
ini_set('display_errors', 'On');
require_once 'config.php';
/** initialize and configure Services_WorkXpress objects **/
// get the configuration settings
$app_role = Services_WorkXpress::APPLICATION_ROLE_OCD;
$api_version = $services_workxpress_config['api_version'];
$auth_key = $services_workxpress_config[$app_role]['auth_key'];
$remote_host = $services_workxpress_config[$app_role]['remote_host'];
// load the Services_WorkXpress object
$workxpress = new Services_WorkXpress();
// load the request object
$request = $workxpress->loadRequest('LookupData', Services_WorkXpress::REQUEST_TYPE_MASS);
/** build the request **/
// add items to the request
// add fields to the request
// add relations to the request
$request->addRelation(134, 'base');
/** make the API call **/
try {
    // make the call and get the data array