Esempio n. 1
 function actDefault()
     global $ST, $get;
     $field_name = $this->getURIVal('enum');
     if (($field_value = $this->getURIVal($field_name)) && $field_value != 'mode') {
         $data = array('field_name' => $field_name, 'field_value' => $field_value, 'position' => 0, 'value_desc' => '');
         $rs = $ST->select("SELECT * FROM sc_enum WHERE field_name='" . SQL::slashes($field_name) . "' AND  field_value='" . SQL::slashes($field_value) . "'");
         if ($rs->next()) {
             $data = $rs->getRow();
         $this->display($data, dirname(__FILE__) . '/enum_item.tpl.php');
     } elseif ($field_name) {
         $rs = $ST->select("SELECT * FROM sc_enum WHERE field_name='{$field_name}' ORDER BY position");
         $data = array('rs' => $rs, 'field_name' => $field_name);
         $data['mode'] = array('add', 'pos', 'value', 'desc', 'name');
         if ($mode = $this->getURIVal('mode')) {
             $data['mode'] = explode(',', $mode);
         if ($get->get('title')) {
             $data['hidename'] = true;
         if ($get->exists('autoval')) {
             $data['autoval'] = true;
         $this->display($data, dirname(__FILE__) . '/enum.tpl.php');
     } else {
         $rs = $ST->select("SELECT DISTINCT field_name FROM sc_enum ORDER BY field_name")->toArray();
         $data = array('rs' => $rs);
         $this->display($data, dirname(__FILE__) . '/enum_list.tpl.php');
Esempio n. 2
 function getQuery($key)
     if ($key == 'news') {
         $cond = " type='news' \n\t\t\t\t\tAND (state='main' OR state='public') ";
         //				$relev=" MATCH nws_title, nws_content,nws_desc AGAINST ('".$this->search."') ";
         $cond .= " AND (content ILIKE '%" . SQL::slashes($this->search) . "%' OR title ILIKE '%" . SQL::slashes($this->search) . "%' OR description ILIKE '%" . SQL::slashes($this->search) . "%')";
         $q = "SELECT id ,title, description FROM sc_news WHERE " . $cond . " ";
         $countQ = "SELECT COUNT(id) AS c FROM sc_news WHERE " . $cond;
         $href = "/news/view/";
         $title = "Новости";
     if ($key == 'content') {
         $cond = " mod_content_id=c_id AND (mod_location LIKE 'main' OR  mod_location LIKE 'footer' OR  mod_location LIKE 'top')\n\t\t\t\t\t\tAND (mod_name ILIKE '%" . SQL::slashes($this->search) . "%' OR mod_title ILIKE '%" . SQL::slashes($this->search) . "%' OR c_text ILIKE '%" . SQL::slashes($this->search) . "%')";
         $cond = " c_name ILIKE '%'||mod_alias||'%' AND mod_alias <>'/'";
         //				$cond=" mod_alias ILIKE '%'||c_name||'%' ";
         //				$cond=" mod_alias =c_name ";
         //				$cond.=" AND (mod_location LIKE '%main%' OR  mod_location LIKE '%footer%' OR  mod_location LIKE '%top%')";
         $cond .= " AND (mod_name ILIKE '%" . SQL::slashes($this->search) . "%' OR mod_title ILIKE '%" . SQL::slashes($this->search) . "%' OR c_text ILIKE '%" . SQL::slashes($this->search) . "%')";
         $q = "SELECT mod_alias AS id,mod_title AS title,mod_description AS description FROM sc_content,sc_module WHERE " . $cond . " ";
         $q = "SELECT c_name AS id,mod_title AS title,mod_description AS description FROM sc_content,sc_module WHERE " . $cond . " ";
         $countQ = "SELECT COUNT(c_id) AS c FROM sc_content,sc_module WHERE " . $cond;
         $href = "";
         $title = "Разделы сайта";
     if ($key == 'catalog') {
         $cond = " AND of.in_stock>0 AND AND of.region='{$this->getRegion()}'";
         $cond .= " AND ( ILIKE '%" . SQL::slashes($this->search) . "%' OR g.description ILIKE '%" . SQL::slashes($this->search) . "%' OR ILIKE '%" . SQL::slashes($this->search) . "%' )";
         $q = "SELECT g.*, AS id, AS title, g.description AS description FROM sc_shop_catalog c,sc_shop_item g, sc_shop_offer of WHERE " . $cond . "";
         $countQ = "SELECT COUNT( AS c FROM sc_shop_catalog c,sc_shop_item g, sc_shop_offer of  WHERE " . $cond;
         $href = "/catalog/goods/";
         $title = "Товары и услуги";
     return array($q, $countQ, $href, $title);
Esempio n. 3
 function actDefault()
     global $ST;
     if ($id = $this->getURIIntVal(trim($this->mod_uri, '/'))) {
     $page = new Page($this->cfg('PAGE_SIZE'));
     //		$page=new Page(1);
     $type = trim($this->mod_uri, '/');
     $condition = "g.type='" . SQL::slashes($type) . "' AND g.sort>-1";
     $cat_list = $this->enum("gal_{$type}_cat");
     $label_list = $this->enum("gal_{$type}_label");
     $label_list = array();
     $rs = $ST->select("SELECT * FROM sc_enum e WHERE field_name='gal_{$type}_label' AND EXISTS (SELECT gallery_id FROM sc_gallery_label , sc_gallery g WHERE AND label_id=e.field_value AND type='" . SQL::slashes($type) . "' AND sort>-1) ORDER BY position");
     while ($rs->next()) {
         $label_list[$rs->get('field_value')] = $rs->get('value_desc');
     $cat = '';
     if (preg_match('|cat-([\\d\\w]+)|', $this->getURIVal($type), $res)) {
         $cat = $res[1];
         $condition .= " AND cat='{$cat}'";
     $label = '';
     if (preg_match('|label-([\\d\\w]+)|', $this->getURIVal($type), $res)) {
         $label = $res[1];
         $condition .= "  AND EXISTS (SELECT gallery_id FROM sc_gallery_label WHERE AND label_id={$label}) ";
     $queryStr = "SELECT COUNT(*) as c FROM sc_gallery g WHERE {$condition}";
     $rs = $ST->select($queryStr);
     if ($rs->next()) {
         $page->all = $rs->getInt("c");
     $order = "ORDER BY g.sort DESC, DESC, DESC";
     if ($type == 'staff') {
         $order = "ORDER BY ct.position, g.sort DESC, DESC, DESC";
     $queryStr = "SELECT g.*,p.title AS p_title, AS p_id,ct.value_desc AS ct_desc  FROM sc_gallery g\r\n\t\t\tLEFT JOIN (SELECT field_value,value_desc,position FROM sc_enum WHERE field_name='gal_{$type}_cat') AS ct ON\r\n\t\t\tLEFT JOIN (SELECT n.* FROM sc_news n,(SELECT MAX(id) as id ,gallery FROM sc_news GROUP BY gallery) AS mn WHERE type='public' AND AS p ON \r\n\t\t\r\n\t\tWHERE {$condition} {$order} LIMIT " . $page->getBegin() . "," . $page->per;
     $rs = $ST->select($queryStr)->toArray();
     $data = array('rs' => $rs, 'pg' => $page, 'type' => $type);
     $data['cat_list'] = $cat_list;
     $data['cat_list_item'] = array();
     //		$data['cat']=$cat;
     $rs = $ST->select("SELECT * FROM sc_gallery WHERE type='{$type}' AND cat<>''");
     while ($rs->next()) {
         $data['cat_list_item'][$rs->get('cat')][] = $rs->getRow();
     //		$data['label_list']=$label_list;
     //		$data['label']=$label;
     $tpl = dirname(__FILE__) . '/' . $type . '.tpl.php';
     if (file_exists($tpl)) {
         $this->display($data, $tpl);
     $this->display($data, dirname(__FILE__) . '/gallery.tpl.php');
Esempio n. 4
 function actGetText()
     global $ST, $post;
     $data = array('rule' => '', 'text' => '', 'url' => $post->get('url'), 'exists' => false);
     $rs = $ST->select("SELECT text,url,rule FROM sc_ceo_text\r\n\t\t\t WHERE\r\n\t\t\t \tplace='{$post->get('place')}' \r\n\t\t\t \tAND ((url='" . SQL::slashes($post->get('url')) . "' AND rule='=') \r\n\t\t\t \tOR ('" . SQL::slashes($post->get('url')) . "' LIKE CONCAT(url,'%') AND rule!='=' ))\r\n\t\t\t ORDER BY LENGTH(url) DESC LIMIT 1");
     if ($rs->next()) {
         $data = $rs->getRow();
         $data['exists'] = true;
     $data['place'] = $post->get('place');
     echo printJSON($data);
Esempio n. 5
 function actRemove()
     global $ST, $get, $post;
     if ($get->get('name')) {
         $ST->delete('sc_config', "name='" . SQL::slashes($get->get('name')) . "'");
     if ($item = $post->getArray('item')) {
         foreach ($item as $n) {
             $ST->delete('sc_config', "name='" . SQL::slashes($n) . "'");
     echo $this->rndList();
Esempio n. 6
 function actOrder1c()
     global $ST, $get;
     $login = $get->get('login');
     $password = $get->get('password');
     $q = "SELECT * FROM sc_users WHERE type='admin' \n\t\t\tAND login='******'\n\t\t\tAND password=PASSWORD('" . SQL::slashes($password) . "')";
     $rs = $ST->select($q);
     if (!$rs->next()) {
     $data = array('make_date' => date('Y-m-d'), 'make_time' => date('H:i:s'), 'document' => array());
     $date_from = date('Y-m-d');
     $date_to = date('Y-m-d', time() + 3600 * 24);
     if ($get->get('date_from')) {
         $date_from = $get->get('date_from');
     if ($get->get('date_to')) {
         $date_to = $get->get('date_to');
     $q = "SELECT * FROM sc_shop_order o,sc_users u WHERE u.u_id=o.userid\n\t\t\tAND o.create_time>='{$date_from}' AND o.create_time<='{$date_to}'\n\t\t";
     $rs = $ST->select($q);
     while ($rs->next()) {
         $d = array('id' => $rs->get('id'), 'num' => $rs->get('id'), 'date' => dte($rs->get('create_time'), 'Y-m-d'), 'summ' => $rs->get('total_price'), 'contragent' => array('id' => $rs->get('u_id') . '#' . $rs->get('login') . '#' . $rs->get('name'), 'name' => $rs->get('type') == 'user_jur' ? $rs->get('company') : $rs->get('name'), 'address' => $rs->get('address'), 'mail' => $rs->get('mail')), 'time' => dte($rs->get('create_time'), 'H:i:s'), 'additionally' => $rs->get('additionally'), 'goods' => array());
         $q = "SELECT *, AS ext_cat_id, oi.price AS price \t\n\t\t\tFROM sc_shop_order_item AS oi, sc_shop_item AS si\n\t\t\tLEFT JOIN sc_shop_srv_extcat AS ec ON ec.lnk=si.category\n\t\t\tWHERE\n\t\t\t\\n\t\t\t\tAND oi.orderid={$rs->get('id')} \n\t\t\t\t\n\t\t\t";
         $q = "SELECT *, oi.price AS price \t\n\t\t\tFROM sc_shop_order_item AS oi, sc_shop_item AS si\n\t\t\t\n\t\t\tWHERE\n\t\t\t\\n\t\t\t\tAND oi.orderid={$rs->get('id')} \n\t\t\t\t\n\t\t\t";
         $rs1 = $ST->select($q);
         while ($rs1->next()) {
             $g = array('name' => $rs1->get('name'), 'id' => $rs1->get('ext_id'), 'price' => $rs1->get('price') / $rs1->get('count'), 'count' => $rs1->get('count'), 'summ' => $rs1->get('price'));
             $d['goods'][] = $g;
         $data['document'][] = $d;
     if ($data['document']) {
         echo '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="windows-1251"?>';
         echo $this->render($data, dirname(__FILE__) . '/order1c.xml.php');
     } else {
         echo 'Нет заказов';
Esempio n. 7
 function actSave()
     global $ST, $post;
     $id = $post->getInt('c_id');
     if (!trim($post->get('c_name'))) {
         echo printJSON(array('err' => 'Введите название'));
     $rs = $ST->select("SELECT * FROM sc_content WHERE c_name='" . SQL::slashes($post->get('c_name')) . "' AND c_id<>{$id}");
     if ($rs->next()) {
         echo printJSON(array('err' => 'Содержимое с таким названием СУЩЕСТВУЕТ'));
     $data = array('c_name' => $post->get('c_name'), 'c_text' => $post->get('c_text'));
     if ($id) {
         $ST->update('sc_content', $data, 'c_id=' . $id);
     } else {
         $id = $ST->insert('sc_content', $data, 'c_id');
     echo printJSON(array('msg' => 'Сохранено', 'c_id' => $id));
 function act_recountMan()
     global $ST;
     $rs = $ST->select("SELECT * FROM sc_shop_item WHERE manufacturer <>''");
     while ($rs->next()) {
         $rs1 = $ST->select("SELECT * FROM sc_manufacturer WHERE name='" . SQL::slashes($rs->get('manufacturer')) . "'");
         if ($rs1->next()) {
             $manid = $rs1->get('id');
         } else {
             $manid = $ST->insert('sc_manufacturer', array('name' => $rs->get('manufacturer')));
         $ST->update('sc_shop_item', array('manufacturer_id' => $manid), 'id=' . $rs->get('id'));
Esempio n. 9
 function actPasschange()
     global $ST, $post;
     $ST->executeUpdate("UPDATE sc_users SET password=PASSWORD('" . SQL::slashes($post->get('password')) . "') WHERE u_id=" . $this->getUserId());
     echo printJSON(array('msg' => 'Пароль принят'));
Esempio n. 10
 function getQuery($key)
     $search = explode(' ', trim(preg_replace('/\\s+/', ' ', $this->search)));
     if (in_array($key, array('public', 'news'))) {
         $cond = " type IN('{$key}') \r\n\t\t\t\t\tAND (state='main' OR state='public') ";
         //				$relev=" MATCH nws_title, nws_content,nws_desc AGAINST ('".$this->search."') ";
         //				$cond.=" AND (content ILIKE '%".SQL::slashes($this->search)."%' OR title ILIKE '%".SQL::slashes($this->search)."%' OR description ILIKE '%".SQL::slashes($this->search)."%')";
         $subCond = array();
         foreach ($search as $s) {
             $subCond[] = "(content LIKE '%" . SQL::slashes($s) . "%' OR title LIKE '%" . SQL::slashes($s) . "%' OR description LIKE '%" . SQL::slashes($s) . "%')";
         //				$cond.=" AND (".implode(' OR ',$subCond).")";
         $cond .= " AND (" . implode(' AND ', $subCond) . ")";
         $q = "SELECT id ,title, description FROM sc_news WHERE " . $cond . " ";
         $countQ = "SELECT COUNT(id) AS c FROM sc_news WHERE " . $cond;
         $href = "/news/view/";
         $title = "Статьи";
     if ($key == 'gallery') {
         $cond = " type='gallery' \r\n\t\t\t\t\t";
         $subCond = array();
         foreach ($search as $s) {
             $subCond[] = "(text LIKE '%" . SQL::slashes($s) . "%' OR name LIKE '%" . SQL::slashes($s) . "%' OR description LIKE '%" . SQL::slashes($s) . "%')";
         //				$cond.=" AND (".implode(' OR ',$subCond).")";
         $cond .= " AND (" . implode(' AND ', $subCond) . ")";
         $q = "SELECT id ,name as title, description FROM sc_gallery WHERE " . $cond . " ";
         $countQ = "SELECT COUNT(id) AS c FROM sc_gallery WHERE " . $cond;
         $href = "/gallery/";
         $title = "Галлерея";
     if ($key == 'content') {
         //				$cond=" mod_content_id=c_id AND (mod_location LIKE 'main' OR  mod_location LIKE 'footer' OR  mod_location LIKE 'top')
         //						AND (mod_name ILIKE '%".SQL::slashes($this->search)."%' OR mod_title ILIKE '%".SQL::slashes($this->search)."%' OR c_text ILIKE '%".SQL::slashes($this->search)."%')";
         //				$cond=" c_name ILIKE '%'||mod_alias||'%' AND mod_alias <>'/'";
         $cond = " mod_alias LIKE CONCAT('%',c_name,'%') AND mod_title<>'' AND c_text<>''";
         //				$cond=" mod_alias =c_name ";
         //				$cond.=" AND (mod_location LIKE '%main%' OR  mod_location LIKE '%footer%' OR  mod_location LIKE '%top%')";
         //				$cond.=" AND (mod_name ILIKE '%".SQL::slashes($this->search)."%' OR mod_title ILIKE '%".SQL::slashes($this->search)."%' OR c_text ILIKE '%".SQL::slashes($this->search)."%')";
         $subCond = array();
         foreach ($search as $s) {
             $subCond[] = "(mod_name LIKE '%" . SQL::slashes($s) . "%' OR mod_title LIKE '%" . SQL::slashes($s) . "%' OR c_text LIKE '%" . SQL::slashes($s) . "%')";
         //				$cond.=" AND (".implode(' OR ',$subCond).")";
         $cond .= " AND (" . implode(' AND ', $subCond) . ")";
         //				$q="SELECT mod_alias AS id,mod_title AS title,mod_description AS description FROM sc_content,sc_module WHERE ".$cond." ";
         $q = "SELECT c_name AS id,mod_title AS title,mod_description AS description FROM sc_content,sc_module WHERE " . $cond . " ";
         $countQ = "SELECT COUNT(c_id) AS c FROM sc_content,sc_module WHERE " . $cond;
         $href = "";
         $title = "Разделы сайта";
     if ($key == 'catalog') {
         $cond = "";
         //				$cond.=" AND ( ILIKE '%".SQL::slashes($this->search)."%' OR g.description ILIKE '%".SQL::slashes($this->search)."%' OR ILIKE '%".SQL::slashes($this->search)."%' )";
         $subCond = array();
         foreach ($search as $s) {
             $subCond[] = "( LIKE '%" . SQL::slashes($s) . "%' OR i.description LIKE '%" . SQL::slashes($s) . "%' )";
         //				$cond.=" AND (".implode(' OR ',$subCond).")";
         $cond .= " AND (" . implode(' AND ', $subCond) . ")";
         $cat = LibCatalog::getInstance();
         $q = "SELECT g.*, AS id, AS title, g.description AS description FROM sc_shop_item g WHERE " . $cond . "";
         $q = "{$cat->select()} " . $cond . "";
         $countQ = "{$cat->selectCount()} " . $cond;
         $href = "/catalog/goods/";
         $title = "Товары";
     return array($q, $countQ, $href, $title);
Esempio n. 11
 function actSave()
     global $ST, $get, $post;
     $id = $post->getInt('id');
     $data = array('content' => $post->get('content'), 'description' => $post->get('description'), 'title' => $post->get('title'), 'author' => $post->get('author'), 'date' => dte($post->get('date'), 'Y-m-d'), 'state' => $post->get('state'), 'category' => $post->getInt('category'), 'position' => $post->getInt('position'), 'gallery' => $post->getInt('gallery'), 'type' => $this->getType());
     $img_out = "";
     if (!empty($_FILES['upload']['name']) && isImg($_FILES['upload']['name'])) {
         $img = $this->cfg('NEWS_IMAGE_PATH') . '/' . md5($_FILES['upload']['tmp_name']) . "." . file_ext($_FILES['upload']['name']);
         move_uploaded_file($_FILES['upload']['tmp_name'], ROOT . $img);
         $data['img'] = $img;
         $img_out = scaleImg($img, 'w200');
     if ($post->getInt('clear')) {
         $data['img'] = '';
     if ($id) {
         $ST->update('sc_news', $data, "id=" . $id);
     } else {
         $id = $ST->insert('sc_news', $data);
     $ST->delete('sc_relation', "parent={$id} AND type='public'");
     foreach ($post->getArray('public_rel') as $v) {
         $ST->insert('sc_relation', array('parent' => $id, 'type' => 'public', 'child' => $v));
     $msg = "Сохранено";
     if (true) {
         $content = '';
         $content .= '<small>' . date('d.m.Y') . '</small> ';
         $content .= '<strong>' . $post->getHtml('title') . '</strong><br />';
         $content .= '<span>' . $post->getHtml('description') . '</span><br />';
         $content .= '<a href="http://' . $this->cfg('SITE') . '/' . $post->get('type') . '/' . $id . '/">подробнее...</a>';
         if ($post->exists('save_and_send')) {
             $mail = new Mail();
             $mail->setFromMail(array($this->cfg('SITE'), $this->cfg('mail')));
             $key = 'http://' . $this->cfg('SITE') . '/cabinet/unsubscribe/?key=' . md5($this->getUser('mail') . $this->getType() . 'unsubscribe') . '&type=' . $this->getType() . '&mail=' . $this->getUser('mail');
             $key = '<a href="' . $key . '">' . $key . '</a>';
             $mail->setTemplate('letter_' . $this->getType(), array('FROM_SITE' => $this->cfg('SITE'), 'CONTENT' => $content, 'BODY' => $post->get('content'), 'TITLE' => $post->get('title')));
             $mail->xsend($this->getUser('mail'), array('UNSUBSCRIBE' => $key));
         } elseif ($post->exists('save_and_send_all')) {
             $q = "SELECT distinct mail,id FROM sc_subscribe WHERE type LIKE '%" . $this->getType() . "%' \r\n\t\t\t\tAND NOT EXISTS(SELECT mailid FROM sc_news_sendlog WHERE id=mailid AND newsid={$id}){$this->getMailFilter()}";
             if ($post->getInt('pack')) {
                 $q .= " LIMIT {$post->getInt('pack')}";
             $rs = $ST->select($q);
             $mail = new Mail();
             //				$mail->setFromMail($this->getConfig('mail'));
             $mail->setFromMail(array($this->cfg('SITE'), $this->cfg('mail')));
             $mail->setTemplate('letter_' . $this->getType(), array('FROM_SITE' => $this->cfg('SITE'), 'CONTENT' => $content, 'BODY' => $post->get('content'), 'TITLE' => $post->get('title')));
             $n = 0;
             while ($rs->next()) {
                 if (check_mail($m = trim($rs->get('mail')))) {
                     $key = 'http://' . $this->cfg('SITE') . '/cabinet/unsubscribe/?key=' . md5($rs->get('mail') . $this->getType() . 'unsubscribe') . '&type=' . $this->getType() . '&mail=' . $rs->get('mail');
                     $key = '<a href="' . $key . '">' . $key . '</a>';
                     $mail->xsend($m, array('UNSUBSCRIBE' => $key));
                     $ST->insert('sc_news_sendlog', array('mailid' => $rs->get('id'), 'newsid' => $id));
                 } else {
                     $ST->delete('sc_subscribe', "mail='" . SQL::slashes($rs->get('mail')) . "'");
             $msg .= " отправлено {$n}";
     echo printJSONP(array('msg' => $msg, 'id' => $id, 'img' => $img_out));
Esempio n. 12
 function actUnsubscribe()
     DB::delete("sc_subscribe", "mail='" . SQL::slashes($_GET['mail']) . "'");
     header("Location: " . $_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER']);
Esempio n. 13
 function actDoRename()
     global $ST, $post;
     $upd = $ST->executeUpdate("UPDATE sc_shop_item SET name=REPLACE(name,'" . SQL::slashes($post->get('name')) . "','" . SQL::slashes($post->get('new_name')) . "')");
     echo printJSON(array('msg' => "Затронуто {$upd} записей"));
Esempio n. 14
 function actUnsubscribe()
     global $get, $ST;
     if ($get->get('key') == md5($get->get('mail') . $get->get('type') . 'unsubscribe')) {
         $rs = $ST->select("SELECT * FROM sc_subscribe WHERE mail='" . SQL::slashes($get->get('mail')) . "'");
         if ($rs->next()) {
             $t = array();
             if (trim($rs->get('type'))) {
                 $t = explode(' ', trim($rs->get('type')));
                 $t = array_diff($t, array($get->get('type')));
             $ST->update('sc_subscribe', array('type' => implode(' ', $t)), "mail='" . SQL::slashes($get->get('mail')) . "'");
     $this->display(array(), dirname(__FILE__) . '/cabinet_unsubscribe.tpl.php');
Esempio n. 15
$rs = DB::select($q)->toArray();
if (!$rs) {
include dirname(__FILE__) . "/catalog_subscribe.tpl.php";
$content = ob_get_contents();
$type = 'catalog';
$mail = new Mail();
//	$mail->setFromMail($this->getConfig('mail'));
$mail->setFromMail(array(Cfg::get('SITE'), Cfg::get('mail')));
$mail->setTemplate('letter_catalog', array('FROM_SITE' => Cfg::get('SITE'), 'CONTENT' => $content));
$q = "SELECT distinct mail,id FROM sc_subscribe WHERE type LIKE '%" . $type . "%' \n\t\t\t\tAND NOT EXISTS(SELECT mailid FROM sc_news_sendlog WHERE id=mailid AND newsid={$id})";
$rs = DB::select($q);
$n = 0;
while ($rs->next()) {
    if (check_mail($m = trim($rs->get('mail')))) {
        $key = 'http://' . Cfg::get('SITE') . '/cabinet/unsubscribe/?key=' . md5($rs->get('mail') . $type . 'unsubscribe') . '&type=' . $type . '&mail=' . $rs->get('mail');
        $key = '<a href="' . $key . '">' . $key . '</a>';
        $mail->xsend($m, array('UNSUBSCRIBE' => $key));
        DB::insert('sc_news_sendlog', array('mailid' => $rs->get('id'), 'newsid' => $id));
    } else {
        DB::delete('sc_subscribe', "mail='" . SQL::slashes($rs->get('mail')) . "'");
$rs = DB::select("SELECT MAX(create_time) AS m FROM sc_shop_proposal");
if ($rs->next()) {
    file_put_contents($last_time_fname, $rs->get('m'));
Esempio n. 16
 function getGoods($pgSize = 20, $category = 0, $search = '')
     global $ST, $get;
     $pg = new Page($pgSize);
     $catIds = array();
     if ($category) {
         $rs = $ST->select("SELECT * FROM sc_shop_catalog WHERE id=" . $category);
         if ($rs->next()) {
             $catIds = unserialize($rs->get('cache_child_catalog_ids'));
         $catIds[] = $category;
     $condition = "WHERE 1=1 ";
     if ($catIds) {
         $condition .= " AND category IN('" . join("','", $catIds) . "')";
     if ($search = SQL::slashes(strtolower(trim($search)))) {
         $condition .= " AND (LOWER(name) LIKE '%{$search}%' OR product='{$search}')";
     $query = "SELECT count(*) AS c FROM sc_shop_item i " . $condition;
     $rs = $ST->select($query);
     if ($rs->next()) {
         $pg->all = $rs->getInt('c');
     $order = 'ORDER BY ';
     $ord = $this->getURIVal('ord') != 'asc' ? 'asc' : 'desc';
     if ($this->getURIVal('sort') == 'name') {
         $order .= 'name ' . $ord;
     } elseif ($this->getURIVal('sort') == 'price') {
         $order .= 'price ' . $ord;
     } elseif ($this->getURIVal('sort') == 'sort') {
         $order .= 'sort ' . $ord;
     } elseif ($this->getURIVal('sort') == 'in_stock') {
         $order .= 'in_stock ' . $ord;
     } else {
         if ($search) {
             $order .= "IF(LOCATE('{$search}',LOWER(,LOCATE('{$search}',LOWER(,256),category ,name";
         } else {
             $order .= 'category ,name';
     $queryStr = "SELECT * FROM sc_shop_item i {$condition} {$order} LIMIT " . $pg->getBegin() . "," . $pg->per;
     $data['rs'] = $ST->select($queryStr);
     $data['pg'] = $pg;
     $data['catalog'] = $this->catRef = $this->getCatalog();
     return $data;
Esempio n. 17
 function actSave()
     global $post;
     $id = $post->getInt('u_id');
     $data = array('login' => $post->get('login'), 'name' => $post->get('name'), 'company' => $post->get('company'), 'phone' => $post->get('phone'), 'city' => $post->get('city'), 'address' => $post->get('address'), 'img_format' => $post->getInt('img_format'), 'mail' => $post->get('mail'), 'balance' => $post->getFloat('balance'), 'discount' => $post->getFloat('discount'), 'type' => 'vendor');
     $msg = 'Сохранено';
     $img_out = "";
     if (!empty($_FILES['upload']['name']) && isImg($_FILES['upload']['name'])) {
         $img = $this->cfg('AVATAR_PATH') . '/' . md5($_FILES['upload']['tmp_name']) . "." . file_ext($_FILES['upload']['name']);
         move_uploaded_file($_FILES['upload']['tmp_name'], ROOT . $img);
         $data['avat'] = $img;
         $img_out = scaleImg($img, 'w200');
     if ($post->getInt('clear')) {
         $data['avat'] = '';
     $err = array();
     $rs = DB::select("SELECT * FROM sc_users WHERE login='******'login')) . "' AND u_id<>{$id}");
     if ($rs->next()) {
         $err['login'] = '******';
     if (!$err) {
         if ($id === 0) {
             $id = DB::insert('sc_users', $data, 'u_id');
         } else {
             DB::update('sc_users', $data, 'u_id=' . $id);
         $rs = DB::select("SELECT * FROM sc_users_vendor WHERE vendor_id={$id}");
         $ext_data = array('info' => $post->get('info'), 'html' => $post->get('html'), 'comment' => $post->get('comment'), 'adm_comment' => $post->get('adm_comment'));
         $ext_data['images'] = $post->getArray('images');
         if ($img_pos = $post->getArray('pos')) {
             //Сортировка картинок
             $temp_img = array();
             foreach ($img_pos as $k => $v) {
                 $temp_img[] = $ext_data['images'][$k];
             $ext_data['images'] = $temp_img;
         foreach ($_FILES['images_upload']['error'] as $k => $err) {
             if ($err != 0) {
             if (isset($_FILES['images_upload']['tmp_name'][$k]) && isImg($name = $_FILES['images_upload']['name'][$k])) {
                 $path = $this->cfg('AVATAR_PATH') . '/' . md5_file($_FILES['images_upload']['tmp_name'][$k]) . '.' . file_ext($name);
                 if (!file_exists(ROOT . $path)) {
                     rename($_FILES['images_upload']['tmp_name'][$k], ROOT . $path);
                 if (!in_array($path, $ext_data['images'])) {
                     $ext_data['images'][] = $path;
         $ext_data['images'] = implode(',', $images = $ext_data['images']);
         if ($rs->next()) {
             DB::update('sc_users_vendor', $ext_data, "vendor_id={$id}");
         } else {
             $ext_data['vendor_id'] = $id;
             DB::insert('sc_users_vendor', $ext_data);
         DB::delete("sc_relation", "type='vend_gal' AND parent={$id}");
         foreach ($post->getArray('gallery') as $g) {
             DB::insert('sc_relation', array('type' => 'vend_gal', 'parent' => $id, 'child' => $g));
         echo printJSONP(array('msg' => $msg, 'u_id' => $id, 'img' => $img_out, 'images' => $images));
     } else {
         echo printJSONP(array('err' => $err));
Esempio n. 18
 function actRemoveList()
     global $ST, $post;
     $rs = $ST->select("SELECT * FROM sc_shop_note WHERE name='" . SQL::slashes($post->get('name')) . "' AND userid={$this->getUserId()}");
     if ($rs->next()) {
         $ST->delete('sc_shop_note_item', "noteid={$rs->get('id')}");
         $ST->delete('sc_shop_note', "id={$rs->get('id')}");
     $data['rs'] = $this->getUserNote();
     echo $this->render($data, dirname(__FILE__) . '/list.tpl.php');
    return urldecode($url);
if (isset($_GET['q'])) {
    $q = unicodeUrlDecode($_GET['q'], "cp1251");
    $q = trim(strtolower(SQL::slashes($q)));
    $condition = '';
    if ($q) {
        if ($words = Rumor::getAllForms($q)) {
            $or = array();
            foreach ($words as $w) {
                $or[] = " LIKE '%" . $w . "%'";
            $condition .= " AND (" . implode(' OR ', $or) . ")";
        } else {
            $condition .= " AND ( LIKE '%" . SQL::slashes($q) . "%')";
    $query = "SELECT,price \r\n\t\tFROM sc_shop_item i\r\n\t\t\t\r\n\t\tWHERE price>0 AND in_stock>0";
    if (isset($_GET['m']) && $_GET['m'] == 'all') {
    } else {
        //			$query.=" AND ";
    //		$query.=" AND (lower( LIKE '%$q%'
    //				OR lower( LIKE '%$q%'
    //				OR (i.product>0 AND i.product='$q')
    //				 )
    //			ORDER BY
    //				IF(LOCATE('$q',LOWER(,LOCATE('$q',LOWER(,256),
    //				i.sort DESC
    //			LIMIT 100 ";
Esempio n. 20
 function actSave()
     global $ST, $post, $get;
     if (!trim($post->get('mod_name'))) {
         echo printJSON(array('msg' => "Введите название! Сохранение невозможно", 'mod_id' => 0, 'mod_content_id' => $post->get('mod_content_id')));
     if ($post->get('mod_type') == 1) {
         if (!trim($post->get('mod_alias'))) {
             $post->set('mod_alias', '/' . encodestring($post->get('mod_name')) . "/");
     } elseif ($post->get('mod_type') == 0) {
         if (!trim($post->get('mod_alias'))) {
             $post->set('mod_alias', '/' . encodestring($post->get('mod_module_name')) . "/");
     if (!trim($post->get('mod_alias')) && $post->get('mod_type') != 2) {
         echo printJSON(array('msg' => "Введите псевдоним! Сохранение невозможно", 'mod_id' => 0, 'mod_content_id' => $post->get('mod_content_id')));
     $content['c_text'] = $post->remove('mod_content');
     $post->set('mod_location', implode('|', $post->getArray('mod_location')));
     //		$post->set('mod_region',implode(',',$post->getArray('mod_region')));
     $post->set('mod_access', implode(',', $post->getArray('mod_access')));
     if ($post->get('mod_type') == 1) {
         $content['c_name'] = $post->get('mod_alias');
         $name = $content['c_name'];
         $i = 0;
         while (true) {
             //если нашли тектовое содержимое с таким названием но другим ид то переименуем согласно алгоритму
             $rs = $ST->select("SELECT * FROM sc_content WHERE c_name='" . SQL::slashes($name) . "' AND c_id!=" . $post->getInt('mod_content_id'));
             if ($rs->next()) {
                 $name = $content['c_name'] . '_' . ++$i;
             } else {
         $content['c_name'] = $name;
         $post->set('mod_module_name', '');
         //стираем название модуля
         if ($post->get('mod_content_id')) {
             $rs = $ST->select("SELECT * FROM sc_content WHERE c_id=" . $post->getInt('mod_content_id'));
             if ($rs->next()) {
                 $ST->update('sc_content', $content, 'c_id=' . $post->getInt('mod_content_id'));
             } else {
                 $c_id = $ST->insert('sc_content', $content, 'c_id');
                 $post->set('mod_content_id', $c_id);
         } else {
             $c_id = $ST->insert('sc_content', $content, 'c_id');
             $post->set('mod_content_id', $c_id);
     if ($post->get('mod_type') == 2) {
         $post->set('mod_module_name', '');
     $id = $post->getInt('mod_id');
     if (!$post->get('mod_state')) {
         $post->set('mod_state', 1);
     if ($id) {
         $ST->update('sc_module', $post->get(), "mod_id=" . $id);
     } else {
         if ($post->get('mod_type') != 2) {
             $rs = $ST->select("SELECT * FROM sc_module WHERE mod_alias = '" . SQL::slashes($post->get('mod_alias')) . "' AND mod_type!=2");
             if ($rs->next()) {
                 echo printJSON(array('msg' => "Модуль с таким псевдонимом [{$post->get('mod_alias')}] уже существует ! Сохранение невозможно", 'mod_id' => 0, 'mod_content_id' => 0));
         if ($post->get('mod_id') == '0') {
         $id = $ST->insert('sc_module', $post->get(), 'mod_id');
         $queryStr = "UPDATE sc_module set mod_position=mod_id where mod_id=" . $id;
     echo printJSON(array('msg' => 'Сохранено', 'mod_id' => $id, 'mod_content_id' => $post->get('mod_content_id'), 'mod_alias' => $post->get('mod_alias')));
Esempio n. 21
 function update($table_name, $values, $condition = '')
     if (!is_array($values)) {
         return false;
     foreach ($values as $key => $val) {
         if (is_int($key)) {
             $names_ar[] = $val;
         } else {
             $names_ar[] = $key . ' = \'' . SQL::slashes($val) . '\'';
     $names_string = implode(', ', $names_ar);
     $UpSQL = 'UPDATE ' . $table_name . ' SET ' . $names_string . ($condition ? ' WHERE ' . $condition : '');
     return $this->executeUpdate($UpSQL);
Esempio n. 22
    function display($data = array(), $tpl = null, $tplContainer = null, $cache = null)
        global $ST;
        if (!$tpl) {
            $tpl = $this->tplComponent;
        if (!$tplContainer) {
            $tplContainer = $this->getTplContainer();
        /* ceo */
        $rs = $ST->select("SELECT * FROM sc_ceo_meta\r\n\t\t\t WHERE \r\n\t\t\t \t(url='" . SQL::slashes($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']) . "' AND rule='=') \r\n\t\t\t \tOR ('" . SQL::slashes($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']) . "' LIKE CONCAT(url,'%') AND rule!='=' ) \r\n\t\t\t ORDER BY LENGTH(url) DESC LIMIT 1");
        /* ceo */
        $this->setCeo(array('url' => $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']));
        if ($rs->next()) {
            if ($this->getCeo('title')) {
            if ($this->getCeo('header')) {
            if ($this->getCeo('description')) {
            if ($this->getCeo('keywords')) {
        if (Cfg::get('STAMP')) {
            Img::$stamp = true;
        $rnd = $this->render($data, $tpl);
        $out = $this->render($data, $tplContainer, $rnd);
        $t = microtime(true);
        if (preg_match_all('/\\{%(.+)%\\}/U', $out, $res) && $res) {
            $vals = array();
            foreach ($res[1] as $id => $key) {
                //07.09.2011 Возможность создавать содержимое по названию
                $tmp = '';
                if ($this->isAdmin()) {
                    $tmp = '<a href="/admin/content/?act=edit&name=' . trim($key) . '" class="coin-text-edit" title="Редактировать"></a>' . $res[0][$id];
                $vals[trim($key)] = $tmp;
            foreach ($this->cacheSelect("SELECT * FROM sc_content WHERE c_name IN('" . implode("','", array_keys($vals)) . "')", 0) as $row) {
                $res = $row['c_text'];
                if ($this->isAdmin()) {
                    $res = '<a href="/admin/content/?act=edit&name=' . $row['c_name'] . '" class="coin-text-edit" title="Редактировать"></a>' . $res;
                $vals[$row['c_name']] = $res;
            $out = preg_replace('/\\{%(.+)%\\}/Ue', '$vals[trim("\\1")]', $out);
        echo $out;
        global $begin_time, $query_count, $query_time, $query_report, $cache_time;
        $t = microtime(true) - $begin_time;
<!-- <?php 
        echo $t;
 --><!-- <?php 
        echo $query_count;
        echo $query_time;
 --><!-- <?php 
        echo $t - $query_time;
        echo $cache_time;
<!-- <?php 
        echo isset($_GET['debug']) && $_GET['debug'] == 'true' ? $query_report : '';
        GzDocOut(3, isset($_GET['debug']) && $_GET['debug'] == 'true');
Esempio n. 23
if (isset($_GET['act']) && $_GET['act']) {
    $action = ucfirst($_GET['act']);
$class_name = ucfirst($module);
if (in_array($module, $CORE) || $isAdminPath && $module == 'main') {
    $module_path = CORE_PATH;
} elseif ($isAdminPath) {
    $class_name = 'Admin' . $class_name;
$class_path = $module_path . '/' . $module . '/' . $class_name . '.class.php';
$alias = ($isAdminPath ? ADMIN : '') . '/' . $module . '/';
$explorer = array();
$componentData = array('mod_id' => 0, 'mod_parent_id' => 0, 'mod_name' => '', 'mod_type' => 0, 'mod_module_name' => '', 'mod_alias' => $alias, 'mod_title' => '', 'mod_description' => '', 'mod_keywords' => '', 'mod_content_id' => 0, 'mod_access' => '');
//1 module 2 text 3 link
$path = str_replace(ADMIN, '', $URL['path']);
$cond = " AND '" . SQL::slashes($path) . "' LIKE CONCAT(mod_alias,'%') AND mod_alias<>'/'";
if ($path == '/') {
    $cond = " AND mod_alias='/'";
$q = "SELECT " . implode(',', array_keys($componentData)) . " \r\n\tFROM sc_module \r\n\tWHERE mod_type!=2 {$cond}\r\n\tORDER BY LENGTH(mod_alias) DESC LIMIT 1";
$result = $ST->select($q);
if ($result->next()) {
    $componentData = $result->getRow();
    $alias = ($isAdminPath ? ADMIN : '') . $result->get('mod_alias');
    if ($result->getInt('mod_type') == 1) {
        //TEXT MODULE
        $module_path = CORE_PATH;
        $class_name = ($isAdminPath ? 'Admin' : '') . 'Component';
        $class_path = $module_path . '/' . $class_name . '.class.php';
    } elseif ($result->getInt('mod_type') == 0) {
Esempio n. 24
 static function import($file, $offer)
     global $CONFIG, $ST;
     $log_file = 'import/import_log.txt';
     $start_time = time();
     $result = "Не найден контрольный файл";
     $goods = array();
     if ($offer == 1) {
         $goods = CatImp::cat1($file);
     if ($offer == 2) {
         $goods = CatImp::cat2($file);
     if ($offer == 4) {
         $goods = CatImp::cat4($file);
     if ($offer == 11) {
         $goods = CatImp::cat1c1('import');
     $only_changes = null;
     if (isset($goods['only_changes'])) {
         $only_changes = $goods['only_changes'];
     $goods = $goods['goods'];
     $lnk = array();
     $rs = $ST->select("SELECT * FROM sc_shop_srv_extcat WHERE offer={$offer}");
     while ($rs->next()) {
         $lnk[$rs->get('id')] = $rs->getInt('lnk');
     $cnt_imp = 0;
     $cnt_img = 0;
     $cnt_upd = 0;
     $cnt_ins = 0;
     if ($goods) {
         if ($only_changes === false) {
             $gids = array_keys($goods);
             if (@$CONFIG['SHOP_IMP_FULL_REMOVE'] == 'true') {
                 //удалять товары при полной выгрузке
                 $ST->update("sc_shop_item", array('in_stock' => -1), "offer={$offer} AND ext_id NOT IN(" . implode(',', $gids) . ")");
             } else {
                 //просто обнулять
                 $ST->update("sc_shop_item", array('in_stock' => 0), "offer={$offer} AND in_stock>-1 AND ext_id NOT IN(" . implode(',', $gids) . ")");
         $lnk['00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000'] = 0;
         foreach ($goods as $gid => $g) {
             $data = array('in_stock' => $g['in_stock']);
             if ($g['price']) {
                 $data['price'] = $g['price'];
             //				if(isset($lnk[$g['ext_category']]) && isset($g['price']) ){
             if ($g['ext_category'] == '00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000') {
             } elseif (isset($lnk[$g['ext_category']])) {
                 $data['category'] = $lnk[$g['ext_category']];
             if (isset($g['manufacturer'])) {
                 $data['manufacturer'] = @$g['manufacturer'];
             if (!empty($g['vendor'])) {
                 $rs = $ST->select("SELECT * FROM sc_manufacturer WHERE name='" . SQL::slashes($g['vendor']) . "'");
                 if ($rs->next()) {
                     $data['manufacturer_id'] = $rs->getInt('id');
                 } else {
                     $data['manufacturer_id'] = $ST->insert('sc_manufacturer', array('name' => $g['vendor']));
             if (!empty($g['name'])) {
                 $data['name'] = $g['name'];
             if (!empty($g['description'])) {
                 $data['description'] = $g['description'];
             if (!empty($g['html2'])) {
                 $data['html2'] = $g['html2'];
             if (!empty($g['weight_flg'])) {
                 $data['weight_flg'] = $g['weight_flg'] == 'true' ? 1 : 0;
             $rs = $ST->select("SELECT * FROM sc_shop_item WHERE ext_id='{$gid}' AND offer={$offer}");
             if ($rs->next()) {
                 $id = $rs->getInt('id');
                 $add_data = array();
                 foreach (array('category', 'manufacturer_id', 'weight_flg', 'name', 'price', 'in_stock', 'description', 'html2') as $k) {
                     if (isset($data[$k]) && $rs->get($k) != $data[$k]) {
                         $add_data[$k] = $data[$k];
                 if ($add_data) {
                     foreach ($add_data as $k => $v) {
                         if (!in_array($k, array('price', 'in_stock'))) {
                             $add_data['sort3'] = 1;
                     //							if(isset($add_data['price']) && $rs->getFloat('price')!=$add_data['price']){
                     //								$add_data['old_price']=$rs->getFloat('price');
                     //							}
                     $add_data['update_time'] = date('Y-m-d H:i:s');
                     $ST->update('sc_shop_item', $add_data, "id={$id}");
                     $ST->insert('sc_shop_log', array('type' => 'goodsimport', 'time' => date('Y-m-d H:i:s'), 'data' => serialize(array('id' => $id) + $add_data)));
             } else {
                 if (empty($data['category'])) {
                 $data['ext_id'] = $gid;
                 $data['offer'] = $offer;
                 $data['sort3'] = 1;
                 $data['insert_time'] = date('Y-m-d H:i:s');
                 $id = $ST->insert('sc_shop_item', $data);
             if (!empty($g['param'])) {
                 foreach ($g['param'] as $p => $v) {
                     $rs = $ST->select("SELECT id FROM sc_shop_prop WHERE name='" . SQL::slashes($p) . "'");
                     if ($rs->next()) {
                         $pid = $rs->getInt('id');
                     } else {
                         $pid = $ST->insert('sc_shop_prop', array('name' => $p));
                     $rs = $ST->select("SELECT * FROM sc_shop_prop_val WHERE item_id={$id} AND prop_id={$pid}");
                     if ($rs->next()) {
                         if ($v != $rs->get('value')) {
                             $ST->update('sc_shop_prop_val', array('value' => $v), "id={$rs->get('id')}");
                     } else {
                         $ST->insert('sc_shop_prop_val', array('value' => $v, 'item_id' => $id, 'prop_id' => $pid));
             //					continue;
             $filename = $CONFIG['CATALOG_PATH'] . '/goods/' . $id . '.jpg';
             if (!empty($g['image_url']) && !file_exists(ROOT . $filename)) {
                 $img_content = @file_get_contents($g['image_url']);
                 if (!$img_content || strpos($img_content, 'rror')) {
                 file_put_contents(ROOT . $filename, $img_content);
                 $ST->update('sc_shop_item', array('img' => $filename), 'id=' . $id);
             //				}
         $stop_time = time();
         $t = $stop_time - $start_time;
         $result = date('Y-m-d H:i:s') . ' - Время загрузки=' . $t . '; Импортировано=' . $cnt_imp . '; Добавлено=' . $cnt_ins . '; Обновлено=' . $cnt_upd . '; Обновлено изображний=' . $cnt_img . "\r\n";
         file_put_contents($log_file, $result, FILE_APPEND);
         return array('t' => $t, 'imp' => $cnt_imp, 'ins' => $cnt_ins, 'upd' => $cnt_upd, 'msg' => $result);
     } else {
         $result = date('Y-m-d H:i:s') . " - Список пуст\r\n";
         file_put_contents($log_file, $result, FILE_APPEND);
         return array('msg' => $result);
     return $result;
Esempio n. 25
 function actSendOrder()
     global $ST, $post;
     $basket = $this->getBasketInfo($post->get());
     if ($error = $this->checkOrder($post, $basket)) {
         echo printJSON(array('error' => $error));
     } else {
         $address = $post->getString('address');
         /* Информация о заказчике */
         $data = array('phone' => $post->get('phone'));
         if ($city = $post->get('city')) {
             $data['city'] = $city;
         if ($address) {
             $data['address'] = $address;
         //Добавим реферала
         if ($refid = $post->getInt('refid')) {
             $rs = DB::select("SELECT * FROM sc_users WHERE u_id={$refid}");
             if ($rs->next()) {
                 $data['refid'] = $post->getInt('refid');
             } else {
                 //Если неправильный refid
         if (!$this->getUserId() && $post->getInt('reg') == 1) {
             //&& $post->exists('want_reg')
             if ($post->exists('mail')) {
                 $data['login'] = $post->get('mail');
                 $data['mail'] = $post->get('mail');
                 if ($post->exists('auto_pass')) {
                     //Всегда назначать пароль
                     $password = substr(md5(time()), 0, 6);
                     $data[] = "password=MD5('" . $password . "')";
                 } else {
                     $password = $post->get('password');
                     $data[] = "password=MD5('" . SQL::slashes($password) . "')";
                 if (!session_id()) {
                     session_set_cookie_params(3600 * 24 * 15, '/');
                 $_SESSION['_USER']['u_id'] = $ST->insert('sc_users', $data, 'u_id');
                 //уведомление о регистрации
                 $this->sendTemplateMail($data['mail'], 'notice_new_user', array('FROM_SITE' => FROM_SITE, 'LOGIN' => $data['login'], 'PASSWORD' => $password));
                 //уведомление о регистрации админу
                 $this->sendTemplateMail($this->cfg('MAIL'), 'notice_new_user4admin', array('FROM_SITE' => FROM_SITE, 'LOGIN' => $data['login'], 'name' => $data['name']));
                 $this->noticeICQ($this->cfg('ICQ'), 'Новый пользователь на сайте');
         } elseif ($this->getUserId()) {
             //Обновим пользователя
             if (!empty($basket['bonus'])) {
                 $data['bonus'] = $this->getUser('bonus') - $basket['bonus'];
                 $inc = array('userid' => $this->getUserId(), 'sum' => $basket['bonus'], 'balance' => $data['bonus'], 'type' => 'bonus', 'description' => 'Списание бонуса', 'time' => date('Y-m-d H:i:s'));
                 $ST->insert('sc_income', $inc);
             $ST->update('sc_users', $data, 'u_id=' . $this->getUserId());
         $data = array('userid' => $this->getUserId(), 'fullname' => $this->getUser('name'), 'mail' => $post->get('mail') ? $post->get('mail') : $this->getUser('mail'), 'pay_system' => $post->get('pay_system'), 'phone' => $post->get('phone'), 'additionally' => $post->get('additionally'), 'price' => $basket['sum'], 'total_price' => $basket['total_sum'], 'order_status' => 0, 'pay_system' => $post->get('pay_system'), 'delivery' => $basket['delivery'], 'pay_bonus' => $basket['bonus'], 'discount' => $basket['discount'], 'margin' => $basket['margin']);
         if (Cfg::get("SHOP_DELIVERY_ENABLED")) {
             $data['date'] = $post->get('date') ? dte($post->get('date'), 'Y-m-d') : date('Y-m-d');
             $time = $post->getString('time');
             if ($t = $this->enum('sh_delivery_time', $time)) {
                 $time = $t;
             $delivery_type = 1;
             //доставка курьером
             if ($post->getInt('delivery_type')) {
                 $delivery_type = $post->getInt('delivery_type');
             if ($basket['delivery'] === false) {
                 //доставка не возможна
                 $delivery_type = 2;
             $data['city'] = $address;
             $data['address'] = $post->get('city');
             $data['delivery_type'] = $delivery_type;
         //			$order_data=array(
         //				'from_name'=>$post->get('from_name'),
         //				'from_phone'=>$post->get('from_phone'),
         //				'from_city'=>$post->get('from_city'),
         //				'remember'=>$post->get('remember'),
         //				'report'=>$post->get('report'),
         //				'call'=>$post->get('call'),
         //				'call_no_report'=>$post->get('call_no_report'),
         //			);
         //			$data['order_data']=printJSON($order_data);
         //			if(!trim($data['address'])){
         //					$data['address']=serialize(array(
         ////						'region'=>$post->get('region'),
         //						'city'=>$post->get('city'),
         //						'district'=>$post->get('district'),
         //						'street'=>$post->get('street'),
         //						'house'=>$post->get('house'),
         //						'flat'=>$post->get('flat'),
         //						'porch'=>$post->get('porch'),
         //						'floor'=>$post->get('floor'),
         //				));
         //			}
         //Добавим заказ
         $id = LibShop::addOrder($data, $basket['basket']);
         if ($refid = $post->getInt('refid')) {
             ShopBonus::addRefAwards($refid, $basket['basket']);
         } elseif ($refid = ShopBonus::getPromoRefId($post->get('promo'))) {
             ShopBonus::addRefAwards($refid, $basket['basket']);
         $ps_href = '';
         if (isset($data['pay_system']) && $data['pay_system'] == 3 && $data['total_price']) {
             //Если электронные платежи и есть сумма
             $rs1 = $ST->select("SELECT * FROM sc_pay_system WHERE name='paymaster'");
             if ($rs1->next()) {
                 include_once "core/lib/PSPaymaster.class.php";
                 $ps = new PSPaymaster(unserialize($rs1->get('config')));
                 $ps->setDesc('Покупка товара');
                 $ps_href = $ps->getUrl();
         //            $icq_notice = "Новый заказ на сайте {$_SERVER['HTTP_HOST']}\n";
         //            $icq_notice.="Итого: {$basket['sum']}\n";
         //            $icq_notice.="Заказчик: {$post->get('from_name')}\n";
         //            $icq_notice.="Контактный телефон: {$post->get('from_phone')}\n";
         //            $icq_notice.="Адрес: {$post->get('address')}\n";
         ////			$icq_notice.="Сообщение: {$post->get('comment')}\n";
         //            $icq_notice.="Время доставки: {$post->get('date')} {$post->get('time')}\n";
         //уведомление о заказе пользователю
         $notice = $data;
         if (!empty($notice['date'])) {
             $notice['date'] = dte($notice['date']);
         //			$notice['description']='';
         //			foreach (array('remember','report','call','call_no_report',) as $v){
         //				$notice['description'].=$this->enum('field_label',@"{$v}_{$notice[$v]}")."<br>";
         //			}
         $notice['ps_href'] = '';
         if ($ps_href) {
             $notice['ps_href'] = "Для того, чтобы оплатить заказа перейдите по ссылке <a href=\"{$ps_href}\">ОПЛАТИТЬ</a>";
         $delivery_list = $this->enum('sh_delivery_type');
         $pay_system_list = $this->enum('sh_pay_system');
         $notice['ORDER_NUM'] = $order_num = $id;
         //			$notice['ORDER_NUM']=$order_num;
         $notice['NAME'] = $this->getUser('name');
         $notice['FROM_SITE'] = FROM_SITE;
         $notice['basket'] = $this->render(array_merge($basket, array('is_order' => true, 'is_letter' => true)), dirname(__FILE__) . '/basket_content.tpl.php');
         $notice['delivery_type'] = @$delivery_list[$notice['delivery_type']];
         $notice['pay_system'] = @$pay_system_list[$notice['pay_system']];
         include 'function.tpl.php';
         if (!empty($notice['address'])) {
             $notice['address'] = parsAddr($notice['address']);
         //			$url="http://{$_SERVER['HTTP_HOST']}/prnt/SHET/?id=$id&PHPSESSID=".session_id();
         //			$url="http://{$_SERVER['HTTP_HOST']}/prnt/SBER/?id=$id&PHPSESSID=".session_id();
         //			$content=file_get_contents($url);
         $att = array();
         if (isset($data['pay_system']) && $data['pay_system'] == 1) {
             $url = "http://{$_SERVER['HTTP_HOST']}/prnt/SBERpdf/?id={$id}";
             $notice['ps_href'] = "<a href=\"{$url}\">Распечатать счёт</a>";
             //				$att[]=array('name'=>'Счёт.xls','file'=>$url."&access=allow");
         /* if($post->getInt('is_jur')){ //Печатать не надо
            $notice['ps_href']="<a href=\"{$url}\">Распечатать счёт</a>";
            } */
         $mail = $post->exists('mail') ? $post->get('mail') : $this->getUser('mail');
         if ($mail) {
             $this->sendTemplateMail($post->get('mail'), 'notice_new_order', $notice, $att);
         //уведомление о заказе админу
         //			$mail_contacts=$this->enum('mail_contacts',$this->getRegion());
         $this->sendTemplateMail($this->cfg('MAIL'), 'notice_new_order4admin', $notice);
         // $this->noticeICQ($this->cfg('ICQ'), $icq_notice);
         $d = $this->getOrderData();
         //			setcookie('basket',null,0,'/');//Очистим корзину
         Cookie::set('order_id', $id);
         $redirect_href = "/catalog/success/?id={$id}";
         if ($ps_href) {
             $redirect_href = $ps_href;
         echo printJSON(array('id' => $id, 'order_num' => $order_num, 'error' => '', 'count' => $basket['count'], 'delivery' => $data['delivery'], 'total_price' => $data['total_price'], 'ps_href' => $notice['ps_href'], 'redirect_href' => $redirect_href, 'date' => "{$post->get('date')} {$post->get('time')}"));