Esempio n. 1
  * Returns the internal ID, the Facebook Graph API registers to - and uses for identifying - a Domain.
  * @access		  public
  * @link
  * @param   host  string  	 The URL to get the ID for.
  * @return        integer    Returns 0, or the unique Domain-ID.
 public static function fbGraphApiIdByHost($host)
     $url = '' . $host;
     $str = SEOstats::cURL($url);
     $obj = json_decode($str);
     return isset($obj->id) && $obj->id != NULL ? $obj->id : intval('0');
Esempio n. 2
  * Returns the total amount of Backlinks indexed at Yahoo!
  * @access		private
  * @link		Get your own application ID here
  * @return		integer 				Returns the total amount of backlinks indexed at Yahoo!
 public static function yahooBacklinksTotal($uri)
     $url = '';
     $url .= YAHOO_APP_ID;
     $url .= '&results=1&output=json&query=http://' . urlencode($uri);
     $str = SEOstats::cURL($url);
     $data = json_decode($str);
     return $data->ResultSet->totalResultsAvailable;
  * Gets domain and URL authority from SEOmoz.
  * @access		private
  * @link		The SEOmoz API
  * @return		array 					Returns array, containing authority data.
 public static function Seomoz_Authority($uri)
     // external helper class
     include_once 'ext/SeoMoz/Authenticator.php';
     $authenticator = new Authenticator();
     $url = urlencode($uri);
     $tmp = SEOstats::cURL('' . $url . '?' . $authenticator->getAuthenticationStr());
     $data = json_decode($tmp);
     $result = array('Title' => $data->ut, 'URL' => $data->uu, 'External Links' => $data->ueid, 'Links' => $data->uid, 'URL Authority' => $data->upa, 'URL mozRank' => $data->umrp, 'Subdomain mozRank' => $data->fmrp, 'HTTP Status Code' => $data->us, 'Page Authority' => $data->upa, 'Domain Authority' => $data->pda);
     return $result;
  * Returns the total amount of twitter mentions for entire domain
  * @access       public
  * @param   uri  string             The URI to check.
  * @return       integer            Returns the total of twitter mentions for the entire domain.
 public static function backtweets($uri)
     $tmp = SEOstats::cURL('' . $uri);
     $dom = new DOMDocument();
     $xpath = new DOMXPath($dom);
     $p = $xpath->query('//div/ol/li');
     $r = $p->item(2)->textContent;
     $r = str_replace(',', '', $r);
     $r = str_replace('Results', '', $r);
     $r = str_replace('Result', '', $r);
     $r = trim($r);
     return $r != '' ? $r : intval('0');
  * Returns array, containing details about the pages indexed at Bing
  * @access       public
  * @link        Get your own application ID here
  * @return       array                     Returns array, containing details about the pages indexed at Bing
 public static function bingSiteindexArray($uri)
     $url = '';
     $url .= '&AppId=' . BING_APP_ID;
     $url .= '&Query=site:' . urlencode($uri);
     $str = SEOstats::cURL($url);
     $str = str_ireplace("function BingGetResponse(){return", "", $str);
     $str = str_ireplace("; /* pageview_candidate */}", "", $str);
     $data = json_decode($str);
     $result = array();
     foreach ($data->SearchResponse->Web->Results as $entry) {
         $result[] = array('Title' => $entry->Title, 'URL' => $entry->DisplayUrl, 'Click URL' => $entry->Url);
     return $result;
  * Gets the Google Pagerank
  * @access        private
  * @return        integer                    Returns the Google PageRank.
 public static function Google_PR($host)
     $domain = 'http://' . $host;
     if (USE_PAGERANK_CHECKSUM_API == true) {
         $str = SEOstats::cURL(SEOstats::PAGERANK_CHECKSUM_API_URI . $domain);
         $data = json_decode($str);
         $checksum = $data->CH;
     } else {
         $checksum = self::genhash($domain);
     $googleurl = '';
     $googleurl .= '&googleip=O;;104&ch=' . $checksum . '&q=info:' . urlencode($domain);
     $out = SEOstats::cURL($googleurl);
     $pagerank = trim(substr($out, 9));
     if (!preg_match('/^[0-9]/', $pagerank)) {
         $pagerank = 'Failed to generate a valid hash for PR check.';
     return $pagerank;
Esempio n. 7
  * Helper. Get the Alexa's free report webpage.
  * @access		private
  * @return 		string 					String, containing the curl result of the the Alexa webpage.
 private static function _alexa($uri)
     $tmp = SEOstats::cURL('' . $uri);
     return $tmp;