Esempio n. 1
 public static function setIndexDirectory($directory)
     if (!is_dir($directory)) {
         throw new Exception('Directory for Searchindexer is invalid (' . $directory . ') ');
     self::$_indexDirectory = $directory;
Esempio n. 2
 public function configureSearchIndexer()
     $config = Zend_Registry::get('config');
     require_once 'SearchIndexer.php';
 public function dispatchLoopShutdown()
     // Force output to be sent - we need the client to have the page before
     // we start flushing progress bar updates
     $app = AppController::getInstance();
     $req = $app->getRequest();
     $resp = $app->getResponse();
     // Do reindexing
     if ($req->isLoggedIn() && $req->user->canDoAction('can_do_search_reindex')) {
         set_time_limit(3600 * 8);
         $o_si = new SearchIndexer();
         $o_si->reindex(null, array('showProgress' => false, 'interactiveProgressDisplay' => false, 'callback' => "caIncrementSearchReindexProgress"));
Esempio n. 4
 public function commitRowUnIndexing($pn_subject_tablenum, $pn_subject_row_id)
     $vb_can_do_incremental_indexing = $this->opo_engine->can('incremental_reindexing') ? true : false;
     // can the engine do incremental indexing? Or do we need to reindex the entire row every time?
     // delete index from subject
     $this->opo_engine->removeRowIndexing($pn_subject_tablenum, $pn_subject_row_id);
     if (is_array($this->opa_dependencies_to_update)) {
         if (!$vb_can_do_incremental_indexing) {
             $o_indexer = new SearchIndexer($this->opo_db);
             foreach ($this->opa_dependencies_to_update as $va_item) {
                 // trigger reindexing of related rows in dependent tables
                 $o_indexer->indexRow($va_item['field_table_num'], $va_item['field_row_id'], $va_item['field_values'], true);
             $o_indexer = null;
         } else {
             // incremental indexing engines delete dependent rows here
             // delete from index where other subjects reference it
             $this->opo_engine->removeRowIndexing(null, null, $pn_subject_tablenum, null, $pn_subject_row_id);
             foreach ($this->opa_dependencies_to_update as $va_item) {
                 $this->opo_engine->removeRowIndexing($va_item['table_num'], $va_item['row_id'], $va_item['field_table_num'], null, $va_item['field_row_id']);
     $this->opa_dependencies_to_update = null;
Esempio n. 5
  * Rebuild search indices
 public static function rebuild_search_index($po_opts = null)
     require_once __CA_LIB_DIR__ . "/core/Search/SearchIndexer.php";
     ini_set('memory_limit', '4000m');
     set_time_limit(24 * 60 * 60 * 7);
     /* maximum indexing time: 7 days :-) */
     $o_si = new SearchIndexer();
     $va_tables = null;
     if ($vs_tables = (string) $po_opts->getOption('tables')) {
         $va_tables = preg_split("![;,]+!", $vs_tables);
     $o_si->reindex($va_tables, array('showProgress' => true, 'interactiveProgressDisplay' => true));
     return true;
Esempio n. 6
     * Indexes single row in a table; this is the public call when one needs to index content.
     * indexRow() will analyze the dependencies of the row being indexed and automatically
     * apply the indexing of the row to all dependent rows in other tables.  (Note that while I call this
     * a "public" call in fact you shouldn't need to call this directly. BaseModel.php does this for you
     * during insert() and update().)
     * For example, if you are indexing a row in table 'entities', then indexRow()
     * will automatically apply the indexing not just to the entities record, but also
     * to all objects, place_names, occurrences, lots, etc. that reference the entity.
     * The dependencies are configured in the search_indices.conf configuration file.
     * "subject" tablenum/row_id refer to the row **to which the indexing is being applied**. This may be the row being indexed
     * or it may be a dependent row. The "content" tablenum/fieldnum/row_id parameters define the specific row and field being indexed.
     * This is always the actual row being indexed. $pm_content is the content to be indexed and $pa_options is an optional associative
     * array of indexing options passed through from the search_indices.conf (no options are defined yet - but will be soon)
    public function indexRow($pn_subject_tablenum, $pn_subject_row_id, $pa_field_data, $pb_reindex_mode = false, $pa_exclusion_list = null, $pa_changed_fields = null, $pa_old_values = null, $pa_options = null)
        $vb_initial_reindex_mode = $pb_reindex_mode;
        if (!$pb_reindex_mode && is_array($pa_changed_fields) && !sizeof($pa_changed_fields)) {
        // don't bother indexing if there are no changed fields
        $vs_subject_tablename = $this->opo_datamodel->getTableName($pn_subject_tablenum);
        $t_subject = $this->opo_datamodel->getInstanceByTableName($vs_subject_tablename, true);
        // force the subject instance to use the same db connection as the indexer, in case we're operating in a transaction
        // Prevent endless recursive reindexing
        if (is_array($pa_exclusion_list[$pn_subject_tablenum]) && isset($pa_exclusion_list[$pn_subject_tablenum][$pn_subject_row_id])) {
        $pb_is_new_row = (int) caGetOption('isNewRow', $pa_options, false);
        $vb_reindex_children = false;
        $vs_subject_pk = $t_subject->primaryKey();
        if (!is_array($pa_changed_fields)) {
            $pa_changed_fields = array();
        foreach ($pa_changed_fields as $vs_k => $vb_bool) {
            if (!isset($pa_field_data[$vs_k])) {
                $pa_field_data[$vs_k] = null;
        $vb_can_do_incremental_indexing = $this->opo_engine->can('incremental_reindexing') ? true : false;
        // can the engine do incremental indexing? Or do we need to reindex the entire row every time?
        if (!$pa_exclusion_list) {
            $pa_exclusion_list = array();
        $pa_exclusion_list[$pn_subject_tablenum][$pn_subject_row_id] = true;
        // index fields in subject table itself
        $va_fields_to_index = $this->getFieldsToIndex($pn_subject_tablenum);
        if (is_array($va_fields_to_index)) {
            foreach ($va_fields_to_index as $vs_k => $va_data) {
                if (preg_match('!^ca_attribute_(.*)$!', $vs_k, $va_matches)) {
                    if ($va_data['DONT_INDEX']) {
                        // remove attribute from indexing list
                        unset($va_fields_to_index['_ca_attribute_' . $va_matches[1]]);
                    } else {
                        if ($vn_element_id = $this->_getElementID($va_matches[1])) {
                            $va_fields_to_index['_ca_attribute_' . $vn_element_id] = $va_data;
            // always index type id if applicable
            if (method_exists($t_subject, 'getTypeFieldName') && ($vs_type_field = $t_subject->getTypeFieldName()) && !isset($va_fields_to_index[$vs_type_field])) {
                $va_fields_to_index[$vs_type_field] = array('STORE', 'DONT_TOKENIZE');
        // If location in hierarchy has changed we need to reindex this record and all of its children
        if ($t_subject->isHierarchical() && isset($pa_changed_fields['parent_id']) && $pa_changed_fields['parent_id'] && method_exists($t_subject, "makeSearchResult")) {
            $pb_reindex_mode = true;
            $vb_reindex_children = true;
        $vb_started_indexing = false;
        if (is_array($va_fields_to_index)) {
            $this->opo_engine->startRowIndexing($pn_subject_tablenum, $pn_subject_row_id);
            $vb_started_indexing = true;
            foreach ($va_fields_to_index as $vs_field => $va_data) {
                if (substr($vs_field, 0, 14) === '_ca_attribute_') {
                    // Is attribute
                    if (!preg_match('!^_ca_attribute_(.*)$!', $vs_field, $va_matches)) {
                    if ($vb_can_do_incremental_indexing && !$pb_is_new_row && !$pb_reindex_mode && (!isset($pa_changed_fields[$vs_field]) || !$pa_changed_fields[$vs_field])) {
                        // skip unchanged attribute value
                    if ($va_data['DONT_INDEX'] && is_array($va_data['DONT_INDEX'])) {
                        $vb_cont = false;
                        foreach ($va_data["DONT_INDEX"] as $vs_exclude_type) {
                            if ($this->_getElementID($vs_exclude_type) == intval($va_matches[1])) {
                                $vb_cont = true;
                        if ($vb_cont) {
                        // skip excluded attribute type
                    $va_data['datatype'] = (int) $this->_getElementDataType($va_matches[1]);
                    $this->_indexAttribute($t_subject, $pn_subject_row_id, $va_matches[1], $va_data);
                } else {
                    // Plain old field
                    if ($vb_can_do_incremental_indexing && !$pb_is_new_row && !$pb_reindex_mode && !isset($pa_changed_fields[$vs_field]) && $vs_field != $vs_subject_pk) {
                        // skip unchanged
                    if (!($vn_fld_num = $t_subject->fieldNum($vs_field))) {
                    // Hierarchical indexing in primary table
                    if (isset($va_data['INDEX_ANCESTORS']) && $va_data['INDEX_ANCESTORS'] || in_array('INDEX_ANCESTORS', $va_data)) {
                        if ($t_subject && $t_subject->isHierarchical()) {
                            $vn_fld_num = $t_subject->fieldNum($vs_field);
                            if ($va_hier_values = $this->_genHierarchicalPath($pn_subject_row_id, $vs_field, $t_subject, $va_data)) {
                                $this->opo_engine->indexField($pn_subject_tablenum, 'I' . $vn_fld_num, $pn_subject_row_id, join(" ", $va_hier_values['values']), $va_data);
                                if (caGetOption('INDEX_ANCESTORS_AS_PATH_WITH_DELIMITER', $va_data, false) !== false) {
                                    $this->opo_engine->indexField($pn_subject_tablenum, 'I' . $vn_fld_num, $pn_subject_row_id, $va_hier_values['path'], array_merge($va_data, array('DONT_TOKENIZE' => 1)));
                            $va_children_ids = $t_subject->getHierarchyAsList($pn_subject_row_id, array('idsOnly' => true));
                            if (!$pb_reindex_mode && is_array($va_children_ids) && sizeof($va_children_ids) > 0) {
                                // trigger reindexing of children
                                $o_indexer = new SearchIndexer($this->opo_db);
                                $qr_children_res = $t_subject->makeSearchResult($vs_subject_tablename, $va_children_ids, array('db' => $this->getDb()));
                                while ($qr_children_res->nextHit()) {
                                    $o_indexer->indexRow($pn_subject_tablenum, $qr_children_res->get($vs_subject_pk), array('parent_id' => $qr_children_res->get('parent_id'), $vs_field => $qr_children_res->get($vs_field)), false, $pa_exclusion_list, array($vs_field => true), null);
                    // specialized identifier (idno) processing; used IDNumbering plugin to generate searchable permutations of identifier
                    if ((isset($va_data['INDEX_AS_IDNO']) && $va_data['INDEX_AS_IDNO'] || in_array('INDEX_AS_IDNO', $va_data)) && method_exists($t_subject, "getIDNoPlugInInstance") && ($o_idno = $t_subject->getIDNoPlugInInstance())) {
                        $va_values = $o_idno->getIndexValues($pa_field_data[$vs_field]);
                        $vn_fld_num = $t_subject->fieldNum($vs_field);
                        $this->opo_engine->indexField($pn_subject_tablenum, 'I' . $vn_fld_num, $pn_subject_row_id, join(" ", $va_values), $va_data);
                    $va_field_list = $t_subject->getFieldsArray();
                    if (in_array($va_field_list[$vs_field]['FIELD_TYPE'], array(FT_DATERANGE, FT_HISTORIC_DATERANGE))) {
                        // if the field is a daterange type get content from start and end fields
                        $start_field = $va_field_list[$vs_field]['START'];
                        $end_field = $va_field_list[$vs_field]['END'];
                        if (!$pa_field_data[$start_field] || !$pa_field_data[$start_field]) {
                        $pn_content = $pa_field_data[$start_field] . " - " . $pa_field_data[$end_field];
                    } else {
                        $va_content = array();
                        if (isset($va_field_list[$vs_field]['LIST_CODE']) && $va_field_list[$vs_field]['LIST_CODE']) {
                            // Is reference to list item so index preferred label values
                            $t_item = new ca_list_items((int) $pa_field_data[$vs_field]);
                            $va_labels = $t_item->getPreferredDisplayLabelsForIDs(array((int) $pa_field_data[$vs_field]), array('returnAllLocales' => true));
                            foreach ($va_labels as $vn_label_row_id => $va_labels_per_row) {
                                foreach ($va_labels_per_row as $vn_locale_id => $va_label_list) {
                                    foreach ($va_label_list as $vs_label) {
                                        $va_content[$vs_label] = true;
                            $va_content[$t_item->get('idno')] = true;
                        } else {
                            // is this field related to something?
                            if (is_array($va_rels = $this->opo_datamodel->getManyToOneRelations($vs_subject_tablename)) && $va_rels[$vs_field]) {
                                if (isset($va_rels[$vs_field])) {
                                    if ($pa_changed_fields[$vs_field]) {
                                        $pb_reindex_mode = true;
                                        // trigger full reindex of record so it reflects text of related item (if so indexed)
                                $this->opo_engine->indexField($pn_subject_tablenum, 'I' . $vn_fld_num, $pn_subject_row_id, $pn_content, $va_data);
                        $va_content[$pa_field_data[$vs_field]] = true;
                        $this->opo_engine->indexField($pn_subject_tablenum, 'I' . $vn_fld_num, $pn_subject_row_id, join(" ", array_keys($va_content)), $va_data);
                    $this->opo_engine->indexField($pn_subject_tablenum, 'I' . $vn_fld_num, $pn_subject_row_id, $pn_content, $va_data);
        // -------------------------------------
        // index related fields
        // Here's where we generate indexing on the subject from content in related rows (data stored externally to the subject row)
        // If the underlying engine doesn't support incremental indexing (if it can't change existing indexing for a row in-place, in other words)
        // then we need to do this every time we update the indexing for a row; if the engine *does* support incremental indexing then
        // we can just update the existing indexing with content from the changed fields.
        // We also do this indexing if we're in "reindexing" mode. When reindexing is indicated it means that we need to act as if
        // we're indexing this row for the first time, and all indexing should be performed.
        if (!$vb_can_do_incremental_indexing || $pb_reindex_mode) {
            if (is_array($va_related_tables = $this->getRelatedIndexingTables($pn_subject_tablenum))) {
                if (!$vb_started_indexing) {
                    $this->opo_engine->startRowIndexing($pn_subject_tablenum, $pn_subject_row_id);
                    $vb_started_indexing = true;
                // Needs self-indexing?
                $va_self_info = $this->getTableIndexingInfo($vs_subject_tablename, $vs_subject_tablename);
                if (is_array($va_self_info['related']['fields']) && sizeof($va_self_info['related']['fields'])) {
                    $va_related_tables[] = $vs_subject_tablename;
                foreach ($va_related_tables as $vs_related_table) {
                    $va_queries = array();
                    $vn_related_tablenum = $this->opo_datamodel->getTableNum($vs_related_table);
                    $vs_related_pk = $this->opo_datamodel->getTablePrimaryKeyName($vn_related_tablenum);
                    $t_rel = $this->opo_datamodel->getInstanceByTableNum($vn_related_tablenum, true);
                    $va_params = null;
                    if ($vs_subject_tablename == $vs_related_table) {
                        // self-relation
                        if (!($vs_self_rel_table_name = $t_rel->getSelfRelationTableName())) {
                        $t_self_rel = $this->opo_datamodel->getInstanceByTableName($vs_self_rel_table_name, true);
                        $va_proc_field_list = array();
                        $va_fields_to_index = $va_self_info['related']['fields'];
                        $va_field_list = array_keys($va_fields_to_index);
                        $vn_field_list_count = sizeof($va_field_list);
                        for ($vn_i = 0; $vn_i < $vn_field_list_count; $vn_i++) {
                            if ($va_field_list[$vn_i] == '_count') {
                            if (substr($va_field_list[$vn_i], 0, 14) === '_ca_attribute_') {
                            if (!trim($va_field_list[$vn_i])) {
                            $va_proc_field_list[$vn_i] = $vs_related_table . '.' . $va_field_list[$vn_i];
                        $va_proc_field_list[] = $vs_related_table . '.' . $vs_related_pk;
                        if ($vs_self_rel_table_name) {
                            $va_proc_field_list[] = $vs_self_rel_table_name . '.type_id rel_type_id';
                        $vs_sql = "\n\t\t\t\t\t\tSELECT " . join(",", $va_proc_field_list) . "\n\t\t\t\t\t\tFROM {$vs_related_table}\n\t\t\t\t\t\tINNER JOIN {$vs_self_rel_table_name} ON {$vs_self_rel_table_name}." . $t_self_rel->getLeftTableFieldName() . " = {$vs_related_table}.{$vs_related_pk}\n\t\t\t\t\t\tWHERE\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t(" . $vs_self_rel_table_name . '.' . $t_self_rel->getRightTableFieldName() . ' = ?)
						SELECT ' . join(",", $va_proc_field_list) . "\n\t\t\t\t\t\tFROM {$vs_related_table}\n\t\t\t\t\t\tINNER JOIN {$vs_self_rel_table_name} ON {$vs_self_rel_table_name}." . $t_self_rel->getRightTableFieldName() . " = {$vs_related_table}.{$vs_related_pk}\n\t\t\t\t\t\tWHERE\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t(" . $vs_self_rel_table_name . '.' . $t_self_rel->getLeftTableFieldName() . ' = ?)
                        $va_params = array($pn_subject_row_id, $pn_subject_row_id);
                        $va_queries[] = array('sql' => $vs_sql, 'params' => $va_params);
                    } else {
                        // related table
                        $va_fields_to_index = $this->getFieldsToIndex($vs_subject_tablename, $vs_related_table);
                        $va_table_info = $this->getTableIndexingInfo($vs_subject_tablename, $vs_related_table);
                        $va_field_list = array_keys($va_fields_to_index);
                        $va_table_list_list = $va_table_key_list = array();
                        if (isset($va_table_info['key']) && $va_table_info['key']) {
                            $va_table_list_list = array('key' => array($vs_related_table));
                            $va_table_key_list = array();
                        } else {
                            if ($pb_reindex_mode || !$vb_can_do_incremental_indexing) {
                                $va_table_list_list = isset($va_table_info['tables']) ? $va_table_info['tables'] : null;
                                $va_table_key_list = isset($va_table_info['keys']) ? $va_table_info['keys'] : null;
                        if (!is_array($va_table_list_list) || !sizeof($va_table_list_list)) {
                        foreach ($va_table_list_list as $vs_list_name => $va_linking_tables) {
                            array_push($va_linking_tables, $vs_related_table);
                            $vs_left_table = $vs_subject_tablename;
                            $va_joins = array();
                            $vs_rel_type_id_fld = null;
                            foreach ($va_linking_tables as $vs_right_table) {
                                if (is_array($va_table_key_list) && (isset($va_table_key_list[$vs_list_name][$vs_right_table][$vs_left_table]) || isset($va_table_key_list[$vs_list_name][$vs_left_table][$vs_right_table]))) {
                                    // are the keys for this join specified in the indexing config?
                                    if (isset($va_table_key_list[$vs_list_name][$vs_left_table][$vs_right_table])) {
                                        $va_key_spec = $va_table_key_list[$vs_list_name][$vs_left_table][$vs_right_table];
                                        $vs_join = 'INNER JOIN ' . $vs_right_table . ' ON (' . $vs_right_table . '.' . $va_key_spec['right_key'] . ' = ' . $vs_left_table . '.' . $va_key_spec['left_key'];
                                        if ($va_key_spec['left_table_num'] || $va_key_spec['right_table_num']) {
                                            if ($va_key_spec['right_table_num']) {
                                                $vs_join .= ' AND ' . $vs_right_table . '.' . $va_key_spec['right_table_num'] . ' = ' . $this->opo_datamodel->getTableNum($vs_left_table);
                                            } else {
                                                $vs_join .= ' AND ' . $vs_left_table . '.' . $va_key_spec['left_table_num'] . ' = ' . $this->opo_datamodel->getTableNum($vs_right_table);
                                        $vs_join .= ")";
                                    } else {
                                        $va_key_spec = $va_table_key_list[$vs_list_name][$vs_right_table][$vs_left_table];
                                        $vs_join = 'INNER JOIN ' . $vs_right_table . ' ON (' . $vs_right_table . '.' . $va_key_spec['left_key'] . ' = ' . $vs_left_table . '.' . $va_key_spec['right_key'];
                                        if ($va_key_spec['left_table_num'] || $va_key_spec['right_table_num']) {
                                            if ($va_key_spec['right_table_num']) {
                                                $vs_join .= ' AND ' . $vs_left_table . '.' . $va_key_spec['right_table_num'] . ' = ' . $this->opo_datamodel->getTableNum($vs_right_table);
                                            } else {
                                                $vs_join .= ' AND ' . $vs_right_table . '.' . $va_key_spec['left_table_num'] . ' = ' . $this->opo_datamodel->getTableNum($vs_left_table);
                                        $vs_join .= ")";
                                    if (($t_rel_instance = $this->opo_datamodel->getInstanceByTableName($vs_right_table, true)) && method_exists($t_rel_instance, "isRelationship") && $t_rel_instance->isRelationship() && $t_rel_instance->hasField('type_id')) {
                                        $vs_rel_type_id_fld = "{$vs_right_table}.type_id";
                                    $va_joins[] = $vs_join;
                                } else {
                                    if ($va_rel = $this->opo_datamodel->getOneToManyRelations($vs_left_table, $vs_right_table)) {
                                        $va_joins[] = 'INNER JOIN ' . $va_rel['many_table'] . ' ON ' . $va_rel['one_table'] . '.' . $va_rel['one_table_field'] . ' = ' . $va_rel['many_table'] . '.' . $va_rel['many_table_field'];
                                        if (($t_rel_instance = $this->opo_datamodel->getInstanceByTableName($va_rel['many_table'], true)) && method_exists($t_rel_instance, "isRelationship") && $t_rel_instance->isRelationship() && $t_rel_instance->hasField('type_id')) {
                                            $vs_rel_type_id_fld = "{$vs_right_table}.type_id";
                                    } else {
                                        if ($va_rel = $this->opo_datamodel->getOneToManyRelations($vs_right_table, $vs_left_table)) {
                                            $va_joins[] = 'INNER JOIN ' . $va_rel['one_table'] . ' ON ' . $va_rel['one_table'] . '.' . $va_rel['one_table_field'] . ' = ' . $va_rel['many_table'] . '.' . $va_rel['many_table_field'];
                                            if (($t_rel_instance = $this->opo_datamodel->getInstanceByTableName($va_rel['one_table'], true)) && method_exists($t_rel_instance, "isRelationship") && $t_rel_instance->isRelationship() && $t_rel_instance->hasField('type_id')) {
                                                $vs_rel_type_id_fld = "{$vs_right_table}.type_id";
                                $vs_left_table = $vs_right_table;
                            $va_proc_field_list = array();
                            $vn_field_list_count = sizeof($va_field_list);
                            for ($vn_i = 0; $vn_i < $vn_field_list_count; $vn_i++) {
                                if ($va_field_list[$vn_i] == '_count') {
                                if (substr($va_field_list[$vn_i], 0, 14) === '_ca_attribute_') {
                                if (!trim($va_field_list[$vn_i])) {
                                $va_proc_field_list[$vn_i] = $vs_related_table . '.' . $va_field_list[$vn_i];
                            $va_proc_field_list[] = $vs_related_table . '.' . $vs_related_pk;
                            if ($vs_rel_type_id_fld) {
                                $va_proc_field_list[] = $vs_rel_type_id_fld . ' rel_type_id';
                            if (isset($va_rel['many_table']) && $va_rel['many_table']) {
                                $va_proc_field_list[] = $va_rel['many_table'] . '.' . $va_rel['many_table_field'];
                            $vs_sql = "\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\tSELECT " . join(",", $va_proc_field_list) . "\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\tFROM " . $vs_subject_tablename . "\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t" . join("\n", $va_joins) . "\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\tWHERE\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t(" . $vs_subject_tablename . '.' . $vs_subject_pk . ' = ?)
                            $va_params = array($pn_subject_row_id);
                            $va_queries[] = array('sql' => $vs_sql, 'params' => $va_params);
                    foreach ($va_queries as $va_query) {
                        $vs_sql = $va_query['sql'];
                        $va_params = $va_query['params'];
                        $qr_res = $this->opo_db->query($vs_sql, $va_params);
                        if ($this->opo_db->numErrors()) {
                            // Shouldn't ever happen
                            throw new Exception(_t("SQL error while getting content for index of related fields: %1; SQL was %2", $this->opo_db->getErrors(), $vs_sql));
                        if (method_exists($t_rel, "getApplicableElementCodes")) {
                            if (is_array($va_element_ids = array_keys($t_rel->getApplicableElementCodes(null, false, false))) && sizeof($va_element_ids)) {
                                $va_rel_row_ids = $qr_res->getAllFieldValues($vs_related_pk);
                                if (sizeof($va_rel_row_ids) > 0) {
                                    ca_attributes::prefetchAttributes($this->opo_db, $vn_related_tablenum, $va_rel_row_ids, $va_element_ids);
                        if (!$qr_res->seek(0)) {
                            $qr_res = $this->opo_db->query($vs_sql, $va_params);
                        while ($qr_res->nextRow()) {
                            $va_field_data = $qr_res->getRow();
                            $vn_row_id = $qr_res->get($vs_related_pk);
                            $vn_rel_type_id = $qr_res->get('rel_type_id');
                            foreach ($va_fields_to_index as $vs_rel_field => $va_rel_field_info) {
                                // BEGIN: Index attributes in related tables
                                $vb_is_attr = false;
                                if (substr($vs_rel_field, 0, 14) === '_ca_attribute_') {
                                    if (!preg_match('!^_ca_attribute_(.*)$!', $vs_rel_field, $va_matches)) {
                                    if ($va_rel_field_info['DONT_INDEX'] && is_array($va_rel_field_info['DONT_INDEX'])) {
                                        $vb_cont = false;
                                        foreach ($va_rel_field_info["DONT_INDEX"] as $vs_exclude_type) {
                                            if ($this->_getElementID($vs_exclude_type) == intval($va_matches[1])) {
                                                $vb_cont = true;
                                        if ($vb_cont) {
                                        // skip excluded attribute type
                                    $vb_is_attr = true;
                                    $va_rel_field_info['datatype'] = (int) $this->_getElementDataType($va_matches[1]);
                                    $this->_indexAttribute($t_rel, $vn_row_id, $va_matches[1], array_merge($va_rel_field_info, array('relationship_type_id' => $vn_rel_type_id)));
                                $vs_fld_data = trim($va_field_data[$vs_rel_field]);
                                // Hierarchical indexing in related tables
                                if (isset($va_rel_field_info['INDEX_ANCESTORS']) && $va_rel_field_info['INDEX_ANCESTORS'] || in_array('INDEX_ANCESTORS', $va_rel_field_info)) {
                                    // is this current field a label?
                                    $t_hier_rel = $t_rel;
                                    $vn_fld_num = $t_rel->fieldNum($vs_rel_field);
                                    $vn_id = $vn_row_id;
                                    if ($t_hier_rel && ($t_hier_rel->isHierarchical() || is_subclass_of($t_hier_rel, "BaseLabel"))) {
                                        // get hierarchy
                                        if ($va_hier_values = $this->_genHierarchicalPath($vn_id, $vs_rel_field, $t_hier_rel, $va_rel_field_info)) {
                                            $this->opo_engine->indexField($vn_related_tablenum, 'I' . $vn_fld_num, $vn_id, $vs_fld_data . ' ' . join(" ", $va_hier_values['values']), array_merge($va_rel_field_info, array('relationship_type_id' => $vn_rel_type_id)));
                                            if (caGetOption('INDEX_ANCESTORS_AS_PATH_WITH_DELIMITER', $va_rel_field_info, false) !== false) {
                                                $this->opo_engine->indexField($vn_related_tablenum, 'I' . $vn_fld_num, $vn_id, $va_hier_values['path'], array_merge($va_rel_field_info, array('DONT_TOKENIZE' => 1, 'relationship_type_id' => $vn_rel_type_id)));
                                switch ($vs_rel_field) {
                                    case '_count':
                                        // noop
                                        if ($vb_is_attr) {
                                            $this->opo_engine->indexField($vn_related_tablenum, 'A' . $va_matches[1], $qr_res->get($vs_related_pk), $vs_fld_data, array_merge($va_rel_field_info, array('relationship_type_id' => $vn_rel_type_id)));
                                        } else {
                                            if ((isset($va_rel_field_info['INDEX_AS_IDNO']) && $va_rel_field_info['INDEX_AS_IDNO'] || in_array('INDEX_AS_IDNO', $va_rel_field_info)) && method_exists($t_rel, "getIDNoPlugInInstance") && ($o_idno = $t_rel->getIDNoPlugInInstance())) {
                                                // specialized identifier (idno) processing; used IDNumbering plugin to generate searchable permutations of identifier
                                                $va_values = $o_idno->getIndexValues($vs_fld_data);
                                                $this->opo_engine->indexField($vn_related_tablenum, 'I' . $this->opo_datamodel->getFieldNum($vs_related_table, $vs_rel_field), $qr_res->get($vs_related_pk), join(" ", $va_values), array_merge($va_rel_field_info, array('relationship_type_id' => $vn_rel_type_id)));
                                            } else {
                                                // regular intrinsic
                                                $this->opo_engine->indexField($vn_related_tablenum, 'I' . $this->opo_datamodel->getFieldNum($vs_related_table, $vs_rel_field), $qr_res->get($vs_related_pk), $vs_fld_data, array_merge($va_rel_field_info, array('relationship_type_id' => $vn_rel_type_id)));
                                // END: Index attributes in related tables
                                //							}
                            // index label for self-relation?
                            if ($vs_subject_tablename == $vs_related_table) {
                                if ($t_label = $t_rel->getLabelTableInstance()) {
                                    $va_label_info = $this->getTableIndexingInfo($vs_subject_tablename, $t_label->tableName());
                                    if (is_array($va_label_info['related']['fields']) && sizeof($va_label_info['related']['fields'])) {
                                        $vn_label_table_num = $t_label->tableNum();
                                        if (is_array($va_labels = $t_rel->getPreferredLabels(null, false, array('row_id' => $vn_row_id)))) {
                                            foreach ($va_labels as $vn_label_id => $va_labels_by_locale) {
                                                foreach ($va_labels_by_locale as $vn_locale_id => $va_label_list) {
                                                    foreach ($va_label_list as $va_label) {
                                                        foreach ($va_label_info['related']['fields'] as $vs_label_field => $va_config) {
                                                            $this->opo_engine->indexField($vn_label_table_num, 'I' . $this->opo_datamodel->getFieldNum($vn_label_table_num, $vs_label_field), $vn_row_id, $va_label[$vs_label_field], array_merge($va_config, array('relationship_type_id' => $vn_rel_type_id)));
        // save indexing on subject
        if ($vb_started_indexing) {
        if (!$vb_initial_reindex_mode && sizeof($pa_changed_fields) > 0) {
            // When not reindexing then we consider the effect of the change on this row upon related rows that use it
            // in their indexing. This means figuring out which related tables have indexing that depend upon the subject row.
            // We deal with this by pulling up a dependency map generated from the search_indexing.conf file and then reindexing
            // those rows
            $va_deps = $this->getDependencies($vs_subject_tablename);
            $va_changed_field_nums = array();
            foreach (array_keys($pa_changed_fields) as $vs_f) {
                if ($t_subject->hasField($vs_f)) {
                    $va_changed_field_nums[$vs_f] = 'I' . $t_subject->fieldNum($vs_f);
                } else {
                    if (preg_match('!^_ca_attribute_([\\d]+)$!', $vs_f, $va_matches)) {
                        $va_changed_field_nums[$vs_f] = 'A' . $this->_getElementListCode($va_matches[1]);
            // reindex rows in dependent tables that use the subject_row_id
            $va_rows_to_reindex = $this->_getDependentRowsForSubject($pn_subject_tablenum, $pn_subject_row_id, $va_deps, $va_changed_field_nums);
            if ($vb_can_do_incremental_indexing) {
                $va_rows_to_reindex_by_row_id = array();
                $va_row_ids_to_reindex_by_table = array();
                foreach ($va_rows_to_reindex as $vs_key => $va_row_to_reindex) {
                    foreach ($va_row_to_reindex['field_nums'] as $vs_fld_name => $vn_fld_num) {
                        $vs_new_key = $va_row_to_reindex['table_num'] . '/' . $va_row_to_reindex['field_table_num'] . '/' . $vn_fld_num . '/' . $va_row_to_reindex['field_row_id'];
                        if (!isset($va_rows_to_reindex_by_row_id[$vs_new_key])) {
                            $va_rows_to_reindex_by_row_id[$vs_new_key] = array('table_num' => $va_row_to_reindex['table_num'], 'row_ids' => array(), 'field_table_num' => $va_row_to_reindex['field_table_num'], 'field_num' => $vn_fld_num, 'field_name' => $vs_fld_name, 'field_row_id' => $va_row_to_reindex['field_row_id'], 'field_values' => $va_row_to_reindex['field_values'], 'relationship_type_id' => $va_row_to_reindex['relationship_type_id'], 'indexing_info' => $va_row_to_reindex['indexing_info'][$vs_fld_name]);
                        $va_rows_to_reindex_by_row_id[$vs_new_key]['row_ids'][] = $va_row_to_reindex['row_id'];
                        $va_row_ids_to_reindex_by_table[$va_row_to_reindex['field_table_num']][] = $va_row_to_reindex['field_row_id'];
                foreach ($va_row_ids_to_reindex_by_table as $vn_rel_tablenum => $va_rel_row_ids) {
                    $va_rel_row_ids = array_unique($va_rel_row_ids);
                    if ($t_rel = $this->opo_datamodel->getInstanceByTableNum($vn_rel_tablenum, true)) {
                        if (method_exists($t_rel, "getApplicableElementCodes")) {
                            if (is_array($va_element_ids = array_keys($t_rel->getApplicableElementCodes(null, false, false))) && sizeof($va_element_ids)) {
                                ca_attributes::prefetchAttributes($this->opo_db, $vn_rel_tablenum, $va_rel_row_ids, $va_element_ids);
                $o_indexer = new SearchIndexer($this->opo_db);
                foreach ($va_rows_to_reindex_by_row_id as $va_row_to_reindex) {
                    $vn_rel_type_id = $va_row_to_reindex['relationship_type_id'];
                    $t_rel = $this->opo_datamodel->getInstanceByTableNum($va_row_to_reindex['field_table_num'], true);
                    if (substr($va_row_to_reindex['field_name'], 0, 14) == '_ca_attribute_') {
                        // is attribute
                        $va_row_to_reindex['indexing_info']['datatype'] = $this->_getElementDataType(substr($va_row_to_reindex['field_name'], 14));
                    if (isset($va_row_to_reindex['indexing_info']['INDEX_ANCESTORS']) && $va_row_to_reindex['indexing_info']['INDEX_ANCESTORS'] || in_array('INDEX_ANCESTORS', $va_row_to_reindex['indexing_info'])) {
                        if (!is_array($va_row_to_reindex['row_ids'])) {
                        $t_label = $this->opo_datamodel->getInstanceByTableNum($va_row_to_reindex['field_table_num'], true);
                        foreach ($va_row_to_reindex['row_ids'] as $vn_row_id) {
                            $va_content = $this->_genHierarchicalPath($va_row_to_reindex['field_row_id'], $va_row_to_reindex['field_name'], $t_label, $va_row_to_reindex['indexing_info']);
                            $vs_content = is_array($va_content['values']) ? join(" ", $va_content['values']) : "";
                            $this->opo_engine->updateIndexingInPlace($va_row_to_reindex['table_num'], array($vn_row_id), $va_row_to_reindex['field_table_num'], $va_row_to_reindex['field_num'], $va_row_to_reindex['field_row_id'], $vs_content, array_merge($va_row_to_reindex['indexing_info'], array('relationship_type_id' => $vn_rel_type_id, 'literalContent' => $va_content['path'])));
                    } else {
                        $vs_element_code = substr($va_row_to_reindex['field_name'], 14);
                        if (isset($va_row_to_reindex['indexing_info']['datatype'])) {
                            $vs_v = '';
                            switch ($va_row_to_reindex['indexing_info']['datatype']) {
                                case __CA_ATTRIBUTE_VALUE_CONTAINER__:
                                    // container
                                    // index components of complex multi-value attributes
                                    foreach ($va_row_to_reindex['row_ids'] as $vn_rel_row_id) {
                                        $this->opo_engine->startRowIndexing($va_row_to_reindex['table_num'], $vn_rel_row_id);
                                        $va_attributes = $t_rel->getAttributesByElement($vs_element_code, array('row_id' => $va_row_to_reindex['field_row_id']));
                                        if (sizeof($va_attributes)) {
                                            foreach ($va_attributes as $vo_attribute) {
                                                foreach ($vo_attribute->getValues() as $vo_value) {
                                                    $vn_list_id = $this->_getElementListID($vo_value->getElementID());
                                                    $vs_value_to_index = $vo_value->getDisplayValue($vn_list_id);
                                                    $va_additional_indexing = $vo_value->getDataForSearchIndexing();
                                                    if (is_array($va_additional_indexing) && sizeof($va_additional_indexing) > 0) {
                                                        foreach ($va_additional_indexing as $vs_additional_value) {
                                                            $vs_value_to_index .= " ; " . $vs_additional_value;
                                                    $this->opo_engine->indexField($va_row_to_reindex['table_num'], 'A' . $vo_value->getElementID(), $va_row_to_reindex['field_row_id'], $vs_value_to_index, array_merge($va_row_to_reindex['indexing_info'], array('relationship_type_id' => $vn_rel_type_id)));
                                        } else {
                                            // we are deleting a container so cleanup existing sub-values
                                            $va_sub_elements = $this->opo_metadata_element->getElementsInSet($vs_element_code);
                                            foreach ($va_sub_elements as $vn_i => $va_element_info) {
                                                $this->opo_engine->indexField($va_row_to_reindex['table_num'], 'A' . $va_element_info['element_id'], $va_row_to_reindex['field_row_id'], '', array_merge($va_row_to_reindex['indexing_info'], array('relationship_type_id' => $vn_rel_type_id)));
                                case __CA_ATTRIBUTE_VALUE_LIST__:
                                    // list
                                    $va_tmp = array();
                                    if (is_array($va_attributes = $t_rel->getAttributesByElement($vs_element_code, array('row_id' => $va_row_to_reindex['field_row_id'])))) {
                                        foreach ($va_attributes as $vo_attribute) {
                                            foreach ($vo_attribute->getValues() as $vo_value) {
                                                $va_tmp[$vo_attribute->getAttributeID()] = $vo_value->getDisplayValue();
                                    $va_new_values = array();
                                    $t_item = new ca_list_items();
                                    $va_labels = $t_item->getPreferredDisplayLabelsForIDs($va_tmp, array('returnAllLocales' => true));
                                    foreach ($va_labels as $vn_label_row_id => $va_labels_per_row) {
                                        foreach ($va_labels_per_row as $vn_locale_id => $va_label_list) {
                                            foreach ($va_label_list as $vs_label) {
                                                $va_new_values[$vn_label_row_id][$vs_label] = true;
                                    foreach ($va_tmp as $vn_attribute_id => $vn_item_id) {
                                        if (!$vn_item_id) {
                                        if (!isset($va_new_values[$vn_item_id]) || !is_array($va_new_values[$vn_item_id])) {
                                        $vs_v = join(' ;  ', array_merge(array($vn_item_id), array_keys($va_new_values[$vn_item_id])));
                                    $this->opo_engine->updateIndexingInPlace($va_row_to_reindex['table_num'], $va_row_to_reindex['row_ids'], $va_row_to_reindex['field_table_num'], $va_row_to_reindex['field_num'], $va_row_to_reindex['field_row_id'], $vs_v, array_merge($va_row_to_reindex['indexing_info'], array('relationship_type_id' => $vn_rel_type_id)));
                                    $va_tmp = array();
                                    if (is_array($va_attributes = $t_rel->getAttributesByElement($vs_element_code, array('row_id' => $va_row_to_reindex['field_row_id'])))) {
                                        foreach ($va_attributes as $vo_attribute) {
                                            foreach ($vo_attribute->getValues() as $vo_value) {
                                                $vs_value_to_index = $vo_value->getDisplayValue($vn_list_id);
                                                $va_additional_indexing = $vo_value->getDataForSearchIndexing();
                                                if (is_array($va_additional_indexing) && sizeof($va_additional_indexing) > 0) {
                                                    foreach ($va_additional_indexing as $vs_additional_value) {
                                                        $vs_value_to_index .= " ; " . $vs_additional_value;
                                                $va_tmp[$vo_attribute->getAttributeID()] = $vs_value_to_index;
                                    foreach ($va_tmp as $vn_attribute_id => $vn_item_id) {
                                        if (!$vn_item_id) {
                                        $vs_v = join(' ;  ', $va_tmp);
                                    $this->opo_engine->updateIndexingInPlace($va_row_to_reindex['table_num'], $va_row_to_reindex['row_ids'], $va_row_to_reindex['field_table_num'], $va_row_to_reindex['field_num'], $va_row_to_reindex['field_row_id'], $vs_v, array_merge($va_row_to_reindex['indexing_info'], array('relationship_type_id' => $vn_rel_type_id)));
                        } else {
                            $this->opo_engine->updateIndexingInPlace($va_row_to_reindex['table_num'], $va_row_to_reindex['row_ids'], $va_row_to_reindex['field_table_num'], $va_row_to_reindex['field_num'], $va_row_to_reindex['field_row_id'], $va_row_to_reindex['field_values'][$va_row_to_reindex['field_name']], array_merge($va_row_to_reindex['indexing_info'], array('relationship_type_id' => $vn_rel_type_id)));
            } else {
                // If the underlying engine doesn't support incremental indexing then
                // we fall back to reindexing each dependenting row completely and independently.
                // This can be *really* slow for subjects with many dependent rows (for example, a ca_list_item value used as a type for many ca_objects rows)
                // and we need to think about how to optimize this for such engines; ultimately since no matter how you slice it in such
                // engines you're going to have a lot of reindexing going on, we may just have to construct a facility to handle large
                // indexing tasks in a separate process when the number of dependent rows exceeds a certain threshold
                $o_indexer = new SearchIndexer($this->opo_db);
                $t_dep = null;
                $va_rows_seen = array();
                foreach ($va_rows_to_reindex as $va_row_to_reindex) {
                    if (isset($va_rows_seen[$va_row_to_reindex['table_num']][$va_row_to_reindex['row_id']])) {
                    if (!$t_dep || $t_dep->tableNum() != $va_row_to_reindex['table_num']) {
                        $t_dep = $this->opo_datamodel->getInstanceByTableNum($va_row_to_reindex['table_num']);
                    $vb_support_attributes = is_subclass_of($t_dep, 'BaseModelWithAttributes') ? true : false;
                    if (is_array($pa_exclusion_list[$va_row_to_reindex['table_num']]) && isset($pa_exclusion_list[$va_row_to_reindex['table_num']][$va_row_to_reindex['row_id']])) {
                    // trigger reindexing
                    $this->opo_engine->removeRowIndexing($va_row_to_reindex['table_num'], $va_row_to_reindex['row_id']);
                    if ($vb_support_attributes) {
                        if ($t_dep->load($va_row_to_reindex['row_id'])) {
                            $o_indexer->indexRow($va_row_to_reindex['table_num'], $va_row_to_reindex['row_id'], $t_dep->getFieldValuesArray(), true, $pa_exclusion_list);
                    } else {
                        $o_indexer->indexRow($va_row_to_reindex['table_num'], $va_row_to_reindex['row_id'], $va_row_to_reindex['field_values'], true, $pa_exclusion_list);
                    $va_rows_seen[$va_row_to_reindex['table_num']][$va_row_to_reindex['row_id']] = true;
                $o_indexer = null;
        if ($vb_reindex_children && method_exists($t_subject, "makeSearchResult")) {
            // Force reindexing of children of this record, typically because the record has shifted location in the hierarchy and is hierarchically indexed
            $va_children_ids = $t_subject->getHierarchyAsList($pn_subject_row_id, array('idsOnly' => true));
            if (is_array($va_children_ids) && sizeof($va_children_ids) > 0) {
                // trigger reindexing of children
                $o_indexer = new SearchIndexer($this->opo_db);
                $qr_children_res = $t_subject->makeSearchResult($vs_subject_tablename, $va_children_ids, array('db' => $this->getDb()));
                while ($qr_children_res->nextHit()) {
                    $o_indexer->indexRow($pn_subject_tablenum, $vn_id = $qr_children_res->get($vs_subject_pk), array($vs_subject_pk => $vn_id, 'parent_id' => $qr_children_res->get('parent_id')), true, $pa_exclusion_list, array(), null);
Esempio n. 7
  * Add a list of row_ids to the currently loaded set with minimal overhead.
  * Note: this method doesn't check access rights for the set
  * @param array $pa_row_ids
  * @return int Returns item_id of newly created set item entry. The item_id is a unique identifier for the row_id in the city at the specified position (rank). It is *not* the same as the row_id.
 public function addItems($pa_row_ids)
     $vn_set_id = $this->getPrimaryKey();
     global $g_ui_locale_id;
     if (!$g_ui_locale_id) {
         $g_ui_locale_id = 1;
     if (!$vn_set_id) {
         return false;
     if (!is_array($pa_row_ids)) {
         return false;
     if (!sizeof($pa_row_ids)) {
         return false;
     $vn_table_num = $this->get('table_num');
     $vn_type_id = $this->get('type_id');
     $va_item_values = array();
     $va_row_ids = array_unique($pa_row_ids);
     foreach ($va_row_ids as $vn_row_id) {
         $va_item_values[] = "(" . (int) $vn_set_id . "," . (int) $vn_table_num . "," . (int) $vn_row_id . "," . (int) $vn_type_id . ", '')";
     if (sizeof($va_item_values)) {
         // Quickly create set item links
         // Peforming this with a single direct scales much much better than repeatedly populating a model and calling insert()
         $this->getDb()->query("INSERT INTO ca_set_items (set_id, table_num, row_id, type_id, vars) VALUES " . join(",", $va_item_values));
         if ($this->getDb()->numErrors()) {
             $this->errors = $this->getDb()->errors;
             return false;
         // Get the item_ids for the newly created links
         $qr_res = $this->getDb()->query("SELECT item_id FROM ca_set_items WHERE set_id = ? AND table_num = ? AND type_id = ? AND row_id IN (?)", array((int) $vn_set_id, (int) $vn_table_num, (int) $vn_type_id, $va_row_ids));
         $va_item_ids = $qr_res->getAllFieldValues('item_id');
         // Set the ranks of the newly created links
         $this->getDb()->query("UPDATE ca_set_items SET rank = item_id WHERE set_id = ? AND table_num = ? AND type_id = ? AND row_id IN (?)", array($vn_set_id, $vn_table_num, $vn_type_id, $va_row_ids));
         // Add empty labels to newly created items
         foreach ($va_item_ids as $vn_item_id) {
             $va_label_values[] = "(" . (int) $vn_item_id . "," . (int) $g_ui_locale_id . ",'" . _t("[BLANK]") . "')";
         $this->getDb()->query("INSERT INTO ca_set_item_labels (item_id, locale_id, caption) VALUES " . join(",", $va_label_values));
         if ($this->getDb()->numErrors()) {
             $this->errors = $this->getDb()->errors;
             return false;
         // Index the links
         $o_indexer = new SearchIndexer($this->getDb());
         $o_indexer->reindexRows('ca_set_items', $va_item_ids);
     return sizeof($va_item_values);
 public function delete($pb_delete_related = false, $pa_options = null, $pa_fields = null, $pa_table_list = null)
     $vb_web_set_change_log_unit_id = BaseModel::setChangeLogUnitID();
     $o_trans = null;
     if (!$this->inTransaction()) {
         $o_trans = new Transaction($this->getDb());
     if (!is_array($pa_options)) {
         $pa_options = array();
     $vn_id = $this->getPrimaryKey();
     if (($vn_rc = parent::delete($pb_delete_related, $pa_options, $pa_fields, $pa_table_list)) && (!$this->hasField('deleted') || caGetOption('hard', $pa_options, false))) {
         // Delete any associated attributes and attribute_values
         if (!($qr_res = $this->getDb()->query("\n\t\t\t\t\tDELETE FROM ca_attribute_values \n\t\t\t\t\tUSING ca_attributes \n\t\t\t\t\tINNER JOIN ca_attribute_values ON ca_attribute_values.attribute_id = ca_attributes.attribute_id \n\t\t\t\t\tWHERE ca_attributes.table_num = ? AND ca_attributes.row_id = ?\n\t\t\t\t", array((int) $this->tableNum(), (int) $vn_id)))) {
             $this->errors = $this->getDb()->errors();
             if ($o_trans) {
             if ($vb_web_set_change_log_unit_id) {
             return false;
         if (!($qr_res = $this->getDb()->query("\n\t\t\t\t\tDELETE FROM ca_attributes\n\t\t\t\t\tWHERE\n\t\t\t\t\t\ttable_num = ? AND row_id = ?\n\t\t\t\t", array((int) $this->tableNum(), (int) $vn_id)))) {
             $this->errors = $this->getDb()->errors();
             if ($o_trans) {
             if ($vb_web_set_change_log_unit_id) {
             return false;
         // Remove any authority attributes that reference this row
         if ($vn_element_type = (int) AuthorityAttributeValue::tableToElementType($this->tableName())) {
             if ($qr_res = $this->getDb()->query("\n\t\t\t\t\t\tSELECT ca.table_num, ca.row_id FROM ca_attributes ca\n\t\t\t\t\t\tINNER JOIN ca_attribute_values AS cav ON cav.attribute_id = ca.attribute_id \n\t\t\t\t\t\tINNER JOIN ca_metadata_elements AS cme ON cav.element_id = cme.element_id \n\t\t\t\t\t\tWHERE cme.datatype = ? AND cav.value_integer1 = ?\n\t\t\t\t\t", array($vn_element_type, (int) $vn_id))) {
                 $va_ids = array();
                 while ($qr_res->nextRow()) {
                     $va_ids[$qr_res->get('table_num')][] = $qr_res->get('row_id');
                 if (!($qr_res = $this->getDb()->query("\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\tDELETE FROM ca_attribute_values \n\t\t\t\t\t\t\tUSING ca_metadata_elements \n\t\t\t\t\t\t\tINNER JOIN ca_attribute_values ON ca_attribute_values.element_id = ca_metadata_elements.element_id \n\t\t\t\t\t\t\tWHERE ca_metadata_elements.datatype = ? AND ca_attribute_values.value_integer1 = ?\n\t\t\t\t\t\t", array($vn_element_type, (int) $vn_id)))) {
                     $this->errors = $this->getDb()->errors();
                     if ($o_trans) {
                     if ($vb_web_set_change_log_unit_id) {
                     return false;
                 } else {
                     $o_indexer = new SearchIndexer($this->getDb());
                     foreach ($va_ids as $vs_table => $va_ids) {
                         $o_indexer->reindexRows($vs_table, $va_ids, array('transaction' => $o_trans));
         if ($o_trans) {
         if ($vb_web_set_change_log_unit_id) {
         return $vn_rc;
     if ($o_trans) {
         $vn_rc ? $o_trans->commit() : $o_trans->rollback();
     if ($vb_web_set_change_log_unit_id) {
     return $vn_rc;
 public static function process()
     if (self::lockAcquire()) {
         $o_db = new Db();
         $o_result = $o_db->query("SELECT * FROM ca_search_indexing_queue ORDER BY entry_id");
         if ($o_result && $o_result->numRows()) {
             $o_si = new SearchIndexer($o_db);
             while ($o_result->nextRow()) {
                 if (!$o_result->get('is_unindex')) {
                     // normal indexRow() call
                     $o_si->indexRow($o_result->get('table_num'), $o_result->get('row_id'), caUnserializeForDatabase($o_result->get('field_data')), (bool) $o_result->get('reindex'), null, caUnserializeForDatabase($o_result->get('changed_fields')), array_merge(caUnserializeForDatabase($o_result->get('options')), array('queueIndexing' => false)));
                 } else {
                     // is_unindex = 1, so it's a commitRowUnindexing() call
                     $o_si->commitRowUnIndexing($o_result->get('table_num'), $o_result->get('row_id'), array('queueIndexing' => false, 'dependencies' => caUnserializeForDatabase($o_result->get('dependencies'))));
                 $o_db->query('DELETE FROM ca_search_indexing_queue WHERE entry_id=?', $o_result->get('entry_id'));
Esempio n. 10
  * Rebuild search indices
 public static function rebuild_search_index()
     require_once __CA_LIB_DIR__ . "/core/Search/SearchIndexer.php";
     ini_set('memory_limit', '4000m');
     set_time_limit(24 * 60 * 60 * 7);
     /* maximum indexing time: 7 days :-) */
     $o_si = new SearchIndexer();
     $o_si->reindex(null, array('showProgress' => true, 'interactiveProgressDisplay' => true));
     return true;
Esempio n. 11
ini_set('memory_limit', '4000m');
set_time_limit(24 * 60 * 60 * 7);
/* maximum indexing time: 7 days :-) */
if (!file_exists('./setup.php')) {
    die("ERROR: Can't load setup.php. Please create the file in the same directory as this script or create a symbolic link to the one in your web root.\n");
//if (!$argv[1]) {
//	die("\nreindex.php: recreates search indices for specified CollectiveAccess instance.\n\nUSAGE: reindex.php 'instance_name'\nExample: ./reindex.php ''\n");
if ($argv[1]) {
    $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'] = $argv[1];
    require_once "./setup.php";
    require_once __CA_LIB_DIR__ . "/core/Search/SearchIndexer.php";
    $o_si = new SearchIndexer();
    print "[REINDEXING] " . __CA_APP_DISPLAY_NAME__ . "\n";
    $o_si->reindex(null, array('showProgress' => true, 'interactiveProgressDisplay' => true));
} else {
    require_once "./setup.php";
    foreach ($va_systems as $vs_host => $va_system_info) {
        passthru('php ./reindex.php ' . $vs_host, $vn_ret_);
  * Delete all records we created for this test to avoid side effects with other tests
 public function tearDown()
     $o_dm = Datamodel::load();
     foreach ($this->opa_record_map as $vs_table => &$va_records) {
         $t_instance = $o_dm->getInstance($vs_table);
         foreach ($va_records as $vn_id) {
             if ($t_instance->load($vn_id)) {
                 $t_instance->delete(true, array('hard' => true));
         // hack to get around storage loation delete weirdness (which is probably worth a separate test)
         if ($vs_table == 'ca_storage_locations') {
             $o_db = new Db();
             $o_db->query("DELETE FROM ca_objects_x_storage_locations");
             $o_db->query("DELETE FROM ca_storage_location_labels");
             $o_db->query("DELETE FROM ca_storage_locations WHERE location_id>1 ORDER BY location_id DESC");
         $o_si = new SearchIndexer();
         $o_si->reindex(array($vs_table), array('showProgress' => false, 'interactiveProgressDisplay' => false));