  * Display detailed information about a specific item, including the icon,
  * description, price to buy in trade hubs and locally, and manufacturing costs
  * based on mineral prices in the local area.
 public function item($id = NULL)
     // Retrieve the basic information about this item.
     $type = Type::where('typeID', $id)->firstOrFail();
     // If material efficiency was updated, save to the database and set a local variable.
     $material_efficiency = $type->materialEfficiency;
     if (!isset($material_efficiency)) {
         $material_efficiency = new MaterialEfficiency();
         $material_efficiency->typeID = $id;
         $material_efficiency->materialEfficiency = 0;
     if (Input::has('me')) {
         $material_efficiency->materialEfficiency = (int) Input::get('me');
     // Save the updated material efficiency figure.
     // Calculate volume if we need to use shipping data.
     $shipping_cost = Setting::where('key', 'shipping_cost')->first();
     $shipping_cost_to_include = 0;
     if ($shipping_cost->value > 0) {
         // If volume is below 1000, we assume it's not a ship hull and use the base volume.
         if ($type->volume < 1000) {
             $shipping_cost_to_include = $shipping_cost->value * $type->volume;
         } else {
             // For larger volumes, we need to use static values for ship types.
             switch ($type->groupID) {
                 case 31:
                     $shipping_cost_to_include = $shipping_cost->value * 500;
                 case 25:
                 case 237:
                 case 324:
                 case 830:
                 case 831:
                 case 834:
                 case 893:
                     $shipping_cost_to_include = $shipping_cost->value * 2500;
                 case 463:
                 case 543:
                     $shipping_cost_to_include = $shipping_cost->value * 3750;
                 case 420:
                 case 541:
                     $shipping_cost_to_include = $shipping_cost->value * 5000;
                 case 26:
                 case 358:
                 case 832:
                 case 833:
                 case 894:
                     $shipping_cost_to_include = $shipping_cost->value * 10000;
                 case 28:
                     $shipping_cost_to_include = $shipping_cost->value * 20000;
                 case 27:
                 case 381:
                     $shipping_cost_to_include = $shipping_cost->value * 50000;
     // Load the 64x64 icon to display.
     $icon = '';
     $ship = Ship::where('id', $id)->get();
     if (count($ship)) {
         $icon = 'https://image.eveonline.com/Render/' . $id . '_128.png';
     } elseif ($type->Group->Icon) {
         $icon = str_replace('_', '_64_', $type->MarketGroup->Icon->iconFile);
         $icon = preg_replace('/^0/', '', $icon);
         $icon = preg_replace('/0(.)$/', '$1', $icon);
         $icon = 'eve/items/' . $icon . '.png';
     // Retrieve the current price ranges this item sells for.
     $response = API::eveCentral(array($id), Setting::where('key', 'home_region_id')->pluck('value'));
     $local_price = $response[$id];
     // Tech II items need to be treated differently.
     $t2_options = array();
     if ($type->metaType && $type->metaType->metaGroup && $type->metaType->metaGroup['metaGroupName'] == 'Tech II') {
         // Retrieve an array of different possibilities for decryptors.
         $tech_two = TechII::getInventionFigures($type);
         // For each decryptor, show the potential profit.
         $total_price = 1000000000;
         foreach ($tech_two as $decryptor) {
             // Default max runs is 10, add any modifier.
             $max_runs = 10;
             if (isset($decryptor['max_run_modifier'])) {
                 $max_runs += $decryptor['max_run_modifier'];
             // Based on the chance of success, how many T2 items on average will be produced per run?
             $chance_of_success = $decryptor['chance_of_success'] / 100;
             $t2_items_per_blueprint = $max_runs * $chance_of_success;
             // Calculate the cost of manufacturing that many T2 items.
             $manufacturing_cost_per_blueprint = $t2_items_per_blueprint * ($decryptor['t2_manufacture_price'] * (100 - $decryptor['me_modifier']) / 100);
             $total_cost = $decryptor['invention_price'] + $manufacturing_cost_per_blueprint;
             $cost_per_unit = $total_cost / $t2_items_per_blueprint;
             $t2_options[] = array("typeName" => $decryptor['typeName'], "cost" => $cost_per_unit);
             if ($cost_per_unit < $total_price) {
                 $total_price = $cost_per_unit;
         $manufacturing = NULL;
     } else {
         // If the meta level of this item is not Meta 0, we don't need to pull the manufacture price.
         $item = Item::where('typeID', $id)->first();
         if ($item->allowManufacture == 1) {
             // Get a list of what is needed to manufacture the item.
             $manufacturing = array();
             $total_price = 0;
             $type_materials = DB::table('invTypeMaterials')->where('typeID', $id)->get();
             $types = array();
             $jita_types = array();
             // Loop through all the materials. For each one, add it to an array we will use to show manufacturing details.
             foreach ($type_materials as $material) {
                 // Build an array for the eve-central API call.
                 $types[] = $material->materialTypeID;
                 // Build an array for the eventual output.
                 $manufacturing[$material->materialTypeID] = (object) array("typeName" => Type::find($material->materialTypeID)->typeName, "qty" => $material->quantity * (1 - $material_efficiency->materialEfficiency / 100), "price" => 0, "jita" => FALSE);
             // Make an API call to get the local price of materials.
             $api = API::eveCentral($types, $home_region_id = Setting::where('key', 'home_region_id')->pluck('value'));
             // Loop through each returned price and update the data in the manufacturing array.
             foreach ($api as $api_result) {
                 if ($api_result->median != 0) {
                     $manufacturing[$api_result->id]->price = $manufacturing[$api_result->id]->qty * $api_result->median;
                     $total_price += $manufacturing[$api_result->id]->price;
                 } else {
                     // Build an array of types to check prices at Jita.
                     $jita_types[] = $api_result->id;
             // If we need to check prices at Jita, make another API call.
             if (count($jita_types)) {
                 $api = API::eveCentral($jita_types, NULL, 30000142);
                 // Loop through each returned price and update the data in the manufacturing array.
                 foreach ($api as $api_result) {
                     $manufacturing[$api_result->id]->price = $manufacturing[$api_result->id]->qty * $api_result->median;
                     $manufacturing[$api_result->id]->jita = TRUE;
                     $total_price += $manufacturing[$api_result->id]->price;
             $potential_profits = NULL;
         } else {
             $manufacturing = NULL;
             $total_price = 999999999;
     // Retrieve current prices of the module in notable trade hubs.
     $jita = API::eveCentral($id, NULL, 30000142);
     $prices[] = (object) array("solarSystemName" => "Jita", "median" => $jita[$id]->median);
     $amarr = API::eveCentral($id, NULL, 30002187);
     $prices[] = (object) array("solarSystemName" => "Amarr", "median" => $amarr[$id]->median);
     $importCostToUse = (int) $jita[$id]->median < (int) $amarr[$id]->median ? $jita[$id]->median : $amarr[$id]->median;
     if ($shipping_cost_to_include) {
         $importCostToUse = $importCostToUse + $shipping_cost_to_include;
     // Cache the industry and import potential profits for the item.
     $profit = $type->profit;
     if (!isset($profit)) {
         $profit = new Profit();
         $profit->typeID = $id;
     $profit->manufactureCost = round($total_price);
     $profit->profitIndustry = round($local_price->median - $total_price);
     $profit->profitImport = round($local_price->median - $importCostToUse);
     // Save the cached potential profit figure.
     $profitToUse = $profit->profitIndustry > $profit->profitImport ? $profit->profitIndustry : $profit->profitImport;
     $costToUse = $profit->profitIndustry > $profit->profitImport ? $total_price : $importCostToUse;
     return View::make('item')->with('type', $type)->with('icon', $icon)->with('local_price', $local_price)->with('prices', $prices)->with('shipping_cost', $shipping_cost_to_include)->with('manufacturing', $manufacturing)->with('t2_options', $t2_options)->with('total_price', $total_price)->with('profit', $profit)->with('profitToUse', $profitToUse)->with('costToUse', $costToUse)->with('material_efficiency', $material_efficiency);