Esempio n. 1
 function pre_compile($content)
     global $shortcode_tags;
     //in case we got none/more than one postcontent elements make sure that replacement doesnt get executed/onle gets executed once
     if (strpos($content, 'av_postcontent') === false) {
         return $content;
     //save the "real" shortcode array
     $old_sc = $shortcode_tags;
     //execute only this single shortcode and return the result
     $shortcode_tags = array($this->config['shortcode'] => array($this, 'shortcode_handler'));
     $content = do_shortcode($content);
     //re create the old shortcode pattern
     $shortcode_tags = $old_sc;
     //$content = preg_replace("!\[av_postcontent.*?\]!","",$content);
     //now we need to re calculate the shortcode tree so that all elements that are pulled from different posts also get the correct location
     $pattern = str_replace('av_postcontent', 'av_psprocessed', ShortcodeHelper::get_fake_pattern());
     preg_match_all("/" . $pattern . "/s", $content, $matches);
     ShortcodeHelper::$tree = ShortcodeHelper::build_shortcode_tree($matches);
     return $content;
  *set status of builder (open/closed) and save the shortcodes that are used in the post
 public function meta_box_save()
     if (isset($_POST['post_ID'])) {
         //save if the editor is active
         if (isset($_POST['aviaLayoutBuilder_active'])) {
             update_post_meta((int) $_POST['post_ID'], '_aviaLayoutBuilder_active', $_POST['aviaLayoutBuilder_active']);
             $_POST['content'] = ShortcodeHelper::clean_up_shortcode($_POST['content']);
         //save the hidden container with unmodified shortcode
         if (isset($_POST['_aviaLayoutBuilderCleanData'])) {
             update_post_meta((int) $_POST['post_ID'], '_aviaLayoutBuilderCleanData', $_POST['_aviaLayoutBuilderCleanData']);
         //extract all shortcodes from the post array and store them so we know what we are dealing with when the user opens a page.
         //usesfull for special elements that we might need to render outside of the default loop like fullscreen slideshows
         preg_match_all("/" . ShortcodeHelper::get_fake_pattern() . "/s", $_POST['content'], $matches);
         if (is_array($matches) && !empty($matches[0])) {
             $matches = ShortcodeHelper::build_shortcode_tree($matches);
             update_post_meta((int) $_POST['post_ID'], '_avia_builder_shortcode_tree', $matches);