  * Send a message to a log. If the deposit package is aware of a 
  * a scheduled task, the message will be sent to the task's 
  * log. Otherwise it will be sent to error_log().
  * @param $message string Locale-specific message to be logged
 function _logMessage($message)
     if ($this->_task) {
         $this->_task->addExecutionLogEntry($message, SCHEDULED_TASK_MESSAGE_TYPE_NOTICE);
     } else {
Esempio n. 2
  * Constructor.
  * @param $args array script arguments
 function FileLoader($args)
     // Set an initial process id and load translations (required
     // for email notifications).
     // Canonicalize the base path.
     $basePath = rtrim($args[0], DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR);
     $basePathFolder = basename($basePath);
     // We assume that the parent folder of the base path
     // does already exist and can be canonicalized.
     $basePathParent = realpath(dirname($basePath));
     if ($basePathParent === false) {
         $basePath = null;
     } else {
         $basePath = $basePathParent . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $basePathFolder;
     $this->_basePath = $basePath;
     // Configure paths.
     if (!is_null($basePath)) {
         $this->_stagePath = $basePath . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . FILE_LOADER_PATH_STAGING;
         $this->_archivePath = $basePath . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . FILE_LOADER_PATH_ARCHIVE;
         $this->_rejectPath = $basePath . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . FILE_LOADER_PATH_REJECT;
         $this->_processingPath = $basePath . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . FILE_LOADER_PATH_PROCESSING;
     // Set admin email and name.
     $siteDao = DAORegistry::getDAO('SiteDAO');
     /* @var $siteDao SiteDAO */
     $site = $siteDao->getSite();
     /* @var $site Site */
     $this->_adminEmail = $site->getLocalizedContactEmail();
     $this->_adminName = $site->getLocalizedContactName();
Esempio n. 3
  * Constructor.
  * @param $argv array task arguments
 function __construct($args)
     $plugin = PluginRegistry::getPlugin('importexport', 'MedraExportPlugin');
     /* @var $plugin MedraExportPlugin */
     $this->_plugin = $plugin;
     if (is_a($plugin, 'MedraExportPlugin')) {
Esempio n. 4
  * Constructor.
  * @param $argv array task arguments
 function MedraInfoSender($args)
     $plugin = PluginRegistry::getPlugin('importexport', 'MedraExportPlugin');
     /* @var $plugin MedraExportPlugin */
     $this->_plugin = $plugin;
     if (is_a($plugin, 'MedraExportPlugin')) {
  * Constructor.
  * @param $argv array task arguments
 function DataciteInfoSender($args)
     $plugin =& PluginRegistry::getPlugin('importexport', 'DataciteExportPlugin');
     /* @var $plugin CrossRefExportPlugin */
     $this->_plugin =& $plugin;
     if (is_a($plugin, 'DataciteExportPlugin')) {
  * Constructor.
  * @param $argv array task arguments
 function ArticleInfoSender($args)
     $plugin =& PluginRegistry::getPlugin('generic', 'almplugin');
     /* @var $plugin AlmPlugin */
     $this->_plugin =& $plugin;
     if (is_a($plugin, 'AlmPlugin')) {
         $this->_depositUrl = $plugin->getSetting(CONTEXT_ID_NONE, 'depositUrl');
Esempio n. 7
 protected function display()
     if (Tools::isConnectedUser()) {
         $teamList = $this->session_user->getTeamList();
         // only teamMembers & observers can access this page
         if (0 == $this->teamid || $this->session_user->isTeamCustomer($this->teamid)) {
             $this->smartyHelper->assign('accessDenied', TRUE);
         } else {
             $pageWidth = Tools::getSecurePOSTIntValue('width', Tools::getSecureGETIntValue('width', 0));
             $this->smartyHelper->assign('width', $pageWidth);
             if (array_key_exists($this->teamid, $teamList)) {
                 $this->smartyHelper->assign('consistencyErrors', $this->getConsistencyErrors($this->teamid));
                 $team = TeamCache::getInstance()->getTeam($this->teamid);
                 $isManager = $this->session_user->isTeamManager($this->teamid);
                 $isObserver = $this->session_user->isTeamObserver($this->teamid);
                 $this->smartyHelper->assign('isManager', $isManager || $isObserver);
                 // display backlog (unassigned tasks)
                 $unassignedIssues = $team->getUnassignedTasks();
                 $unassigendSel = new IssueSelection("unassigned from team {$this->teamid}");
                 $this->smartyHelper->assign('unassigned_nbIssues', $unassigendSel->getNbIssues());
                 $this->smartyHelper->assign('unassigned_MEE', $unassigendSel->mgrEffortEstim);
                 $this->smartyHelper->assign('unassigned_EE', $unassigendSel->effortEstim + $unassigendSel->effortAdd);
                 // get planningOptions
                 $keyvalue = Tools::getSecurePOSTStringValue('planningOptions', '');
                 if (!empty($keyvalue)) {
                     $planningOptions = Tools::doubleExplode(':', ',', $keyvalue);
                     $this->session_user->setPlanningOptions($this->teamid, $planningOptions);
                 $this->smartyHelper->assign('planningOptions', $this->getPlanningOptions());
                 $today = mktime(0, 0, 0, date("m"), date("d"), date("Y"));
                 $graphSize = "undefined" != $pageWidth ? $pageWidth - 150 : 800;
                 $allTasksLists = array();
                 $workloads = array();
                 $teamMembers = $team->getUsers();
                 $nbDaysToDisplay = 0;
                 foreach ($teamMembers as $user) {
                     $workload = 0;
                     // show only developper's & manager's tasks
                     if (!$user->isTeamDeveloper($this->teamid) && !$user->isTeamManager($this->teamid)) {
                         if (self::$logger->isDebugEnabled()) {
                             self::$logger->debug("user " . $user->getId() . " excluded from scheduled users on team {$this->teamid}");
                     if (NULL != $user->getDepartureDate($this->teamid) && $user->getDepartureDate($this->teamid) < $today) {
                     $scheduledTaskList = ScheduledTask::scheduleUser($user, $today, $this->teamid, TRUE);
                     foreach ($scheduledTaskList as $scheduledTask) {
                         $workload += $scheduledTask->getDuration();
                     $nbDaysToDisplay = $nbDaysToDisplay < $workload ? $workload : $nbDaysToDisplay;
                     $allTasksLists[$user->getName()] = $scheduledTaskList;
                     $workloads[$user->getName()] = $workload;
                 $dayPixSize = 0 != $nbDaysToDisplay ? $graphSize / $nbDaysToDisplay : 0;
                 $dayPixSize = round($dayPixSize);
                 #echo "DEBUG dayPixSize = $dayPixSize<br/>\n";
                 $this->smartyHelper->assign('planning', $this->getPlanning($nbDaysToDisplay, $dayPixSize, $allTasksLists, $workloads, $this->teamid, $this->session_userid, $isManager));
                 $this->smartyHelper->assign('colors', array("green" => T_("onTime"), "red" => T_("NOT onTime"), "blue" => T_("no deadLine"), "grey" => T_("monitored")));
                 $this->smartyHelper->assign('dayPixSize', $dayPixSize - 1);
 /** deploy_post() actually create the deployment task
  * @return void
 public function deploy_post()
     $Data = $this->obj;
     $TaskType = new TaskType($_REQUEST['type']);
     $Snapin = $_REQUEST['snapin'] ? new Snapin($_REQUEST['snapin']) : -1;
     $enableShutdown = $_REQUEST['shutdown'] ? true : false;
     $enableSnapins = $TaskType->get('id') != '17' ? $Snapin instanceof Snapin && $Snapin->isValid() ? $Snapin->get('id') : $Snapin : false;
     $enableDebug = $_REQUEST['debug'] == 'true' || $_REQUEST['isDebugTask'] ? true : false;
     $scheduleDeployTime = $this->nice_date($_REQUEST['scheduleSingleTime']);
     $imagingTasks = in_array($TaskType->get('id'), array(1, 2, 8, 15, 16, 17, 24));
     try {
         if (!$TaskType || !$TaskType->isValid()) {
             throw new Exception(_('Task type is not valid'));
         $taskName = $TaskType->get('name') . ' Task';
         if ($Data && $Data->isValid()) {
             // Error Checking
             if ($Data instanceof Host && $imagingTasks) {
                 if (!$Data->getImage() || !$Data->getImage()->isValid()) {
                     throw new Exception(_('You need to assign an image to the host'));
                 if ($TaskType->isUpload() && $Data->getImage()->get('protected')) {
                     throw new Exception(_('You cannot upload to this image as it is currently protected'));
                 if (!$Data->checkIfExist($TaskType->get('id'))) {
                     throw new Exception(_('You must first upload an image to create a download task'));
             } else {
                 if ($Data instanceof Group && $imagingTasks) {
                     if ($TaskType->isMulticast() && !$Data->doMembersHaveUniformImages()) {
                         throw new Exception(_('Hosts do not contain the same image assignments'));
                     unset($NoImage, $ImageExists, $Tasks);
                     foreach ((array) $Data->get('hosts') as $Host) {
                         if ($Host && $Host->isValid() && !$Host->get('pending')) {
                             $NoImage[] = !$Host->getImage() || !$Host->getImage()->isValid();
                     if (in_array(true, $NoImage)) {
                         throw new Exception(_('One or more hosts do not have an image set'));
                     foreach ((array) $Data->get('hosts') as $Host) {
                         if ($Host && $Host->isValid() && !$Host->get('pending')) {
                             $ImageExists[] = !$Host->checkIfExist($TaskType->get('id'));
                     if (in_array(true, $ImageExists)) {
                         throw new Exception(_('One or more hosts have an image that does not exist'));
                     foreach ((array) $Data->get('hosts') as $Host) {
                         if ($Host && $Host->isValid() && $Host->get('task') && $Host->get('task')->isValid()) {
                             $Tasks[] = $Host->get('task');
                     if (count($Tasks) > 0) {
                         throw new Exception(_('One or more hosts are currently in a task'));
             $passreset = trim($_REQUEST['account']);
             if ($TaskType->get('id') == 11 && empty($passreset)) {
                 throw new Exception(_('Password reset requires a user account to reset'));
             try {
                 if ($_REQUEST['scheduleType'] == 'instant') {
                     if ($Data instanceof Group) {
                         foreach ((array) $Data->get('hosts') as $Host) {
                             if ($Host && $Host->isValid() && !$Host->get('pending')) {
                                 if ($Host->createImagePackage($TaskType->get('id'), $taskName, $enableShutdown, $enableDebug, $enableSnapins, $Data instanceof Group, $_SESSION['FOG_USERNAME'], $passreset)) {
                                     $success[] = sprintf('<li>%s &ndash; %s</li>', $Host->get('name'), $Host->getImage()->get('name'));
                     } else {
                         if ($Data instanceof Host) {
                             if ($Data->createImagePackage($TaskType->get('id'), $taskName, $enableShutdown, $enableDebug, $enableSnapins, $Data instanceof Group, $_SESSION['FOG_USERNAME'], $passreset)) {
                                 $success[] = sprintf('<li>%s &ndash; %s</li>', $Data->get('name'), $Data->getImage()->get('name'));
                 } else {
                     if ($_REQUEST['scheduleType'] == 'single') {
                         if ($scheduleDeployTime < $this->nice_date()) {
                             throw new Exception(sprintf('%s<br>%s: %s', _('Scheduled date is in the past'), _('Date'), $scheduleDeployTime->format('Y/d/m H:i')));
                         $ScheduledTask = new ScheduledTask(array('taskType' => $TaskType->get('id'), 'name' => $taskName, 'hostID' => $Data->get('id'), 'shutdown' => $enableShutdown, 'other2' => $enableSnapins, 'isGroupTask' => $Data instanceof Group, 'type' => 'S', 'scheduleTime' => $scheduleDeployTime->getTimestamp(), 'other3' => $this->FOGUser->get('name')));
                     } else {
                         if ($_REQUEST['scheduleType'] == 'cron') {
                             $ScheduledTask = new ScheduledTask(array('taskType' => $TaskType->get('id'), 'name' => $taskName, 'hostID' => $Data->get('id'), 'shutdown' => $enableShutdown, 'other2' => $enableSnapins, 'isGroupTask' => $Data instanceof Group, 'type' => 'C', 'other3' => $this->FOGUser->get('name'), 'minute' => $_REQUEST['scheduleCronMin'], 'hour' => $_REQUEST['scheduleCronHour'], 'dayOfMonth' => $_REQUEST['scheduleCronDOM'], 'month' => $_REQUEST['scheduleCronMonth'], 'dayOfWeek' => $_REQUEST['scheduleCronDOW']));
                 if ($ScheduledTask && $ScheduledTask->save()) {
                     if ($Data instanceof Group) {
                         foreach ((array) $Data->get('hosts') as $Host) {
                             if ($Host && $Host->isValid() && !$Host->get('pending')) {
                                 $success[] = sprintf('<li>%s &ndash; %s</li>', $Host->get('name'), $Host->getImage()->get('name'));
                     } else {
                         if ($Data instanceof Host) {
                             if ($Data && $Data->isValid() && !$Data->get('pending')) {
                                 $success[] = sprintf('<li>%s &ndash; %s</li>', $Data->get('name'), $Data->getImage()->get('name'));
             } catch (Exception $e) {
                 $error[] = sprintf('%s: %s', $Data instanceof Group ? $Host->get('name') : $Data->get('name'), $e->getMessage());
         // Failure
         if (count($error)) {
             throw new Exception('<ul><li>' . implode('</li><li>', $error) . '</li></ul>');
     } catch (Exception $e) {
         // Failure
         printf('<div class="task-start-failed"><p>%s</p><p>%s</p></div>', _('Failed to create deployment tasking for the following hosts'), $e->getMessage());
     // Success
     if (count($success)) {
         printf('<div class="task-start-ok"><p>%s</p><p>%s%s%s</p></div>', sprintf(_('Successfully created tasks for deployment to the following Hosts'), $Data instanceof Group ? $Host->getImage()->get('name') : $Data->getImage()->get('name')), $_REQUEST['scheduleType'] == 'cron' ? sprintf('%s: %s', _('Cron Schedule'), implode(' ', array($_REQUEST['scheduleCronMin'], $_REQUEST['scheduleCronHour'], $_REQUEST['scheduleCronDOM'], $_REQUEST['scheduleCronMonth'], $_REQUEST['scheduleCronDOW']))) : '', $_REQUEST['scheduleType'] == 'single' ? sprintf('%s: %s', _('Scheduled to start at'), $scheduleDeployTime->format('Y/m/d H:i')) : '', count($success) ? sprintf('<ul>%s</ul>', implode('', $success)) : '');
  * Constructor.
 function __construct()
Esempio n. 10
  * Initialize complex static variables
  * @static
 public static function staticInit()
     self::$logger = Logger::getLogger(__CLASS__);
  * Constructor.
 function OpenAccessNotification()
Esempio n. 12
  * Constructor.
 function ReviewReminder()
 public function scheduled_post()
     if (isset($_REQUEST['rmid'])) {
         $Task = new ScheduledTask($_REQUEST['rmid']);
         if ($Task->destroy()) {
         } else {
  * Constructor.
 function BooksForReviewReminder()
 public function getScheduledTimeForMethod($className, $methodName, $methodParameter = null)
     $taskName = ScheduledTask::getTaskName($className, $methodName, $methodParameter);
     return $this->taskHasBeenScheduledOnce($taskName) ? $this->timetable[$taskName] : false;
  * Constructor.
 function ObjectsForReviewReminder()
Esempio n. 17
 /** stopScheduledTask($task)
 		Stops the scheduled task.
 public function stopScheduledTask($task)
     $ScheduledTask = new ScheduledTask($task->get('id'));
     return $ScheduledTask->set('isActive', 0)->save();
Esempio n. 18
  * Constructor.
  * @param $argv array task arguments
 function Depositor($args)
     $this->_plugin =& PluginRegistry::getPlugin('generic', PLN_PLUGIN_NAME);
  * Constructor.
 function SubscriptionExpiryReminder()