debug_message($item_code->getLastError()); } $task_activity->hourly_rate = $hourly_rate; $task_activity->updateFromAssocArray($_POST); if($task_activity->update()){ if(is_array($_POST['item_ids'])){ if($task_activity->setItems($_POST['item_ids']) === FALSE){ $error_msg .= "Error adding completed items to activity!\n"; debug_message($task_activity->getLastError()); } } if(is_array($_POST['expense']) && $_POST['expense']['item_code_id'] > 0){ if(!empty($_POST['expense']['description']) && !empty($_POST['expense']['cost']) && !empty($_POST['expense']['price'])){ $exp = new SI_Expense(); $exp->updateFromAssocArray($_POST['expense']); $exp->task_id = $task_activity->task_id; $exp->created_ts = time(); if($exp->add() === FALSE){ $error_msg .= "Error adding new expense!\n"; debug_message($exp->getLastError()); } }else{ $error_msg .= "Not adding expense, description, cost and price must all be provided!"; } }elseif(is_array($_POST['expense']) && $_POST['expense']['item_code_id'] <= 0 && (!empty($_POST['expense']['description']) || !empty($_POST['expense']['cost']) || !empty($_POST['expense']['price']) )){
echo " -Getting Upcoming Scheduled Payment.\n"; $ps = new SI_PaymentSchedule(); $time = time() + 16 * (24 * (60 * 60)); $ps_items = $ps->getUpcoming($time); if ($ps_items === FALSE) { echo "****ERR: Could not retreive upcoming scheduled billings! ****\n"; debug_message($ps->getLastError()); } elseif (count($ps_items) > 0) { foreach ($ps_items as $scheduled_payment) { $ps_comp = $scheduled_payment->getCompany(); $comp_ids[] = $ps_comp->id; echo " * {$ps_comp->id} \n"; } } echo " -Getting unbilled expenses.\n"; $expense = new SI_Expense(); $expenses = $expense->getUnbilled(); if ($expenses === FALSE) { echo "****ERR: Could not retreive unbilled expenses! ****\n"; debug_message($expense->getLastError()); } elseif (count($expenses) > 0) { foreach ($expenses as $exp) { $comp_ids[] = $exp->getCompany()->id; echo " * " . $exp->getCompany()->id . " \n"; } } echo "\n\n\$\$\$\$ START MAKIN MONEY \$\$\$\$\n\n"; $comp_ids = array_unique($comp_ids); if (count($comp_ids) > 0) { foreach ($comp_ids as $compid) { echo "\$\$\$ Generating Invoice for Company_id - {$compid}\n";
function getExpenses($unbilled = FALSE){ $exp = new SI_Expense(); $expenses = $exp->getForProject($this->id, $unbilled); if($expenses === FALSE){ $this->error = "SI_Project::getExpenses(): " . $exp->getLastError(); return FALSE; } return $expenses; }
* with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., * 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. * * */ require_once('includes/common.php'); require_once('includes/SI_Expense.php'); require_once('includes/SI_CompanyTransaction.php'); require_once('includes/SI_Project.php'); require_once('includes/SI_Task.php'); require_once('includes/SI_ItemCode.php'); checkLogin('accounting'); $title = ''; $expense = new SI_Expense(); $company = new SI_Company(); $project = new SI_Project(); $task = new SI_Task(); $item_code = new SI_ItemCode(); // Clean up cost if(!empty($_POST['cost'])){ $_POST['cost'] = preg_replace('/[^0-9\.]/','', $_POST['cost']); } // Clean up price if(!empty($_POST['price'])){ $_POST['price'] = preg_replace('/[^0-9\.]/','', $_POST['price']); }
function addExpenses($expense_ids, $aggregation_type = SI_EXPENSE_AGGREGATION_DESC){ if(!is_array($expense_ids) || count($expense_ids) <= 0){ $this->error = "SI_Invoice::addExpenses(): Invalid parameter!"; return FALSE; } $clause = " WHERE IN (".implode(',', $expense_ids).")"; $exp = new SI_Expense(); $expenses = $exp->retrieveSet($clause); if($expenses === FALSE){ $this->error = "SI_Invoice::addExpenses(): Error getting expenses: ".$exp->getLastError(); return FALSE; } $expense_count = count($expenses); $lines = array(); for($i=0; $i<$expense_count; $i++){ if($aggregation_type == SI_EXPENSE_AGGREGATION_DESC){ if(!isset($lines[md5(strtolower($expenses[$i]->description).'-'.$expenses[$i]->price)])){ $lines[md5(strtolower($expenses[$i]->description).'-'.$expenses[$i]->price)] = new SI_InvoiceLine(); } $il =& $lines[md5(strtolower($expenses[$i]->description).'-'.$expenses[$i]->price)]; }elseif($aggregation_type == SI_EXPENSE_AGGREGATION_PRICE){ if(!isset($lines[(string)$expenses[$i]->price])){ $lines[(string)$expenses[$i]->price] = new SI_InvoiceLine(); } $il =& $lines[(string)$expenses[$i]->price]; }else{ $lines[] = new SI_InvoiceLine(); $il =& $lines[count($lines) - 1]; } $il->invoice_id = $this->id; $il->quantity += 1; $il->item_code_id = $expenses[$i]->item_code_id; $il->unit_price = $expenses[$i]->price; $il->description = $expenses[$i]->description; $il->addLink(SI_INVOICE_LINE_LINK_EXPENSE, $expenses[$i]->id); $il->addTax(); } if(!$this->_lines) $this->_lines = array(); foreach($lines as $line){ if($line->add() === FALSE){ $this->error = "SI_Invoice::addExpenses(): Error adding line item: ".$line->getLastError(); return FALSE; } $this->_lines[] = $line; } return TRUE; }
function getUnitPrice(){ if($this->task_activity_id > 0){ $ta = new SI_TaskActivity(); if($ta->get($this->task_activity_id) === FALSE){ $this->error = 'SI_InvoiceLineLink::getUnitPrice(): Error getting task activity: '.$ta->getLastError(); return FALSE; } return $ta->hourly_rate; }elseif($this->expense_id > 0){ $ex = new SI_Expense(); if($ex->get($this->expense_id) === FALSE){ $this->error = 'SI_InvoiceLineLink::getPrice(): Error getting expense: '.$ex->getLastError(); return FALSE; } return $ex->price; }elseif($this->payment_schedule_id > 0){ $ps = new SI_PaymentSchedule(); if($ps->get($this->payment_schedule_id) === FALSE){ $this->error = 'SI_InvoiceLineLink::getPrice(): Error getting scheduled payment: '.$ps->getLastError(); return FALSE; } return $ps->amount; } return 'Unknown'; }
function getUnbilled(){ return SI_Expense::retrieveSet("WHERE IS NULL"); }