Esempio n. 1
  * Sets the DebugHandler service's output level to $level. If not specified will
  * return the current output level.
  * @param optional integer $level
  * @static
  * @access public
  * @return integer The current debug output level.
 static function level($level = null)
     if (!Services::serviceAvailable("Debug")) {
         throwError(new Error("Debug::level({$level}) called but Debug service isn't available.", "debug wrapper", false));
     $debugHandler = Services::getService("Debug");
     if (is_int($level)) {
     return $debugHandler->getOutputLevel();
  * The constructor.
  * @param string $program The name of the program to setup configuration for, such as "Segue" or "Concerto".
 function ConfigSystem($program)
     // here we need to get/create a Schema for this setup
     if (!Services::serviceAvailable("SchemaManager")) {
         throwError(new Error("ConfigSystem - could not continue because the SchemaManager service is not available!", "ConfigSystem", true));
     $typeManager = Services::getService("SchemaManager");
     $this->_schemaType = new HarmoniType("config_system", "edu.middlebury.harmoni", $program);
     $schema = new Schema($this->_schemaType);
     $this->_schema = $schema;
     $this->_setup = true;
     $this->_record = null;
     $this->_defaults = array();
 function test_start_stop_restart()
     // start it!
     // stop it!
     // restart it! (or, first start it, *then* restart it!)
Esempio n. 4
 * @package harmoni.utilities.tests
 * @copyright Copyright © 2005, Middlebury College
 * @license GNU General Public License (GPL)
 * @version $Id: testList.php,v 1.4 2007/09/04 20:25:56 adamfranco Exp $
if (!defined('HARMONI')) {
    require_once "../../";
if (!defined('SIMPLE_TEST')) {
    define('SIMPLE_TEST', HARMONI . 'simple_test/');
require_once HARMONI . "errorHandler/ErrorHandler.class.php";
if (!Services::serviceAvailable("ErrorHandler")) {
    Services::registerService("ErrorHandler", "ErrorHandler");
    require_once OKI2 . "osid/OsidContext.php";
    $context = new OsidContext();
    $context->assignContext('harmoni', $harmoni);
    require_once HARMONI . "oki2/shared/ConfigurationProperties.class.php";
    $configuration = new ConfigurationProperties();
    Services::startManagerAsService("ErrorHandler", $context, $configuration);
require_once SIMPLE_TEST . 'simple_unit.php';
require_once SIMPLE_TEST . 'dobo_simple_html_test.php';
$test = new GroupTest('Utilities tests');
$test->addTestFile(HARMONI . 'utilities/tests/OrderedListTestCase.class.php');
$test->attachObserver(new DoboTestHtmlDisplay());
Esempio n. 5
  * The Require Service function checks for required service availability.
  * The function first checks for service availabilty, and then attempts to
  * start the service if it's available. If either action fails, it stops
  * script execution. If $start=false then the function will only check for 
  * availability.
  * @param string $name The name of the service.
  * @param boolean $start If we should attempt to start the service or not.
  * @access public
  * @static
  * @return ref object The started service object. (if start=true)
  * @deprecated 2004/07/28 Use {@link startManagerAsService()} and {@link getService()} instead.
 static function requireService($service, $start = true)
     $backtrace = debug_backtrace();
     print "\n<br/><strong>Warning: Method call, Services::requireService(), is deprecated. Please use Services::startManagerAsService() and/or Services::getService() instead. ";
     print $backtrace[0]['file'] . " (Line " . $backtrace[0]['line'] . ")";
     print "</strong><br/>\n";
     $error = false;
     if (!Services::serviceAvailable($service)) {
         $error = true;
     } else {
         if ($start && !Services::serviceRunning($service) && !Services::startService($service)) {
             $error = true;
     if ($error) {
         // if we have the error Handler, throw a pretty error with that,
         // otherwise, use the die() function.
         if ($GLOBALS[SERVICES_OBJECT]->available('ErrorHandler')) {
             throwError(new Error("A required Service <b>\"{$service}\"</b> " . ($start ? "could not be started" : "is not available"), "Services", 1));
         } else {
             $debug = debug_backtrace();
             $str = "<B>FATAL ERROR</b><br /><br />";
             $str .= "A required Service <b>\"{$service}\"</b> ";
             $str .= $start ? "could not be started" : "is not available";
             $str .= ".<br /><br />\n";
             $str .= "<b>Debug backtrace:</b>\n";
             $str .= "<pre>\n";
             $str .= print_r($debug, true);
             $str .= "\n</pre>\n";
     if ($start) {
         return Services::getService($service);