if (isset($_GET['task']) && trim($_GET['task']) != "") { $actionTaskId = trim($_GET['task']); if (isset($_GET['action'])) { switch (trim($_GET['action'])) { case "conf": // Show Config for specified Task ID $taskConfig = $sqlmap->listOptions($actionTaskId); // We will actually store it for use in a second... break; case "stop": // Stop a specified running Task ID $sqlmap->stopScan($actionTaskId); break; case "kill": // Forcefully Kill a specified running Task ID $sqlmap->killScan($actionTaskId); break; case "del": // Delete a specified running Task ID $sqlmap->deleteTaskID($actionTaskId); break; default: // Do Nothing if nothing is specified... break; } } } } ?> <!DOCTYPE html>
<?php // SQLMAP Scan Task Killer @set_time_limit(0); @session_start(); $sess = session_id(); if (!$sess) { header("Location: /sqlmap/index.php"); } include_once "header.php"; if (isset($_GET['id'])) { $id = $_GET['id']; include "./inc/SQLMAPClientAPI.class.php"; $sqlmap = new SQLMAPClientAPI(); if (!$sqlmap->stopScan($id)) { if (!$sqlmap->killScan($id)) { // Problem Stopping/Killing Scan Task, bad id maybe? ?> <div class="epic_fail" align="center"> <p style="font-size:26px">Epic Failure Stopping Scan!</p><br /> <p style="font-size:20px"> Unknown problem encountered trying to kill ScanID#<?php echo htmlentities($id, ENT_QUOTES, 'UTF-8'); ?> !<br /> Please follow up with the admin for further assistance.... <br /><br /> </p> <p style="font-size:16px"> Redirecting back to form so you can try again....<br />