public function actionSaveSelProd() { if (Yii::app()->session['edit_1st_pdf'] == getCurCusId()) { // echo "ete";exit; $this->removeSelectedPoduct(Yii::app()->session['sel_prod']); } if (count(Yii::app()->session['sel_prod'])) { foreach (Yii::app()->session['sel_prod'] as $product) { $selPro = SelProducts::model()->findByAttributes(array('product_id' => intval($product), 'cus_id' => intval(getCurCusId()))); if (!$selPro) { $selPro = new SelProducts(); } $selPro->product_id = intval($product); $selPro->cus_id = intval(getCurCusId()); $selPro->save(); } } unset(Yii::app()->session['sel_prod']); $this->redirect(array('customer/CustomerQuest')); }
/** * Returns the data model based on the primary key given in the GET variable. * If the data model is not found, an HTTP exception will be raised. * @param integer $id the ID of the model to be loaded * @return SelProducts the loaded model * @throws CHttpException */ public function loadModel($id) { $model = SelProducts::model()->findByPk($id); if ($model === null) { throw new CHttpException(404, 'The requested page does not exist.'); } return $model; }
public function actionAdminSolns1() { if (isset($_GET['id'])) { $id = intval($_GET['id']); $curUser = Customer::model()->findByPk($id); if (empty($curUser->id)) { throw new CHttpException(403, 'Customer Does\'t exists'); } Yii::app()->session['last_created_user'] = $curUser->attributes; } $cust = Customer::model()->findAll(array('condition' => 'id=:id ', 'params' => array(':id' => getCurCusId()))); $selProd = SelProducts::model()->findAll(array("condition" => "cus_id =" . getCurCusId(), "order" => "product_id asc")); $selData = CHtml::listData($selProd, 'id', 'product_id'); $criteria = new CDbCriteria(); $criteria->addInCondition('id', $selData); $selproducts = Product::model()->findAll($criteria); foreach ($cust as $k => $val) { $magicSpools = $val->magicSpools; $magicSpoolsAns = $val->magicSpoolsAns; $notes = $val->notes; $workingWells = $val->workingWells; $hotFoods = $val->hotFoods; $lunches = $val->lunches; $breakfasts = $val->breakfasts; $sundries = $val->sundries; $indusFoods = $val->indusFoods; $sandwiches = $val->sandwiches; } if (isset($_POST['ajax']) && $_POST['ajax'] == 1) { $cust[0]->unable_to_commit = $_POST['final_comment']; $cust[0]->save(); if (count($magicSpools)) { $mspoon = MagicSpoolAns::model()->findByAttributes(array('cus_id' => getCurCusId())); if ($mspoon === NULL) { $mspoon = new MagicSpoolAns(); $mspoon->cus_id = getCurCusId(); } $mspoon->one = isset($_POST['one']) ? $_POST['one'] : ""; $mspoon->two = isset($_POST['two']) ? $_POST['two'] : ""; $mspoon->three = isset($_POST['three']) ? $_POST['three'] : ""; $mspoon->four = isset($_POST['four']) ? $_POST['four'] : ""; $mspoon->five = isset($_POST['five']) ? $_POST['five'] : ""; $mspoon->one_comment = isset($_POST['magicspools']['one']['comment']) ? $_POST['magicspools']['one']['comment'] : ""; $mspoon->two_comment = isset($_POST['magicspools']['two']['comment']) ? $_POST['magicspools']['two']['comment'] : ""; $mspoon->three_comment = isset($_POST['magicspools']['three']['comment']) ? $_POST['magicspools']['three']['comment'] : ""; $mspoon->four_comment = isset($_POST['magicspools']['four']['comment']) ? $_POST['magicspools']['four']['comment'] : ""; $mspoon->five_comment = isset($_POST['magicspools']['five']['comment']) ? $_POST['magicspools']['five']['comment'] : ""; $mspoon->one_like = isset($_POST['magicspools']['one']['like']) ? intval($_POST['magicspools']['one']['like']) : "0"; $mspoon->two_like = isset($_POST['magicspools']['two']['like']) ? intval($_POST['magicspools']['two']['like']) : "0"; $mspoon->three_like = isset($_POST['magicspools']['three']['like']) ? intval($_POST['magicspools']['three']['like']) : "0"; $mspoon->four_like = isset($_POST['magicspools']['four']['like']) ? intval($_POST['magicspools']['four']['like']) : "0"; $mspoon->five_like = isset($_POST['magicspools']['five']['like']) ? intval($_POST['magicspools']['five']['like']) : "0"; // p($_POST['magicspools']); // exit; $mspoon->save(); } if (isset($_POST['hotFoods'])) { if (isset($_POST['hotFoods']['ans'])) { foreach ($_POST['hotFoods']['ans'] as $ans) { // p($ans); $model = HotFood::model()->findByPk(intval($ans['pro'])); $model->ans = $ans['comment']; $model->menu_name = $ans['menuname']; $model->price_per_head_f = $ans['price_per_head_pound']; $model->whats_included = $ans['whats_included']; if (isset($ans['like'])) { $model->like = $ans['like']; } if (isset($ans['cus_comment'])) { $model->comment = $ans['cus_comment']; } $model->save(); } } } if (isset($_POST['sandwiches'])) { if (isset($_POST['sandwiches']['ans'])) { foreach ($_POST['sandwiches']['ans'] as $ans) { $model = Sandwiches::model()->findByPk(intval($ans['pro'])); $model->ans = $ans['comment']; $model->menu_name = $ans['menuname']; $model->price_per_head_f = $ans['price_per_head_pound']; $model->whats_included = $ans['whats_included']; if (isset($ans['like'])) { $model->like = $ans['like']; } if (isset($ans['cus_comment'])) { $model->comment = $ans['cus_comment']; } $model->save(); } } } if (isset($_POST['breakfasts'])) { if (isset($_POST['breakfasts']['ans'])) { foreach ($_POST['breakfasts']['ans'] as $ans) { $model = Breakfast::model()->findByPk(intval($ans['pro'])); $model->ans = $ans['comment']; $model->menu_name = $ans['menuname']; $model->price_per_head_f = $ans['price_per_head_pound']; $model->whats_included = $ans['whats_included']; if (isset($ans['like'])) { $model->like = $ans['like']; } if (isset($ans['cus_comment'])) { $model->comment = $ans['cus_comment']; } // p($model->attributes); $model->save(); } } } if (isset($_POST['indusFoods'])) { if (isset($_POST['indusFoods']['ans'])) { foreach ($_POST['indusFoods']['ans'] as $ans) { $model = IndusFood::model()->findByPk(intval($ans['pro'])); $model->ans = $ans['comment']; $model->menu_name = $ans['menuname']; $model->price_per_head_f = $ans['price_per_head_pound']; $model->whats_included = $ans['whats_included']; if (isset($ans['like'])) { $model->like = $ans['like']; } if (isset($ans['cus_comment'])) { $model->comment = $ans['cus_comment']; } $model->save(); } } } if (isset($_POST['lunch'])) { if (isset($_POST['lunch']['ans'])) { foreach ($_POST['lunch']['ans'] as $ans) { $model = Lunch::model()->findByPk(intval($ans['pro'])); $model->ans = $ans['comment']; $model->menu_name = $ans['menuname']; $model->price_per_head_f = $ans['price_per_head_pound']; $model->whats_included = $ans['whats_included']; if (isset($ans['like'])) { $model->like = $ans['like']; } if (isset($ans['cus_comment'])) { $model->comment = $ans['cus_comment']; } // p($model->attributes); $model->save(); } } } if (isset($_POST['sundries'])) { // $model = Sundries::model()->findByPk($sundries[0]->id); // if ($model !== null) { // $model->ans = (isset($_POST['sundries']['ans']) ? $_POST['sundries']['ans'] : ""); // $model->comment = (isset($_POST['sundries']['comment']) ? $_POST['sundries']['comment'] : ""); // $model->save(); // } if (isset($_POST['sundries']['ans'])) { foreach ($_POST['sundries']['ans'] as $ans) { $model = Sundries::model()->findByPk(intval($ans['pro'])); $model->ans = $ans['comment']; $model->menu_name = $ans['menuname']; $model->price_per_head_f = $ans['price_per_head_pound']; $model->whats_included = $ans['whats_included']; if (isset($ans['like'])) { $model->like = $ans['like']; } if (isset($ans['cus_comment'])) { $model->comment = $ans['cus_comment']; } $model->save(); } } } if (isset($_POST['selproduct']['ans'])) { foreach ($_POST['selproduct']['ans'] as $ans) { $selProd = SelProducts::model()->findByPk($ans['pro']); if ($selProd) { $selProd->menu_name = $ans['menuname']; $selProd->price_per_head_f = $ans['price_per_head_pound']; $selProd->ans = $ans['comment']; $selProd->whats_included = $ans['whats_included']; $selProd->save(); } } } if (isset($_POST['selprod'])) { foreach ($_POST['selprod'] as $comment) { $selProd = SelProducts::model()->findByPk(intval($comment['id'])); $selProd->comment = $comment['comment']; $selProd->like = $comment['like']; $selProd->save(); } } echo json_encode(array('success' => '1')); exit; } $lunch_note = ""; $breakfast_note = ""; $sandwiches_note = ""; $hotfood_note = ""; $indusfood_note = ""; $sundries_note = ""; // e($notes); foreach ($notes as $value => $kval) { // print_r($kval); if ($kval['form'] == 'lunch') { $lunch_note = $kval['text']; } if ($kval['form'] == 'breakfast') { $breakfast_note = $kval['text']; } if ($kval['form'] == 'sandwiches') { $sandwiches_note = $kval['text']; } if ($kval['form'] == 'hotfood') { $hotfood_note = $kval['text']; } if ($kval['form'] == 'indusfood') { $indusfood_note = $kval['text']; } if ($kval['form'] == "sundries") { $sundries_note = $kval['text']; } if ($kval['form'] == 'magicspoon') { $mspoon_note = $kval['text']; } } $this->render('adminsolns_pdf', array('customer' => $cust, 'magic_spools' => $magicSpools, 'magicSpoolsAns' => $magicSpoolsAns, 'notes' => $notes, 'workingWells' => $workingWells, 'sundries' => $sundries, 'lunches' => $lunches, 'indusFoods' => $indusFoods, 'breakfasts' => $breakfasts, 'sandwiches' => $sandwiches, 'hotFoods' => $hotFoods, 'sundries_note' => $sundries_note, 'lunch_note' => $lunch_note, 'indusfood_note' => $indusfood_note, 'breakfast_note' => $breakfast_note, 'sandwiches_note' => $sandwiches_note, 'hotfood_note' => $hotfood_note, 'selproducts' => $selproducts, 'selproductsComment' => $selProd)); }