { $config['degredations'][$degredation] = $value == 'on'; } Debug::dump($config['degredations'], false, 'updated degredations map'); // save to config cache for all hostnames $hostnames = $config['hostnames']; array_unshift($hostnames, $config['primary_hostname']); foreach ($hostnames as $hostname) { apc_store($hostname, $config); } Debug::dump($hostnames, false, 'saved new degredations to hostnames'); Debug::dump($config, false, 'final config'); }
<?php use Gatekeeper\Metrics\Metrics; use Gatekeeper\Metrics\MetricSample; $cronKey = Site::getConfig('cron_key'); if (!$cronKey) { header('HTTP/1.0 501 Not Implemented'); die('Host does not have a cron_key configured'); } if (empty($_GET['cron_key'])) { header('HTTP/1.0 401 Unauthorized'); die('cron_key required'); } if ($_GET['cron_key'] != $cronKey) { header('HTTP/1.0 401 Unauthorized'); die('cron_key is incorrect'); } if ($_SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD'] != 'POST') { header('HTTP/1.0 405 Method Not Allowed'); die('POST method required'); } $cacheKeyPrefix = Cache::getKeyPrefix(); $currentSampleIndex = Metrics::getCurrentSampleIndex(); $flushed = 0; foreach (Cache::getIterator('|^metrics/|') as $cacheEntry) { if (!preg_match('|^' . preg_quote($cacheKeyPrefix) . '(metrics/(.*)/(\\d+))$|', $cacheEntry['key'], $matches)) { continue; } $cacheKey = $matches[1]; $metricKey = $matches[2]; $sampleIndex = (int) $matches[3];
<?php global $dbs; try { $conf = Site::getConfig('host', 'host'); $dbs = new PDO("mysql:host={$conf['db_host']};dbname={$conf['db_mysql_db']}", $conf['db_mysql_user'], $conf['db_mysql_pwd']); } catch (Exception $e) { throw new Exception("Unable to connect to local store database", 0, $e); }
_extractStrings($patternPHPValidators, $contents, $path, $strings); } // write pot file foreach ($strings as $string => $sources) { fwrite($pot, '#: ' . implode(' ', $sources) . PHP_EOL); // switch output format if embedded newlines found (see if (preg_match('/[^\\n]\\n+[^\\n]/', $string)) { // multiline output format fwrite($pot, 'msgid ""' . PHP_EOL); fwrite($pot, str_replace('\\n', '\\n"' . PHP_EOL . '"', _encodeString($string)) . PHP_EOL); } else { fwrite($pot, 'msgid ' . _encodeString($string) . PHP_EOL); } fwrite($pot, 'msgstr ""' . PHP_EOL . PHP_EOL); } rewind($pot); header('Content-Type: text/plain'); header('Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="' . Site::getConfig('handle') . '.pot"'); fpassthru($pot); // utility methods function _extractStrings($pattern, $contents, $fileVirtualPath, &$strings) { preg_match_all($pattern, $contents, $matches, PREG_OFFSET_CAPTURE); foreach ($matches[3] as list($string, $offset)) { $strings[stripslashes($string)][] = $fileVirtualPath . ':' . (substr_count(substr($contents, 0, $offset), "\n") + 1); } } function _encodeString($string) { return '"' . str_replace(PHP_EOL, '\\n', addcslashes($string, '"\\')) . '"'; }