public static function display()
     if (Scaffold::option('typography')) {
         # Make sure we're sending HTML
         header('Content-Type: text/html');
         # Load the test suite markup
         Scaffold::view('scaffold_typography', true);
 public static function display()
     if (Scaffold::option('validate')) {
         # Get the validator options from the config
         $validator_options = Scaffold::$config['Validate']['options'];
         # Add our options
         $validator_options['text'] = Scaffold::$output;
         $validator_options['output'] = 'soap12';
         # Encode them
         $validator_options = http_build_query($validator_options);
         $url = "{$validator_options}";
         # The Curl options
         $options = array(CURLOPT_URL => $url, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER => 1);
         # Start CURL
         $handle = curl_init();
         curl_setopt_array($handle, $options);
         $buffer = curl_exec($handle);
         # If something was returned
         if (!empty($buffer)) {
             # Simplexml doesn't like colons
             $buffer = preg_replace("/(<\\/?)(\\w+):([^>]*>)/", "\$1\$2\$3", $buffer);
             # Let it be xml!
             $results = simplexml_load_string($buffer);
             $is_valid = (string) $results->envBody->mcssvalidationresponse->mvalidity;
             # Oh noes! Display the errors
             if ($is_valid == "false") {
                 $errors = $results->envBody->mcssvalidationresponse->mresult->merrors;
                 foreach ($errors->merrorlist->merror as $key => $error) {
                     $line = (string) $error->mline;
                     $message = trim((string) $error->mmessage);
                     $near = (string) $error->mcontext;
                     self::$errors[] = array('line' => $line, 'near' => $near, 'message' => $message);
                     Scaffold::log("Validation Error on line {$line} near {$near} => {$message}", 1);