public static function createFromRequest(EngineBlock_Saml2_AuthnRequestAnnotationDecorator $originalRequest, IdentityProvider $idpMetadata, EngineBlock_Corto_ProxyServer $server)
     $nameIdPolicy = array('AllowCreate' => 'true');
      * Name policy is not required, so it is only set if configured, SAML 2.0 spec
      * says only following values are allowed:
      *  - urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:2.0:nameid-format:transient
      *  - urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:2.0:nameid-format:persistent.
      * Note: Some IDP's like those using ADFS2 do not understand those, for these cases the format can be 'configured as empty
      * or set to an older version.
     if (!empty($idpMetadata->nameIdFormat)) {
         $nameIdPolicy['Format'] = $idpMetadata->nameIdFormat;
     /** @var SAML2_AuthnRequest $originalRequest */
     $sspRequest = new SAML2_AuthnRequest();
     if (empty($idpMetadata->disableScoping)) {
         // Copy over the Idps that are allowed to answer this request.
         // Proxy Count
         $sspRequest->setProxyCount($originalRequest->getProxyCount() ? $originalRequest->getProxyCount() : $server->getConfig('max_proxies', 10));
         // Add the SP to the requesterIds
         $requesterIds = $originalRequest->getRequesterID();
         $requesterIds[] = $originalRequest->getIssuer();
         // Add the SP as the requester
     // Use the default binding even if more exist
     $request = new EngineBlock_Saml2_AuthnRequestAnnotationDecorator($sspRequest);
     return $request;