  * Update any requests to limit the results to the current site
 public function augmentSQL(SQLSelect $query, DataQuery $dataQuery = NULL)
     if (Subsite::$disable_subsite_filter) {
     if ($dataQuery->getQueryParam('Subsite.filter') === false) {
     // If you're querying by ID, ignore the sub-site - this is a bit ugly...
     // if(!$query->where || (strpos($query->where[0], ".\"ID\" = ") === false && strpos($query->where[0], ".`ID` = ") === false && strpos($query->where[0], ".ID = ") === false && strpos($query->where[0], "ID = ") !== 0)) {
     if ($query->filtersOnID()) {
     if (Subsite::$force_subsite) {
         $subsiteID = Subsite::$force_subsite;
     } else {
         /*if($context = DataObject::context_obj()) $subsiteID = (int)$context->SubsiteID;
           else */
         $subsiteID = (int) Subsite::currentSubsiteID();
     // The foreach is an ugly way of getting the first key :-)
     foreach ($query->getFrom() as $tableName => $info) {
         // The tableName should be SiteTree or SiteTree_Live...
         if (strpos($tableName, 'SiteTree') === false) {
         $query->addWhere("\"{$tableName}\".\"SubsiteID\" IN ({$subsiteID})");
  * Adds a WHERE clause.
  * @see SQLSelect::addWhere() for syntax examples, although DataQuery
  * won't expand multiple arguments as SQLSelect does.
  * @param string|array|SQLConditionGroup $filter Predicate(s) to set, as escaped SQL statements or
  * paramaterised queries
  * @return DataQuery
 public function where($filter)
     if ($filter) {
     return $this;
  * Update any requests to limit the results to the current site
 public function augmentSQL(SQLSelect $query, DataQuery $dataQuery = NULL)
     if (Subsite::$disable_subsite_filter) {
     // If you're querying by ID, ignore the sub-site - this is a bit ugly...
     if ($query->filtersOnID()) {
     $regexp = '/^(.*\\.)?("|`)?SubsiteID("|`)?\\s?=/';
     foreach ($query->getWhereParameterised($parameters) as $predicate) {
         if (preg_match($regexp, $predicate)) {
     try {
         $subsiteID = (int) Subsite::currentSubsiteID();
         $froms = $query->getFrom();
         $froms = array_keys($froms);
         $tableName = array_shift($froms);
         if ($tableName != 'SiteConfig') {
         $query->addWhere("\"{$tableName}\".\"SubsiteID\" IN ({$subsiteID})");
     } catch (UnexpectedValueException $e) {
         // No subsites exist yet
  * Update any requests to limit the results to the current site
 public function augmentSQL(SQLSelect $query)
     if (Subsite::$disable_subsite_filter) {
     // If you're querying by ID, ignore the sub-site - this is a bit ugly...
     if ($query->filtersOnID()) {
     $regexp = '/^(.*\\.)?("|`)?SubsiteID("|`)?\\s?=/';
     foreach ($query->getWhereParameterised($parameters) as $predicate) {
         if (preg_match($regexp, $predicate)) {
     /*if($context = DataObject::context_obj()) $subsiteID = (int)$context->SubsiteID;
     		else */
     $subsiteID = (int) Subsite::currentSubsiteID();
     $froms = $query->getFrom();
     $froms = array_keys($froms);
     $tableName = array_shift($froms);
     if ($tableName != 'SiteConfig') {
     $query->addWhere("\"{$tableName}\".\"SubsiteID\" IN ({$subsiteID})");
  * Update any requests to limit the results to the current site
 public function augmentSQL(SQLSelect $query)
     if (Subsite::$disable_subsite_filter) {
     // If you're querying by ID, ignore the sub-site - this is a bit ugly... (but it was WAYYYYYYYYY worse)
     //@TODO I don't think excluding if SiteTree_ImageTracking is a good idea however because of the SS 3.0 api and ManyManyList::removeAll() changing the from table after this function is called there isn't much of a choice
     $from = $query->getFrom();
     if (isset($from['SiteTree_ImageTracking']) || $query->filtersOnID()) {
     $subsiteID = (int) Subsite::currentSubsiteID();
     // The foreach is an ugly way of getting the first key :-)
     foreach ($query->getFrom() as $tableName => $info) {
         $where = "\"{$tableName}\".\"SubsiteID\" IN (0, {$subsiteID})";
     $sect = array_values($query->getSelect());
     $isCounting = strpos($sect[0], 'COUNT') !== false;
     // Ordering when deleting or counting doesn't apply
     if (!$isCounting) {
 public function testSelectWithWhereClauseFilter()
     $query = new SQLSelect();
     $query->setSelect(array("Name", "Meta"));
     $query->setWhere("Name = 'Name'");
     $query->addWhere("Meta = 'Test'");
     $this->assertSQLEquals("SELECT Name, Meta FROM MyTable WHERE (Name = 'Name') AND (Meta = 'Test')", $query->sql($parameters));
    public function testParameterisedLeftJoins()
        $query = new SQLSelect();
        $query->setSelect(array('"SQLSelectTest_DO"."Name"', '"SubSelect"."Count"'));
        $query->addLeftJoin('(SELECT "Title", COUNT(*) AS "Count" FROM "SQLSelectTestBase" GROUP BY "Title" HAVING "Title" NOT LIKE ?)', '"SQLSelectTest_DO"."Name" = "SubSelect"."Title"', 'SubSelect', 20, array('%MyName%'));
        $query->addWhere(array('"SQLSelectTest_DO"."Date" > ?' => '2012-08-08 12:00'));
        $this->assertSQLEquals('SELECT "SQLSelectTest_DO"."Name", "SubSelect"."Count"
			FROM "SQLSelectTest_DO" LEFT JOIN (SELECT "Title", COUNT(*) AS "Count" FROM "SQLSelectTestBase"
		   GROUP BY "Title" HAVING "Title" NOT LIKE ?) AS "SubSelect" ON "SQLSelectTest_DO"."Name" =
			WHERE ("SQLSelectTest_DO"."Date" > ?)', $query->sql($parameters));
        $this->assertEquals(array('%MyName%', '2012-08-08 12:00'), $parameters);
  * Update any requests to limit the results to the current site
 public function augmentSQL(SQLSelect $query, DataQuery $dataQuery = null)
     if (Subsite::$disable_subsite_filter) {
     if (Cookie::get('noSubsiteFilter') == 'true') {
     // If you're querying by ID, ignore the sub-site - this is a bit ugly...
     if (!$query->filtersOnID()) {
         /*if($context = DataObject::context_obj()) $subsiteID = (int)$context->SubsiteID;
         		else */
         $subsiteID = (int) Subsite::currentSubsiteID();
         // Don't filter by Group_Subsites if we've already done that
         $hasGroupSubsites = false;
         foreach ($query->getFrom() as $item) {
             if (is_array($item) && strpos($item['table'], 'Group_Subsites') !== false || !is_array($item) && strpos($item, 'Group_Subsites') !== false) {
                 $hasGroupSubsites = true;
         if (!$hasGroupSubsites) {
             if ($subsiteID) {
                 $query->addLeftJoin("Group_Subsites", "\"Group_Subsites\".\"GroupID\" \n\t\t\t\t\t\t= \"Group\".\"ID\" AND \"Group_Subsites\".\"SubsiteID\" = {$subsiteID}");
                 $query->addWhere("(\"Group_Subsites\".\"SubsiteID\" IS NOT NULL OR\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\"Group\".\"AccessAllSubsites\" = 1)");
             } else {
                 $query->addWhere("\"Group\".\"AccessAllSubsites\" = 1");
         // WORKAROUND for databases that complain about an ORDER BY when the column wasn't selected (e.g. SQL Server)
         $select = $query->getSelect();
         if (isset($select[0]) && !$select[0] == 'COUNT(*)') {
             $query->orderby = "\"AccessAllSubsites\" DESC" . ($query->orderby ? ', ' : '') . $query->orderby;
  * Augment the the SQLSelect that is created by the DataQuery
  * @todo Should this all go into VersionedDataQuery?
 public function augmentSQL(SQLSelect $query, DataQuery $dataQuery = null)
     if (!$dataQuery || !$dataQuery->getQueryParam('Versioned.mode')) {
     $baseTable = ClassInfo::baseDataClass($dataQuery->dataClass());
     switch ($dataQuery->getQueryParam('Versioned.mode')) {
         // Reading a specific data from the archive
         case 'archive':
             $date = $dataQuery->getQueryParam('Versioned.date');
             foreach ($query->getFrom() as $table => $dummy) {
                 if (!DB::get_schema()->hasTable($table . '_versions')) {
                 $query->renameTable($table, $table . '_versions');
                 $query->replaceText("\"{$table}_versions\".\"ID\"", "\"{$table}_versions\".\"RecordID\"");
                 $query->replaceText("`{$table}_versions`.`ID`", "`{$table}_versions`.`RecordID`");
                 // Add all <basetable>_versions columns
                 foreach (Config::inst()->get('Versioned', 'db_for_versions_table') as $name => $type) {
                     $query->selectField(sprintf('"%s_versions"."%s"', $baseTable, $name), $name);
                 $query->selectField(sprintf('"%s_versions"."%s"', $baseTable, 'RecordID'), "ID");
                 if ($table != $baseTable) {
                     $query->addWhere("\"{$table}_versions\".\"Version\" = \"{$baseTable}_versions\".\"Version\"");
             // Link to the version archived on that date
             $query->addWhere(array("\"{$baseTable}_versions\".\"Version\" IN\n\t\t\t\t(SELECT LatestVersion FROM\n\t\t\t\t\t(SELECT\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\"{$baseTable}_versions\".\"RecordID\",\n\t\t\t\t\t\tMAX(\"{$baseTable}_versions\".\"Version\") AS LatestVersion\n\t\t\t\t\t\tFROM \"{$baseTable}_versions\"\n\t\t\t\t\t\tWHERE \"{$baseTable}_versions\".\"LastEdited\" <= ?\n\t\t\t\t\t\tGROUP BY \"{$baseTable}_versions\".\"RecordID\"\n\t\t\t\t\t) AS \"{$baseTable}_versions_latest\"\n\t\t\t\t\tWHERE \"{$baseTable}_versions_latest\".\"RecordID\" = \"{$baseTable}_versions\".\"RecordID\"\n\t\t\t\t)" => $date));
             // Reading a specific stage (Stage or Live)
         // Reading a specific stage (Stage or Live)
         case 'stage':
             $stage = $dataQuery->getQueryParam('Versioned.stage');
             if ($stage && $stage != $this->defaultStage) {
                 foreach ($query->getFrom() as $table => $dummy) {
                     // Only rewrite table names that are actually part of the subclass tree
                     // This helps prevent rewriting of other tables that get joined in, in
                     // particular, many_many tables
                     if (class_exists($table) && ($table == $this->owner->class || is_subclass_of($table, $this->owner->class) || is_subclass_of($this->owner->class, $table))) {
                         $query->renameTable($table, $table . '_' . $stage);
             // Reading a specific stage, but only return items that aren't in any other stage
         // Reading a specific stage, but only return items that aren't in any other stage
         case 'stage_unique':
             $stage = $dataQuery->getQueryParam('Versioned.stage');
             // Recurse to do the default stage behavior (must be first, we rely on stage renaming happening before
             // below)
             $dataQuery->setQueryParam('Versioned.mode', 'stage');
             $this->augmentSQL($query, $dataQuery);
             $dataQuery->setQueryParam('Versioned.mode', 'stage_unique');
             // Now exclude any ID from any other stage. Note that we double rename to avoid the regular stage rename
             // renaming all subquery references to be Versioned.stage
             foreach ($this->stages as $excluding) {
                 if ($excluding == $stage) {
                 $tempName = 'ExclusionarySource_' . $excluding;
                 $excludingTable = $baseTable . ($excluding && $excluding != $this->defaultStage ? "_{$excluding}" : '');
                 $query->addWhere('"' . $baseTable . '"."ID" NOT IN (SELECT "ID" FROM "' . $tempName . '")');
                 $query->renameTable($tempName, $excludingTable);
             // Return all version instances
         // Return all version instances
         case 'all_versions':
         case 'latest_versions':
             foreach ($query->getFrom() as $alias => $join) {
                 if ($alias != $baseTable) {
                     $query->setJoinFilter($alias, "\"{$alias}\".\"RecordID\" = \"{$baseTable}_versions\".\"RecordID\"" . " AND \"{$alias}\".\"Version\" = \"{$baseTable}_versions\".\"Version\"");
                 $query->renameTable($alias, $alias . '_versions');
             // Add all <basetable>_versions columns
             foreach (Config::inst()->get('Versioned', 'db_for_versions_table') as $name => $type) {
                 $query->selectField(sprintf('"%s_versions"."%s"', $baseTable, $name), $name);
             // Alias the record ID as the row ID
             $query->selectField(sprintf('"%s_versions"."%s"', $baseTable, 'RecordID'), "ID");
             // Ensure that any sort order referring to this ID is correctly aliased
             $orders = $query->getOrderBy();
             foreach ($orders as $order => $dir) {
                 if ($order === "\"{$baseTable}\".\"ID\"") {
                     $orders["\"{$baseTable}_versions\".\"RecordID\""] = $dir;
             // latest_version has one more step
             // Return latest version instances, regardless of whether they are on a particular stage
             // This provides "show all, including deleted" functonality
             if ($dataQuery->getQueryParam('Versioned.mode') == 'latest_versions') {
                 $query->addWhere("\"{$alias}_versions\".\"Version\" IN\n\t\t\t\t\t(SELECT LatestVersion FROM\n\t\t\t\t\t\t(SELECT\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\"{$alias}_versions\".\"RecordID\",\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\tMAX(\"{$alias}_versions\".\"Version\") AS LatestVersion\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\tFROM \"{$alias}_versions\"\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\tGROUP BY \"{$alias}_versions\".\"RecordID\"\n\t\t\t\t\t\t) AS \"{$alias}_versions_latest\"\n\t\t\t\t\t\tWHERE \"{$alias}_versions_latest\".\"RecordID\" = \"{$alias}_versions\".\"RecordID\"\n\t\t\t\t\t)");
             } else {
                 // If all versions are requested, ensure that records are sorted by this field
                 $query->addOrderBy(sprintf('"%s_versions"."%s"', $baseTable, 'Version'));
             throw new InvalidArgumentException("Bad value for query parameter Versioned.mode: " . $dataQuery->getQueryParam('Versioned.mode'));
  * Find the extra field data for a single row of the relationship join
  * table, given the known child ID.
  * @param string $componentName The name of the component
  * @param int $itemID The ID of the child for the relationship
  * @return array Map of fieldName => fieldValue
 public function getExtraData($componentName, $itemID)
     $result = array();
     // Skip if no extrafields or unsaved record
     if (empty($this->extraFields) || empty($itemID)) {
         return $result;
     if (!is_numeric($itemID)) {
         user_error('ComponentSet::getExtraData() passed a non-numeric child ID', E_USER_ERROR);
     $cleanExtraFields = array();
     foreach ($this->extraFields as $fieldName => $dbFieldSpec) {
         $cleanExtraFields[] = "\"{$fieldName}\"";
     $query = new SQLSelect($cleanExtraFields, "\"{$this->joinTable}\"");
     $filter = $this->foreignIDWriteFilter($this->getForeignID());
     if ($filter) {
     } else {
         user_error("Can't call ManyManyList::getExtraData() until a foreign ID is set", E_USER_WARNING);
     $query->addWhere(array("\"{$this->localKey}\"" => $itemID));
     $queryResult = $query->execute()->current();
     if ($queryResult) {
         foreach ($queryResult as $fieldName => $value) {
             $result[$fieldName] = $value;
     return $result;
  * Add an item to this many_many relationship
  * Does so by adding an entry to the joinTable.
  * @param mixed $item
  * @param array $extraFields A map of additional columns to insert into the joinTable.
  * Column names should be ANSI quoted.
 public function add($item, $extraFields = array())
     // Ensure nulls or empty strings are correctly treated as empty arrays
     if (empty($extraFields)) {
         $extraFields = array();
     // Determine ID of new record
     if (is_numeric($item)) {
         $itemID = $item;
     } elseif ($item instanceof $this->dataClass) {
         $itemID = $item->ID;
     } else {
         throw new InvalidArgumentException("ManyManyList::add() expecting a {$this->dataClass} object, or ID value", E_USER_ERROR);
     // Validate foreignID
     $foreignIDs = $this->getForeignID();
     if (empty($foreignIDs)) {
         throw new Exception("ManyManyList::add() can't be called until a foreign ID is set", E_USER_WARNING);
     // Apply this item to each given foreign ID record
     if (!is_array($foreignIDs)) {
         $foreignIDs = array($foreignIDs);
     foreach ($foreignIDs as $foreignID) {
         // Check for existing records for this item
         if ($foreignFilter = $this->foreignIDWriteFilter($foreignID)) {
             // With the current query, simply add the foreign and local conditions
             // The query can be a bit odd, especially if custom relation classes
             // don't join expected tables (@see Member_GroupSet for example).
             $query = new SQLSelect("*", "\"{$this->joinTable}\"");
             $query->addWhere(array("\"{$this->joinTable}\".\"{$this->localKey}\"" => $itemID));
             $hasExisting = $query->count() > 0;
         } else {
             $hasExisting = false;
         // Blank manipulation
         $manipulation = array($this->joinTable => array('command' => $hasExisting ? 'update' : 'insert', 'fields' => array()));
         if ($hasExisting) {
             $manipulation[$this->joinTable]['where'] = array("\"{$this->joinTable}\".\"{$this->foreignKey}\"" => $foreignID, "\"{$this->joinTable}\".\"{$this->localKey}\"" => $itemID);
         if ($extraFields && $this->extraFields) {
             // Write extra field to manipluation in the same way
             // that DataObject::prepareManipulationTable writes fields
             foreach ($this->extraFields as $fieldName => $fieldSpec) {
                 // Skip fields without an assignment
                 if (array_key_exists($fieldName, $extraFields)) {
                     $fieldObject = Object::create_from_string($fieldSpec, $fieldName);
         $manipulation[$this->joinTable]['fields'][$this->localKey] = $itemID;
         $manipulation[$this->joinTable]['fields'][$this->foreignKey] = $foreignID;
  * Changes any SELECT query thats not filtering on an ID
  * to limit by the current language defined in {@link get_current_locale()}.
  * It falls back to "Locale='' OR Lang IS NULL" and assumes that
  * this implies querying for the default language.
  * Use {@link disable_locale_filter()} to temporarily disable this "auto-filtering".
 public function augmentSQL(SQLSelect $query, DataQuery $dataQuery = null)
     // If the record is saved (and not a singleton), and has a locale,
     // limit the current call to its locale. This fixes a lot of problems
     // with other extensions like Versioned
     if ($this->owner->ID && !empty($this->owner->Locale)) {
         $locale = $this->owner->Locale;
     } else {
         $locale = Translatable::get_current_locale();
     $baseTable = ClassInfo::baseDataClass($this->owner->class);
     if ($locale && self::locale_filter_enabled() && $dataQuery->getQueryParam(self::QUERY_LOCALE_FILTER_ENABLED) && !$query->filtersOnID() && array_search($baseTable, array_keys($query->getFrom())) !== false) {
         // Or we're already filtering by Lang (either from an earlier augmentSQL()
         // call or through custom SQL filters)
         $filtersOnLocale = array_filter($query->getWhere(), function ($predicates) {
             foreach ($predicates as $predicate => $params) {
                 if (preg_match('/("|\'|`)Locale("|\'|`)/', $predicate)) {
                     return true;
         if (!$filtersOnLocale) {
             $qry = sprintf('"%s"."Locale" = \'%s\'', $baseTable, Convert::raw2sql($locale));
  * Find the extra field data for a single row of the relationship join
  * table, given the known child ID.
  * @param string $componentName The name of the component
  * @param int $itemID The ID of the child for the relationship
  * @return array Map of fieldName => fieldValue
 public function getExtraData($componentName, $itemID)
     $result = array();
     if (!is_numeric($itemID)) {
         user_error('ComponentSet::getExtraData() passed a non-numeric child ID', E_USER_ERROR);
     // @todo Optimize into a single query instead of one per extra field
     if ($this->extraFields) {
         foreach ($this->extraFields as $fieldName => $dbFieldSpec) {
             $query = new SQLSelect("\"{$fieldName}\"", "\"{$this->joinTable}\"");
             if ($filter = $this->foreignIDWriteFilter($this->getForeignID())) {
             } else {
                 user_error("Can't call ManyManyList::getExtraData() until a foreign ID is set", E_USER_WARNING);
             $query->addWhere("\"{$this->localKey}\" = {$itemID}");
             $result[$fieldName] = $query->execute()->value();
     return $result;
  * Are new posts available?
  * @param int $id
  * @param array $data Optional: If an array is passed, the timestamp of
  *                    the last created post and it's ID will be stored in
  *                    it (keys: 'last_id', 'last_created')
  * @param int $lastVisit Unix timestamp of the last visit (GMT)
  * @param int $lastPostID ID of the last read post
  * @param int $thread ID of the relevant topic (set to NULL for all
  *                     topics)
  * @return bool Returns TRUE if there are new posts available, otherwise
  *              FALSE.
 public static function new_posts_available($id, &$data = array(), $lastVisit = null, $lastPostID = null, $forumID = null, $threadID = null)
     // last post viewed
     $query = new SQLSelect(array('LastID' => 'MAX("Post"."ID")', 'LastCreated' => 'MAX("Post"."Created")'), '"Post"', array('"ForumPage"."ParentID" = ?' => $id));
     $query->addInnerJoin(ForumHolder::baseForumTable(), '"Post"."ForumID" = "ForumPage"."ID"', 'ForumPage');
     // Filter by parameters specified
     if ($lastPostID) {
         $query->addWhere(array('"Post"."ID" > ?' => $lastPostID));
     if ($lastVisit) {
         $query->addWhere(array('"Post"."Created" > ?' => $lastVisit));
     if ($forumID) {
         $query->addWhere(array('"Post"."ForumID" = ?' => $forumID));
     if ($threadID) {
         $query->addWhere(array('"Post"."ThreadID" = ?' => $threadID));
     // Run
     $version = $query->execute()->first();
     if (!$version) {
         return false;
     if ($data) {
         $data['last_id'] = (int) $version['LastID'];
         $data['last_created'] = strtotime($version['LastCreated']);
     $lastVisit = (int) $lastVisit;
     if ($lastVisit <= 0) {
         $lastVisit = false;
     $lastPostID = (int) $lastPostID;
     if ($lastPostID <= 0) {
         $lastPostID = false;
     if (!$lastVisit && !$lastPostID) {
         return true;
     if ($lastVisit && strtotime($version['LastCreated']) > $lastVisit) {
         return true;
     if ($lastPostID && (int) $version['LastID'] > $lastPostID) {
         return true;
     return false;