Esempio n. 1
define('TICK_LOG_FILE_NPC', $game_path . 'logs/NPC_BOT_tick_' . date('d-m-Y', time()) . '.log');
include 'NPC_BOT.php';
include 'ferengi.php';
include 'borg.php';
include 'settlers.php';
$sdl->start_job('Ramona comes over - oh women are so wonderful');
$quark = new Ferengi($db, $sdl);
$quark->Execute(1, "Normal operation in the test round", 0, "#DEEB24");
$sdl->finish_job('Ramona comes over - oh women are so wonderful');
$sdl->start_job('SevenOfNine is coming - oh borg are not so beautiful');
$borg = new Borg($db, $sdl);
$sdl->finish_job('SevenOfNine is coming - oh borg are not so beautiful');
$sdl->start_job('Mayflower is coming - settlers are the real workforce');
$settlers = new Settlers($db, $sdl);
$sdl->finish_job('Mayflower is coming - settlers are the real workforce');
// ########################################################################################
// ########################################################################################
// Update Tick-ID
// (here, everything is completed, which is based on the ticking ID)
if (substr($STARDATE, -1, 1) == '9') {
    $new_stardate = (string) ((double) $STARDATE + 0.1) . '.0';
} else {
    $new_stardate = (string) ((double) $STARDATE + 0.1);
if (!$db->query('UPDATE config SET tick_id = tick_id + 1, shipwreck_id=shipwreck_id+1, tick_securehash = "' . md5($ACTUAL_TICK) . '", stardate = "' . $new_stardate . '"')) {
    $sdl->log('<b>Error:</b> Could not update tick ID, Tick stopped, sent mail to');
    mail('*****@*****.**', 'STFC2: Tickstop', 'Tick ' . $ACTUAL_TICK . ' has been stopped.\\nError message:\\n' . $db->raise_error() . '\\n\\nGreetings, STGC Scheduler');
    $sdl->log('Tick ' . $ACTUAL_TICK . ' has (presumably) halted.<br>Error message:<br>' . $db->error['message'] . '<br><br>Error Source: " UPDATE config SET tick_id = tick_id + 1, tick_securehash = "' . md5($ACTUAL_TICK) . '" "<br><br>Greetings, STGC Scheduler');