Esempio n. 1
 public function newShift()
     //gets the input values
     $eid = Input::get('eid');
     $clockin = Input::get('clockin');
     $clockout = Input::get('clockout');
     // need date time for comparisons
     $clockinAsDateTime = new DateTime($clockin);
     $clockoutAsDateTime = new DateTime($clockout);
     $curDateTime = new DateTime();
     // can't clock negative hours
     if ($clockoutAsDateTime < $clockinAsDateTime) {
         return json_encode(['error' => 'negative hours', 'info' => 'Clock in time must be before the current time and before the clock out time.']);
     // wait til you have worked shift to clock it
     if ($clockoutAsDateTime > $curDateTime && $clockinAsDateTime > $curDateTime) {
         return json_encode(['error' => 'future shift', 'info' => 'Please log only shifts that you have worked, not ones that you expect to work.']);
     // can't clock more than 24 hours
     $min_clockin = date_sub($clockoutAsDateTime, date_interval_create_from_date_string('1 day'));
     if ($clockinAsDateTime < $min_clockin) {
         return json_encode(['error' => 'too long', 'info' => 'The max shift time is 24 hours']);
     // Before saving we should make sure no one is over clocking (i.e.,
     // the new shift times don't overlap with existing shift times);
     // To do this we query for conflicting shifts and reject if the query
     // returns shifts. The query is pretty ugly, but it's really not
     // very complex. 4 steps total:
     //  1) Get shifts for the user who is updating his/her shifts.
     //  2) Find any shifts with clockin or clockout times that fall within the
     //     updated shift times. If updated shift time is 2-3pm, this finds any
     //     shift whose clockin or clockout is between 2pm and 3pm.
     //  3) Find any shifts that extend the updated shift times. If updated
     //     shift time is 2-3pm and another shift is 1:30-3:30pm this finds
     //     it.
     $conflictingShiftClockInTimes = Shift::where('eid', $eid)->where(function ($query) use($clockin, $clockout) {
         $query->whereBetween('clockIn', [$clockin, $clockout])->orWhereBetween('clockOut', [$clockin, $clockout])->orWhere(function ($query) use($clockin, $clockout) {
             $query->where('clockOut', '>', $clockout)->where('clockIn', '<', $clockin);
     // if there are conflicting shifts return them as a string
     if (!$conflictingShiftClockInTimes->isEmpty()) {
         $conflicts = "";
         foreach ($conflictingShiftClockInTimes as $time) {
             $conflicts .= $time->clockIn . "<br>";
         return json_encode(['error' => 'conflict', 'info' => $conflicts]);
     $newShift = new Shift();
     $newShift->eid = $eid;
     $newShift->clockIn = $clockin;
     $newShift->clockout = $clockout;
     return json_encode(['error' => 'none']);
 function shiftscreateAction()
     $session = SessionWrapper::getInstance();
     // parent::createAction();
     $formvalues = $this->_getAllParams();
     // debugMessage($formvalues); exit();
     $formvalues['id'] = $id = decode($formvalues['id']);
     $shift = new Shift();
     if (!isArrayKeyAnEmptyString('id', $formvalues)) {
         $formvalues['lastupdatedby'] = $session->getVar('userid');
     } else {
         $formvalues['createdby'] = $session->getVar('userid');
     if ($shift->hasError()) {
         // debugMessage('errors are '.$shift->getErrorStackAsString()); exit();
         $session->setVar(ERROR_MESSAGE, $shift->getErrorStackAsString());
     // exit;
     try {
         $session->setVar(SUCCESS_MESSAGE, $this->_getParam('successmessage'));
     } catch (Exception $e) {
         $session->setVar(ERROR_MESSAGE, $e->getMessage());
         //debugMessage('save error '.$e->getMessage());