Esempio n. 1
  * Creates an Simplify_Payment object
  * @param     array $hash a map of parameters; valid keys are:<dl style="padding-left:10px;">
  *     <dt><tt>amount</tt></dt>    <dd>Amount of the payment (minor units). Example: 1000 = 10.00 <strong>required </strong></dd>
  *     <dt><tt>card.addressCity</tt></dt>    <dd>City of the cardholder. </dd>
  *     <dt><tt>card.addressCountry</tt></dt>    <dd>Country code (ISO-3166-1-alpha-2 code) of residence of the cardholder. </dd>
  *     <dt><tt>card.addressLine1</tt></dt>    <dd>Address of the cardholder. </dd>
  *     <dt><tt>card.addressLine2</tt></dt>    <dd>Address of the cardholder if needed. </dd>
  *     <dt><tt>card.addressState</tt></dt>    <dd>State code (USPS code) of residence of the cardholder. </dd>
  *     <dt><tt>card.addressZip</tt></dt>    <dd>Postal code of the cardholder. </dd>
  *     <dt><tt>card.cvc</tt></dt>    <dd>CVC security code of the card. This is the code on the back of the card. Example: 123 </dd>
  *     <dt><tt>card.expMonth</tt></dt>    <dd>Expiration month of the card. Format is MM. Example: January = 01 <strong>required </strong></dd>
  *     <dt><tt>card.expYear</tt></dt>    <dd>Expiration year of the card. Format is YY. Example: 2013 = 13 <strong>required </strong></dd>
  *     <dt><tt></tt></dt>    <dd>Name as it appears on the card. </dd>
  *     <dt><tt>card.number</tt></dt>    <dd>Card number as it appears on the card. <strong>required </strong></dd>
  *     <dt><tt>currency</tt></dt>    <dd>Currency code (ISO-4217) for the transaction. Must match the currency associated with your account. <strong>required </strong><strong>default:USD</strong></dd>
  *     <dt><tt>customer</tt></dt>    <dd>ID of customer. If specified, card on file of customer will be used. </dd>
  *     <dt><tt>description</tt></dt>    <dd>Custom naming of payment for external systems to use. </dd>
  *     <dt><tt>token</tt></dt>    <dd>If specified, card associated with card token will be used. </dd></dl>
  * @param     string publicKey Public key. If null, the value of static Simplify::$publicKey will be used
  * @param     string privateKey Private key. If null, the value of static Simplify::$privateKey will be used
  * @return    Payment a Payment object.
 public static function createPayment($hash, $publicKey = null, $privateKey = null)
     $instance = new Simplify_Payment();
     $object = Simplify_PaymentsApi::createObject($instance, $publicKey, $privateKey);
     return $object;
Esempio n. 2
  * Creates an Simplify_Payment object
  * @param     array $hash a map of parameters; valid keys are:<dl style="padding-left:10px;">
  *     <dt><tt>amount</tt></dt>    <dd>Amount of the payment (in the smallest unit of your currency). Example: 100 = $1.00USD </dd>
  *     <dt><tt>authorization</tt></dt>    <dd>The ID of the authorization being used to capture the payment. </dd>
  *     <dt><tt>card.addressCity</tt></dt>    <dd>City of the cardholder. [max length: 50, min length: 2] </dd>
  *     <dt><tt>card.addressCountry</tt></dt>    <dd>Country code (ISO-3166-1-alpha-2 code) of residence of the cardholder. [max length: 2, min length: 2] </dd>
  *     <dt><tt>card.addressLine1</tt></dt>    <dd>Address of the cardholder. [max length: 255] </dd>
  *     <dt><tt>card.addressLine2</tt></dt>    <dd>Address of the cardholder if needed. [max length: 255] </dd>
  *     <dt><tt>card.addressState</tt></dt>    <dd>State of residence of the cardholder. For the US, this is a 2-digit USPS code. [max length: 255, min length: 2] </dd>
  *     <dt><tt>card.addressZip</tt></dt>    <dd>Postal code of the cardholder. The postal code size is between 5 and 9 in length and only contain numbers or letters. [max length: 9, min length: 3] </dd>
  *     <dt><tt>card.cvc</tt></dt>    <dd>CVC security code of the card. This is the code on the back of the card. Example: 123 </dd>
  *     <dt><tt>card.expMonth</tt></dt>    <dd>Expiration month of the card. Format is MM. Example: January = 01 [min value: 1, max value: 12] <strong>required </strong></dd>
  *     <dt><tt>card.expYear</tt></dt>    <dd>Expiration year of the card. Format is YY. Example: 2013 = 13 [min value: 0, max value: 99] <strong>required </strong></dd>
  *     <dt><tt></tt></dt>    <dd>Name as it appears on the card. [max length: 50, min length: 2] </dd>
  *     <dt><tt>card.number</tt></dt>    <dd>Card number as it appears on the card. [max length: 19, min length: 13] <strong>required </strong></dd>
  *     <dt><tt>currency</tt></dt>    <dd>Currency code (ISO-4217) for the transaction. Must match the currency associated with your account. [default: USD] <strong>required </strong></dd>
  *     <dt><tt>customer</tt></dt>    <dd>ID of customer. If specified, card on file of customer will be used. </dd>
  *     <dt><tt>description</tt></dt>    <dd>Free form text field to be used as a description of the payment. This field is echoed back with the payment on any find or list operations. [max length: 1024] </dd>
  *     <dt><tt>invoice</tt></dt>    <dd>ID of invoice for which this payment is being made. </dd>
  *     <dt><tt>reference</tt></dt>    <dd>Custom reference field to be used with outside systems. </dd>
  *     <dt><tt>replayId</tt></dt>    <dd>An identifier that can be sent to uniquely identify a payment request to facilitate retries due to I/O related issues. This identifier must be unique for your account (sandbox or live) across all of your payments. If supplied, we will check for a payment on your account that matches this identifier. If found will attempt to return an identical response of the original request. [max length: 50, min length: 1] </dd>
  *     <dt><tt></tt></dt>    <dd>Merchant name. <strong>required </strong></dd>
  *     <dt><tt>statementDescription.phoneNumber</tt></dt>    <dd>Merchant contact phone number. </dd>
  *     <dt><tt>token</tt></dt>    <dd>If specified, card associated with card token will be used. [max length: 255] </dd></dl>
  * @param     $authentication -  information used for the API call.  If no value is passed the global keys Simplify::public_key and Simplify::private_key are used.  <i>For backwards compatibility the public and private keys may be passed instead of the authentication object.<i/>
  * @return    Payment a Payment object.
 public static function createPayment($hash, $authentication = null)
     $args = func_get_args();
     $authentication = Simplify_PaymentsApi::buildAuthenticationObject($authentication, $args, 2);
     $instance = new Simplify_Payment();
     $object = Simplify_PaymentsApi::createObject($instance, $authentication);
     return $object;