Esempio n. 1
  * Einfügen von Artikelbildern
  * Hinweis: Falls keine anderen Bilder hinterlegt sind, wird das zuerst eingefügte Bild automatisch zum Hauptbild
  * @param array $article_image Array mit Informationen �ber die Bilder die konvertiert und dem Artikel zugewiesen werden müssen
  * articleID => ID des Artikels (
  * position => optional, Position des Bildes (fortlaufend 1 bis x)
  * descripton => optional, Title/Alt-Text des Bildes
  * main => Wenn 1 übergeben wird, wird das Bild zum Hauptbild (für Übersichten etc.)
  * image => Http-Link oder lokaler Pfad zum Bild
  * <code>
  * Beispiel Laden von lokalen Bildern:
  *	foreach ($article["images"] as $image)
  *   {
  *    $image["articleID"] = $image["articleID"];
  *    $image["main"] = $image["mainpicture"];
  *    $image["image"] = $api->load("file://".$api->sPath."/engine/connectors/api/sample/images/".$image["file"]);
  *    $import->sArticleImage($image);
  *   }
  * Beispiel Laden von externen Bildern:
  * foreach ($article["images"] as $image)
  *	{
  * 		$image["articleID"] = $image["articleID"];
  * 		$image["main"] = $image["mainpicture"];
  * 		$image["image"] = $api->load("ftp://*****:*****".$image["file"]);
  * 		$import->sArticleImage($image);
  *  }
  * </code>
  * @access public
  * @return
 public function sArticleImage($article_image = array())
     // Some initial checks
     if (empty($article_image) || !is_array($article_image)) {
         return false;
     if (isset($article_image["link"])) {
         $article_image["image"] = $article_image["link"];
     if (isset($article_image["albumID"])) {
         $article_image["albumID"] = (int) $article_image["albumID"];
     if (isset($article_image['articleID'])) {
         $article_image['articleID'] = intval($article_image['articleID']);
     if (empty($article_image['articleID']) || empty($article_image['image']) && empty($article_image['name'])) {
         return false;
     if (!empty($article_image['position'])) {
         $article_image['position'] = intval($article_image['position']);
     } else {
         $article_image['position'] = 0;
     if (empty($article_image['description'])) {
         $article_image['description'] = '';
     if (empty($article_image['relations'])) {
         $article_image['relations'] = '';
     // Checks for main flag
     if (!empty($article_image['main']) && $article_image['main'] == 1) {
         $article_image['main'] = 1;
     } elseif (!empty($article_image['main'])) {
         $article_image['main'] = 2;
     // If main is not set and no other article image is main, set this to be main
     if (empty($article_image['main'])) {
         $sql = "SELECT id FROM s_articles_img WHERE articleID={$article_image['articleID']} AND main=1";
         $row = $this->sDB->GetRow($sql);
         if (empty($row['id'])) {
             $article_image['main'] = 1;
         } else {
             $article_image['main'] = 2;
         // if this article image is set to be main, set all other images to be not-main
     } elseif ($article_image['main'] == 1) {
         $sql = "UPDATE s_articles_img SET main=2 WHERE articleID={$article_image['articleID']}";
     // First copy the image to temp dir
     $uploadDir = Shopware()->DocPath('media_' . 'temp');
     // If no name is set, choose a random one
     if (empty($article_image['name'])) {
         $article_image['name'] = md5(uniqid(mt_rand(), true));
     } else {
         $article_image['name'] = pathinfo($article_image['name'], PATHINFO_FILENAME);
     // Copy image to local temp dir
     if (!empty($article_image['image'])) {
         $uploadFile = $uploadDir . $article_image['name'];
         if (!copy($article_image['image'], $uploadFile)) {
             $this->sAPI->sSetError("Copying image from '{$article_image['image']}' to '{$uploadFile}' did not work", 10400);
             return false;
         // check the copied image
         if (getimagesize($uploadFile) === false) {
             $this->sAPI->sSetError("The file'{$uploadFile}' is not a valid image", 10402);
             return false;
     } else {
         foreach (array('png', 'gif', 'jpg') as $test) {
             if (file_exists($uploadDir . $article_image['name'] . '.' . $test)) {
                 $extension = $test;
                 $uploadFile = $uploadDir . $article_image['name'] . '.' . $test;
         if (empty($uploadFile)) {
             $this->sAPI->sSetError("Image source '{$uploadFile}' not found", 10401);
             return false;
     // Create new Media object and set the image
     $media = new \Shopware\Models\Media\Media();
     $file = new \Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\File\File($uploadFile);
     $media->setCreated(new DateTime());
     $identity = Shopware()->Auth()->getIdentity();
     if ($identity !== null) {
     } else {
     //set the upload file into the model. The model saves the file to the directory
     // Set article
     $articleRepository = $this->getArticleRepository();
     $article = $articleRepository->find((int) $article_image['articleID']);
     if ($article === null) {
         $this->sAPI->sSetError("Article '{$article_image['articleID']}' not found", 10404);
         return false;
     //        $media->setArticles($article);
     //set media album, if no one passed set the unsorted album.
     if (isset($article_image["albumID"])) {
         $media->setAlbum(Shopware()->Models()->find('Shopware\\Models\\Media\\Album', $article_image["albumID"]));
     } else {
         $media->setAlbum(Shopware()->Models()->find('Shopware\\Models\\Media\\Album', -1));
     // Create new article image object and set values
     $articleImage = new \Shopware\Models\Article\Image();
     // Get image infos for the article image
     list($width, $height, $type, $attr) = getimagesize($uploadFile);
     // ArticleImage does not get these infos automatically from media, so we set them manually
     //        if ($article_image['relations'] !== '') {
     //            $this->createImageRelationsFromArticleNumber($articleImage->getId(), $article->getId(), $article_image['relations']);
     //        }
     return $articleImage->getId();