<?php require_once $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . '/Source/SignInDB.php'; // File with DB functions class if (!$_SESSION) { session_start(); } // Start the session $SignIn = new SignIn(); //instantiating class with DB functions $action = $_REQUEST["action"]; //variable from GET string - shows what action to take header("Content-type:text/xml"); //setting the content type of the response document to XML echo '<?xml version="1.0"?><data>'; //setting the root xml tag in the response document switch ($action) { case "CheckPassword": $status = $SignIn->CheckPassword($_REQUEST['Name'], $_REQUEST['Password']); // echo '<status><![CDATA[' . $status[0] . ']]></status>'; //output login status echo '<Name><![CDATA[' . $status[1] . ']]></Name>'; //output login status break; } echo "</data>"; //finish xml