Esempio n. 1

get_current_screen()->add_help_tab(array('id' => 'overview', 'title' => Shopp::__('Overview'), 'content' => Shopp::_mx('### Downloads

Restrictions can be set to limit the access of downloads that have been purchased.

#### Download Limit

The download limit allows you to restrict the number of downloads of a purchased product. By default, an unlimited number of downloads are allowed.

#### Time Limit

The time limit setting provides access to a purchased product download for a limited amount of time starting from when the payment was received.

### IP Restriction

This can allow restricting access to the computer the download was bought from. However, as IP addresses are sometimes randomly assigned, and can easily be cloaked, this option has limited usefulness for most cases.

#### Download Quantity

This setting prevents a quantity selection of digital goods. It is a useful setting when you prefer to prevent the possibility of buying the same digital good more than once in an order.
', 'Downloads help tab')));
get_current_screen()->set_help_sidebar(Shopp::_mx('**For more information:**

[Shopp User Guide](%s)

[Community Forums](%s)

[Shopp Support Help Desk](%s)

', 'Context help tab (sidebar)', ShoppSupport::DOCS, ShoppSupport::FORUMS, ShoppSupport::SUPPORT));
Esempio n. 2
All of these advanced searches can be used:

', 'Customers Manager help tab') . $table;
$Exporting = Shopp::_mx('### Exporting

Customers can be exported in a variety of formats with any number of customer data columns needed.

**Shopp supported order export formats:**

* Tab-separated.txt
* Comma-separated.csv
* Microsoft&copy; Excel.xls

For Tab-separated, comma-separated and Microsoft® Excel file formats select the columns to include for each record in the export. Enable the Include column headings option to include column names in the first line of the export file.

### Continuous Periodic Exports

Using filtering and searching you can isolate specific orders to export. Additionally, using date range filtering you can set up periodic exporting. Shopp stores the end date of each export that has date range filters enabled. This allows selecting the Last Export option from the date range drop-down menu which will automatically set the start field to the end date of the last completed export, and the end date field will be set to today’s current date.', 'Customers Manager help tab');
$sidebar = Shopp::_mx('**For more information:**

[Shopp User Guide](%s)

[Community Forums](%s)

[Shopp Support Help Desk](%s)', 'Customers Manager help tab (sidebar)', ShoppSupport::DOCS . 'orders-customers/customer-manager/', ShoppSupport::FORUMS, ShoppSupport::SUPPORT);
get_current_screen()->add_help_tab(array('id' => 'overview', 'title' => Shopp::__('Overview'), 'content' => $Overview));
get_current_screen()->add_help_tab(array('id' => 'filtering', 'title' => Shopp::__('Filtering'), 'content' => $Filtering));
get_current_screen()->add_help_tab(array('id' => 'exporting', 'title' => Shopp::__('Exporting'), 'content' => $Exporting));
get_current_screen()->add_help_tab(array('id' => 'search', 'title' => Shopp::__('Search'), 'content' => $Search));
Esempio n. 3
Turns on the product variant options features for the product, which allow you to set up variant product option menus, and manage each product variant.

### Add-ons

Turns on the product add-on options features for the product, which allow you to set add-on option menus, and manage each product add-on.

### Separate Packaging

When using a third-party online shipping estimate service, this setting ensures the shipping estimate for the current product will always be quoted as a separate package.
', 'Products help tab');
$sidebar = Shopp::_mx('**For more information:**


[Downloads & Images](%s)

[Shopp User Guide](%s)

[Community Forums](%s)

[Shopp Support Help Desk](%s)
', 'Products help tab (sidebar)', ShoppSupport::DOCS . 'the-catalog/variants/', ShoppSupport::DOCS . 'downloads-images/', ShoppSupport::DOCS . 'the-catalog/', ShoppSupport::FORUMS, ShoppSupport::SUPPORT);
get_current_screen()->add_help_tab(array('id' => 'manager', 'title' => Shopp::__('Product Manager'), 'content' => $Manager));
get_current_screen()->add_help_tab(array('id' => 'new-product', 'title' => Shopp::__('Adding Products'), 'content' => $NewProduct));
get_current_screen()->add_help_tab(array('id' => 'editor', 'title' => Shopp::__('Editing Products'), 'content' => $Editor));
get_current_screen()->add_help_tab(array('id' => 'saving', 'title' => Shopp::__('Saving & Workflows'), 'content' => $Saving));
get_current_screen()->add_help_tab(array('id' => 'specs', 'title' => Shopp::__('Details & Specs'), 'content' => $Specs));
get_current_screen()->add_help_tab(array('id' => 'categories', 'title' => Shopp::__('Catalog Categories'), 'content' => $Categories));
get_current_screen()->add_help_tab(array('id' => 'tagging', 'title' => Shopp::__('Tagging'), 'content' => $Tagging));
get_current_screen()->add_help_tab(array('id' => 'settings', 'title' => Shopp::__('Settings'), 'content' => $Settings));
Esempio n. 4
get_current_screen()->add_help_tab(array('id' => 'overview', 'title' => Shopp::__('Overview'), 'content' => Shopp::_mx('### Management

The **Management** settings allow you to tailor order management to your order processing workflow.

#### Dashboard Widgets

You can turn off the widgets displayed in the **WordPress Dashboard** if you prefer to not have them.

#### Order Status Labels

The **Order Status Labels** setting allows you to setup custom order status labels and map them to Shopp order workflow events. When an event on an order occurs, Shopp will automatically update the order status to your preferred order status label. For example, a label set up as  "Complete" can be mapped to the event **Paid**. As soon as an order has been paid for by a customer, it will automatically be set to "Complete".

The order events you can map the **Order Status Labels** to include:

* **Review**
For an order when it is under review by the bank or credit card processor.
* **Purchase Order**
An order is created as a purchase order when the customer submits their order.
* **Invoiced**
An invoiced order is accepted by the merchant to establish an order balance.
* **Authorized**
When a payment submitted by the customer is authorized by the credit card processor.
* **Paid**
When funds from the payment are captured into the merchant account.
* **Shipped**
As soon as an item shipment notice is submitted.
* **Refunded**
When payment for an order is refunded.
* **Void**
When an order is cancelled.

#### Order Cancellation Reasons

You can setup a predefined list of order cancellation reasons that can be used to speed up the logging process of refunding and cancelling orders.

#### Next Order Number

Order numbers are sequentially issued, but you can adjust the next order number issued to better align orders, or to start at a higher number. If set to a number that has already been issued to an order, the next available number will be used instead.

', 'Management help tab')));
Esempio n. 5
- By Hour
- By Day
- By Week
- By Month', 'Report help tab');
$Exporting = Shopp::_mx('### Exporting

Reports can be exported in a variety of formats with any of the columns from the report.

**Shopp supported order export formats:**

* Tab-separated.txt
* Comma-separated.csv
* Microsoft&copy; Excel.xls

Click the **Export Options** button to select the columns you want to include in the report and choose the file format for the export file.

Enable the **Include column headings** option to include column names in the first line of the export file.

To download the export file, click the **Download** button.', 'Reports help tab');
$sidebar = Shopp::_mx('**For more information:**

[Shopp User Guide](%s)

[Community Forums](%s)

[Shopp Support Help Desk](%s)', 'Reports help tab (sidebar)', ShoppSupport::DOCS . 'reports/', ShoppSupport::FORUMS, ShoppSupport::SUPPORT);
get_current_screen()->add_help_tab(array('id' => 'overview', 'title' => Shopp::__('Overview'), 'content' => $Overview));
get_current_screen()->add_help_tab(array('id' => 'filtering', 'title' => Shopp::__('Filtering'), 'content' => $Filtering));
get_current_screen()->add_help_tab(array('id' => 'exporting', 'title' => Shopp::__('Exporting'), 'content' => $Exporting));
Esempio n. 6
**To edit a payment system:**

- Click the **Name** of the payment system in the table
- or, move your mouse over the table row and click the **Edit** link

**To remove a payment system:**

Move your mouse over the table row of the payment system and click the **Delete** link.
', 'Payment Settings help tab')));
get_current_screen()->add_help_tab(array('id' => 'Option Name', 'title' => Shopp::__('Option Name'), 'content' => Shopp::_mx('### Option Name

While editing a payment system, each payment system allows you to enter an **Option Name**. It is used as the name of the payment option displayed to the customer at checkout.

If you offer multiple options through multiple payment systems, the customer will be prompted to select which payment option they prefer to use.
', 'Payment Settings help tab')));
get_current_screen()->set_help_sidebar(Shopp::_mx('**For more information:**

[Shopp User Guide](%s)

[Community Forums](%s)

[Shopp Support Help Desk](%s)

[Offsite & Onsite Payments](%s)

[PCI-DSS Compliance](%s)

[Additional Providers](%s)

', 'Payments help tab (sidebar)', ShoppSupport::DOCS . 'payment-processing/', ShoppSupport::FORUMS, ShoppSupport::SUPPORT, ShoppSupport::DOCS . 'payment-processing/offsite-onsite-payments/', ShoppSupport::DOCS . 'payment-processing/pci-dss-compliance/', ShoppSupport::DOCS . 'payment-processing/additional-providers/'));
Esempio n. 7
During the checkout process, when a customer enters an address that matches a tax jurisdiction with local rates, a menu will be displayed for the customer to choose their specific tax jurisdiction from the labels you set.
', 'Context help tab')));
get_current_screen()->add_help_tab(array('id' => 'conditional-taxes', 'title' => Shopp::__('Conditional Taxes'), 'content' => Shopp::_mx('### Conditional Taxes

In some cases you may need to support multiple tax rates that apply on specific products depending on conditions other than the geography of the customer. Shopp has support for conditional rules to apply different tax rates.

To add a conditional rule, click the plus button  next to the country/state menus. Shopp tax rates can conditionally apply based on 4 criteria:

> Remember that it is possible to have two categories with the same name.

* The name of the product
* A name of a category the product is assigned to
* A name of a tag assigned to the product
* A customer type

You can specify multiple conditional rules and match **any** of the conditions specified or require matching **all** conditions. In the case of multiple tax rates applying at the same time, the most specific tax rate to match will apply.

To add additional conditions for the tax rate, click the plus button  on the right of the last condition.
', 'Context help tab')));
get_current_screen()->set_help_sidebar(Shopp::_mx('**For more information:**

[Shopp User Guide](%s)

[Community Forums](%s)

[Shopp Support Help Desk](%s)

[Taxes & Discounts](%s)

', 'Taxes help tab (sidebar)', ShoppSupport::DOCS . '/taxes', ShoppSupport::FORUMS, ShoppSupport::SUPPORT, ShoppSupport::DOCS . '/taxes/taxes-discounts'));
Esempio n. 8
Match a cart item by the name of a product variant.
* **Input Name**
Match a cart item by the name of a custom product input.
* **Input Value**
Match a cart item by the value of a custom product input.
* **Quantity**
Match a cart item by the quantity of product in the shopping cart.
* **Unit Price**
Match a cart item by the unit price of a product in the shopping cart.
* **Total Price**
Match a cart item by the total price of the line item in the shopping cart.
* **Discount amount**
Match a cart item by the discount amount of the line item in the shopping cart.
', 'Discounts help tab');
$sidebar = Shopp::_mx('**For more information:**

[Taxes & Discounts](%s)

[Shopp User Guide](%s)

[Community Forums](%s)

[Shopp Support Help Desk](%s)
', 'Discounts help tab (sidebar)', ShoppSupport::DOCS . 'taxes/taxes-discounts/', ShoppSupport::DOCS . 'the-catalog/', ShoppSupport::FORUMS, ShoppSupport::SUPPORT);
get_current_screen()->add_help_tab(array('id' => 'overview', 'title' => Shopp::__('Overview'), 'content' => $Overview));
get_current_screen()->add_help_tab(array('id' => 'types', 'title' => Shopp::__('Discount Types'), 'content' => $Types));
get_current_screen()->add_help_tab(array('id' => 'conditions', 'title' => Shopp::__('Conditions'), 'content' => $Conditions));
get_current_screen()->add_help_tab(array('id' => 'catalog', 'title' => Shopp::__('Catalog Discounts'), 'content' => $Catalog));
get_current_screen()->add_help_tab(array('id' => 'cart', 'title' => Shopp::__('Cart Discounts'), 'content' => $Cart));
get_current_screen()->add_help_tab(array('id' => 'item', 'title' => Shopp::__('Item Discounts'), 'content' => $Item));
Esempio n. 9
After you have added a number of products to your custom product category, you can use the **Category Editor** to arrange the products into a specific order.

#### To arrange products in a category:

1. Login to the WordPress admin, and open the Shopp Category Manager.
2. Select the category link for the custom category that you would like to arrange.
3. Click the **Arrange Products** button, located at the bottom of the Settings panel, to reveal the current arrangement of products in this category.
4. Using your mouse, **click and drag** one of the product to the desired location.  Alternately, you can use the up/down buttons to send a product instantly to the top or bottom of the listing. Your custom arrangement is saved automatically.
', 'Categories help tab');
$sidebar = Shopp::_mx('**For more information:**

[Category & Tag Pages](%s)

[Smart Collections](%s)

[Shopp User Guide](%s)

[Community Forums](%s)

[Shopp Support Help Desk](%s)
', 'Categories help tab (sidebar)', ShoppSupport::DOCS . 'the-catalog/category-tag-pages/', ShoppSupport::DOCS . 'the-catalog/smart-collections/', ShoppSupport::DOCS . 'the-catalog/managing-custom-categories/', ShoppSupport::FORUMS, ShoppSupport::SUPPORT);
get_current_screen()->add_help_tab(array('id' => 'overview', 'title' => Shopp::__('Overview'), 'content' => $Overview));
get_current_screen()->add_help_tab(array('id' => 'managing', 'title' => Shopp::__('Managing Categories'), 'content' => $Managing));
get_current_screen()->add_help_tab(array('id' => 'editor', 'title' => Shopp::__('Editing Categories'), 'content' => $Editor));
get_current_screen()->add_help_tab(array('id' => 'templates', 'title' => Shopp::__('Templates'), 'content' => $Templates));
get_current_screen()->add_help_tab(array('id' => 'variant-templates', 'title' => Shopp::__('Variant Templates'), 'content' => $VariantTemplates));
get_current_screen()->add_help_tab(array('id' => 'faceted', 'title' => Shopp::__('Faceted Menus'), 'content' => $Facets));
get_current_screen()->add_help_tab(array('id' => 'detail-facets', 'title' => Shopp::__('Detail Facets'), 'content' => $DetailFacets));
get_current_screen()->add_help_tab(array('id' => 'price-facet', 'title' => Shopp::__('Price Ranges'), 'content' => $PriceFacet));
get_current_screen()->add_help_tab(array('id' => 'arrange', 'title' => Shopp::__('Arrange Products'), 'content' => $Arrange));