Esempio n. 1
 private function calcFirewallDamage(SR_Player $player, SR_Player $target, $level, $hits)
     // 		echo "Calc damage with $hits hits\n";
     $min = $level + 1;
     $max = $min + $hits * 1.0;
     return Shadowfunc::diceFloat($min, $max);
Esempio n. 2
 public static function decideCombat(SR_Player $player, array $args)
     echo __METHOD__ . PHP_EOL;
     $min = isset($args[0]) ? (int) $args[0] : 1.0;
     $max = isset($args[1]) ? (int) $args[1] : 1.0;
     return array('attack', Shadowfunc::diceFloat($min, $max, 2));
Esempio n. 3
 public function cast(SR_Player $player, SR_Player $target, $level, $hits, SR_Player $potion_player)
     //		echo "Casting Firebolt with level $level and $hits hits.\n";
     $min = 1.0 + $level * 0.2;
     $max = $min + $level * 1.0 + $hits * 0.3;
     $damage = Shadowfunc::diceFloat($min, $max);
     return $this->spellDamageSingleTarget($player, $target, $level, '10040', $damage);
Esempio n. 4
 public function cast(SR_Player $player, SR_Player $target, $level, $hits, SR_Player $potion_player)
     echo "Casting " . $this->getName() . " with level {$level} and {$hits} hits.\n";
     $min = 0.0;
     $max = $hits * 1.5;
     $sucked = Shadowfunc::diceFloat($min, $max, 1);
     // 		$append = sprintf('%s lost %s MP.', $target->getName(), $sucked);
     $this->announceADV($player, $target, $level, '10090', $sucked);
     return true;
Esempio n. 5
 public static function onASLSetRandom(SR_Player $player)
     $data = SR_Player::$RACE_BASE[$player->getRace()];
     $rand = Shadowfunc::diceFloat(0.8, 1.2, 2);
     $age = round($data['age'] * $rand);
     $age = Common::clamp($age, 18);
     $rand = Shadowfunc::diceFloat(0.8, 1.2, 2);
     $bmi = round($data['bmi'] * $rand * 1000);
     $height = round($data['height'] * $rand);
     return self::onASLSetCustom($player, $age, $bmi, $height);
Esempio n. 6
 public function cast(SR_Player $player, SR_Player $target, $level, $hits, SR_Player $potion_player)
     $min = $level + 1;
     $max = $min + $level / 4 + $hits / 10;
     $gain = Shadowfunc::diceFloat($min, $max);
     $oldhp = $target->getHP();
     $maxhp = $target->getMaxHP();
     $gain = $target->healHP($gain);
     $append = Shadowfunc::displayHPGain($oldhp, $gain, $maxhp);
     $this->announceADV($player, $target, $level, '10110', $append);
     return true;
Esempio n. 7
 public function cast(SR_Player $player, SR_Player $target, $level, $hits, SR_Player $potion_player)
     $wis = $potion_player->get('wisdom') * 30;
     $min = 20 + $level * 10;
     $max = 40 + $level * 20 + $wis;
     $seconds = rand($min, $max);
     $seconds = $this->lowerSpellIncrement($target, $seconds, 'frozen');
     $target->busy($seconds * 10);
     $ef = Shadowfunc::diceFloat(0.1, $level, 1);
     $target->addEffects(new SR_Effect($seconds, array('frozen' => $ef), SR_Effect::MODE_ONCE_EXTEND));
     $this->announceADV($player, $target, $level, '10050', $seconds, $ef);
     return true;
Esempio n. 8
  * Poison the target.
  * @see SR_Weapon::onDealDamage()
 public function onDealDamage(SR_Player $player, SR_Player $target, $hits, $damage)
     $biotech = Common::clamp($target->getVar('biotech'), 0, 15);
     $min = 0.1 - $biotech * 0.01;
     $max = 0.3 - $biotech * 0.02;
     $duration = rand(20, 40);
     $per_sec = Shadowfunc::diceFloat($min, $max, 2);
     if ($per_sec > 0) {
         $modifiers = array('hp' => $per_sec);
         $target->addEffects(new SR_Effect($duration, $modifiers));
         $target->msg('5294', array(sprintf('%.02f', $per_sec), GWF_Time::humanDuration($duration)));
Esempio n. 9
 public function cast(SR_Player $player, SR_Player $target, $level, $hits, SR_Player $potion_player)
     $wis = $potion_player->get('wisdom') * 30;
     $min = 5 + $level * 5;
     $max = 10 + $level * 10 + $wis;
     $seconds = rand($min, $max);
     $seconds = $this->lowerSpellIncrement($target, $seconds, 'frozen');
     $target->busy($seconds * 10);
     $ef = Shadowfunc::diceFloat(0.1, $level, 1);
     $target->addEffects(new SR_Effect($seconds, array('frozen' => $ef), SR_Effect::MODE_ONCE_EXTEND));
     $min = 0.5 + $level * 0.3;
     $max = $min + $level * 0.8 + $hits * 0.25;
     $damage = Shadowfunc::diceFloat($min, $max);
     return $this->spellDamageSingleTarget($player, $target, $level, '10040', $damage, $seconds);
Esempio n. 10
 public function on_reward(SR_Player $player, array $args)
     $bot = Shadowrap::instance($player);
     if (count($args) !== 1) {
         $bot->reply($this->lang($player, 'usage'));
         // 			$bot->reply('Usage: #reward <attribute|skill>. Will create a new rune.');
         return false;
     $f = strtolower($args[0]);
     if (isset(SR_Player::$SKILL[$f])) {
         $f = SR_Player::$SKILL[$f];
     if (isset(SR_Player::$ATTRIBUTE[$f])) {
         $f = SR_Player::$ATTRIBUTE[$f];
     if ($f === 'essence') {
         $min = 0.1;
         $max = 0.1;
     } elseif (in_array($f, SR_Player::$SKILL)) {
         $min = 0.2;
         $max = 0.6;
     } elseif (in_array($f, SR_Player::$ATTRIBUTE)) {
         $min = 0.4;
         $max = 0.8;
     } else {
         $bot->reply($this->lang($player, 'unknown'));
         // 			$bot->reply('This skill or attribute is unknown.');
         return false;
     $itemname = 'Rune_of_' . $f . ':' . Shadowfunc::diceFloat($min, $max, 1);
     if (false === ($item = SR_Item::createByName($itemname))) {
         $bot->reply($this->lang($player, 'broken'));
         // 			$bot->reply('My smith hammer is broken!');
         return false;
     $bot->reply($this->lang($player, 'cheers'));
     // 		$bot->reply('The dwarf cheers and get\'s to work.');
     $bot->reply($this->lang($player, 'received', array($itemname)));
     // 		$bot->reply("You received ${itemname}.");
     $key = self::REWARD_RUNES;
     $player->decreaseConst($key, -1);
     if (!$player->hasConst($key)) {
         $bot->reply($this->lang($player, 'rewarded'));
         // 			$bot->reply('You haved used all your #reward now.');
     return true;
Esempio n. 11
 public function cast(SR_Player $player, SR_Player $target, $level, $hits, SR_Player $potion_player)
     echo "Casting Vulcano with level {$level} and {$hits} hits.\n";
     $this->announceADV($player, $target, $level);
     # Firebolt ads 0.20 per level
     $firebolt = $potion_player->getSpell('firebolt');
     $firebolt = $firebolt === false ? 0 : $firebolt->getLevel($player);
     $firebolt = round($firebolt / 5, 1);
     $level += $firebolt;
     # Fireball ads 0.25 per level
     $fireball = $potion_player->getSpell('fireball');
     $fireball = $fireball === false ? 0 : $fireball->getLevel($player);
     $fireball = round($fireball / 4, 1);
     $level += $fireball;
     # Firewall ads 0.3 per level
     $firewall = $potion_player->getSpell('firewall');
     $firewall = $firewall === false ? 0 : $firewall->getLevel($player);
     $firewall = round($firewall * 0.3, 1);
     $level += $firewall;
     # Inaccurate
     $inaccuracy = Common::clamp(3 - $level * 0.1, 1);
     $targets = SR_Grenade::computeDistances($target, $inaccuracy);
     $p = $player->getParty();
     $ep = $p->getEnemyParty();
     $damage = array();
     foreach ($targets as $data) {
         list($pid, $d) = $data;
         $target = $ep->getMemberByPID($pid);
         $d = Common::clamp($d, 1);
         $hits = $this->dice($potion_player, $target, $level);
         # Dice hits
         echo "!! Vulcano hits={$hits}, Distance={$d}";
         $min = 1.0 + $level * 1.0;
         # Min damage is quite low
         $max = $min + $level + $hits * 1.2;
         # The max damage is min + hits
         $dmg = Shadowfunc::diceFloat($min, $max);
         $dmg /= $d / SR_Party::X_COORD_INC * 1.2;
         # Apply area reduction
         $dmg = round($dmg, 1);
         $damage[$pid] = $dmg;
     $this->spellDamageMultiTargets($player, $damage, $level);
     return true;
Esempio n. 12
 public static function alchemicFactory(SR_Player $player, $spellname, $level)
     $ma = $player->get('magic');
     $in = $player->get('intelligence');
     $wi = $player->get('wisdom');
     $alc = $player->get('alchemy');
     # 10 - 80 percent randomness
     $randomness = 100 - ($wi + $alc * 2 + $in + $ma);
     $randomness = Common::clamp($randomness, 10, 80);
     $randomness = Shadowfunc::diceFloat(10, $randomness) * 0.01;
     # Dice!
     $minlevel = round($level - $level * $randomness, 1);
     $maxlevel = $level;
     $level = Shadowfunc::diceFloat($minlevel, $maxlevel, 1);
     $potion = SR_Item::createByName('AlchemicPotion');
     $potion->addModifiers(array($spellname => $level, 'magic' => $player->getBase('magic'), 'intelligence' => $player->getBase('intelligence'), 'wisdom' => $player->getBase('wisdom')));
     return $potion;
Esempio n. 13
 public function cast(SR_Player $player, SR_Player $target, $level, $hits, SR_Player $potion_player)
     $lev = $this->getLevel($player);
     $int = $potion_player->get('intelligence');
     $wis = $potion_player->get('wisdom');
     $min = 0.5;
     $min += $level * 0.2;
     $min += $wis * 0.2;
     $min += $int * 0.1;
     $min += $hits * 0.1;
     $max = $min * 2;
     $metres = Shadowfunc::diceFloat($min, $max, 2);
     $ep = $target->getParty();
     $ep->movePlayer($target, false, $metres);
     $this->announceADV($player, $target, $level, '10020', $metres, $target->getY());
     // 		$append = sprintf('%s got blown away %s metres and is now on position %s.', $target->getName(), $metres, $target->getY());
     // 		$this->announceADV($player, $target, $level, $append);
     return true;
Esempio n. 14
 public function cast(SR_Player $player, SR_Player $target, $level, $hits, SR_Player $potion_player)
     echo "Casting Fireball with level {$level} and {$hits} hits.\n";
     $this->announceADV($player, $target, $level);
     # Firebolt ads 0.20 per level
     $firebolt = $potion_player->getSpell('firebolt');
     $firebolt = $firebolt === false ? 0 : $firebolt->getLevel($potion_player);
     $firebolt = round($firebolt / 5, 1);
     $level += $firebolt;
     # Inaccuracy
     $inaccuracy = Common::clamp(4 - $level * 0.15, 1);
     $targets = SR_Grenade::computeDistances($target, $inaccuracy);
     $p = $player->getParty();
     $ep = $p->getEnemyParty();
     $damage = array();
     foreach ($targets as $data) {
         list($pid, $d) = $data;
         $target = $ep->getMemberByPID($pid);
         $d = Common::clamp($d, 1);
         $hits = $this->dice($potion_player, $target, $level);
         # Dice hits
         echo "!! Fireball hits={$hits}, Distance={$d}\n";
         // 			$hits /= 2; # We take half..
         // 			$hits /= ($d * 5); # And divide by distance
         // 			$hits = round($hits, 1);
         // 			echo " Fireball hits=$hits\n";
         $min = 1.0 + $level * 0.5;
         # Min damage is quite low
         $max = $min + $level + $hits * 0.5;
         # The max damage is min + hits
         $dmg = Shadowfunc::diceFloat($min, $max);
         $dmg /= $d / SR_Party::X_COORD_INC * 1.4;
         # Apply area reduction
         $dmg = round($dmg, 1);
         // 			$player->message(sprintf("You have hit %s with %d hits, your damage is %.02f-%.02f, Distance from impact: %.02fm", $target->getName(), $hits, $min, $max, $d));
         $damage[$pid] = $dmg;
     $this->spellDamageMultiTargets($player, $damage, $level);
     return true;
Esempio n. 15
  * Compute the distances to an explosion.
  * Imagaine the game like this
  * A
  *  B   E
  *       F
  *    CD
  * ---0m---
  * @param SR_Player $target
  * @param unknown_type $radius
  * @param unknown_type $atk
  * @param unknown_type $atk_delta
 public static function computeDistances(SR_Player $target, $inaccuracy = 3)
     $party = $target->getParty();
     $members = $party->getMembers();
     $coords = array();
     foreach ($members as $m) {
         $m instanceof SR_Player;
         $coords[$m->getID()] = array($m->getX(), $m->getY());
     # Point of impact.
     $g_x = $coords[$target->getID()][0] + Shadowfunc::diceFloat(-$inaccuracy, +$inaccuracy);
     $g_y = $coords[$target->getID()][1] + Shadowfunc::diceFloat(-$inaccuracy, +$inaccuracy);
     // 		echo sprintf("Grenade has coords %.02f / %.02f\n", $g_x, $g_y);
     $back = array();
     foreach ($coords as $uid => $data) {
         list($p_x, $p_y) = $data;
         $d = Shadowfunc::calcDistanceB($g_x, $g_y, $p_x, $p_y);
         $p = Shadowrun4::getPlayerByPID($uid);
         $back[] = array($uid, $d);
         // 			echo sprintf("%s has coords %.02f / %.02f (distance: %.02f)\n", $p->getName(), $p_x, $p_y, $d);
     return $back;
Esempio n. 16
 public function onHack(SR_Player $player, SR_Cyberdeck $cyberdeck)
     $bot = Shadowrap::instance($player);
     if ($this->hasHacked($player)) {
         $bot->reply('Not again');
         return false;
     $pid = $player->getID();
     $com = $player->get('computers');
     $cyb = $cyberdeck->getCyberdeckLevel();
     $atk = Shadowfunc::diceFloat(0, $com * 2.0 + $cyb * 2.0 + 2.0, 2);
     $com = $this->getComputerLevel($player);
     $def = Shadowfunc::diceFloat(0, $com * 3.2 + 3.0, 2);
     $hits = round(($atk - $def) * 10 - $this->getMinHits());
     if ($hits > 0) {
         $this->hackers[$pid] = $this->getMaxAttempts();
         return $this->onHacked($player, $hits);
     return $this->onFailed($player, $hits, $this->hackers[$pid]);
Esempio n. 17
 public function onConsume(SR_Player $player)
     $oldhp = $player->getHP();
     $gain = $player->healHP(Shadowfunc::diceFloat(1.0, 3.0, 1));
     $player->getParty()->message($player, 'ate some bacon. ' . Shadowfunc::displayHPGain($oldhp, $gain, $player->getMaxHP()));
Esempio n. 18
 public function getMovePerSecond()
     return 1.5 + $this->get('quickness') * 0.25 + Shadowfunc::diceFloat(-0.2, +0.2, 1);
Esempio n. 19
 public function on_steal(SR_Player $player, array $args)
     $bot = Shadowrap::instance($player);
     if (count($args) !== 1) {
         $bot->reply(Shadowhelp::getHelp($player, 'steal'));
         return false;
     if (false === ($item = $this->getStoreItem($player, $args[0]))) {
         // 			$bot->reply('There is no such item here.');
         return false;
     $itemname = $item->getItemName();
     # Steal difficulty
     $difficulty = $item->getItemLevel();
     if ($difficulty < 0) {
         return $this->onStealOops($player, $itemname);
     # Your skill
     $qu = $player->get('quickness');
     $th = $player->get('thief');
     $skill = $qu + $th * 2;
     # DEBUG
     printf("Dicing DIFF %.02f against SKILL %.02f ...\n", $difficulty, $skill);
     # Dice diff
     $min = $difficulty + 2;
     $max = $min * 2 + 1;
     $dice_diff = Shadowfunc::diceFloat($min, $max, 2);
     # Dice skill
     $min = 1;
     $max = $min + $skill + 1;
     $dice_skill = Shadowfunc::diceFloat($min, $max, 2);
     $bot->rply('5192', array($item->getItemName()));
     // 		$bot->reply(sprintf('You attempt to steal %s...', $item->getItemName()));
     # On succes we have a negative value.
     $difference = $dice_diff - $dice_skill;
     if ($difference < -$difficulty) {
         # Yay!
         return $this->onStealSuccess($player, $itemname);
     } elseif ($difference < 1) {
         # Nuts!
         return $this->onStealNothing($player, $itemname);
     } elseif ($difference > $difficulty * 2) {
         # Prison!
         return $this->onStealPrisoned($player, $itemname);
     } elseif ($difference > $difficulty) {
         # Police!
         return $this->onStealCombat($player, $itemname);
     } else {
         # Oops im beeing watched! :)
         return $this->onStealOops($player, $itemname);
     $bot->reply('WRONG CODE IS WRONG!');
     return false;
Esempio n. 20
 private function onCrackLock(SR_Player $player, SR_Player $member)
     $lvl = $this->getLockLevel();
     $loc = $member->get('lockpicking');
     $atk = Shadowfunc::diceFloat($loc, $loc * 2.0 + 1.0, 2);
     $def = Shadowfunc::diceFloat($lvl, $lvl * 1.5 + 2.0, 2);
     printf('%s tries to crack lock lvl %s with lockpicking %s. DEF:%s ... ATK: %s', $member->getName(), $lvl, $loc, $def, $atk) . PHP_EOL;
     if ($atk >= $def) {
         $this->onSetLockPlayer($member, 1);
         $this->onCrackedLock($player, $member);
         return true;
     } else {
         $this->onSetLockPlayer($member, 0);
         return false;
Esempio n. 21
 public function getLootXP()
     return Shadowfunc::diceFloat(1, 2 + $this->getBase('level') / 5, 1) + $this->getNPCLootXP();
Esempio n. 22
 public static function randModifier(SR_Player $player, $level)
     $luck = $player->get('luck');
     $total = 0;
     $possible = array();
     $level = intval($level + $luck * 2);
     foreach (self::getRuneData() as $data) {
         $minlvl = $data[self::RUNE_MIN_LEVEL];
         if ($level < $minlvl) {
         $maxlvl = $data[self::RUNE_MAX_LEVEL];
         $range = $maxlvl - $minlvl;
         # Percent of level
         $level = Common::clamp($level, 0, $maxlvl);
         $l = $level - $minlvl;
         $l = $l / $range;
         $dc = round($data[self::RUNE_DROP_CHANCE] * $l * 100);
         if ($dc < 1) {
         $possible[] = array($data, $dc);
         $total += $dc;
     if (count($possible) === 0) {
         return false;
     if (false === ($data = Shadowfunc::randomData($possible, $total, 0))) {
         return false;
     $minlvl = $data[self::RUNE_MIN_LEVEL];
     $maxlvl = $data[self::RUNE_MAX_LEVEL];
     $range = $maxlvl - $minlvl;
     $l = $level - $minlvl;
     $l = $l / $range;
     $min = $data[self::RUNE_MIN_MODIFIER];
     $max = $data[self::RUNE_MAX_MODIFIER];
     $r = $max - $min;
     $max = $r * $l;
     $power = Shadowfunc::diceFloat($min, $min + $max, 2) * SR_Player::RUNE_MULTIPLIER;
     if ($power < 0.1) {
         return false;
     //		echo "RUNE POWER $min - $max: $power\n";
     return array($data[self::RUNE_MODIFIER] => $power);
Esempio n. 23
 public function on_split(SR_Player $player, array $args)
     # Bailout
     $bot = Shadowrap::instance($player);
     if (count($args) !== 1) {
         $bot->reply(Shadowhelp::getHelp($player, 'split'));
         return false;
     # Get Item
     if (false === ($rune = $player->getItem($args[0]))) {
         // 			$bot->reply('You don`t have that item.');
         return false;
     $pid = $player->getID();
     $itemname = $rune->getItemName();
     $ditemname = $rune->displayFullName($player);
     $confirmed = isset(self::$SPLIT_CONFIRM[$pid]) && self::$SPLIT_CONFIRM[$pid] === $rune->getID();
     if (!$rune instanceof SR_Rune) {
         // 			$bot->reply('You can only split runes.');
         return false;
     $mods = array_merge($rune->getItemModifiersA($player), $rune->getItemModifiersB());
     if (count($mods) < 2) {
         // 			$bot->reply('This rune has only one modifier.');
         return false;
     # Check price
     $price = $this->calcSplitPrice($player, $rune->getItemPriceStatted());
     $dp = Shadowfunc::displayNuyen($price);
     if (!$player->hasNuyen($price)) {
         $bot->rply('1063', array($dp, $player->displayNuyen()));
         // 			$player->message(sprintf('It would cost %s to split the %s, but you only have %s.', $dp, $itemname, $player->getNuyen()));
         return false;
     # Confirm?
     if (!$confirmed) {
         self::$SPLIT_CONFIRM[$pid] = $rune->getID();
         $bot->rply('5216', array($dp, $ditemname));
         // 			$player->message(sprintf('It would cost %s to split the %s. Retype your command to confirm.', $dp, $itemname));
         return true;
     $runes = array();
     $names = array();
     $mods = array_merge($rune->getItemModifiersA($player), $rune->getItemModifiersB());
     foreach ($mods as $k => $v) {
         $v /= 2;
         $v += Shadowfunc::diceFloat(0.0, $v / 2, 1);
         $v = round($v, 1);
         if ($v >= 0.1) {
             $name = "Rune_of_{$k}:{$v}";
             $rune2 = SR_Item::createByName($name);
             $runes[] = $rune2;
             $names[] = $rune2->displayFullName($player);
     if (false === $rune->deleteItem($player)) {
         $bot->reply(sprintf('Cannot delete rune in %s line %s.', __FILE__, __LINE__));
         return false;
     if (count($runes) === 0) {
         // 			$bot->reply(sprintf('The rune burned into dust while splitting it. You don\'t need to pay.'));
         return true;
     if (false === $player->giveItems($runes)) {
         $bot->reply(sprintf('Cannot give items in %s line %s.', __FILE__, __LINE__));
         return false;
     if (false === $player->pay($price)) {
         $bot->reply(sprintf('Cannot pay price in %s line %s.', __FILE__, __LINE__));
         return false;
     return $bot->rply('5217', array($dp, $ditemname, GWF_Array::implodeHuman($names)));
     // 		return $bot->reply(sprintf('You pay %s and split your %s into %s.', $dp, $itemname, GWF_Array::implodeHuman($names)));
Esempio n. 24
 public function onAttackB(SR_Player $player, $arg, $armor_type)
     $p = $player->getParty();
     $mc = $p->getMemberCount();
     $ep = $p->getEnemyParty();
     if (false === ($target = $this->getOffensiveTarget($player, $arg))) {
         return false;
     $d = abs($player->getY() - $target->getY());
     $d2 = Common::clamp($d - 2, 0);
     if ($d > $this->getItemRange()) {
         $player->getParty()->moveTowards($player, $target);
         return true;
     if ($this instanceof SR_FireWeapon) {
         $this->increase('sr4it_ammo', -$this->getBulletsPerShot());
     # Bows are great for distance
     if ($this instanceof SR_Bow) {
         $d2 /= 4;
     } elseif ($this instanceof SR_MeleeWeapon) {
         $d2 = 0;
     $busy = $player->busy($this->getRealAttackTime());
     $mindmg = $player->get('min_dmg');
     $maxdmg = $player->get('max_dmg');
     $arm = $target->get($armor_type);
     $atk = round(Common::clamp($player->get('attack') - $d2 * 1.2, 1));
     $def = $target->get('defense');
     $hits = Shadowfunc::diceHits($mindmg, $arm, $atk, $def, $player, $target);
     $pname = $player->displayNameNB();
     $tname = $target->displayNameNB();
     $iname = $this->getName();
     # Debug
     //		Dog_Log::debug(sprintf('%s (ATK: %s HP: %s) vs. %s (DEF: %s HP: %s) = HITS: %s',$player->getName(),$atk,$player->getHP(),$target->getName(),$def,$target->getHP(),$hits));
     # Miss
     if ($hits < 1) {
         $p->ntice('5230', array($pname, $tname, $iname, $busy));
         $ep->ntice('5230', array($pname, $tname, $iname, $busy));
         return true;
         // 			$msg .= ' but misses.';
     # Hit
     $damage = $hits * 0.1;
     $damage = round(Common::clamp($damage, 0.0, $maxdmg), 1);
     # Crit?
     $sharp = $player->getCritPermille();
     if (rand(0, 1000) < $sharp) {
         $damage += Shadowfunc::diceFloat(1.0, $hits * 0.1 + 1.0, 1);
         $crit = 1;
         $bold = "";
     } else {
         $crit = false;
         $bold = '';
     # No damage
     if ($damage <= 0) {
         $p->ntice('5231', array($pname, $tname, $iname, $busy));
         $ep->ntice('5231', array($pname, $tname, $iname, $busy));
         return true;
         // 			$msg .= sprintf(' but causes no damage.');
         // 			$hpmsg = sprintf(' %s/%s HP left.', round($target->getHP(), 1), round($target->get('max_hp'), 1));
     # Special poison weapons
     $this->onDealDamage($player, $target, $hits, $damage);
     # Some damage
     if (false === $target->isDead()) {
         $p->ntice('5232', array($pname, $tname, $iname, $damage, $busy, $bold, $crit));
         $ep->ntice('5233', array($pname, $tname, $iname, $damage, $target->getHP(), $target->getMaxHP(), $busy, $bold, $crit));
         return true;
     # Killed! #
     $xp = $target->isHuman() ? 0 : $target->getLootXP();
     $nuyen = $target->getLootNuyen();
     if ($player->isNPC()) {
     $tl = $target->getBase('level');
     $ploot = array();
     $pxp = 0;
     foreach ($p->getMembers() as $member) {
         $member instanceof SR_Player;
         $lxp = $xp / $mc;
         $leveldiff = ($tl + 1) / ($member->getBase('level') + 1);
         $lxp *= $leveldiff;
         $lxp = round(Common::clamp($lxp, 0.01), 2);
         $pxp += $lxp;
         $xps[] = $lxp;
         $lny = round($nuyen / $mc, 2);
         $member->msg('5234', array($pname, $tname, $iname, $damage, $busy, Shadowfunc::displayNuyen($lny), $lxp, $bold, $crit));
         // 			$member->setOption(SR_Player::STATS_DIRTY, true);
     $ep->ntice('5235', array($pname, $tname, $iname, $damage, $busy, $bold, $crit));
     return true;
Esempio n. 25
 public function onConsume(SR_Player $player)
     $oldhp = $player->getHP();
     $gain = $player->healHP(Shadowfunc::diceFloat(0.2, 0.5, 1));
     $player->getParty()->message($player, 'ate an apple. ' . Shadowfunc::displayHPGain($oldhp, $gain, $player->getMaxHP()));