Esempio n. 1
 public function display($o = null)
     if (SPRequest::cmd('format') == 'json' && Sobi::Cfg('output.json_enabled', false)) {
         return $this->jsonDisplay();
     $type = $this->key('template_type', 'xslt');
     $f = null;
     $task = SPRequest::task();
     if ($this->key('functions')) {
         $f = $this->registerFunctions();
     $out = null;
     if ($type != 'php' && Sobi::Cfg('global.disable_xslt', false)) {
         $type = 'php';
     $parserClass = SPLoader::loadClass('mlo.template_' . $type);
     if ($parserClass) {
         /** @var $parser SPTemplateXSLT */
         $parser = new $parserClass();
     } else {
         throw new SPException(SPLang::e('CANNOT_LOAD_PARSER', $type));
     $this->_attr['template_path'] = Sobi::FixPath(str_replace(SOBI_ROOT, Sobi::Cfg('live_site'), $this->_templatePath));
     $messages = SPFactory::message()->getMessages();
     if (count($messages)) {
         foreach ($messages as $type => $content) {
             $this->_attr['messages'][$type] = array_values($content);
     $parser->setCacheData(array('hidden' => $this->_hidden));
     Sobi::Trigger('Display', $this->name(), array($type, &$this->_attr));
     $o = $o ? $o : strtolower($this->key('output', $this->key('output', 'html'), $this->tTask));
     $action = $this->key('form.action');
     if ($action) {
         $opt = SPFactory::mainframe()->form();
         if (is_array($opt) && count($opt)) {
             foreach ($opt as $l => $v) {
                 $this->addHidden($v, $l);
         $form = $this->csection('form');
         $form['method'] = isset($form['method']) && $form['method'] ? $form['method'] : 'post';
         $out .= "\n<form ";
         foreach ($form as $p => $v) {
             $out .= $p . '="' . $v . '" ';
         $out .= ">\n";
     $out .= $parser->display($o, $f);
     $hidden = null;
     if (count($this->_hidden)) {
         $this->_hidden[SPFactory::mainframe()->token()] = 1;
         foreach ($this->_hidden as $name => $value) {
             $hidden .= "\n<input type=\"hidden\" id=\"SP_{$name}\" name=\"{$name}\" value=\"{$value}\"/>";
         // xhtml strict valid
         $hidden = "<div>{$hidden}</div>";
         $out .= $hidden;
     $out .= $action ? "\n</form>\n" : null;
     /* SobiPro type specific content parser */
     Sobi::Trigger('ContentDisplay', $this->name(), array(&$out));
     /* common content parser */
     $cParse = $this->key('parse', -1);
     /* if it was specified in the template config file or it was set in the section config and not disabled in the template config */
     if (!(strstr($task, '.edit') || strstr($task, '.add') || in_array($task, Sobi::Cfg('plugins.content_disable', array())))) {
         if ($cParse == 1 || Sobi::Cfg('parse_template_content', false) && $cParse == -1) {
             Sobi::Trigger('Parse', 'Content', array(&$out));
     header('SobiPro: ' . Sobi::Section());
     if ($o == 'html' && (!strlen(SPRequest::cmd('format')) || SPRequest::cmd('format') == 'html' || SPRequest::int('crawl'))) {
         $out .= $this->pb();
         if ((SPRequest::cmd('dbg') || Sobi::Cfg('debug')) && Sobi::My('id')) {
             $start = Sobi::Reg('start');
             $mem = $start[0];
             $time = $start[1];
             $queries = SPFactory::db()->getCount();
             $mem = number_format(memory_get_usage() - $mem);
             $time = microtime(true) - $time;
             SPConfig::debOut("Memory: {$mem}<br/>Time: {$time}<br/> Queries: {$queries}");
         echo "\n<!-- Start of SobiPro component-->\n<div id=\"SobiPro\" class=\"SobiPro\">\n{$out}\n</div>\n<!-- End of SobiPro component Copyright (C) 2011-2014 Sigsiu.NET GmbH -->\n";
     } else {
     Sobi::Trigger('AfterDisplay', $this->name());
Esempio n. 2
 private function details()
     $levels = $this->get('levels');
     $error = $this->get('error');
     if ($error->errReq) {
         $error->errReq = "<a href=\"{$error->errReq}\" target\"_blank\">{$error->errReq}</a>";
     if ($error->errRef) {
         $error->errRef = "<a href=\"{$error->errRef}\" target\"_blank\">{$error->errRef}</a>";
     if ($error->errNum) {
         $error->errNum = $levels[$error->errNum];
     if ($error->errBacktrace) {
         $error->errBacktrace = '<pre>' . SPConfig::debOut($error->errBacktrace, false, true) . '</pre>';
     if ($error->errCont) {
         $error->errCont = '<pre>' . SPConfig::debOut($error->errCont, false, true) . '</pre>';
     $error->errMsg = str_replace('href=\'function.', 'target="_blank" href=\'', $error->errMsg);
     $this->assign($error, 'error');