/** function buildTicket - Builds,and returns, the major structure of the ticket to be entered. * * @param $i mail ID * @param $options array of possible options * * @return ticket fields array */ function buildTicket($i, $options = array()) { global $CFG_GLPI; $play_rules = isset($options['play_rules']) && $options['play_rules']; $head = $this->getHeaders($i); // Get Header Info Return Array Of Headers // **Key Are (subject,to,toOth,toNameOth,from,fromName) $tkt = array(); $tkt['_blacklisted'] = false; // For RuleTickets $tkt['_mailgate'] = $options['mailgates_id']; // Use mail date if it's defined if ($this->fields['use_mail_date']) { $tkt['date'] = $head['date']; } // Detect if it is a mail reply $glpi_message_match = "/GLPI-([0-9]+)\\.[0-9]+\\.[0-9]+@\\w*/"; // Check if email not send by GLPI : if yes -> blacklist if (!isset($head['message_id']) || preg_match($glpi_message_match, $head['message_id'], $match)) { $tkt['_blacklisted'] = true; return $tkt; } // manage blacklist $blacklisted_emails = Blacklist::getEmails(); // Add name of the mailcollector as blacklisted $blacklisted_emails[] = $this->fields['name']; if (Toolbox::inArrayCaseCompare($head['from'], $blacklisted_emails)) { $tkt['_blacklisted'] = true; return $tkt; } // max size = 0 : no import attachments if ($this->fields['filesize_max'] > 0) { if (is_writable(GLPI_TMP_DIR)) { $tkt['_filename'] = $this->getAttached($i, GLPI_TMP_DIR . "/", $this->fields['filesize_max']); $tkt['_tag'] = $this->tags; } else { //TRANS: %s is a directory Toolbox::logInFile('mailgate', sprintf(__('%s is not writable'), GLPI_TMP_DIR . "/")); } } // Who is the user ? $tkt['_users_id_requester'] = User::getOrImportByEmail($head['from']); $tkt["_users_id_requester_notif"]['use_notification'] = 1; // Set alternative email if user not found / used if anonymous mail creation is enable if (!$tkt['_users_id_requester']) { $tkt["_users_id_requester_notif"]['alternative_email'] = $head['from']; } // Add to and cc as additional observer if user found if (count($head['ccs'])) { foreach ($head['ccs'] as $cc) { if ($cc != $head['from'] && !Toolbox::inArrayCaseCompare($cc, $blacklisted_emails) && ($tmp = User::getOrImportByEmail($cc)) > 0) { $tkt['_additional_observers'][] = array('users_id' => $tmp, 'use_notification' => 1); } } } if (count($head['tos'])) { foreach ($head['tos'] as $to) { if ($to != $head['from'] && !Toolbox::inArrayCaseCompare($to, $blacklisted_emails) && ($tmp = User::getOrImportByEmail($to)) > 0) { $tkt['_additional_observers'][] = array('users_id' => $tmp, 'use_notification' => 1); } } } // Auto_import $tkt['_auto_import'] = 1; // For followup : do not check users_id = login user $tkt['_do_not_check_users_id'] = 1; $body = $this->getBody($i); // Do it before using charset variable $head['subject'] = $this->decodeMimeString($head['subject']); $tkt['_head'] = $head; if (!empty($this->charset) && !$this->body_converted) { $body = Toolbox::encodeInUtf8($body, $this->charset); $this->body_converted = true; } if (!Toolbox::seems_utf8($body)) { $tkt['content'] = Toolbox::encodeInUtf8($body); } else { $tkt['content'] = $body; } // See In-Reply-To field if (isset($head['in_reply_to'])) { if (preg_match($glpi_message_match, $head['in_reply_to'], $match)) { $tkt['tickets_id'] = intval($match[1]); } } // See in References if (!isset($tkt['tickets_id']) && isset($head['references'])) { if (preg_match($glpi_message_match, $head['references'], $match)) { $tkt['tickets_id'] = intval($match[1]); } } // See in title if (!isset($tkt['tickets_id']) && preg_match('/\\[.+#(\\d+)\\]/', $head['subject'], $match)) { $tkt['tickets_id'] = intval($match[1]); } $is_html = false; //If files are present and content is html if (isset($this->files) && count($this->files) && $tkt['content'] != strip_tags($tkt['content']) && !isset($tkt['tickets_id'])) { $is_html = true; $tkt['content'] = Ticket::convertContentForTicket($tkt['content'], array_merge($this->files, $this->altfiles), $this->tags); } $tkt['content'] = $this->cleanMailContent($tkt['content']); if ($is_html && !isset($tkt['tickets_id'])) { $tkt['content'] = nl2br($tkt['content']); } $tkt['_supplier_email'] = false; // Found ticket link if (isset($tkt['tickets_id'])) { // it's a reply to a previous ticket $job = new Ticket(); $tu = new Ticket_User(); $st = new Supplier_Ticket(); // Check if ticket exists and users_id exists in GLPI /// TODO check if users_id have right to add a followup to the ticket if ($job->getFromDB($tkt['tickets_id']) && $job->fields['status'] != CommonITILObject::CLOSED && ($CFG_GLPI['use_anonymous_followups'] || $tkt['_users_id_requester'] > 0 || $tu->isAlternateEmailForITILObject($tkt['tickets_id'], $head['from']) || ($tkt['_supplier_email'] = $st->isSupplierEmail($tkt['tickets_id'], $head['from'])))) { if ($tkt['_supplier_email']) { $tkt['content'] = sprintf(__('From %s'), $head['from']) . "\n\n" . $tkt['content']; } $content = explode("\n", $tkt['content']); $tkt['content'] = ""; $to_keep = array(); // Move requester to author of followup : $tkt['users_id'] = $tkt['_users_id_requester']; $begin_strip = -1; $end_strip = -1; $begin_match = "/" . NotificationTargetTicket::HEADERTAG . ".*" . NotificationTargetTicket::HEADERTAG . "/"; $end_match = "/" . NotificationTargetTicket::FOOTERTAG . ".*" . NotificationTargetTicket::FOOTERTAG . "/"; foreach ($content as $ID => $val) { // Get first tag for begin if ($begin_strip < 0) { if (preg_match($begin_match, $val)) { $begin_strip = $ID; } } // Get last tag for end if ($begin_strip >= 0) { if (preg_match($end_match, $val)) { $end_strip = $ID; continue; } } } if ($begin_strip >= 0) { // Clean first and last lines $content[$begin_strip] = preg_replace($begin_match, '', $content[$begin_strip]); } if ($end_strip >= 0) { // Clean first and last lines $content[$end_strip] = preg_replace($end_match, '', $content[$end_strip]); } if ($begin_strip >= 0) { $length = count($content); // Use end strip if set if ($end_strip >= 0 && $end_strip < $length) { $length = $end_strip; } for ($i = $begin_strip + 1; $i < $length; $i++) { unset($content[$i]); } } $to_keep = array(); // Aditional clean for thunderbird foreach ($content as $ID => $val) { if (!isset($val[0]) || $val[0] != '>') { $to_keep[$ID] = $ID; } } $tkt['content'] = ""; foreach ($to_keep as $ID) { $tkt['content'] .= $content[$ID] . "\n"; } // Do not play rules for followups : WRONG : play rules only for refuse options //$play_rules = false; } else { // => to handle link in Ticket->post_addItem() $tkt['_linkedto'] = $tkt['tickets_id']; unset($tkt['tickets_id']); } } // Add message from getAttached if ($this->addtobody) { $tkt['content'] .= $this->addtobody; } $tkt['name'] = $this->textCleaner($head['subject']); if (!isset($tkt['tickets_id'])) { // Which entity ? //$tkt['entities_id']=$this->fields['entities_id']; //$tkt['Subject']= $head['subject']; // not use for the moment // Medium $tkt['urgency'] = "3"; // No hardware associated $tkt['itemtype'] = ""; // Mail request type } else { // Reopen if needed $tkt['add_reopen'] = 1; } $tkt['requesttypes_id'] = RequestType::getDefault('mail'); if ($play_rules) { $rule_options['ticket'] = $tkt; $rule_options['headers'] = $head; $rule_options['mailcollector'] = $options['mailgates_id']; $rule_options['_users_id_requester'] = $tkt['_users_id_requester']; $rulecollection = new RuleMailCollectorCollection(); $output = $rulecollection->processAllRules(array(), array(), $rule_options); // New ticket : compute all if (!isset($tkt['tickets_id'])) { foreach ($output as $key => $value) { $tkt[$key] = $value; } } else { // Followup only copy refuse data $tobecopied = array('_refuse_email_no_response', '_refuse_email_with_response'); foreach ($tobecopied as $val) { if (isset($output[$val])) { $tkt[$val] = $output[$val]; } } } } $tkt = Toolbox::addslashes_deep($tkt); return $tkt; }
/** function buildTicket - Builds,and returns, the major structure of the ticket to be entered. * * @param $i mail ID * @param $options array options * * @return ticket fields array */ function buildTicket($i, $options = array()) { $play_rules = isset($options['play_rules']) && $options['play_rules']; $head = $this->getHeaders($i); // Get Header Info Return Array Of Headers // **Key Are (subject,to,toOth,toNameOth,from,fromName) $tkt = array(); $tkt['_blacklisted'] = false; // Detect if it is a mail reply $glpi_message_match = "/GLPI-([0-9]+)\\.[0-9]+\\.[0-9]+@\\w*/"; // Check if email not send by GLPI : if yes -> blacklist if (preg_match($glpi_message_match, $head['message_id'], $match)) { $tkt['_blacklisted'] = true; return $tkt; } // max size = 0 : no import attachments if ($this->fields['filesize_max'] > 0) { if (is_writable(GLPI_DOC_DIR . "/_tmp/")) { $_FILES = $this->getAttached($i, GLPI_DOC_DIR . "/_tmp/", $this->fields['filesize_max']); } else { logInFile('mailgate', GLPI_DOC_DIR . "/_tmp/ is not writable"); } } // Who is the user ? $tkt['_users_id_requester'] = User::getOrImportByEmail($head['from']); $tkt["_users_id_requester_notif"]['use_notification'] = 1; if (!$tkt['_users_id_requester']) { $tkt["_users_id_requester_notif"]['alternative_email'] = $head['from']; } // Add to and cc as additional observer if user found if (count($head['ccs'])) { foreach ($head['ccs'] as $cc) { if ($cc != $head['from'] && strcasecmp($cc, $this->fields['name']) && ($tmp = User::getOrImportByEmail($cc)) > 0) { $tkt['_additional_observers'][] = array('users_id' => $tmp, 'use_notification' => 1); } } } if (count($head['tos'])) { foreach ($head['tos'] as $to) { if ($to != $head['from'] && strcasecmp($to, $this->fields['name']) && ($tmp = User::getOrImportByEmail($to, false)) > 0) { $tkt['_additional_observers'][] = array('users_id' => $tmp, 'use_notification' => 1); } } } // Auto_import $tkt['_auto_import'] = 1; // For followup : do not check users_id = login user $tkt['_do_not_check_users_id'] = 1; $body = $this->getBody($i); // Do it before using charset variable $head['subject'] = $this->decodeMimeString($head['subject']); $tkt['_head'] = $head; if (!empty($this->charset) && !$this->body_converted) { $body = encodeInUtf8($body, $this->charset); $this->body_converted = true; } if (!seems_utf8($body)) { $tkt['content'] = encodeInUtf8($body); } else { $tkt['content'] = $body; } // Add message from getAttached if ($this->addtobody) { $tkt['content'] .= $this->addtobody; } // See In-Reply-To field if (isset($head['in_reply_to'])) { if (preg_match($glpi_message_match, $head['in_reply_to'], $match)) { $tkt['tickets_id'] = intval($match[1]); } } // See in References if (!isset($tkt['tickets_id']) && isset($head['references'])) { if (preg_match($glpi_message_match, $head['references'], $match)) { $tkt['tickets_id'] = intval($match[1]); } } // See in title if (!isset($tkt['tickets_id']) && preg_match('/\\[GLPI #(\\d+)\\]/', $head['subject'], $match)) { $tkt['tickets_id'] = intval($match[1]); } // Found ticket link if (isset($tkt['tickets_id'])) { // it's a reply to a previous ticket $job = new Ticket(); // Check if ticket exists and users_id exists in GLPI /// TODO check if users_id have right to add a followup to the ticket if ($job->getFromDB($tkt['tickets_id']) && $job->fields['status'] != 'closed' && ($tkt['_users_id_requester'] > 0 || Ticket_User::isAlternateEmailForTicket($tkt['tickets_id'], $head['from']))) { $content = explode("\n", $tkt['content']); $tkt['content'] = ""; $first_comment = true; $to_keep = array(); foreach ($content as $ID => $val) { if (isset($val[0]) && $val[0] == '>') { // Delete line at the top of the first comment if ($first_comment) { $first_comment = false; if (isset($to_keep[$ID - 1])) { unset($to_keep[$ID - 1]); } } } else { $to_keep[$ID] = $ID; } } foreach ($to_keep as $ID) { $tkt['content'] .= $content[$ID] . "\n"; } // Do not play rules for followups : WRONG : play rules only for refuse options //$play_rules = false; } else { // => to handle link in Ticket->post_addItem() $tkt['_linkedto'] = $tkt['tickets_id']; unset($tkt['tickets_id']); } } $tkt['name'] = $this->textCleaner($head['subject']); if (!isset($tkt['tickets_id'])) { // Which entity ? //$tkt['entities_id']=$this->fields['entities_id']; //$tkt['Subject']= $head['subject']; // not use for the moment // Medium $tkt['urgency'] = "3"; // No hardware associated $tkt['itemtype'] = ""; // Mail request type } else { // Reopen if needed $tkt['add_reopen'] = 1; } $tkt['requesttypes_id'] = RequestType::getDefault('mail'); $tkt['content'] = clean_cross_side_scripting_deep(html_clean($tkt['content'])); if ($play_rules) { $rule_options['ticket'] = $tkt; $rule_options['headers'] = $head; $rule_options['mailcollector'] = $options['mailgates_id']; $rule_options['_users_id_requester'] = $tkt['_users_id_requester']; $rulecollection = new RuleMailCollectorCollection(); $output = $rulecollection->processAllRules(array(), array(), $rule_options); // New ticket : compute all if (!isset($tkt['tickets_id'])) { foreach ($output as $key => $value) { $tkt[$key] = $value; } } else { // Followup only copy refuse data $tobecopied = array('_refuse_email_no_response', '_refuse_email_with_response'); foreach ($tobecopied as $val) { if (isset($output[$val])) { $tkt[$val] = $output[$val]; } } } } $tkt = addslashes_deep($tkt); return $tkt; }
/** * @param $item CommonGLPI object * @param $tabnum (default 1) * @param $withtemplate (default 0) **/ static function displayTabContentForItem(CommonGLPI $item, $tabnum = 1, $withtemplate = 0) { if ($item->getType() == 'Entity') { $collection = new RuleRightCollection(); if ($collection->canList()) { $ldaprule = new RuleRight(); $ldaprule->showAndAddRuleForm($item); } $collection = new RuleImportEntityCollection(); if ($collection->canList()) { $importrule = new RuleImportEntity(); $importrule->showAndAddRuleForm($item); } $collection = new RuleMailCollectorCollection(); if ($collection->canList()) { $mailcollector = new RuleMailCollector(); $mailcollector->showAndAddRuleForm($item); } } else { if ($item->getType() == 'SLA') { $rule = new RuleTicket(); $rule->showAndAddRuleForm($item); } else { if ($item instanceof Rule) { $item->getRuleWithCriteriasAndActions($item->getID(), 1, 1); switch ($tabnum) { case 1: $item->showCriteriasList($item->getID()); break; case 2: $item->showActionsList($item->getID()); break; } } } } return true; }
/** * Display content of Tab * * @param $ID of the item * @param $tab number of the tab * * @return true if handled (for class stack) */ function showTabContent($ID, $tab) { global $CFG_GLPI; if (!$this->isNewID($ID)) { switch ($tab) { case -1: // All $this->showChildren($ID); EntityData::showStandardOptions($this); Profile_User::showForEntity($this); $collection = new RuleRightCollection(); if ($collection->canList()) { $ldaprule = new RuleRight(); $ldaprule->showAndAddRuleForm($this); } $collection = new RuleOcsCollection(); if ($collection->canList()) { $ocsrule = new RuleOcs(); $ocsrule->showAndAddRuleForm($this); } $collection = new RuleMailCollectorCollection(); if ($collection->canList()) { $mailcollector = new RuleMailCollector(); $mailcollector->showAndAddRuleForm($this); } Document::showAssociated($this); EntityData::showNotificationOptions($this); EntityData::showHelpdeskOptions($this); EntityData::showInventoryOptions($this); Plugin::displayAction($this, $tab); break; case 2: EntityData::showStandardOptions($this); break; case 3: Profile_User::showForEntity($this); break; case 4: $collection = new RuleRightCollection(); if ($collection->canList()) { $ldaprule = new RuleRight(); $ldaprule->showAndAddRuleForm($this); } $collection = new RuleOcsCollection(); if ($collection->canList()) { $ocsrule = new RuleOcs(); $ocsrule->showAndAddRuleForm($this); } $collection = new RuleMailCollectorCollection(); if ($collection->canList()) { $mailcollector = new RuleMailCollector(); $mailcollector->showAndAddRuleForm($this); } break; case 5: EntityData::showAdvancedOptions($this); break; case 6: Document::showAssociated($this); break; case 7: EntityData::showNotificationOptions($this); break; case 8: EntityData::showHelpdeskOptions($this); break; case 9: EntityData::showInventoryOptions($this); break; case 10: showNotesForm(getItemTypeFormURL('EntityData'), 'EntityData', $_POST["id"]); break; default: if (!Plugin::displayAction($this, $tab)) { $this->showChildren($ID); } return false; } } return false; }