/** * Returns the object of the active session. * Tries to find an existing session. * Otherwise creates a new session. * * @return Session $session */ public function get() { // get session id $this->sessionID = $this->readSessionID(); $this->session = null; // get existing session if (!empty($this->sessionID)) { $this->session = $this->getExistingSession($this->sessionID); } // create new session if ($this->session == null) { $this->session = $this->create(); } self::$activeSession = $this->session; // call shouldInit event if (!defined('NO_IMPORTS')) { EventHandler::fireAction($this, 'shouldInit'); } // init session $this->session->init(); // call didInit event if (!defined('NO_IMPORTS')) { EventHandler::fireAction($this, 'didInit'); } return $this->session; }
/** * get instance of Session * @return Session */ public static function getInstance() { if (is_null(self::$_instance)) { self::$_instance = new self(); } self::$_instance->init(); return self::$_instance; }
function selectlanguage() { if ($_POST && $_SERVER["HTTP_X_REQUESTED_WITH"] == "XMLHttpRequest") { $sonuc = array(); $form = $this->load->otherClasses('Form'); Session::init(); $form->post("lang", true); $dil = $form->values['lang']; if ($dil == "tr" || $dil == "en" || $dil == "fr" || $dil == "ar" || $dil == "de" || $dil == "zh") { if (isset($_SESSION['dil'])) { unset($_SESSION['dil']); Session::set("dil", $dil); } else { Session::set("dil", $dil); } } else { //eğer dil yoksa $dil = 'en'; Session::set("dil", $dil); } $sonuc["lang"] = $dil; echo json_encode($sonuc); } else { die("Hacklemeye mi Çalışıyorsun pezevenk?"); } }
/** * Login Process (for Administrator) * * @return bool success state * */ public function login() { //the first step checks if (!isset($_POST['adminid']) or empty($_POST['adminid'])) { $_SESSION["feedback_negative"][] = FEEDBACK_USERNAME_FIELD_EMPTY; return false; } if (!isset($_POST['password']) or empty($_POST['password'])) { $_SESSION["feedback_negative"][] = FEEDBACK_PASSWORD_FIELD_EMPTY; return false; } //ready to verify $sth = $this->db->prepare("SELECT adminid,\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tadminName,\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tpassword\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t FROM admin\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t WHERE adminid= :adminid"); $sth->execute(array(':adminid' => $_POST['adminid'])); $count = $sth->rowCount(); //if ther is NOT such result if ($count != 1) { $_SESSION["feedback_negative"][] = FEEDBACK_LOGIN_FIELD; return false; } $result = $sth->fetch(); if ($_POST['password'] === $result->password) { // set the user info into session Session::init(); Session::set('admin_logged_in', true); Session::set('adminid', $result->adminid); Session::set('adminName', $result->adminName); //rerurn true to make clear thar the login was successful return true; } else { $_SESSION["feedback_negative"][] = FEEDBACK_PASSWORD_WRONG; return false; } }
public function __construct() { Session::init(); if (Session::get('loggin') == false) { $this->login(); } }
public function run() { $login = $_POST['login']; $password = $_POST['password']; /* PDO */ $res = $this->db->prepare("SELECT userid, role FROM users WHERE\n login = :login AND password = :password"); $res->execute(array(':login' => $login, ':password' => Hash::create(HASH_METHOD, $password, HASH_PASSWORD_KEY))); // $data = $res->fetchAll(); $count = $res->rowCount(); /* mysqli */ /*$res = $this->db->prepare("select id from users where login = ? and password = MD5(?)"); $res->bind_param("ss",$login,$password); $res->execute(); $res->bind_result($ret); $res->fetch();*/ $data = $res->fetch(); if ($count > 0) { //login Session::init(); Session::set('role', $data['role']); Session::set('loggedIn', true); Session::set('userid', $data['userid']); header('Location:../dashboard'); exit; } else { //show an Error header('Location:../login'); exit; } // return $ret; }
function __construct() { Session::init(); $this->registry = Registry::get_instance(); // létrehozzuk a view objektumot és hozzárendeljük a $view tulajdonsághoz $this->view = new View(); }
public function render($name) { Session::init(); require 'views/navbar.php'; require 'views/' . $name . '.php'; require 'views/footer.php'; }
/** * @throws \Exception */ protected function init() { $this->setEnvironment(); // Load class aliases $aliases = Config::get('aliases'); foreach ($aliases as $orig => $new) { class_alias($orig, $new, true); } static::$container = new Container(); Session::init(); Request::init(); $this->initRouter(); $databaseConfig = Config::get('database'); if ($databaseConfig !== null && is_array($databaseConfig)) { $this->capsule = new Capsule(); foreach ($databaseConfig as $name => $conf) { if (array_key_exists('name', $conf) && strlen($conf['name']) > 0) { $name = $conf['name']; unset($conf['name']); } $this->capsule->addConnection($conf, $name); } $this->capsule->bootEloquent(); } $hookConfig = Config::get('hooks'); if (is_array($hookConfig)) { foreach ($hookConfig as $event => $callable) { EventHandler::addListener($event, $callable); } } EventHandler::triggerEvent('whirlpool-initialized', $this); }
function __construct() { Session::init(); Session::set('active', "about"); Session::set('title', "О нас"); parent::__construct(); }
public function create() { Session::init(); if (Session::get('username')) { if (!Session::get('admin')) { Url::redirect('welcome'); } } else { Url::redirect(''); } $data['title'] = 'Application Analytics'; $data['gender'] = $this->mab->get_gender(); $data['yearsInSchool'] = $this->mab->get_years_in_school(); $data['apps'] = $this->mab->get_apps_by_issue(); $data['apps1'] = $this->mab->get_apps_by_issue_rank(1); $data['apps2'] = $this->mab->get_apps_by_issue_rank(2); $data['apps3'] = $this->mab->get_apps_by_issue_rank(3); $data['apps_by_college'] = $this->mab->get_apps_by_college(); $data['marketing_data'] = $this->mab->get_marketing_data(); $data['issues'] = $this->apply_model->getAllIssues(); if (isset($_POST['submit'])) { $issueId = $_POST['issues']; $data['issues_by_gender'] = $this->mab->get_issues_by_gender($issueId); } View::rendertemplate('exec_header', $data); View::render('analytics/application_analytics', $data, $error); View::rendertemplate('footer', $data); }
public function run($static = false) { $form = new Form(); $form->post('login')->val('blank')->post('password')->val('blank'); if (!$form->submit()) { // Error $this->_error($static); return false; } $data = $form->fetch(); $login = $data['login']; $password = Hash::create('sha256', $data['password'], PASS_HASH_KEY); $query = "SELECT userid, login, role FROM user WHERE login = :login AND password = :password"; if (!($result = $this->db->select($query, array(':login' => $login, ':password' => $password)))) { $this->_error($static); return false; } Session::init(); Session::set('userid', $result[0]['userid']); Session::set('login', $result[0]['login']); Session::set('role', $result[0]['role']); Session::set('loggedIn', true); if ($static) { header('location:' . URL . 'dashboard'); } echo json_encode('success'); }
/** * Default method * @return [type] [description] */ public function index() { if (Session::get('logined') !== null) { if (Session::get('logined')) { $this->getUserLogin(); exit; } } $auth = new Authenticate(); if (isset($_POST['user_id']) && isset($_POST['id_token'])) { $user_id = $_POST['user_id']; $id_token = $_POST['id_token']; if ($auth->checkLogin($user_id, $id_token)) { Session::init(); Session::set('id_token', $id_token); Session::set('user_id', $user_id); Session::set('logined', true); echo json_encode('success'); exit; } else { echo json_encode('need login with google ID'); exit; } } else { echo json_encode('need login with google ID'); exit; } }
public function run() { /* * md5 is a 32 bit hash */ $statement = $this->db->prepare("SELECT id, role FROM users WHERE login = :user AND password = :pass"); $statement->execute(array(':user' => $_POST['user'], ':pass' => Hash::create('sha256', $_POST['pass'], HASH_KEY))); /* * The Obj returned by $statement was 'Array of Arrays' */ $result = $statement->fetchAll(); //$statement returns an Array of objects //print_r($result); //echo '</br>'; $data = $result['0']; //print_r($data); //echo '</br>role='.$data['role']; $count = $statement->rowCount(); if ($count > 0) { //log in the user Session::init(); Session::set('userid', $data['id']); Session::set('role', $data['role']); Session::set('loggedIn', true); header('location: ../dashboard'); } else { //show an error header('location: ../login'); } }
public static function initialize() { if (self::$initialized) { return; } self::$initialized = true; try { // Initialize local session Session::init(); if (!empty($_GET['logout'])) { self::destroy(); Session::init(); } if (!Session::userIsLoggedIn() && Request::cookie('remember_me')) { if (!LoginModel::loginWithCookie(Request::cookie('remember_me'))) { LoginModel::deleteCookie(); } } $currentUrl = $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']; $end = strpos($currentUrl, '?'); if ($end === false) { $end = strpos($currentUrl, '#'); } if ($end !== false) { $currentUrl = substr($currentUrl, 0, $end); } // Initialize Facebook session /*self::$facebookSession = new FacebookSessionWrapper( Tools::getBaseUrl() . $currentUrl, Tools::getBaseUrl() . '/logout/' );*/ } catch (\Exception $ex) { } }
/** * Change current Session Handler * * @param string|Next\Session\Handlers\Handler $handler * Handler Object or Handler Name * * @throws Next\Session\Handlers\HandlerException * Changing Session Handler to a invalid Handler, characterized as * instance of Next\Session\Hndlers\Handler */ public function changeHandler($handler) { // If we don't have a true Handler... if (!$handler instanceof Handler) { // ... let's find an assigned Handler that matches given string $test = $this->handlers->find($handler); // Nothing Found? if (!$test instanceof Handler) { throw HandlersException::unknownHandler((string) $handler); } // Yeah! We're ninjas! $handler = $test; } // Committing Session $this->session->commit(); // Setting Session Options with Handler Options if (isset($handler->getOptions->savePath)) { $this->session->setSessionSavePath($handler->getOptions->savePath); } $lifetime = isset($handler->getOptions->lifetime) ? $handler->getOptions->lifetime : 0; if ($lifetime > 0) { $this->session->setSessionLifetime($lifetime); } // Changing current Session Handler $this->handler =& $handler; // Restarting Session $this->session->init($this->session->getSessionName(), $this->session->getSessionID()); }
function __construct() { Session::init(); Session::set('active', "timet"); Session::set('title', "Афиша"); parent::__construct(); }
public static function handleLogin() { Session::init(); if ($_SESSION['user_logged_in'] == false) { Session::destroy(); } }
public function run() { $pass = $_POST['password']; $username = $_POST['username']; $sth = $this->db->prepare("SELECT * FROM users WHERE \n\t\t\t\tusername = :username "); $sth->execute(array(':username' => $_POST['username'])); $data = $sth->fetchAll(); $count = $sth->rowCount(); if ($count > 0) { foreach ($data as $value) { $set_password = $value['password']; $set_username = $value['username']; $set_role = $value['role']; } $input_password = crypt($pass, $set_password); if ($input_password == $set_password && $username == $set_username) { // login Session::init(); Session::set('loggedIn', true); Session::set('username', $set_username); Session::set('role', $set_role); header('location: ../dashboard'); } else { header('location: ../login'); } } else { header('location: ../login'); } }
function __construct() { Session::init(); Session::set('active', "services"); Session::set('title', "Услуги"); parent::__construct(); }
/** * Construct the (base) controller. This happens when a real controller is constructed, like in * the constructor of IndexController when it says: parent::__construct(); */ function __construct() { // always initialize a session Session::init(); // create a view object to be able to use it inside a controller, like $this->View->render(); $this->View = new View(); }
public function run() { $stch = $this->db->prepare("SELECT * FROM users WHERE login = :login AND password = MD5(:password)"); $stch->execute(array(':login' => $_POST['login'], ':password' => $_POST['password'])); $data = $stch->fetchAll(); $count = $stch->rowCount(); if ($count > 0) { //login Session::init(); Session::set('role', $data['0']['role']); Session::set('loggedIn', true); Session::set('login', $data['0']['login']); Session::set('office', $data['0']['office']); Session::set('comment', $data['0']['comment']); // echo ' // <script type="text/javascript"> // location.replace("../dashboard"); // </script> // '; if (Session::get('role') != MOSCOW) { header('location: ../dashboard'); } else { header('location: ../sales'); } } else { //show an error header('location: ../index'); } // echo '<pre>'; // print_r($data); // echo '</pre>'; // echo $data['0']['role']; }
public function create() { Session::init(); if (Session::get('username')) { if (Session::get('admin')) { Url::redirect('exec'); } } else { Url::redirect(''); } $data['title'] = 'Wishlist'; $tripId = \helpers\Session::get("tripId"); $data['applicants'] = $this->mab->get_wishlist($tripId); $data['roster'] = $this->mab->get_official_roster($tripId); foreach ($data['applicants'] as $applicants_info) { $applicants_info->age = $this->mab->get_age_at_time($applicants_info->dateOfBirth, date('Y-m-d', time())); } if (isset($_POST['draft'])) { $trip_id = $this->mab->verify_applicant($_POST['applicationId']); if ($trip_id == NULL) { $this->mab->add_to_trip($_POST['applicationId'], $tripId); $this->mab->applicant_becomes_person($_POST['applicationId']); $this->mab->person_becomes_trip_member($_POST['applicationId'], $tripId); } else { if ($trip_id == $tripId) { echo 'This is your participant'; } else { echo 'Application has already been drafted.'; } } } View::rendertemplate('header', $data); View::render('wishlist/wishlist', $data, $error); View::rendertemplate('footer', $data); }
function logout() { Session::init(); Session::destroy(); header('location:' . URL . 'admincp'); exit; }
function __construct() { parent::__construct(); Session::init(); Session::set('active', "index"); Session::set('title', "Главная"); }
public function loginWithCookies() { $cookie = isset($_COOKIE['rememberme']) ? $_COOKIE['rememberme'] : ''; // do we have a cookie var ? if (!$cookie) { $_SESSION["feedback_negative"][] = FEEDBACK_COOKIE_INVALID; return false; } // check cookie's contents, check if cookie contents belong together list($user_id, $token, $hash) = explode(':', $cookie); if ($hash !== hash('sha256', $user_id . ':' . $token)) { $_SESSION["feedback_negative"][] = FEEDBACK_COOKIE_INVALID; return false; } // do not log in when token is empty if (empty($token)) { $_SESSION["feedback_negative"][] = FEEDBACK_COOKIE_INVALID; return false; } // get real token from database (and all other data) $query = $this->db->prepare("SELECT user_id, user_name, user_email, user_password_hash, user_active,\n user_account_type, user_avatar, user_last_failed_login, user_personal_iduser_personal\n FROM users\n WHERE user_id = :user_id\n AND user_rememberme_token = :user_rememberme_token\n AND user_rememberme_token IS NOT NULL\n AND user_provider_type = :provider_type"); $query->execute(array(':user_id' => $user_id, ':user_rememberme_token' => $token, ':provider_type' => 'DEFAULT')); $count = $query->rowCount(); if ($count == 1) { // fetch one row (we only have one result) $result = $query->fetch(); $st = $this->db->prepare("SELECT first_name,\n last_name\n FROM user_personal\n WHERE iduser_personal = '" . $result->user_personal_iduser_personal . "'"); $st->execute(); $user_details = $st->fetch(); // TODO: this block is same/similar to the one from login(), maybe we should put this in a method // write data into session Session::init(); Session::set('user_logged_in', true); Session::set('uid', $result->user_id); Session::set('name', $user_details->first_name . ' ' . $user_details->last_name); Session::set('username', $result->user_name); Session::set('user_email', $result->user_email); Session::set('user_account_type', $result->user_account_type); Session::set('user_provider_type', 'DEFAULT'); // Session::set('user_avatar_file', $this->getUserAvatarFilePath()); // call the setGravatarImageUrl() method which writes gravatar urls into the session //$this->setGravatarImageUrl($result->user_email, AVATAR_SIZE); // generate integer-timestamp for saving of last-login date $user_last_login_timestamp = time(); // write timestamp of this login into database (we only write "real" logins via login form into the // database, not the session-login on every page request $sql = "UPDATE users SET user_last_login_timestamp = :user_last_login_timestamp WHERE user_id = :user_id"; $sth = $this->db->prepare($sql); $sth->execute(array(':user_id' => $user_id, ':user_last_login_timestamp' => $user_last_login_timestamp)); // NOTE: we don't set another rememberme-cookie here as the current cookie should always // be invalid after a certain amount of time, so the user has to login with username/password // again from time to time. This is good and safe ! ;) $_SESSION["feedback_positive"][] = FEEDBACK_COOKIE_LOGIN_SUCCESSFUL; return true; } else { $_SESSION["feedback_negative"][] = FEEDBACK_COOKIE_INVALID; return false; } }
function __construct() { // everytime a controller is created, start a session // TODO: this is a singleton. should this be handled in another way ? Session::init(); // everytime a controller is created, create a view object (that does nothing, but provides the render() method) $this->view = new View(); }
public function init($args) { parent::init($args); // set the database session handlers session_set_save_handler(array($this, 'sess_open'), array($this, 'sess_close'), array($this, 'sess_read'), array($this, 'sess_write'), array($this, 'sess_destroy'), array($this, 'sess_gc')); // necessary http://www.php.net/manual/en/function.session-set-save-handler.php register_shutdown_function('session_write_close'); }
public function __construct() { //Iniciamos la sesion PHP Session::init(); $this->view = new View(); $this->loadModel(); $errors = array(); }
public function __construct() { parent::__construct(); Session::init(); if (!Session::get('logged_in')) { redirect('auth/login'); } }