/** * Calls save function or displays settings screen. */ public final function index() { // check if trying to save if (get_request_method() == 'POST') { $this->_save(); } $this->display('setting/index', array('csrf_token' => SecureToken::generateToken(BASE_URL . 'setting'))); }
public function renderDashboard() { $grid = $this->settings["grid-size"]; ?> <div class="wolf-dashboard-settings"> <div class="wolf-dashboard-settings-container"> <div class="wolf-dashboard-settings-label" data-text="<?php echo __("Hide Settings"); ?> "><?php echo __("Show Settings"); ?> </div> <div class="wolf-dashboard-settings-content"> <div class="wolf-dashboard-form-group"> <b><?php echo __("Dashboard Widgets"); ?> </b> <div class="wolf-dashboard-form-group-input"> <?php foreach (DashboardWidgets::$widgets as $key => $widget) { $check = ""; if (array_key_exists($key, $this->settings["widget-position"])) { $check = " checked"; } ?> <label><input type="checkbox" name="dashboard-widget" value="<?php echo $key; ?> " <?php echo $check; ?> /> <?php echo $widget["title"]; ?> </label> <?php } ?> </div> </div> <div class="wolf-dashboard-form-group wolf-dashboard-form-left"> <b><?php echo __("Grid Size"); ?> </b> <div class="wolf-dashboard-form-group-input"> <label> <input type="radio" name="dashboard-grid-size" value="2" <?php if ($this->settings["grid-size"] == 2) { echo "checked"; } ?> /> 2 <?php echo __("Parts"); ?> </label> <label> <input type="radio" name="dashboard-grid-size" value="3" <?php if ($this->settings["grid-size"] == 3) { echo "checked"; } ?> /> 3 <?php echo __("Parts"); ?> </label> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="wolf-dashboard-container"> <div id="wolf-dashboard" class="wolf-dashboard wolf-dashboard-grid-<?php echo $grid; ?> " data-grid="<?php echo $grid; ?> "> <?php for ($i = 1; $i <= $grid; $i++) { ?> <div id="wolf-dashboard-part-<?php echo $i; ?> " class="wolf-dashboard-part wolf-dashboard-part-<?php echo $i; ?> "> <?php foreach (DashboardWidgets::getWidgets($i, $grid) as $widget) { $this->renderWidget($widget); } ?> </div> <?php } ?> </div> </div> <div class="wolf-dashboard-footer"> <input type="hidden" name="dashboard_url" value="<?php echo get_url("plugin/dashboard/ajax"); ?> " /> <input type="hidden" name="dashboard_token" value="<?php echo SecureToken::generateToken(get_url("plugin/dashboard")); ?> " /> </div> <?php }
echo date("d-M-Y", strtotime($testimonial->created_on)); ?> </td> <td><?php echo $testimonial->updated_on === NULL ? '' : date("d-M-Y", strtotime($testimonial->updated_on)); ?> </td>--> <td> <a href="<?php echo get_url('testimonial/edit/' . $testimonial->id); ?> "><img src="<?php echo URL_PUBLIC; ?> wolf/admin/images/icon-edit.gif" alt="edit icon" /></a> <a href="<?php echo get_url('testimonial/delete/' . $testimonial->id . '?csrf_token=' . SecureToken::generateToken(BASE_URL . 'testimonial/delete/' . $testimonial->id)); ?> " onclick="return confirm('<?php echo __('Are you sure you wish to delete testimonial : ') . ' ' . $testimonial->name . '?'; ?> ');"><img src="<?php echo URI_PUBLIC; ?> wolf/admin/images/icon-remove.gif" alt="<?php echo __('delete testimonial'); ?> " title="<?php echo __('Delete testimonial'); ?> " /></a> </td>
"><img src="<?php echo URI_PUBLIC; ?> wolf/admin/images/plus.png" align="middle" title="<?php echo __('Add child'); ?> " alt="<?php echo __('Add child'); ?> " /></a> <!-- //For about page okstmtcc --> <?php if ((!$child->is_protected || AuthUser::hasPermission('page_delete')) && $child->id != 4) { ?> <a class="remove" href="<?php echo get_url('page/delete/' . $child->id . '?csrf_token=' . SecureToken::generateToken(BASE_URL . 'page/delete/' . $child->id)); ?> " onclick="return confirm('<?php echo __('Are you sure you wish to delete'); ?> <?php echo $child->title; ?> <?php echo __('and its underlying pages'); ?> ?');"><img src="<?php echo URI_PUBLIC; ?> wolf/admin/images/icon-remove.gif" align="middle" alt="<?php echo __('Remove page');
</small> </td> <td><?php echo $user->email; ?> </td> <td><?php echo implode(', ', $user->roles()); ?> </td> <td> <?php if ($user->id > 1) { ?> <a href="<?php echo get_url('user/delete/' . $user->id . '?csrf_token=' . SecureToken::generateToken(BASE_URL . 'user/delete/' . $user->id)); ?> " onclick="return confirm('<?php echo __('Are you sure you wish to delete') . ' ' . $user->name . '?'; ?> ');"><img src="<?php echo PATH_PUBLIC; ?> wolf/admin/images/icon-remove.gif" alt="<?php echo __('delete user icon'); ?> " title="<?php echo __('Delete user'); ?> " /></a> <?php
/** * Runs checks and stores a page. * * @param string $action What kind of action this is: add or edit. * @param mixed $id Page to edit if any. */ private function _store($action, $id = false) { // Sanity checks if ($action == 'edit' && !$id) { throw new Exception('Trying to edit page when $id is false.'); } use_helper('Validate'); $data = $_POST['page']; $data['is_protected'] = !empty($data['is_protected']) ? 1 : 0; Flash::set('post_data', (object) $data); // Add pre-save checks here $errors = false; // CSRF checks if (isset($_POST['csrf_token'])) { $csrf_token = $_POST['csrf_token']; if (!SecureToken::validateToken($csrf_token, BASE_URL . 'page/' . $action)) { $errors[] = __('Invalid CSRF token found!'); } } else { $errors[] = __('No CSRF token found!'); } $data['title'] = trim($data['title']); if (empty($data['title'])) { $errors[] = __('You have to specify a title!'); } $data['slug'] = trim($data['slug']); if (empty($data['slug']) && $id != '1') { $errors[] = __('You have to specify a slug!'); } else { if ($data['slug'] == ADMIN_DIR) { $errors[] = __('You cannot have a slug named :slug!', array(':slug' => ADMIN_DIR)); } if (!Validate::slug($data['slug']) && (!empty($data['slug']) && $id == '1')) { $errors[] = __('Illegal value for :fieldname field!', array(':fieldname' => 'slug')); } } // Check all numerical fields for a page $fields = array('parent_id', 'layout_id', 'needs_login'); foreach ($fields as $field) { if (!Validate::digit($data[$field])) { $errors[] = __('Illegal value for :fieldname field!', array(':fieldname' => $field)); } } // Check all date fields for a page $fields = array('created_on', 'published_on', 'valid_until'); foreach ($fields as $field) { if (isset($data[$field])) { $data[$field] = trim($data[$field]); if (!empty($data[$field]) && !(bool) preg_match('/^[0-9]{4}-[0-9]{2}-[0-9]{2}$/D', (string) $data[$field])) { $errors[] = __('Illegal value for :fieldname field!', array(':fieldname' => $field)); } } } // Check all time fields for a page $fields = array('created_on_time', 'published_on_time', 'valid_until_time'); foreach ($fields as $field) { if (isset($data[$field])) { $data[$field] = trim($data[$field]); if (!empty($data[$field]) && !(bool) preg_match('/^[0-9]{2}:[0-9]{2}:[0-9]{2}$/D', (string) $data[$field])) { $errors[] = __('Illegal value for :fieldname field!', array(':fieldname' => $field)); } } } // Check alphanumerical fields $fields = array('keywords', 'description'); foreach ($fields as $field) { use_helper('Kses'); $data[$field] = kses(trim($data[$field]), array()); /* if (!empty($data[$field]) && !Validate::alpha_comma($data[$field])) { $errors[] = __('Illegal value for :fieldname field!', array(':fieldname' => $field)); } * */ } // Check behaviour_id field if (!empty($data['behaviour_id']) && !Validate::slug($data['behaviour_id'])) { $errors[] = __('Illegal value for :fieldname field!', array(':fieldname' => 'behaviour_id')); } // Make sure the title doesn't contain HTML if (Setting::get('allow_html_title') == 'off') { use_helper('Kses'); $data['title'] = kses(trim($data['title']), array()); } // Create the page object to be manipulated and populate data if ($action == 'add') { $page = new Page($data); } else { $page = Record::findByIdFrom('Page', $id); $page->setFromData($data); } // Upon errors, rebuild original page and return to screen with errors if (false !== $errors) { $tags = $_POST['page_tag']; // Rebuild time fields if (isset($page->created_on)) { $page->created_on = $page->created_on . ' ' . $page->created_on_time; } if (isset($page->published_on)) { $page->published_on = $page->published_on . ' ' . $page->published_on_time; } if (isset($page->valid_until)) { $page->valid_until = $page->valid_until . ' ' . $page->valid_until_time; } // Rebuild parts $part = $_POST['part']; if (!empty($part)) { $tmp = false; foreach ($part as $key => $val) { $tmp[$key] = (object) $val; } $part = $tmp; } // Set the errors to be displayed. Flash::setNow('error', implode('<br/>', $errors)); // display things ... $this->setLayout('backend'); $this->display('page/edit', array('action' => $action, 'csrf_token' => SecureToken::generateToken(BASE_URL . 'page/' . $action), 'page' => (object) $page, 'tags' => $tags, 'filters' => Filter::findAll(), 'behaviors' => Behavior::findAll(), 'page_parts' => (object) $part, 'layouts' => Record::findAllFrom('Layout'))); } // Notify if ($action == 'add') { Observer::notify('page_add_before_save', $page); } else { Observer::notify('page_edit_before_save', $page); } // Time to actually save the page // @todo rebuild this so parts are already set before save? // @todo determine lazy init impact if ($page->save()) { // Get data for parts of this page $data_parts = $_POST['part']; Flash::set('post_parts_data', (object) $data_parts); if ($action == 'edit') { $old_parts = PagePart::findByPageId($id); // check if all old page part are passed in POST // if not ... we need to delete it! foreach ($old_parts as $old_part) { $not_in = true; foreach ($data_parts as $part_id => $data) { $data['name'] = trim($data['name']); if ($old_part->name == $data['name']) { $not_in = false; // this will not really create a new page part because // the id of the part is passed in $data $part = new PagePart($data); $part->page_id = $id; Observer::notify('part_edit_before_save', $part); $part->save(); Observer::notify('part_edit_after_save', $part); unset($data_parts[$part_id]); break; } } if ($not_in) { $old_part->delete(); } } } // add the new parts foreach ($data_parts as $data) { $data['name'] = trim($data['name']); $part = new PagePart($data); $part->page_id = $page->id; Observer::notify('part_add_before_save', $part); $part->save(); Observer::notify('part_add_after_save', $part); } // save tags $page->saveTags($_POST['page_tag']['tags']); Flash::set('success', __('Page has been saved!')); } else { Flash::set('error', __('Page has not been saved!')); $url = 'page/'; $url .= $action == 'edit' ? 'edit/' . $id : 'add/'; redirect(get_url($url)); } if ($action == 'add') { Observer::notify('page_add_after_save', $page); } else { Observer::notify('page_edit_after_save', $page); } // save and quit or save and continue editing ? if (isset($_POST['commit'])) { redirect(get_url('page')); } else { redirect(get_url('page/edit/' . $page->id)); } }
echo __("Delete User"); ?> " /> </td> <td class="help"></td> </tr> </table> </div> </form> <?php } else { if ($action === "activate") { ?> <?php $url = get_url("user/activate/" . $form["id"] . "/" . $pawUsers->getCurrentUserID()); $token = SecureToken::generateToken($url); ?> <form id="<?php echo $action; ?> -user-form" method="post" action="<?php echo get_url("user/save/" . $action . "/" . $form["id"]); ?> "> <div id="admin-area" class="form-area <?php echo $action; ?> -user-form"> <table class="fieldset"> <tr> <td class="label"><label for="user-username"><?php
echo date("d-M-Y", strtotime($dine->created_on)); ?> </td> <td><?php echo $dine->updated_on === NULL ? '' : date("d-M-Y", strtotime($dine->updated_on)); ?> </td>--> <td> <a href="<?php echo get_url('dine/edit/' . $dine->id); ?> "><img src="<?php echo URL_PUBLIC; ?> wolf/admin/images/icon-edit.gif" alt="edit icon" /></a> <a href="<?php echo get_url('dine/delete/' . $dine->id . '?csrf_token=' . SecureToken::generateToken(BASE_URL . 'dine/delete/' . $dine->id)); ?> " onclick="return confirm('<?php echo __('Are you sure you wish to delete dine : ') . ' ' . $dine->name . '?'; ?> ');"><img src="<?php echo URI_PUBLIC; ?> wolf/admin/images/icon-remove.gif" alt="<?php echo __('delete dine'); ?> " title="<?php echo __('Delete dine'); ?> " /></a> </td>
?> </label></td> <td class="field"><input type="text" id="field-label" class="textbox" value="<?php echo $form["label"]; ?> " readonly /></td> <td class="help"></td> </tr> <tr> <td class="label"><label><?php echo __("Delete Item"); ?> </label></td> <td class="field"> <input type="hidden" name="field[token]" value="<?php echo SecureToken::generateToken(get_url("user/fields/" . $action)); ?> " /> <input type="hidden" name="field[action]" value="<?php echo $action; ?> "> <input type="hidden" name="field[name]" value="<?php echo $form["name"]; ?> "> <input class="button" name="field[delete]" type="submit" accesskey="s" value="<?php echo __("Delete Field"); ?> " /> </td>
<input type="text" value="<?php echo $pdf->sequence; ?> " name="order[]" size=1 style="text-align:right;"> </td> <td><?php echo date("d-M-Y", strtotime($pdf->created_on)); ?> </td> <td><?php echo $pdf->updated_on === NULL ? '' : date("d-M-Y", strtotime($pdf->updated_on)); ?> </td> <td> <a href="<?php echo get_url('pdf/delete/' . $pdf->id . '?csrf_token=' . SecureToken::generateToken(BASE_URL . 'pdf/delete/' . $pdf->id)); ?> " onclick="return confirm('<?php echo __('Are you sure you wish to delete pdf : ') . ' ' . $pdf->name . '?'; ?> ');"><img src="<?php echo URI_PUBLIC; ?> wolf/admin/images/icon-remove.gif" alt="<?php echo __('delete pdf'); ?> " title="<?php echo __('Delete pdf'); ?> " /></a> </td>
/** * Runs checks and stores a page. * * @param string $action What kind of action this is: add or edit. * @param mixed $id Page to edit if any. */ private function _store($action, $id = false) { // Sanity checks if ($action == 'edit' && !$id) { throw new Exception('Trying to edit page when $id is false.'); } use_helper('Validate'); $data = $_POST['page']; $data['is_protected'] = !empty($data['is_protected']) ? 1 : 0; Flash::set('post_data', (object) $data); $pagesetting = array(); //For homepage info & about page info okstmtcc if ($id == 1 || $id == 4) { $upload = $_POST['upload']; $pagesetting = $_POST['pagesetting']; //Flash::set('post_settingdata', (object) $pagesetting); } // Add pre-save checks here $errors = false; $error_fields = false; // CSRF checks if (isset($_POST['csrf_token'])) { $csrf_token = $_POST['csrf_token']; $csrf_id = ''; if ($action === 'edit') { $csrf_id = '/' . $id; } if (!SecureToken::validateToken($csrf_token, BASE_URL . 'page/' . $action . $csrf_id)) { $errors[] = __('Invalid CSRF token found!'); } } else { $errors[] = __('No CSRF token found!'); } $data['title'] = trim($data['title']); if (empty($data['title'])) { $error_fields[] = __('Page Title'); } /** homepage setting check okstmtcc **/ if ($id == 1) { /** homepage page title **/ if (empty($pagesetting['homepage_discover_title'])) { $error_fields[] = __('Homepage Title'); } if (empty($pagesetting['homepage_discover_teaser'])) { $error_fields[] = __('Homepage Teaser'); } /** highlight 1 **/ // if (empty($pagesetting['highlight_title'])){ // $error_fields[] = __('Highlight 1´s Title'); // } // if (empty($pagesetting['highlight_text1'])){ // $error_fields[] = __('Highlight 1´s Text 1'); // } // if (empty($pagesetting['highlight_url'])){ // $error_fields[] = __('Highlight 1´s Read More URL'); // } // $pagesetting_ori = PageSetting::init(); // if (isset($_FILES)) { // if(empty($_FILES['upload_highlight_image']['name'])){ // $pagesetting['highlight_image'] = $pagesetting_ori->highlight_image; // } else { // $pagesetting['highlight_image'] = $_FILES['upload_highlight_image']['name']; // } // } else { // $pagesetting['highlight_image'] = $pagesetting_ori->highlight_image; // } // if (empty($pagesetting['highlight_image'])){ // $error_fields[] = __('Highlight 1´s Image'); // } // /** highlight 2 **/ // if (empty($pagesetting['highlight2_title'])){ // $error_fields[] = __('Highlight 2´s Title'); // } // if (empty($pagesetting['highlight2_text1'])){ // $error_fields[] = __('Highlight 2´s Text 1'); // } // if (empty($pagesetting['highlight2_url'])){ // $error_fields[] = __('Highlight 2´s Read More URL'); // } // if (isset($_FILES)) { // if(empty($_FILES['upload_highlight2_image']['name'])){ // $pagesetting['highlight2_image'] = $pagesetting_ori->highlight2_image; // } else { // $pagesetting['highlight2_image'] = $_FILES['upload_highlight2_image']['name']; // } // } else { // $pagesetting['highlight2_image'] = $pagesetting_ori->highlight2_image; // } // if (empty($pagesetting['highlight2_image'])){ // $error_fields[] = __('Highlight 2´s Image'); // } // if (isset($_FILES)) { // if(empty($_FILES['upload_newdev_image']['name'])){ // $pagesetting['newdev_image'] = $pagesetting_ori->newdev_image; // } else { // $pagesetting['newdev_image'] = $_FILES['upload_newdev_image']['name']; // } // } else { // $pagesetting['newdev_image'] = $pagesetting_ori->newdev_image; // } // if (empty($pagesetting['newdev_image'])){ // $error_fields[] = __('New Development Image'); // } } /** homepage setting check okstmtcc **/ $data['slug'] = !empty($data['slug']) ? trim($data['slug']) : ''; if (empty($data['slug']) && $id != '1') { $error_fields[] = __('Slug'); } else { if ($data['slug'] == ADMIN_DIR) { $errors[] = __('You cannot have a slug named :slug!', array(':slug' => ADMIN_DIR)); } if (!Validate::slug($data['slug']) && (!empty($data['slug']) && $id == '1')) { $errors[] = __('Illegal value for :fieldname field!', array(':fieldname' => 'slug')); } } // Check all numerical fields for a page $fields = array('parent_id', 'layout_id', 'needs_login'); foreach ($fields as $field) { if (!Validate::digit($data[$field])) { $errors[] = __('Illegal value for :fieldname field!', array(':fieldname' => $field)); } } // Check all date fields for a page $fields = array('created_on', 'published_on', 'valid_until'); foreach ($fields as $field) { if (isset($data[$field])) { $data[$field] = trim($data[$field]); if (!empty($data[$field]) && !(bool) preg_match('/^[0-9]{4}-[0-9]{2}-[0-9]{2}$/D', (string) $data[$field])) { $errors[] = __('Illegal value for :fieldname field!', array(':fieldname' => $field)); } } } // Check all time fields for a page $fields = array('created_on_time', 'published_on_time', 'valid_until_time'); foreach ($fields as $field) { if (isset($data[$field])) { $data[$field] = trim($data[$field]); if (!empty($data[$field]) && !(bool) preg_match('/^[0-9]{2}:[0-9]{2}:[0-9]{2}$/D', (string) $data[$field])) { $errors[] = __('Illegal value for :fieldname field!', array(':fieldname' => $field)); } } } // Check alphanumerical fields $fields = array('keywords', 'description'); foreach ($fields as $field) { use_helper('Kses'); $data[$field] = kses(trim($data[$field]), array()); /* if (!empty($data[$field]) && !Validate::alpha_comma($data[$field])) { $errors[] = __('Illegal value for :fieldname field!', array(':fieldname' => $field)); } * */ } // Check behaviour_id field if (!empty($data['behaviour_id']) && !Validate::slug($data['behaviour_id'])) { $errors[] = __('Illegal value for :fieldname field!', array(':fieldname' => 'behaviour_id')); } // Make sure the title doesn't contain HTML if (Setting::get('allow_html_title') == 'off') { use_helper('Kses'); $data['title'] = kses(trim($data['title']), array()); } // Create the page object to be manipulated and populate data if ($action == 'add') { $page = new Page($data); } else { $page = Record::findByIdFrom('Page', $id); $page->setFromData($data); } // Upon errors, rebuild original page and return to screen with errors if (false !== $errors || $error_fields !== false) { $tags = $_POST['page_tag']; // Rebuild time fields if (isset($page->created_on) && isset($page->created_on_time)) { $page->created_on = $page->created_on . ' ' . $page->created_on_time; } if (isset($page->published_on) && isset($page->published_on_time)) { $page->published_on = $page->published_on . ' ' . $page->published_on_time; } if (isset($page->valid_until)) { $page->valid_until = $page->valid_until . ' ' . $page->valid_until_time; } // Rebuild parts $part = ''; if (!empty($_POST['part'])) { $part = $_POST['part']; $tmp = false; foreach ($part as $key => $val) { $tmp[$key] = (object) $val; } $part = $tmp; } // Set the errors to be displayed. $err_msg = $errors != false ? implode('<br/>', $errors) : ''; $err_msg .= $error_fields != false ? '<br />Please specify these fields: ' . implode(', ', $error_fields) : ''; Flash::setNow('error', $err_msg); //$settingdata = 'aaa'; // display things ... $this->setLayout('backend'); $pagesettingobj = new stdClass(); foreach ($pagesetting as $name => $value) { $pagesettingobj->{$name} = $value; } $this->display('page/edit', array('action' => $action, 'csrf_token' => SecureToken::generateToken(BASE_URL . 'page/' . $action), 'page' => (object) $page, 'pagesetting' => $pagesettingobj, 'tags' => $tags, 'filters' => Filter::findAll(), 'behaviors' => Behavior::findAll(), 'page_parts' => $part, 'layouts' => Record::findAllFrom('Layout'))); } // Notify if ($action == 'add') { Observer::notify('page_add_before_save', $page); } else { Observer::notify('page_edit_before_save', $page); } // Time to actually save the page // @todo rebuild this so parts are already set before save? // @todo determine lazy init impact $page->newwindow = !empty($data['newwindow']) ? '1' : '0'; if ($page->save()) { // Get data for parts of this page $data_parts = $_POST['part']; Flash::set('post_parts_data', (object) $data_parts); if ($action == 'edit') { $old_parts = PagePart::findByPageId($id); // check if all old page part are passed in POST // if not ... we need to delete it! foreach ($old_parts as $old_part) { $not_in = true; foreach ($data_parts as $part_id => $data) { $data['name'] = trim($data['name']); if ($old_part->name == $data['name']) { $not_in = false; // this will not really create a new page part because // the id of the part is passed in $data $part = new PagePart($data); $part->page_id = $id; Observer::notify('part_edit_before_save', $part); $part->save(); Observer::notify('part_edit_after_save', $part); unset($data_parts[$part_id]); break; } } if ($not_in) { $old_part->delete(); } } } // add the new parts foreach ($data_parts as $data) { $data['name'] = trim($data['name']); $part = new PagePart($data); $part->page_id = $page->id; Observer::notify('part_add_before_save', $part); $part->save(); Observer::notify('part_add_after_save', $part); } // save tags $page->saveTags($_POST['page_tag']['tags']); // save homepage banner info okstmtcc if ($id == 1) { // upload home banner image 1, 2 if (isset($_FILES) && !empty($_FILES['upload_banner_image1']['name'])) { //okstmtcc 20150827 Replace image filename spaces $_FILES['upload_banner_image1']['name'] = str_replace(array(" ", "(", ")"), array("_", "", ""), $_FILES['upload_banner_image1']['name']); $file = $this->upload_file($_FILES['upload_banner_image1']['name'], FILES_DIR . '/pagesetting/images/', $_FILES['upload_banner_image1']['tmp_name'], $overwrite); if ($file === false) { Flash::set('error', __('Home banner could not be uploaded!')); redirect(get_url('page/edit/1')); } else { $pagesetting['banner_image1'] = $file; } } if (isset($_FILES) && !empty($_FILES['upload_banner_image2']['name'])) { //okstmtcc 20150827 Replace image filename spaces $_FILES['upload_banner_image2']['name'] = str_replace(array(" ", "(", ")"), array("_", "", ""), $_FILES['upload_banner_image2']['name']); $file = $this->upload_file($_FILES['upload_banner_image2']['name'], FILES_DIR . '/pagesetting/images/', $_FILES['upload_banner_image2']['tmp_name'], $overwrite); if ($file === false) { Flash::set('error', __('Home banner could not be uploaded!')); redirect(get_url('page/edit/1')); } else { $pagesetting['banner_image2'] = $file; } } PageSetting::saveFromData($pagesetting); } // save homepage banner info okstmtcc // save about banner info okstmtcc if ($id == 4) { // upload about page image 1 if (isset($_FILES) && !empty($_FILES['upload_about_image1']['name'])) { //okstmtcc 20150827 Replace image filename spaces $_FILES['upload_about_image1']['name'] = str_replace(array(" ", "(", ")"), array("_", "", ""), $_FILES['upload_about_image1']['name']); $file = $this->upload_file($_FILES['upload_about_image1']['name'], FILES_DIR . '/pagesetting/images/', $_FILES['upload_about_image1']['tmp_name'], $overwrite); if ($file === false) { Flash::set('error', __('Home banner could not be uploaded!')); redirect(get_url('page/edit/1')); } else { $pagesetting['about_image1'] = $file; } } PageSetting::saveFromData($pagesetting); } // save about banner info okstmtcc Flash::set('success', __('Page has been saved.')); } else { Flash::set('error', __('Page has not been saved!')); $url = 'page/'; $url .= $action == 'edit' ? 'edit/' . $id : 'add/'; redirect(get_url($url)); } if ($action == 'add') { Observer::notify('page_add_after_save', $page); } else { Observer::notify('page_edit_after_save', $page); } // save and quit or save and continue editing ? if (isset($_POST['commit'])) { redirect(get_url('page')); } else { redirect(get_url('page/edit/' . $page->id)); } }
<td class="field"> <input type="text" class="textbox" value="<?php echo isset($form["author"]) ? $form["author"] : __("Unknown"); ?> " readonly /> </td> <td class="help"></td> </tr> <tr> <td class="label"><label><?php echo __("Delete Item"); ?> </label></td> <td class="field"> <input type="hidden" name="blacklist[token]" value="<?php echo SecureToken::generateToken(get_url("user/blacklist/" . $action)); ?> " /> <input type="hidden" name="blacklist[action]" value="<?php echo $action; ?> "> <input type="hidden" name="blacklist[id]" value="<?php echo $form["id"]; ?> " /> <input class="button" name="blacklist[delete]" type="submit" accesskey="s" value="<?php echo __("Delete Item"); ?> " /> </td>
</tr> <?php } } ?> <tr> <td class="label"><label><?php echo __("Delete Item"); ?> </label></td> <td class="field"> <input type="hidden" name="<?php echo $form["system"]; ?> [token]" value="<?php echo SecureToken::generateToken(get_url("user/permissions/" . $action)); ?> " /> <input type="hidden" name="<?php echo $form["system"]; ?> [action]" value="<?php echo $action; ?> "> <input type="hidden" name="<?php echo $form["system"]; ?> [system]" value="<?php echo $form["system"]; ?>
<td> <code>{{PAW_URL}}</code> <span><?php echo __("The single Remember-Password URL."); ?> </span> </td> </tr> </table> </div> </td> </tr> </table> <p class="buttons"> <input type="hidden" name="token" value="<?php echo SecureToken::generateToken(get_url("user/settings/messages")); ?> " /> <input type="hidden" name="action" value="save"> <input type="hidden" name="type" value="messages"> <input type="submit" name="save" value="<?php echo __("Save Settings"); ?> " /> </p> </form> </div> </div> </div> </div>
public function edit($id) { if (!($pdf = Pdf::findById($id))) { Flash::set('error', __('Menu not found!')); redirect(get_url('pdf')); } // check if trying to save if (get_request_method() == 'POST') { return $this->_edit($id); } //$pdfgalleries = PdfImage::findByPdfId($id); //$locations = Location::findByPdfId($id); $this->display('pdf/edit', array('action' => 'edit', 'csrf_token' => SecureToken::generateToken(BASE_URL . 'pdf/edit/' . $id), 'pdf' => $pdf, 'id' => $id, 'pages' => Record::findAllFrom('Page', 'parent_id=1 order by parent_id,position'))); }
/** * Saves the edited Snippet. * * @todo Merge _edit() and edit() * * @param string $id Snippet id. */ public function edit($id) { // check if user have already enter something $snippet = Flash::get('post_data'); if (empty($snippet)) { $snippet = Snippet::findById($id); if (!$snippet) { Flash::set('error', __('Snippet not found!')); redirect(get_url('snippet')); } } // check if trying to save if (get_request_method() == 'POST') { $this->_edit($id); } $this->display('snippet/edit', array('action' => 'edit', 'csrf_token' => SecureToken::generateToken(BASE_URL . 'snippet/edit'), 'filters' => Filter::findAll(), 'snippet' => $snippet)); }
<div class="titlebar"> <?php echo __('Upload file'); ?> <a href="#" class="close"><img src="<?php echo ICONS_PATH; ?> action-delete-disabled-16.png"/></a> </div> <div class="content"> <form action="<?php echo get_url('plugin/file_manager/upload'); ?> " method="post" enctype="multipart/form-data"> <input id="csrf_token" name="csrf_token" type="hidden" value="<?php echo SecureToken::generateToken(BASE_URL . 'plugin/file_manager/upload'); ?> " /> <input id="upload_overwrite" name="upload[overwrite]" type="checkbox" value="1" /> <label for="upload_overwrite"><small><?php echo __('overwrite it?'); ?> </small></label><br /> <input id="upload_path" name="upload[path]" type="hidden" value="<?php echo $dir == '' ? '/' : $dir; ?> " /> <input id="upload_file" name="upload_file" type="file" /> <input id="upload_file_button" name="commit" type="submit" value="<?php echo __('Upload'); ?> " />
<div class="titlebar"> <?php echo __('Upload file'); ?> <a href="#" class="close"><img src="<?php echo ICONS_PATH; ?> action-delete-disabled-16.png"/></a> </div> <div class="content"> <form action="<?php echo get_url('plugin/shopping_cart/upload'); ?> " method="post" enctype="multipart/form-data"> <input id="csrf_token" name="csrf_token" type="hidden" value="<?php echo SecureToken::generateToken(BASE_URL . 'plugin/shopping_cart/upload'); ?> " /> <input id="upload_overwrite" name="upload[overwrite]" type="checkbox" value="1" /> <label for="upload_overwrite"><small><?php echo __('overwrite it?'); ?> </small></label><br /> <input id="upload_path" name="upload[path]" type="hidden" value="<?php echo $dir == '' ? '/' : $dir; ?> " /> <input id="upload_file" name="upload_file" type="file" /> <input id="upload_file_button" name="commit" type="submit" value="<?php echo __('Upload'); ?> " />
$button = __("Send Remember Mail"); break; case "remember": $form = "login/remember"; $title = __("Remember Password"); $button = __("Set new Password"); break; case "delete": if ($pawUsers->config["account_deletion"] == 0) { redirect(get_url("login")); die; } $form = "login/delete"; $title = __("Delete Account"); $button = $title; $token = SecureToken::generateToken(get_url("login/delete/" . $current)); break; default: redirect(get_url("login")); die; break; } ?> <!DOCTYPE html> <html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml" xml:lang="en" lang="en"> <head> <meta charset="utf-8" /> <title><?php echo $title . " - " . Setting::get("admin_title"); ?> </title>
echo date("d-M-Y", strtotime($experience->created_on)); ?> </td> <td><?php echo $experience->updated_on === NULL ? '' : date("d-M-Y", strtotime($experience->updated_on)); ?> </td>--> <td> <a href="<?php echo get_url('experience/edit/' . $experience->id); ?> "><img src="<?php echo URL_PUBLIC; ?> wolf/admin/images/icon-edit.gif" alt="edit icon" /></a> <a href="<?php echo get_url('experience/delete/' . $experience->id . '?csrf_token=' . SecureToken::generateToken(BASE_URL . 'experience/delete/' . $experience->id)); ?> " onclick="return confirm('<?php echo __('Are you sure you wish to delete experience : ') . ' ' . $experience->name . '?'; ?> ');"><img src="<?php echo URI_PUBLIC; ?> wolf/admin/images/icon-remove.gif" alt="<?php echo __('delete experience'); ?> " title="<?php echo __('Delete experience'); ?> " /></a> </td>
function edit_feature($id) { // check if trying to save if (get_request_method() == 'POST') { // form submission $this->_checkPermission(); if (isset($_POST['csrf_token'])) { $csrf_token = $_POST['csrf_token']; if (!SecureToken::validateToken($csrf_token, BASE_URL . 'facilities/edit_feature/' . $id)) { Flash::set('error', __('Invalid CSRF token found!')); redirect(get_url('facilities/edit_feature/' . $id)); } } else { Flash::set('error', __('No CSRF token found!')); redirect(get_url('facilities/edit_feature/' . $id)); } $data = $_POST['upload']; $path = str_replace('..', '', $data['path']); $overwrite = isset($data['overwrite']) ? true : false; $title = $_POST['title']; $featureimage = FeatureImage::findById($id); if (!empty($_FILES['upload_feature_file']['name']) && !file_exists(FILES_DIR . '/facilities/feature/' . $_FILES['upload_feature_file']['tmp_name'])) { $file = $this->upload_feature_file($featureimage->facilitiesid, $featureimage->id, $title, $_FILES['upload_feature_file']['name'], FILES_DIR . '/facilities/feature/', $_FILES['upload_feature_file']['tmp_name'], $overwrite); if ($file === false) { Flash::set('error', __('File has not been uploaded!')); redirect(get_url('facilities/edit_feature/' . $id)); } } else { $featureimage->title = $title; if (!$featureimage->save()) { Flash::set('error', __('Feature could not be saved!')); } else { Flash::set('success', __('Feature has been saved!')); } } if (isset($_POST['commit'])) { redirect(get_url('facilities/edit/' . $featureimage->facilitiesid)); } else { redirect(get_url('facilities/edit_feature/' . $id)); } } else { // display edit page $feature = FeatureImage::findById($id); $this->display('facilities/edit_feature', array('csrf_token' => SecureToken::generateToken(BASE_URL . 'facilities/edit_feature/' . $id), 'feature' => $feature)); } }
echo date("d-M-Y", strtotime($event->created_on)); ?> </td> <td><?php echo $event->updated_on === NULL ? '' : date("d-M-Y", strtotime($event->updated_on)); ?> </td>--> <td> <a href="<?php echo get_url('event/edit/' . $event->id); ?> "><img src="<?php echo URL_PUBLIC; ?> wolf/admin/images/icon-edit.gif" alt="edit icon" /></a> <a href="<?php echo get_url('event/delete/' . $event->id . '?csrf_token=' . SecureToken::generateToken(BASE_URL . 'event/delete/' . $event->id)); ?> " onclick="return confirm('<?php echo __('Are you sure you wish to delete event : ') . ' ' . $event->name . '?'; ?> ');"><img src="<?php echo URI_PUBLIC; ?> wolf/admin/images/icon-remove.gif" alt="<?php echo __('delete event'); ?> " title="<?php echo __('Delete event'); ?> " /></a> </td>
?> </td> <td><?php echo $room->updated_on === NULL ? '' : date("d-M-Y", strtotime($room->updated_on)); ?> </td>--> <td> <a href="<?php echo get_url('room/edit/' . $room->id); ?> "><img src="<?php echo URL_PUBLIC; ?> wolf/admin/images/icon-edit.gif" alt="edit icon" /></a> <a href="<?php echo get_url('room/delete/' . $room->id . '?csrf_token=' . SecureToken::generateToken(BASE_URL . 'room/delete/' . $room->id)); ?> " onclick="return confirm('<?php echo __('Are you sure you wish to delete room : ') . ' ' . $room->name . '?'; ?> ');"><img src="<?php echo URI_PUBLIC; ?> wolf/admin/images/icon-remove.gif" alt="<?php echo __('delete room'); ?> " title="<?php echo __('Delete room'); ?> " /></a> </td>
public function view() { $params = func_get_args(); $content = ''; $filename = urldecode(join('/', $params)); // Sanitize filename for securtiy // We don't allow backlinks if (strpos($filename, '..') !== false) { /* if (Plugin::isEnabled('statistics_api')) { $user = null; if (AuthUser::isLoggedIn()) $user = AuthUser::getUserName(); $ip = isset($_SERVER['HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR']) ? $_SERVER['HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR'] : ($_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']); $event = array('event_type' => 'hack_attempt', // simple event type identifier 'description' => __('A possible hack attempt was detected.'), // translatable description 'ipaddress' => $ip, 'username' => $user); Observer::notify('stats_file_manager_hack_attempt', $event); } */ } $filename = str_replace('..', '', $filename); // Clean up nicely $filename = str_replace('//', '', $filename); // We don't allow leading slashes $filename = preg_replace('/^\\//', '', $filename); // Check if file had URL_SUFFIX - if so, append it to filename $filename .= isset($_GET['has_url_suffix']) && $_GET['has_url_suffix'] === '1' ? URL_SUFFIX : ''; $file = FILES_DIR . '/' . $filename; if (!$this->_isImage($file) && file_exists($file)) { $content = file_get_contents($file); } $this->display('file_manager/views/view', array('csrf_token' => SecureToken::generateToken(BASE_URL . 'plugin/file_manager/save/' . $filename), 'is_image' => $this->_isImage($file), 'filename' => $filename, 'content' => $content)); }
public function edit($id) { if (!($testimonial = Testimonial::findById($id))) { Flash::set('error', __('Testimonial not found!')); redirect(get_url('testimonial')); } // check if trying to save if (get_request_method() == 'POST') { return $this->_edit($id); } //$testimonialgalleries = TestimonialImage::findByTestimonialId($id); //$features = FeatureImage::findByTestimonialId($id); $this->display('testimonial/edit', array('action' => 'edit', 'csrf_token' => SecureToken::generateToken(BASE_URL . 'testimonial/edit/' . $id), 'testimonial' => $testimonial, 'id' => $id, 'pages' => Record::findAllFrom('Page', 'parent_id=1 order by parent_id,position'))); }
public function edit($id) { if (AuthUser::getId() != $id && !AuthUser::hasPermission('user_edit')) { Flash::set('error', __('You do not have permission to access the requested page!')); redirect(get_url()); } // check if trying to save if (get_request_method() == 'POST') { return $this->_edit($id); } if ($user = User::findById($id)) { $this->display('user/edit', array('action' => 'edit', 'csrf_token' => SecureToken::generateToken(BASE_URL . 'user/edit'), 'user' => $user, 'permissions' => Record::findAllFrom('Role'))); } else { Flash::set('error', __('User not found!')); } redirect(get_url('user')); }
echo date("d-M-Y", strtotime($attraction->created_on)); ?> </td> <td><?php echo $attraction->updated_on === NULL ? '' : date("d-M-Y", strtotime($attraction->updated_on)); ?> </td>--> <td> <a href="<?php echo get_url('attraction/edit/' . $attraction->id); ?> "><img src="<?php echo URL_PUBLIC; ?> wolf/admin/images/icon-edit.gif" alt="edit icon" /></a> <a href="<?php echo get_url('attraction/delete/' . $attraction->id . '?csrf_token=' . SecureToken::generateToken(BASE_URL . 'attraction/delete/' . $attraction->id)); ?> " onclick="return confirm('<?php echo __('Are you sure you wish to delete attraction : ') . ' ' . $attraction->name . '?'; ?> ');"><img src="<?php echo URI_PUBLIC; ?> wolf/admin/images/icon-remove.gif" alt="<?php echo __('delete attraction'); ?> " title="<?php echo __('Delete attraction'); ?> " /></a> </td>
function edit($id) { if (!($layout = Layout::findById($id))) { Flash::set('error', __('Layout not found!')); redirect(get_url('layout')); } // check if trying to save if (get_request_method() == 'POST') { return $this->_edit($id); } // display things... $this->display('layout/edit', array('csrf_token' => SecureToken::generateToken(BASE_URL . 'layout/edit'), 'action' => 'edit', 'layout' => $layout)); }
?> "><?php echo AuthUser::getRecord()->name; ?> </a> <span class="separator"> | </span> <a id="site-view-link" href="<?php echo URL_PUBLIC; ?> " target="_blank"><?php echo __('View Site'); ?> </a> <span class="separator"> | </span> <a href="<?php echo get_url('login/logout' . '?csrf_token=' . SecureToken::generateToken(BASE_URL . 'login/logout')); ?> "><?php echo __('Log Out'); ?> </a> </p> </div> <!-- Overwrite tab function to text indent in textarea --> <script> $.fn.getTab = function () { this.keydown(function (e) { if (e.keyCode === 9) { var val = this.value, start = this.selectionStart,
<input type="text" value="<?php echo $fnb->sequence; ?> " name="order[]" size=1 style="text-align:right;"> </td> <td><?php echo date("d-M-Y", strtotime($fnb->created_on)); ?> </td> <td><?php echo $fnb->updated_on === NULL ? '' : date("d-M-Y", strtotime($fnb->updated_on)); ?> </td> <td> <a href="<?php echo get_url('fnb/delete/' . $fnb->id . '?csrf_token=' . SecureToken::generateToken(BASE_URL . 'fnb/delete/' . $fnb->id)); ?> " onclick="return confirm('<?php echo __('Are you sure you wish to delete fnb : ') . ' ' . $fnb->name . '?'; ?> ');"><img src="<?php echo URI_PUBLIC; ?> wolf/admin/images/icon-remove.gif" alt="<?php echo __('delete fnb'); ?> " title="<?php echo __('Delete fnb'); ?> " /></a> </td>