public function index() { $userid = session('userid'); $user = M('user')->where('id=' . $userid)->find(); $user_level = M('user_level')->where('id=' . $user['user_type'])->find(); $level_config = json_decode($user_level['config'], true); if ($level_config['refer'] != 1) { $this->message2('<font color=red>你目前的会员级别无推广权限</font>请先升级会员!', 'uplevel'); } $config = M('config')->where('id=1')->find(); $tuiguang_url = 'http://' . $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'] . __APP__ . '?ruid=' . session('userid'); if ($config['tuiguang_shorturl'] == 1) { if (!class_exists('Short_Url')) { require 'Public/Short_Url.php'; } $short_url = new Short_Url(); $tuiguang_url = $short_url->url_short($tuiguang_url); } $image_url = 'http://' . $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'] . $config['tg_images']; $tg_content1 = ''; $tg_content2 = ''; $tg_content3 = ''; if ($config['tg_content1'] != '') { $tg_content1 = str_replace('{refer_url}', $tuiguang_url, $config['tg_content1']); } if ($config['tg_content2'] != '') { $tg_content2 = str_replace('{refer_url}', $tuiguang_url, $config['tg_content2']); } if ($config['tg_content3'] != '') { $tg_content3 = str_replace('{refer_url}', $tuiguang_url, $config['tg_content3']); } $this->assign('image_url', $image_url); $this->assign('tuiguang_url', $tuiguang_url); $this->assign('tg_content', array($tg_content1, $tg_content2, $tg_content3)); $kongbao_page = json_decode($config['kongbao_page'], true); $kongbao_page_temp = array(); foreach ($kongbao_page as $key1 => $v1) { $kongbao_page_temp[$key1] = stripslashes(htmlspecialchars_decode($v1)); } $this->assign('kongbao_page', $kongbao_page_temp); $refer_nums = D('user')->where('refer_id=' . session('userid'))->count(); $this->assign('refer_nums', $refer_nums); $reg_setting = M('user')->where('id=' . session('userid'))->find(); $wrefer_id = $reg_setting['refer_id']; $vip_setting = json_decode($reg_setting['vip_set'], true); $wrefer = M('user')->where('id=' . $wrefer_id)->find(); $wusername = $wrefer['username']; $this->assign('wusername', $wusername); $this->assign('vip_setting', $vip_setting); $this->display(); }
/** * Get the instance of short url class. * * @return Short_Url */ public static function instance() { if (!isset(self::$instance)) { self::$instance = new self(); self::$instance->setup_actions(); self::$instance->load_language(); } return self::$instance; }
#将分段的位与0x3fffffff做位与,0x3fffffff表示二进制数的30个1,即30位以后的加密串都归零 $hex = hexdec($urlhash_piece) & 0x3fffffff; #此处需要用到hexdec()将16进制字符串转为10进制数值型,否则运算会不正常 $short_url = ""; #生成6位短连接 for ($j = 0; $j < 6; $j++) { #将得到的值与0x0000003d,3d为61,即charset的坐标最大值 $short_url .= self::$charset[$hex & 0x3d]; #循环完以后将hex右移5位 $hex = $hex >> 5; } $short_url_list[] = $short_url; } return $short_url_list; } public function console($log = '') { switch (empty($log)) { case False: $out = json_encode($log); $GLOBALS['console'] .= 'console.log(' . $out . ');'; break; default: echo '<script type="text/javascript">' . $GLOBALS['console'] . '</script>'; } } } $url = ""; $short = Short_Url::short($url); print_r($short); //$short->console($short);
private function getReferInfo() { $userid = session('userid'); $user = M('user')->where('id=' . $userid)->find(); $user_level = M('user_level')->where('id=' . $user['user_type'])->find(); $level_config = json_decode($user_level['config'], true); $this->assign('allow_refer', $level_config['refer']); if ($level_config['refer'] == 1) { $config = M('config')->where('id=1')->find(); $tuiguang_url = 'http://' . $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'] . __APP__ . '?ruid=' . session('userid'); if ($config['tuiguang_shorturl'] == 1) { if (!class_exists('Short_Url')) { require 'Public/Short_Url.php'; } $short_url = new Short_Url(); $tuiguang_url = $short_url->url_short($tuiguang_url); } $image_url = 'http://' . $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'] . $config['tg_images']; $tg_content1 = ''; $tg_content2 = ''; $tg_content3 = ''; if ($config['tg_content1'] != '') { $tg_content1 = str_replace('{refer_url}', $tuiguang_url, $config['tg_content1']); } if ($config['tg_content2'] != '') { $tg_content2 = str_replace('{refer_url}', $tuiguang_url, $config['tg_content2']); } if ($config['tg_content3'] != '') { $tg_content3 = str_replace('{refer_url}', $tuiguang_url, $config['tg_content3']); } $this->assign('image_url', $image_url); $this->assign('tuiguang_url', $tuiguang_url); $this->assign('tg_content', array($tg_content1, $tg_content2, $tg_content3)); } }
/** * Load the short and its url parts * * @param string $name */ public static function loadShort($name) { require_once 'Short/Url.php'; require_once 'Short/UrlHost.php'; require_once 'Short/UrlScheme.php'; $items = array(); //Prepare select $select = static::getSelect(); $select->setIntegrityCheck(false)->reset(); //Prepare the join $select->from(array('short' => static::getTableName())); $select->join(array('url' => Short_Url::getTableName()), 'short.url_id =', array('path', 'host_id')); $select->join(array('url_host' => Short_UrlHost::getTableName()), 'url.host_id =', array('host', 'port', 'scheme_id')); $select->join(array('url_scheme' => Short_UrlScheme::getTableName()), 'url_host.scheme_id =', array('scheme')); $select->where(' = ? ', $name); $data = static::getTable()->fetchRow($select); if (!$data) { return null; } else { $data = $data->toArray(); } $short = new Short_Short($data); $short->_url = new Short_Url($data); $short->_url->id = $short->url_id; $short->_url->_host = new Short_UrlHost($data); $short->_url->_host->id = $short->_url->host_id; $short->_url->_host->_scheme = new Short_UrlScheme($data); $short->_url->_host->_scheme->id = $short->_url->_host->scheme_id; return $short; }
public function index() { $exp_time = time(); $exp_datetime = date('Y-m-d H:i:s', $exp_time); $config = M('config')->where('id=1')->find(); $tuiguang_url = 'http://' . $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'] . __APP__ . '?ruid=' . session('userid'); if ($config['tuiguang_shorturl'] == 1) { if (!class_exists('Short_Url')) { require 'Public/Short_Url.php'; } $short_url = new Short_Url(); $tuiguang_url = $short_url->url_short($tuiguang_url); } $image_url = 'http://' . $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'] . $config['tg_images']; $tg_content1 = ''; $tg_content2 = ''; $tg_content3 = ''; if ($config['tg_content1'] != '') { $tg_content1 = str_replace('{refer_url}', $tuiguang_url, $config['tg_content1']); } if ($config['tg_content2'] != '') { $tg_content2 = str_replace('{refer_url}', $tuiguang_url, $config['tg_content2']); } if ($config['tg_content3'] != '') { $tg_content3 = str_replace('{refer_url}', $tuiguang_url, $config['tg_content3']); } $this->assign('image_url', $image_url); $this->assign('tuiguang_url', $tuiguang_url); $this->assign('tg_content', array($tg_content1, $tg_content2, $tg_content3)); $refer_nums = D('user')->where('refer_id=' . session('userid'))->count(); $this->assign('refer_nums', $refer_nums); $reg_setting = M('user')->where('id=' . session('userid'))->find(); $wrefer_id = $reg_setting['refer_id']; $vip_setting = json_decode($reg_setting['vip_set'], true); $wrefer = M('user')->where('id=' . $wrefer_id)->find(); $wusername = $wrefer['username']; $this->assign('wusername', $wusername); $this->assign('vip_setting', $vip_setting); $refer_id = I('ruid', 0); if (0 < $refer_id) { $refer_user = M('user')->where('id=' . $refer_id)->find(); if (!empty($refer_user)) { $refer_user_type = $refer_user['user_type']; $user_level = M('user_level')->where('id=' . $refer_user_type)->find(); $level_config = json_decode($user_level['config'], true); if ($level_config['refer'] == 1) { $cruid = cookie('vgs-referid'); if (!$cruid) { cookie('vgs-referid', $refer_id, 604800); } } } } $model = new Model('gonggao'); $gonggao = $model->order('time desc')->limit(8)->select(); $this->assign('gonggao_list', $gonggao); $config = M('config')->where('id=1')->find(); $kongbao_config = json_decode($config['kongbao_config'], true); $model = new Model('kongbao_type'); $list = $model->where('is_true=0')->order('sort_order asc')->select(); $type_list = array(); foreach ($list as $k => $v) { if ($kongbao_config['stop_view'] == 0 && $v['state'] == 1) { continue; } if ($v['state'] == 0) { $v['name'] = $v['name'] . '(正常出售)'; } if ($v['state'] == 1) { $v['name'] = $v['name'] . '(暂停出售)'; } $v['config'] = json_decode($v['config'], true); $type_list[] = $v; } $this->assign('type_list', $type_list); $user = M('user')->where('id=' . $userid)->find(); $user_type = $user['user_type']; $user_default_kuaidi = $user['default_kuaidi']; $this->assign('user_default_kuaidi', $user_default_kuaidi); $config = M('config'); $setting = $config->where('id=1')->find(); $mibao_setting = json_decode($setting['mibao_setting'], true); $this->assign('mibao_setting', $mibao_setting); $cwsz_config = json_decode($this->user['cwsz_config'], true); $this->assign('cwsz_config', $cwsz_config); $model = new Model('help'); $help = $model->order('time desc')->limit(8)->select(); $this->assign('help_list', $help); $model = new Model('article'); $article = $model->order('article_time desc')->limit(8)->select(); $this->assign('article_list', $article); $model = new Model('about'); $about = $model->order('time desc')->limit(8)->select(); $this->assign('about_list', $about); $model = new UserOrderViewModel(); $where = array(); $where['type'] = 1; $where['status'] = 1; $recharge_list = $model->where($where)->order('addtime desc')->limit(100)->select(); $this->assign('recharge_list', $recharge_list); $where['type'] = 0; $where['status'] = 1; $pay_order_list = $model->where($where)->order('addtime desc')->limit(100)->select(); $this->assign('order_list', $pay_order_list); if (session('IS_LOGIN') == 1) { $userid = session('userid'); $model = new UserViewModel(); $user = $model->where('' . $userid)->find(); $this->assign('user', $user); } else { $sys_config = M('config')->where('id=1')->find(); $current_moban = $sys_config['site_template']; if ($current_moban == 'default' || $current_moban == 'longxiang' || $current_moban == 'php') { $this->display('index_login'); exit; } } $this->display(); }
<?php /** * Plugin Name: Short url * Description: Short url to the permalink, like Simple Address in EPiServer. * Author: Fredrik Forsmo * Author URI: * Version: 2.0.5 * Plugin URI: */ // Load short url files. require_once __DIR__ . '/src/class-short-url.php'; require_once __DIR__ . '/src/functions.php'; /** * Load Short Url plugin. * * @return Short_Url */ add_action('plugins_loaded', function () { return Short_Url::instance(); });