function branding() { global $ss_settings; if ($ss_settings['header_toggle'] == 1) { echo '<div class="before-main-wrapper">'; if ($ss_settings['site_style'] == 'boxed') { echo '<div class="container header-boxed">'; } echo '<div class="header-wrapper">'; if ($ss_settings['site_style'] == 'wide') { echo '<div class="container">'; } if ($ss_settings['header_branding'] == 1) { echo '<a class="brand-logo" href="' . home_url() . '/"><h1>' . Shoestrap_Branding::logo() . '</h1></a>'; } if ($ss_settings['header_branding'] == 1) { $pullclass = ' class="pull-right"'; } else { $pullclass = null; } echo '<div' . $pullclass . '>'; dynamic_sidebar('header-area'); echo '</div>'; if ($ss_settings['site_style'] == 'wide') { echo '</div>'; } echo '</div>'; if ($ss_settings['site_style'] == 'boxed') { echo '</div>'; } echo '</div>'; } }
/** * get the navbar branding options (if the branding module exists) * and then add the appropriate logo or sitename. */ function navbar_brand() { global $ss_settings; $logo = $ss_settings['logo']; $branding_class = !empty($logo['url']) ? 'logo' : 'text'; $branding = ''; if ($ss_settings['navbar_brand'] === 'on') { $branding = '<a class="navbar-brand ' . $branding_class . '" href="' . home_url('/') . '">'; $branding .= $ss_settings['navbar_logo'] == 1 ? Shoestrap_Branding::logo() : get_bloginfo('name'); $branding .= '</a>'; } elseif ($ss_settings['navbar_brand'] === 'off') { $branding = ''; } elseif ($ss_settings['navbar_brand'] === 'both') { $branding = '<a class="navbar-brand ' . $branding_class . '" href="' . home_url('/') . '">'; $branding .= Shoestrap_Branding::logo(); $branding .= '</a>'; $branding .= '<span class="navbar-sitename">' . get_bloginfo('name') . '</span>'; } return $branding; }