function post() { $users = new UsersData(); if ($users->checkPass() && !$users->authNeeded()) { $settings = new SettingsData(); $settings->updateData($_POST); header('Location: /admin/settings/?updated=true'); } else { include_once '401.html'; } }
public function testSettingsDoSave() { $val = SettingsData::GetSettingValue('PHPVMS_VERSION'); $this->assertTrue($val); $save = SettingsData::SaveSetting('PHPVMS_VERSION', $val); $this->assertTrue($val, DB::$error); echo '<br />'; }
function buildDataFile($files) { foreach ($files as $file) { $fileData = file_get_contents('../' . $file, true); $html = str_get_html($fileData); foreach ($html->find('.auto-rss-link') as $rssFeed) { $settingsData = new SettingsData(); $this->data['rss'] = array('rss' => $settingsData->getHost() . "feed/", 'type' => 'rss'); $rssFeed->href = "<?=get('{$this->dataFile}', 'rss')?>"; } $fp = fopen('../' . $file, 'w'); fwrite($fp, $html); fclose($fp); } if ($this->hasFeed()) { $this->copyFeed(); } }
/** * SiteData::loadSiteSettings() * * @return */ public static function loadSiteSettings() { $all_settings = SettingsData::getAllSettings(); if (!$all_settings) { return false; } foreach ($all_settings as $setting) { if ($setting->name == 'PHPVMS_VERSION') { continue; } //correct value for booleans if ($setting->value == 'true') { $setting->value = true; } elseif ($setting->value == 'false') { $setting->value = false; } define($setting->name, $setting->value); } /*define('PHPVMS_VERSION',file_get_contents(SITE_ROOT.'/core/version'));*/ }
/** * UserTest::testUserDataIntegrity() * * @return void */ public function testUserDataIntegrity() { # See if basic data matched $pilot = PilotData::getPilotByEmail('*****@*****.**'); foreach ($this->registrationData as $key => $value) { if ($key == 'password') { continue; } $this->assertEquals($value, $pilot->{$key}, "Checking {$key}"); } # Did they get added to the default group? $defaultGroup = SettingsData::getSettingValue('DEFAULT_GROUP'); $pilotGroups = PilotGroups::getUserGroups($pilot->pilotid); $this->assertNotEmpty($pilotGroups, 'PilotGroups::getUserGroups()'); $found = false; foreach ($pilotGroups as $group) { if (strtolower(trim($group->name)) == strtolower(trim($defaultGroup))) { $found = true; break; } } $this->assertTrue($found, 'User found in default group'); }
protected function ShowFields() { $this->set('allfields', SettingsData::GetAllFields()); $this->render('settings_customfieldsform.tpl'); }
/** * Get the total number of hours flown by pilots */ public static function TotalHours() { return SettingsData::GetSettingValue('TOTAL_HOURS'); }
break; case 'installdb': if ($_POST['action'] == 'submitdb') { if ($_POST['DBASE_NAME'] == '' || $_POST['DBASE_USER'] == '' || $_POST['DBASE_TYPE'] == '' || $_POST['DBASE_SERVER'] == '' || $_POST['SITE_URL'] == '') { echo '<div id="error">You must fill out all the required fields</div>'; break; } if (!Installer::AddTables()) { echo '<div id="error">' . Installer::$error . '</div>'; break; } if (!Installer::WriteConfig()) { echo '<div id="error">' . Installer::$error . '</div>'; break; } SettingsData::saveSetting('PHPVMS_VERSION', INSTALLER_VERSION); echo '<div align="center" style="font-size: 18px;"><br /> <a href="install.php?page=sitesetup">Continue to the next step</a> </div>'; } break; case 'sitesetup': Template::Show('s2_site_setup.tpl'); break; case 'complete': if ($_POST['action'] == 'submitsetup') { if ($_POST['firstname'] == '' || $_POST['lastname'] == '' || $_POST['email'] == '' || $_POST['password'] == '' || $_POST['vaname'] == '' || $_POST['vacode'] == '') { Template::Set('message', 'You must fill out all of the fields'); Template::Show('s2_site_setup.tpl'); break; }
/** * Add a User * * $data = array( * 'firstname' => '', * 'lastname' => '', * 'email' => '', * 'password' => '', * 'code' => '', * 'location' => '', * 'hub' => '', * 'confirm' => false); */ public static function addUser($data) { /*$data = array( 'firstname' => '', 'lastname' => '', 'email' => '', 'password' => '', 'code' => '', 'location' => '', 'hub' => '', 'confirm' => false);*/ $exists = self::CheckUserEmail($data['email']); if (is_object($exists)) { self::$error = 'Email already exists'; return false; } //Set the password, add some salt $salt = md5(date('His')); $password = md5($data['password'] . $salt); //Stuff it into here, the confirmation email will use it. self::$salt = $salt; $code = DB::escape(strtoupper($data['code'])); $firstname = DB::escape(ucwords($data['firstname'])); $lastname = DB::escape(ucwords($data['lastname'])); $location = DB::escape(strtoupper($data['location'])); //Add this stuff in if ($data['confirm'] === true) { $confirm = 1; } else { $confirm = 0; } $sql = "INSERT INTO " . TABLE_PREFIX . "pilots (firstname, lastname, email,\n\t\t\t\t\tcode, location, hub, password, salt, confirmed, joindate, lastip)\n\t\t\t\t VALUES ('{$firstname}', '{$lastname}', '{$data['email']}', '{$code}',\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t'{$location}', '{$data['hub']}', '{$password}', '{$salt}', {$confirm}, NOW(), '{$_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']}')"; $res = DB::query($sql); if (DB::errno() != 0) { if (DB::errno() == 1062) { self::$error = 'This email address is already registered'; return false; } self::$error = DB::error(); return false; } //Grab the new pilotid, we need it to insert those "custom fields" $pilotid = DB::$insert_id; RanksData::CalculateUpdatePilotRank($pilotid); PilotData::GenerateSignature($pilotid); /* Add them to the default group */ $defaultGroup = SettingsData::getSettingValue('DEFAULT_GROUP'); PilotGroups::addUsertoGroup($pilotid, $defaultGroup); // For later self::$pilotid = $pilotid; //Get customs fields $fields = self::GetCustomFields(); if (!$fields) { return true; } foreach ($fields as $field) { $value = Vars::POST($field->fieldname); $value = DB::escape($value); if ($value != '') { $sql = "INSERT INTO " . TABLE_PREFIX . "fieldvalues (fieldid, pilotid, value)\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\tVALUES ({$field->fieldid}, {$pilotid}, '{$value}')"; DB::query($sql); } } return true; }
<?php include_once 'header.php'; $settingsData = new SettingsData(); $data = $settingsData->getData(); ?> <div class="container"> <div class="row"> <div class="col-lg-12"> <h2 class="page-header">Settings</h2> </div> </div> <div class="row"> <div class="col-lg-12"> <form action="/admin/settings/update/" method="post" class="form-horizontal"> <?php foreach ($data as $key => $datum) { ?> <div class="form-group"> <?php $desc = $datum['description']; ?> <label for="<?php echo $key; ?> " class="col-lg-2 col-sm-2 control-label"><?php echo $desc; ?> </label> <?php
public static function RegisterInstall($version = '') { if ($version == '') { $version = PHPVMS_VERSION; } $ext = serialize(get_loaded_extensions()); $params = new SimpleXMLElement('<registration/>'); $params->addChild('name', SITE_NAME); $params->addChild('url', SITE_URL); $params->addChild('email', SettingsData::GetSettingValue('ADMIN_EMAIL')); $params->addChild('version', $version); $params->addChild('php', phpversion()); $params->addChild('mysql', @mysql_get_server_info()); $params->addChild('ext', $ext); $url = ''; # Do fopen(), if that fails then it'll default to # curl error_reporting(0); $file = new CodonWebService(); $response = $file->post($url, $params->asXML()); }
} } OperationsData::updateAircraftRankLevels(); /* Add them to the default group */ $status_type_list = Config::get('PILOT_STATUS_TYPES'); $pilot_list = PilotData::getAllPilots(); foreach ($pilot_list as $pilot) { echo "Fixing settings for " . $pilot->firstname . " " . $pilot->lastname . "<br>"; PilotData::resetLedgerforPilot($pilot->pilotid); PilotGroups::addUsertoGroup($pilot->pilotid, DEFAULT_GROUP); # Reset the default groups $status = $status_type_list[$pilot->retired]; foreach ($status['group_add'] as $group) { PilotGroups::addUsertoGroup($pilot->pilotid, $group); } foreach ($status['group_remove'] as $group) { PilotGroups::removeUserFromGroup($pilot->pilotid, $group); } } SettingsData::saveSetting('PHPVMS_VERSION', $FULL_VERSION_STRING); # Don't count forced updates if (!isset($_GET['force'])) { Installer::RegisterInstall($FULL_VERSION_STRING); } echo '<p><strong>Update completed!</strong></p> <hr> <p >If there were any errors, you may have to manually run the SQL update, or correct the errors, and click the following to re-run the update: <br /> <a href="update.php?force">Click here to force the update to run again</a></p> <p>Click here to <a href="' . SITE_URL . '">goto your site</a>, or <a href="' . SITE_URL . '/admin">your admin panel</a></p> '; Template::Show('footer');
public function buildDataFile($files) { foreach ($files as $file) { $this->addPage(str_replace(array('.html', '.htm'), '', $file)); // create datafile to store stuff $dataFile = 'page-' . str_replace(array('.html', '.htm'), '.json', $file); if (file_exists($this->dataLoc . $dataFile)) { $data = json_decode(file_get_contents($this->dataLoc . $dataFile), true); } else { $data = array(); } // start collecting fields to add to data $fileData = file_get_contents('../' . $file, true); $html = str_get_html($fileData); foreach ($html->find('html') as $htmlTag) { if (isset($htmlTag->lang)) { $settingsData = new SettingsData(); $settingsData->setLang($htmlTag->lang); } $htmlTag->lang = "<?=get('autocms-settings.json', 'site-lang')?>"; } foreach ($html->find('head link') as $pageLinks) { $cssFile = strtolower($pageLinks->href); if (!DashboardUtils::startsWith($cssFile, '//') && !DashboardUtils::startsWith($cssFile, 'http://') && !DashboardUtils::startsWith($cssFile, 'https://')) { if (!DashboardUtils::startsWith($cssFile, '/')) { $cssFile = '/' . $cssFile; } if (file_exists($_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . $cssFile) && strpos($cssFile, 'min') === false && strpos($cssFile, 'css') !== false) { if (!is_dir($_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . '/assets/')) { mkdir($_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . '/assets/'); } if (!is_dir($_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . '/assets/auto-css/')) { mkdir($_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . '/assets/auto-css/'); } $cssFileData = file_get_contents('../' . $cssFile, true); $cssFileData = MinimizeTools::minimize_css($cssFileData); $fileName = pathinfo($cssFile, PATHINFO_FILENAME); $fp = fopen($_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . '/assets/auto-css/' . $fileName . '.min.css', 'w'); fwrite($fp, $cssFileData); fclose($fp); $pageLinks->href = '/assets/auto-css/' . $fileName . '.min.css'; } } } foreach ($html->find('.auto-head title') as $pageTitle) { $data['title'] = array('text' => $pageTitle->innertext, 'description' => 'title', 'type' => 'text'); $pageTitle->innertext = "<?=get('{$dataFile}', 'title')?>"; } foreach ($html->find('.auto-head meta') as $pageMeta) { if ($pageMeta->name == 'keywords' || $pageMeta->name == 'description' || $pageMeta->name == 'author') { $data[$pageMeta->name] = array('text' => $pageMeta->content, 'description' => $pageMeta->name, 'type' => 'text'); $pageMeta->content = "<?=get('{$dataFile}', '{$pageMeta->name}')?>"; } if (isset($pageMeta->property) && isset($pageMeta->content)) { $property = preg_replace("/[^a-z^A-Z^0-9_-]/", "", $pageMeta->property); if ($pageMeta->property == "og:image") { //todo: fix this (copy og:image and put in library if exist) /*$imgFileName = ''; $source = $pageMeta->content; $source = parse_url($source, PHP_URL_PATH); $fileExt = pathinfo(parse_url($source, PHP_URL_PATH), PATHINFO_EXTENSION); $fileExt = MediaData::getImageType($fileExt, $source); if ($fileExt != 'error') { $media = new MediaData(); if (!$media->checkMediaLibrary('images', $source)) { $imgFileName = $media->makeDateFolders() . uniqid() . '.' . $fileExt; copy($source, $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . $imgFileName); $media->addToMediaLibrary('images', $imgFileName, $source); } else { $imgFileName = $media->getFromMediaLibrary('images', $source); } } */ $data[$property] = array('image' => $pageMeta->content, 'description' => $pageMeta->property, 'type' => 'image'); $pageMeta->content = "<?=get('{$dataFile}', '{$property}')?>"; } else { if ($pageMeta->property == "og:url") { $pageMeta->content = '<?="http://".$_SERVER["HTTP_HOST"].$_SERVER["REQUEST_URI"]?>'; } else { if ($pageMeta->property == "og:title") { $pageMeta->content = "<?=get('{$dataFile}', 'title')?>"; } else { if ($pageMeta->property == "og:description") { $pageMeta->content = "<?=get('{$dataFile}', 'description')?>"; } else { if ($pageMeta->property == "og:site_name") { $pageMeta->content = "<?=get('autocms-settings.json', 'site-name')?>"; } else { $data[$property] = array('text' => $pageMeta->content, 'description' => $pageMeta->property, 'type' => 'text'); $pageMeta->content = "<?=get('{$dataFile}', '{$property}')?>"; } } } } } } } foreach ($html->find('.auto-head') as $pageHead) { $rssData = new RSSData(); $rssFeed = ''; if ($rssData->hasFeed()) { $rssFeed = '<link rel="alternate" type="application/rss+xml" href="' . $rssData->getFeedLocation() . '" title="RSS feed for My Page">'; } $pageHead->innertext .= $rssFeed . "<?=get('autocms-analytics.json', 'analytics')?>"; $pageHead->class = str_replace('auto-head', '', $pageHead->class); if (trim($pageHead->class) === '') { $pageHead->class = null; } } foreach ($html->find('.auto-color, .auto-edit, .auto-edit-text, .auto-link, .auto-edit-img, .auto-edit-bg-img, .auto-repeat') as $edit) { $fieldID = uniqid(); $desc = ''; if (strpos($edit->class, 'auto-repeat') !== false) { if (isset($edit->autocms)) { $desc = $edit->autocms; } $data[$fieldID] = array('repeat' => array(), 'description' => $desc, 'type' => 'repeat'); $count = 0; $data[$fieldID]['repeat'][$count] = array(); foreach ($html->find('.auto-repeat .auto-color, .auto-repeat .auto-edit, .auto-repeat .auto-edit-text, .auto-repeat .auto-link, .auto-repeat .auto-edit-img, .auto-repeat .auto-edit-bg-img') as $repeat) { $desc = ''; $repeatFieldID = uniqid(); if (strpos($repeat->class, 'auto-edit-img') !== false) { $this->makeImageBGImage($repeat, $data, $dataFile, $fieldID, $desc, false, $count, $repeatFieldID); } else { if (strpos($repeat->class, 'auto-edit-bg-img') !== false) { $this->makeImageBGImage($repeat, $data, $dataFile, $fieldID, $desc, true, $count, $repeatFieldID); } else { if (strpos($repeat->class, 'auto-link') !== false) { $this->makeLink($repeat, $data, $dataFile, $fieldID, $desc, $count, $repeatFieldID); } else { if (strpos($repeat->class, 'auto-edit-text') !== false) { $this->makeHTMLText($repeat, $data, $dataFile, $fieldID, $desc, 'text', $count, $repeatFieldID); } else { if (strpos($repeat->class, 'auto-edit') !== false) { $this->makeHTMLText($repeat, $data, $dataFile, $fieldID, $desc, 'html', $count, $repeatFieldID); } else { if (strpos($repeat->class, 'auto-color') !== false) { $this->makeColor($repeat, $data, $dataFile, $fieldID, $desc, $count, $repeatFieldID); } } } } } } } $edit->class = str_replace('auto-repeat', '', $edit->class); if (trim($edit->class) === '') { $edit->class = null; } $edit->autocms = null; $edit->outertext = '<?php for ($x = 0; $x ' . "< repeatCount('{$dataFile}', '{$fieldID}');" . ' $x++) { ?>' . $edit->outertext . "<?php } ?>"; } else { if (strpos($edit->class, 'auto-edit-img') !== false) { $this->makeImageBGImage($edit, $data, $dataFile, $fieldID, $desc); } else { if (strpos($edit->class, 'auto-edit-bg-img') !== false) { $this->makeImageBGImage($edit, $data, $dataFile, $fieldID, $desc, true); } else { if (strpos($edit->class, 'auto-link') !== false) { $this->makeLink($edit, $data, $dataFile, $fieldID, $desc); } else { if (strpos($edit->class, 'auto-edit-text') !== false) { $this->makeHTMLText($edit, $data, $dataFile, $fieldID, $desc, 'text'); } else { if (strpos($edit->class, 'auto-edit') !== false) { $this->makeHTMLText($edit, $data, $dataFile, $fieldID, $desc); } else { if (strpos($edit->class, 'auto-color') !== false) { $this->makeColor($edit, $data, $dataFile, $fieldID, $desc); } } } } } } } } // write data file $fp = fopen($this->dataLoc . $dataFile, 'w'); fwrite($fp, json_encode($data)); fclose($fp); $fileTopper = '<?php require_once("admin/other/get.php") ?>'; // write html file $fp = fopen('../' . $file, 'w'); fwrite($fp, $fileTopper . $html); fclose($fp); } }
public function updateBlogPost($post_id, $data, $publish = false) { $dataFile = $this->blogDataLocation . 'blog-' . $post_id . '.json'; $changeLog = array(); $isNew = false; $updateTime = time(); $creationTime = time(); if (file_exists($dataFile)) { $json = json_decode(file_get_contents($dataFile), true); } else { $isNew = true; $json = array('title' => null, 'keywords' => null, 'description' => null, 'author' => null, 'image' => null, 'image-alt-text' => null, 'short-blog' => null, 'full-blog' => null, 'link-text' => null, 'link-href' => null); } foreach ($data as $key => $datum) { if (DashboardUtils::endsWith($key, '-loaded') && trim($datum) != '') { $key = str_replace('-loaded', '', $key); } if ($key != 'save' && $key != 'publish') { $changeLog[] = array('key' => $key, 'change' => array('original' => $json[$key], 'new' => trim($datum))); $json[$key] = trim($datum); } } $json['published'] = $updateTime; $logsData = new LogsData(); if (count($changeLog) > 0 && !$isNew) { $logsData->addToLog('has updated', $data['title'] . ' blog', $changeLog); } else { if (count($changeLog) > 0 && $isNew) { $logsData->addToLog('has created', $data['title'] . ' blog', $changeLog); } } $externalTitle = preg_replace('/[^a-z0-9-]/i', '', str_replace(' ', '-', strtolower(trim($json['title'])))); if ($isNew || isset($this->data['posts'][$post_id]['external']) && $this->data['posts'][$post_id]['external'] != $externalTitle) { $externalTitleOriginal = $externalTitle; $count = 0; foreach ($this->data['posts'] as $key => $data) { while ($data['external'] == $externalTitle) { $externalTitle = $externalTitleOriginal . '-' . $count++; } } if ($isNew) { $this->data['posts'][$post_id] = array('external' => $externalTitle, 'title' => $json['title'], 'creator' => $_SESSION["user"], 'created' => $creationTime); } else { $this->data['posts'][$post_id]['title'] = $json['title']; $this->data['posts'][$post_id]['external'] = $externalTitle; $this->data['posts'][$post_id]['last-updated'] = $updateTime; } } else { $this->data['posts'][$post_id]['last-updated'] = $updateTime; } if ($publish) { $this->data['posts'][$post_id]['published'] = $updateTime; } $settingsData = new SettingsData(); $postPage = $this->data['post-page']; $json['link-href'] = $settingsData->getHost() . $postPage . '/' . $externalTitle . '/'; $fp = fopen($dataFile, 'w'); fwrite($fp, json_encode($json)); fclose($fp); DashboardUtils::createXMLSitemap(); }
echo $setting->value; break; case 'CURRENT_SKIN': $skins = SiteData::GetAvailableSkins(); $skin = SettingsData::GetSetting('CURRENT_SKIN'); echo '<SELECT name="CURRENT_SKIN">'; $tot = count($skins); for ($i = 0; $i < $tot; $i++) { $sel = $skin->value == $skins[$i] ? 'selected' : ''; echo '<option value="' . $skins[$i] . '" ' . $sel . '>' . $skins[$i] . '</option>'; } echo '</SELECT>'; break; case 'DEFAULT_GROUP': $allgroups = PilotGroups::getAllGroups(); $current = SettingsData::getSetting('DEFAULT_GROUP'); echo '<select name="DEFAULT_GROUP">'; foreach ($allgroups as $group) { $sel = $current->value == $group->groupid ? 'selected="selected"' : ''; echo '<option value="' . $group->groupid . '" ' . $sel . '>' . $group->name . '</option>'; } echo '</select>'; break; break; default: if ($setting->value == 'true' || $setting->value == 'false') { if ($setting->value == 'true') { $sel_true = 'selected'; $sel_false = ''; } else { $sel_true = '';
} else { $sel = ''; } echo '<option value="' . $image . '" ' . $sel . '>' . $image . '</option>'; } ?> </select> </dd> <?php if ($customfields) { foreach ($customfields as $field) { echo '<dt>' . $field->title . '</dt> <dd>'; if ($field->type == 'dropdown') { $field_values = SettingsData::GetField($field->fieldid); $values = explode(',', $field_values->value); echo "<select name=\"{$field->fieldname}\">"; if (is_array($values)) { foreach ($values as $val) { $val = trim($val); if ($val == $field->value) { $sel = " selected "; } else { $sel = ''; } echo "<option value=\"{$val}\" {$sel}>{$val}</option>"; } } echo '</select>'; } elseif ($field->type == 'textarea') {
/** * Installer::SiteSetup() * * @return */ public static function SiteSetup() { /*$_POST['SITE_NAME'] == '' || $_POST['firstname'] == '' || $_POST['lastname'] == '' || $_POST['email'] == '' || $_POST['password'] == '' || $_POST['vaname'] == '' || $_POST['vacode'] == ''*/ // first add the airline $_POST['vacode'] = strtoupper($_POST['vacode']); if (!OperationsData::addAirline($_POST['vacode'], $_POST['vaname'])) { self::$error = __FILE__ . ' ' . __LINE__ . ' ' . DB::$error; return false; } // Add the user $data = array('firstname' => $_POST['firstname'], 'lastname' => $_POST['lastname'], 'email' => $_POST['email'], l, 'password' => $_POST['password'], 'code' => $_POST['vacode'], 'location' => 'US', 'hub' => 'KJFK', 'confirm' => true); if (!RegistrationData::addUser($data)) { self::$error = __FILE__ . ' ' . __LINE__ . ' ' . DB::$error; return false; } RanksData::calculatePilotRanks(); # Add to admin group $pilotdata = PilotData::getPilotByEmail($_POST['email']); if (!PilotGroups::addUsertoGroup($pilotdata->pilotid, 'Administrators')) { self::$error = __FILE__ . ' ' . __LINE__ . ' ' . DB::$error; return false; } # Add the final settings in SettingsData::SaveSetting('SITE_NAME', $_POST['SITE_NAME']); SettingsData::SaveSetting('ADMIN_EMAIL', $_POST['email']); SettingsData::SaveSetting('GOOGLE_KEY', $_POST['googlekey']); return true; }
echo "<strong>Updating PIREPS Hours</strong><br />"; StatsData::UpdateTotalHours(); echo 'Found ' . StatsData::TotalHours() . ' total hours, updated<br />'; } if ($version < 20854) { Installer::add_to_config('USERS_ONLINE_TIME', 20, 'The StatsData::UserOnline() function - how many minutes to check'); Installer::sql_file_update(SITE_ROOT . '/install/update_854.sql'); } Installer::sql_file_update(SITE_ROOT . '/install/update.sql'); OperationsData::updateAircraftRankLevels(); /* Add them to the default group */ $allpilots = PilotData::GetAllPilots(); foreach ($allpilots as $pilot) { PilotGroups::AddUsertoGroup($pilot->pilotid, DEFAULT_GROUP); } SettingsData::saveSetting('PHPVMS_VERSION', UPDATE_VERSION); /* Update expenses */ //FinanceData::updateAllExpenses(); /* Manually specify a revenue value for all PIREPs */ /*$allpireps = PIREPData::findPIREPS(array()); if(is_array($allpireps)) { foreach($allpireps as $pirep) { $data = array( 'price' => $pirep->price, 'load' => $pirep->load, 'fuelprice' => $pirep->fuelprice, 'pilotpay' => $pirep->pilotpay, 'flighttime' => $pirep->flighttime, );