Esempio n. 1
// action = 'pwchange' to change password
// at end we display confirmation and provide click back to home page
if (isset($_POST['action']) && $_POST['action'] == 'pwchange') {
    /**** IMPORTANT - these are all elseif options - only if we reach the 
    	else at the end do we change the password - if we match any of the if / elseif 
    	then we don't change the password *****/
    // check existing password is entered
    if (!isset($_POST['oldpassword'])) {
        print "<strong>You need to enter the existing password</strong>\n";
    } elseif (!$auth->checkPassword($_POST['oldpassword'])) {
        print "<strong>Existing password is incorrect</strong>\n";
    } elseif (!isset($_POST['newpassword'])) {
        print "<strong>New password cannot be left blank</strong>\n";
    } elseif (strlen($_POST['newpassword']) < $min_password_chars) {
        print "<strong>New password is too short<br />Must be at least {$min_password_chars} characters long</strong>\n";
    } elseif (!$auth->securityCheck('password', $_POST['newpassword'])) {
        print "<strong>New password contains inavlid characters</strong>\n";
    } elseif (!isset($_POST['newpassword2']) || $_POST['newpassword'] != $_POST['newpassword2']) {
        print "<strong>New password is not the same as the repeated password</strong>\n";
    } else {
        // get md5 version of password
        $hash_password = $auth->hashPassword($_POST['newpassword2']);
        // save it in the settings
        $settings->setSetting('admin_login_password', $hash_password);
        // if we changed password then we confirm back to the user with link back to main page
        print "<p>Password change successful</p>\n<p><a href=\"" . ADMIN_FILE . "\">Admin home page</a></p>\n";
        $templates->includeTemplate('footer', 'admin');
        // exit if we succesfully change
        // otherwise we show password change form
Esempio n. 2
if ($settings->getSetting('admin_login_password') != '') {
// If not then are we saving existing post
if (isset($_POST['action']) && $_POST['action'] == 'savesettings') {
    // do passwords match
    if ($_POST['password'] != $_POST['passwordrepeat']) {
        displaySettingsForm("Passwords don't match");
    // we use the SimpleAuth class, but note we are creating with dummy username & password
    require_once $app_dir . "/includes/SimpleAuth.php";
    $auth = new SimpleAuth('', '', 3600);
    // run username & password through security / valid char checks
    if ($auth->securityCheck('username', $_POST['username']) && $auth->securityCheck('password', $_POST['username'])) {
        // add details
        // add login / password to the settings array
        $quiz_settings['admin_login_username'] = $_POST['username'];
        $quiz_settings['admin_login_password'] = md5($_POST['password']);
        foreach ($quiz_settings as $key => $value) {
            if (!$qdb->insertSetting($key, $value)) {
                displayDbError("Error adding setting {$key}");
        $status_msg .= "\nSettings added to database<br />\n\n";
    } else {
        displaySettingsForm("Invalid characters used in the username or password");
Esempio n. 3
$message = '';
require_once "adminsetup.php";
// Authentication class required for admin functions
require_once $include_dir . "SimpleAuth.php";
// Array of valid goto / location entries
// prefixed with a in case we want to use authentication in main quiz in future
// uses the #define entries - so put after setup
$locations = array('aindex' => ADMIN_FILE, 'aquestions' => ADMIN_Q_FILE, 'aupgrade' => ADMIN_UPGRADE_FILE);
// create authentication object
// this needs to be before we output anything as it uses sessions (cookies)
$auth = new SimpleAuth($settings->getSetting('admin_login_username'), $settings->getSetting('admin_login_password'), $settings->getSetting('admin_login_expirytime'));
/*** Authentication - Is this a login attempt (ie. with username & password) ***/
// note we only exit if we successfully login - otherwise we continue with showing login form
if (isset($_POST['username']) && isset($_POST['password'])) {
    // check that they are only using valid characters
    if ($auth->securityCheck('username', $_POST['username']) && $auth->securityCheck('password', $_POST['password'])) {
        //check login is correct
        if ($auth->loginNow($_POST['username'], $_POST['password'])) {
            // do we have a valid return location - if so go there, otherwise back to admin index page
            if (isset($_POST['location']) && $auth->securityCheck('location', $_POST['location'], $locations)) {
                $goto = $_POST['location'];
                // goto new location
                header("Location: " . $locations[$goto]);
                // need to stop script after redirected
            } else {
                header("Location: " . ADMIN_FILE);
            // need to stop script after redirected
        } else {