Esempio n. 1
$store->add($url, $schema);
$schema = $store->get($url);
if ($schema->properties->foo != $schema->definitions->foo) {
    throw new Exception('$ref was not resolved');
// Add external $ref, and don't resolve it
// While we're at it, use an array, not an object
$schema = array("title" => "Test schema 2", "properties" => array("foo" => array('$ref' => "somewhere-else")));
$store->add($urlBase . "test-schema-2", $schema);
$schema = $store->get($urlBase . "test-schema-2");
if (!$schema->properties->foo->{'$ref'}) {
    throw new Exception('$ref should still exist');
if (!recursiveEqual($store->missing(), array($urlBase . "somewhere-else"))) {
    throw new Exception('$store->missing() is not correct: ' . json_encode($store->missing()) . ' is not ' . json_encode(array($urlBase . "somewhere-else")));
$otherSchema = json_decode('{
	"title": "Somewhere else",
	"items": [
		{"$ref": "' . $urlBase . "test-schema-2" . '"}
$store->add($urlBase . "somewhere-else", $otherSchema);
$fooSchema = $schema->properties->foo;
if (property_exists($fooSchema, '$ref')) {
    throw new Exception('$ref should have been resolved');
if ($fooSchema->title != "Somewhere else") {
    throw new Exception('$ref does not point to correct place');