</div> <div class="row mt10"> <div class="col-md-6 col-sm-6 col-xs-6"> <p class="mb0 text-darken"> <i class="fa fa-money"> </i> <?php _e('Price', ST_TEXTDOMAIN); ?> : <span> <?php echo STHoliday::get_price_html(false, false, ' <br> -'); ?> </span> </p> </div> <div class="col-md-6 col-sm-6 col-xs-6 text-right"> <i class="fa fa-thumbs-o-up icon-like"> </i> <ul class="icon-group text-color pull-right"> <?php echo TravelHelper::rate_to_string(STReview::get_avg_rate()); ?> </ul> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="gap"></div> </div>
$count += count($gallery); foreach ($gallery as $key => $value) { $img_link = wp_get_attachment_image_src($value, array(800, 600, 'bfi_thumb' => TRUE)); if (isset($img_link[0])) { echo "<a class='st-gp-item' href='{$img_link[0]}'></a>"; } } } ?> </div> </div> </header> <div class="thumb-caption"> <ul class="icon-group text-tiny text-color"> <?php $avg = STReview::get_avg_rate(); echo TravelHelper::rate_to_string($avg); ?> </ul> <h5 class="thumb-title"><a class="text-darken" href="<?php echo esc_url($link); ?> "><?php the_title(); ?> </a></h5> <?php if ($address = get_post_meta(get_the_ID(), 'address', TRUE)) { ?> <p class="mb0">
function save_comment_meta_data($comment_id) { if (isset($_POST['comment_title']) && $_POST['comment_title'] != '') { $title = wp_filter_nohtml_kses($_POST['comment_title']); add_comment_meta($comment_id, 'comment_title', $title); } if (isset($_POST['comment_rate']) && $_POST['comment_rate'] != '') { $rate = wp_filter_nohtml_kses($_POST['comment_rate']); if ($rate > 5) { //Max rate is 5 $rate = 5; } add_comment_meta($comment_id, ' q', $rate); } $all_postype = st()->booking_post_type(); $current_post_type = get_post_type(get_comment($comment_id)->comment_post_ID); global $wpdb; $wpdb->update($wpdb->comments, array('comment_type' => 'st_reviews'), array('comment_ID' => $comment_id)); $comemntObj = get_comment($comment_id); $post_id = $comemntObj->comment_post_ID; $avg = STReview::get_avg_rate($post_id); update_post_meta($post_id, 'rate_review', $avg); }
function _update_duplicate_data($id, $data) { if (!TravelHelper::checkTableDuplicate('st_rental')) { return; } if (get_post_type($id) == 'st_rental') { $num_rows = TravelHelper::checkIssetPost($id, 'st_rental'); $location_str = get_post_meta($id, 'multi_location', true); $location_id = ''; // location_id $address = get_post_meta($id, 'address', true); // address $rentals_booking_period = get_post_meta($id, 'rentals_booking_period', true); // rentals_booking_period $rental_max_adult = get_post_meta($id, 'rental_max_adult', true); // rental max adult $rental_max_children = get_post_meta($id, 'rental_max_children', true); // rental max children $sale_price = get_post_meta($id, 'price', true); // sale price $discount = get_post_meta($id, 'discount_rate', true); $is_sale_schedule = get_post_meta($id, 'is_sale_schedule', true); if ($is_sale_schedule == 'on') { $sale_from = get_post_meta($id, 'sale_price_from', true); $sale_to = get_post_meta($id, 'sale_price_to', true); if ($sale_from and $sale_from) { $today = date('Y-m-d'); $sale_from = date('Y-m-d', strtotime($sale_from)); $sale_to = date('Y-m-d', strtotime($sale_to)); if ($today >= $sale_from && $today <= $sale_to) { } else { $discount = 0; } } else { $discount = 0; } } if ($discount) { $sale_price = $sale_price - $sale_price / 100 * $discount; } $rate_review = STReview::get_avg_rate($id); // rate review if ($num_rows == 1) { $data = array('multi_location' => $location_str, 'location_id' => $location_id, 'address' => $address, 'rental_max_adult' => $rental_max_adult, 'rental_max_children' => $rental_max_children, 'rate_review' => $rate_review, 'sale_price' => $sale_price, 'rentals_booking_period' => $rentals_booking_period); $where = array('post_id' => $id); TravelHelper::updateDuplicate('st_rental', $data, $where); } elseif ($num_rows == 0) { $data = array('post_id' => $id, 'multi_location' => $location_str, 'location_id' => $location_id, 'address' => $address, 'rental_max_adult' => $rental_max_adult, 'rental_max_children' => $rental_max_children, 'rate_review' => $rate_review, 'sale_price' => $sale_price, 'rentals_booking_period' => $rentals_booking_period); TravelHelper::insertDuplicate('st_rental', $data); } } }
/** * @since 1.1.9 * @param $comment_id */ function _save_review_stats($comment_id) { $comemntObj = get_comment($comment_id); $post_id = $comemntObj->comment_post_ID; if (get_post_type($post_id) == 'st_holidays') { $all_stats = $this->get_review_stats(); $st_review_stats = STInput::post('st_review_stats'); if (!empty($all_stats) and is_array($all_stats)) { $total_point = 0; foreach ($all_stats as $key => $value) { if (isset($st_review_stats[$value['title']])) { $total_point += $st_review_stats[$value['title']]; //Now Update the Each Stat Value update_comment_meta($comment_id, 'st_stat_' . sanitize_title($value['title']), $st_review_stats[$value['title']]); } } $avg = round($total_point / count($all_stats), 1); //Update comment rate with avg point $rate = wp_filter_nohtml_kses($avg); if ($rate > 5) { //Max rate is 5 $rate = 5; } update_comment_meta($comment_id, 'comment_rate', $rate); //Now Update the Stats Value update_comment_meta($comment_id, 'st_review_stats', $st_review_stats); } if (STInput::post('comment_rate')) { update_comment_meta($comment_id, 'comment_rate', STInput::post('comment_rate')); } //review_stats $avg = STReview::get_avg_rate($post_id); update_post_meta($post_id, 'rate_review', $avg); } }
echo balanceTags($img); } else { echo '<img width="800" height="600" alt="no-image" class="wp-post-image" src="' . bfi_thumb(get_template_directory_uri() . '/img/no-image.png', array('width' => 800, 'height' => 600)) . '">'; } ?> </div> <div class="col-md-6"> <div class="booking-item-rating"> <ul class="icon-group booking-item-rating-stars"> <?php echo TravelHelper::rate_to_string(STReview::get_avg_rate()); ?> </ul> <span class="booking-item-rating-number"> <b><?php echo STReview::get_avg_rate(); ?> </b> <?php st_the_language('user_of_5'); ?> </span> <small> (<?php comments_number(st_get_language('user_no_reviews'), st_get_language('user_1_review'), '% ' . st_get_language('user_reviews')); ?> ) </small> </div> <h5 class="booking-item-title"><?php the_title(); ?>
?> <a class="booking-item-payment-img" href="#"> <?php echo get_the_post_thumbnail($id_activity, array(98, 74, 'bfi_thumb' => true)); ?> </a> <h5 class="booking-item-payment-title"><a href="<?php echo get_permalink($id_activity); ?> "><?php echo get_the_title($id_activity); ?> </a></h5> <ul class="icon-group booking-item-rating-stars"> <?php echo TravelHelper::rate_to_string(STReview::get_avg_rate($id_activity)); ?> </ul> <?php } else { st_the_language('sorry_activity_not_found'); } ?> </header> <ul class="booking-item-payment-details"> <?php if (!empty($check_in) and !empty($check_out)) { ?> <li> <h5><?php st_the_language('activity');
function save_post_review_stats($comment_id) { $comemntObj = get_comment($comment_id); $post_id = $comemntObj->comment_post_ID; $avg = STReview::get_avg_rate($post_id); update_post_meta($post_id, 'rate_review', $avg); }
function _update_duplicate_data($id, $data) { if (!TravelHelper::checkTableDuplicate('st_holidays')) { return; } if (get_post_type($id) == 'st_holidays') { $num_rows = TravelHelper::checkIssetPost($id, 'st_holidays'); $location_str = get_post_meta($id, 'multi_location', true); $location_id = ''; // location_id $address = get_post_meta($id, 'address', true); // address $max_people = get_post_meta($id, 'max_people', true); // maxpeople $check_in = get_post_meta($id, 'check_in', true); // check in $check_out = get_post_meta($id, 'check_out', true); // check out $type_holiday = get_post_meta($id, 'type_holiday', true); // check out $duration_day = get_post_meta($id, 'duration_day', true); // duration_day $holidays_booking_period = get_post_meta($id, 'holidays_booking_period', true); // holidays_booking_period $sale_price = get_post_meta($id, 'price', true); // sale_price $child_price = get_post_meta($id, 'child_price', true); $adult_price = get_post_meta($id, 'adult_price', true); $infant_price = get_post_meta($id, 'infant_price', true); $discount = get_post_meta($id, 'discount', true); $is_sale_schedule = get_post_meta($id, 'is_sale_schedule', true); if ($is_sale_schedule == 'on') { $sale_from = get_post_meta($id, 'sale_price_from', true); $sale_to = get_post_meta($id, 'sale_price_to', true); if ($sale_from and $sale_from) { $today = date('Y-m-d'); $sale_from = date('Y-m-d', strtotime($sale_from)); $sale_to = date('Y-m-d', strtotime($sale_to)); if ($today >= $sale_from && $today <= $sale_to) { } else { $discount = 0; } } else { $discount = 0; } } if ($discount) { $sale_price = $sale_price - $sale_price / 100 * $discount; $child_price = $child_price - $child_price / 100 * $discount; $adult_price = $adult_price - $adult_price / 100 * $discount; $infant_price = $infant_price - $infant_price / 100 * $discount; } $rate_review = STReview::get_avg_rate($id); // rate review if ($num_rows == 1) { $data = array('multi_location' => $location_str, 'id_location' => $location_id, 'address' => $address, 'type_holiday' => $type_holiday, 'check_in' => $check_in, 'check_out' => $check_out, 'sale_price' => $sale_price, 'child_price' => $child_price, 'adult_price' => $adult_price, 'infant_price' => $infant_price, 'max_people' => $max_people, 'rate_review' => $rate_review, 'duration_day' => $duration_day, 'holidays_booking_period' => $holidays_booking_period); $where = array('post_id' => $id); TravelHelper::updateDuplicate('st_holidays', $data, $where); } elseif ($num_rows == 0) { $data = array('post_id' => $id, 'multi_location' => $location_str, 'id_location' => $location_id, 'address' => $address, 'type_holiday' => $type_holiday, 'check_in' => $check_in, 'check_out' => $check_out, 'sale_price' => $sale_price, 'child_price' => $child_price, 'adult_price' => $adult_price, 'infant_price' => $infant_price, 'max_people' => $max_people, 'rate_review' => $rate_review, 'duration_day' => $duration_day, 'holidays_booking_period' => $holidays_booking_period); TravelHelper::insertDuplicate('st_holidays', $data); } } }
?> <div class="thumb item_map"> <header class="thumb-header"> <img src="<?php echo $img; ?> " alt="" class="img-responsive"> </header> <div class="thumb-caption"> <?php $view_star_review = st()->get_option('view_star_review', 'review'); if ($view_star_review == 'review') { ?> <ul class="icon-group text-color"> <?php $avg = STReview::get_avg_rate($hotel_id); echo TravelHelper::rate_to_string($avg); ?> </ul> <?php } elseif ($view_star_review == 'star') { ?> <ul class="icon-list icon-group booking-item-rating-stars text-color"> <?php $star = STHotel::getStar($hotel_id); echo TravelHelper::rate_to_string($star); ?> </ul> <?php } ?>
function update_avg_rate($post_id) { $avg = STReview::get_avg_rate($post_id); update_post_meta($post_id, 'rate_review', $avg); }
/** *@since 1.1.8 **/ function _update_duplicate_data($id, $data) { if (!TravelHelper::checkTableDuplicate('st_hotel')) { return; } if (get_post_type($id) == 'st_hotel') { $num_rows = TravelHelper::checkIssetPost($id, 'st_hotel'); $location_str = get_post_meta($id, 'multi_location', true); $location_id = ''; // location_id $address = get_post_meta($id, 'address', true); // address $allow_full_day = get_post_meta($id, 'allow_full_day', true); // address $rate_review = STReview::get_avg_rate($id); // rate review $hotel_star = get_post_meta($id, 'hotel_star', true); // hotel star $price_avg = get_post_meta($id, 'price_avg', true); // price avg $hotel_booking_period = get_post_meta($id, 'hotel_booking_period', true); // price avg $map_lat = get_post_meta($id, 'map_lat', true); // map_lat $map_lng = get_post_meta($id, 'map_lng', true); // map_lng if ($num_rows == 1) { $data = array('multi_location' => $location_str, 'id_location' => $location_id, 'address' => $address, 'allow_full_day' => $allow_full_day, 'rate_review' => $rate_review, 'hotel_star' => $hotel_star, 'price_avg' => $price_avg, 'hotel_booking_period' => $hotel_booking_period, 'map_lat' => $map_lat, 'map_lng' => $map_lng); $where = array('post_id' => $id); TravelHelper::updateDuplicate('st_hotel', $data, $where); } elseif ($num_rows == 0) { $data = array('post_id' => $id, 'multi_location' => $location_str, 'id_location' => $location_id, 'address' => $address, 'allow_full_day' => $allow_full_day, 'rate_review' => $rate_review, 'hotel_star' => $hotel_star, 'price_avg' => $price_avg, 'hotel_booking_period' => $hotel_booking_period, 'map_lat' => $map_lat, 'map_lng' => $map_lng); TravelHelper::insertDuplicate('st_hotel', $data); } } }
?> <a class="booking-item-payment-img" href="#"> <?php echo get_the_post_thumbnail($holiday_id, array(98, 74, 'bfi_thumb' => true)); ?> </a> <h5 class="booking-item-payment-title"><a href="<?php echo get_permalink($holiday_id); ?> "><?php echo get_the_title($holiday_id); ?> </a></h5> <ul class="icon-group booking-item-rating-stars"> <?php echo TravelHelper::rate_to_string(STReview::get_avg_rate($holiday_id)); ?> </ul> <?php } else { st_the_language('sorry_holiday_not_found'); } ?> </header> <ul class="booking-item-payment-details"> <li> <h5><?php st_the_language('holidays_information'); ?> </h5> <p class="booking-item-payment-item-title"><?php
<?php /** * @package WordPress * @subpackage Traveler * @since 1.0 * * Rental review summary * * Created by ShineTheme * */ $avg = (double) STReview::get_avg_rate(); ?> <div class="booking-item-meta"> <?php if ($avg >= 2) { ?> <h2 class="lh1em"> <?php if ($avg < 2) { } elseif ($avg <= 3) { st_the_language('rental_pleasant'); } elseif ($avg <= 4) { st_the_language('rental_good'); } elseif ($avg < 5) { st_the_language('rental_very_good'); } elseif ($avg == 5) { st_the_language('rental_wonderful'); } ?>
<h5 class="booking-item-title" <?php if ($layout == 'layout2') { echo 'style="font-size: 20px;"'; } ?> ><a href="<?php echo esc_url($link); ?> "><?php echo get_the_title($post_id); ?> </a> </h5> <ul class="icon-group booking-item-rating-stars"> <?php if ($instance['post_type'] != 'st_cars') { $avg = STReview::get_avg_rate($post_id); echo TravelHelper::rate_to_string($avg); } ?> </ul> </div> <div class="<?php if ($layout == 'layout2') { echo 'col-xs-12'; } else { echo 'col-xs-3'; } ?> "> <?php switch ($instance['post_type']) {