function generate_RTF()
     global $base_path, $charset, $msg, $biblio_logo;
     global $biblio_name, $biblio_logo, $biblio_adr1, $biblio_adr2, $biblio_cp, $biblio_town, $biblio_state, $biblio_country, $biblio_phone, $biblio_email, $biblio_website;
     global $madame_monsieur;
     //Format des fonts
     $fontHead = new Font(12, 'Arial', '#0E298A');
     $fontSmall = new Font(1);
     $fontComment = new Font(10, 'Arial');
     $fontChapter = new Font(10, 'Arial');
     $fontSubChapter = new Font(10, 'Arial');
     //Format des paragraphes
     $parPmb = new ParFormat();
     $parHead = new ParFormat();
     $parChapter = new ParFormat();
     $parComment = new ParFormat();
     $parContenu = new ParFormat('justify');
     $parSubChapter = new ParFormat();
     $parInfo = new ParFormat();
     $parInfo->setIndentLeft(0, 5);
     $parInfoBib = new ParFormat();
     $rtf = new Rtf();
     $rtf->setMargins(1, 1, 1, 1);
     foreach ($this->liste_rel as $id_fournisseur => $info_fournisseur) {
         $rtf->setMargins(1, 1, 1, 1);
         $sect =& $rtf->addSection();
         $table =& $sect->addTable();
         $table->addRows(1, 2);
         $table->addColumnsList(array(15, 4));
         //$table->addImageToCell(1,1,$base_path."/images/".$biblio_logo,new ParFormat('center'),0,0);
         // Info biblio
         $cell =& $table->getCell(1, 1);
         $cell->writeText($this->to_utf8($biblio_name), new Font(14, 'Arial', '#0E298A'), new ParFormat('left'));
         if ($biblio_adr1) {
             $cell->writeText($this->to_utf8($biblio_adr1), new Font(12, 'Arial', '#0E298A'), new ParFormat('left'));
         if ($biblio_adr2) {
             $cell->writeText($this->to_utf8($biblio_adr2), new Font(12, 'Arial', '#0E298A'), new ParFormat('left'));
         if ($biblio_cp || $biblio_town) {
             $cell->writeText($this->to_utf8($biblio_cp . " " . $biblio_town), new Font(12, 'Arial', '#0E298A'), new ParFormat('left'));
         if ($biblio_phone) {
             $cell->writeText($this->to_utf8($biblio_phone), new Font(12, 'Arial', '#0E298A'), new ParFormat('left'));
         if ($biblio_email) {
             $cell->writeText($this->to_utf8($biblio_email), new Font(12, 'Arial', '#0E298A'), new ParFormat('left'));
         // Info date de génération
         $cell =& $table->getCell(1, 2);
         if ($biblio_email) {
             $cell->writeText($this->to_utf8("\n" . $msg['fpdf_edite'] . " " . formatdate(date("Y-m-d", time())), ENT_QUOTES, $charset), new Font(12, 'Arial', '#0E298A'), new ParFormat('right'));
         if ($id_fournisseur) {
             $fou = new entites($id_fournisseur);
             $coord_fou = entites::get_coordonnees($id_fournisseur, 1);
             $coord_fou = pmb_mysql_fetch_object($coord_fou);
             if ($fou->raison_sociale != '') {
                 $libelle = $fou->raison_sociale;
             } else {
                 $libelle = $coord_fou->libelle;
             $table =& $sect->addTable();
             $table->addRows(2, 2);
             $table->addColumnsList(array(9, 10));
             $cell =& $table->getCell(1, 2);
             $cell->writeText($this->to_utf8($libelle), new Font(14, 'Arial', '#0E298A'), new ParFormat('left'));
             if ($coord_fou->adr1) {
                 $cell->writeText($this->to_utf8($coord_fou->adr1), new Font(12, 'Arial', '#0E298A'), new ParFormat('left'));
             if ($coord_fou->adr2) {
                 $cell->writeText($this->to_utf8($coord_fou->adr2), new Font(12, 'Arial', '#0E298A'), new ParFormat('left'));
             if ($coord_fou->cp) {
                 $cell->writeText($this->to_utf8($coord_fou->cp), new Font(12, 'Arial', '#0E298A'), new ParFormat('left'));
             if ($coord_fou->ville) {
                 $cell->writeText($this->to_utf8($coord_fou->ville), new Font(12, 'Arial', '#0E298A'), new ParFormat('left'));
             if ($coord_fou->contact != '') {
                 $cell =& $table->getCell(2, 2);
                 $cell->writeText($this->to_utf8($msg['acquisition_act_formule'] . " " . $coord_fou->contact), new Font(12, 'Arial', '#0E298A'), new ParFormat('left'));
         $sect->writeText($this->to_utf8($msg["abts_gestion_retard_lettre_monsieur"] . "<br />"), new Font(12, 'Arial', '#0E298A'), new ParFormat('left'));
         foreach ($info_fournisseur as $num_notice => $info_notice) {
             //print $num_notice; print_r($info_notice) ;exit;
             $perio = new serial_display($num_notice);
             $sect->writeText($this->to_utf8($perio->notice->tit1), $fontHead, $parHead);
             $sect->emptyParagraph($fontSmall, $parPmb);
             foreach ($info_notice as $abt_num => $info_abt) {
                 //$sect->writeText($this->to_utf8($doc), new Font(10,'Arial'), $parInfo);
                 foreach ($info_abt as $rel_id => $rel_info) {
                     $date = "<u>" . $rel_info["rel_libelle_numero"] . "</u> : " . formatdate($rel_info["rel_date_parution"]);
                     $sect->writeText($this->to_utf8($date), new Font(10, 'Arial'), $parInfo);
                     $sect->writeText($this->to_utf8($rel_info["rel_comment_gestion"]), new Font(10, 'Arial'), $parSubChapter);
 function generate_RTF()
     global $msg, $base_path, $pmb_gestion_devise, $charset;
     //Format de la police
     $fontTitle = new Font(16, 'Palatino Linotype', '#0067B1');
     $fontSubtitle = new Font(12, 'Palatino Linotype', '#0067B1');
     $fontTabintro = new Font(12, 'Arial', '#000000');
     $fontPart = new Font(11, 'Palatino Linotype', '#000000', '#E6E6E6');
     $fontSubPart = new Font(9, 'Arial');
     $fontComment = new Font(10, 'Arial');
     $fontContenu = new Font(10, 'Arial');
     //Format des paragraphes
     $parTitle = new ParFormat('center');
     $parChapter = new ParFormat('left');
     $parSeparator = new ParFormat();
     $parPart = new ParFormat();
     $parComment = new ParFormat();
     $parContenu = new ParFormat('justify');
     $parSubPart = new ParFormat();
     $rtf = new Rtf();
     $rtf->setMargins(1, 1, 1, 1);
     $header =& $rtf->addHeader('first');
     $header->addImage($base_path . '/images/logo_pmi.png', new ParFormat(), 19, 2.5);
     $titre_general = $this->intro[0]['TITLE'][0]['value'];
     $header->writeText($this->to_utf8($titre_general), $fontTitle, $parTitle);
     $sect =& $rtf->addSection();
     $sect->writeText('Search Strategy', $fontSubtitle, $parChapter);
     $sect->emptyParagraph(new Font(0.5), $parSeparator);
     $sect->emptyParagraph(new Font(0.5), new ParFormat());
     $table =& $sect->addTable();
     $table->addRows(10, 0.5);
     $table->addColumnsList(array(4, 15));
     $table->setBordersOfCells(new BorderFormat(0.5, '#000000'), 1, 1, 10, 2);
     $table->setVerticalAlignmentOfCells('center', 1, 1, 10, 2);
     $doc = $this->intro[0]['DOCUMENTALISTE'][0]['value'];
     $dmde = $this->intro[0]['DEMANDEUR'][0]['value'];
     $time = $this->intro[0]['TIME'][0]['value'] . $msg['demandes_action_time_unit'];
     $cout = $this->intro[0]['COST'][0]['value'];
     $date = $this->intro[0]['DATE'][0]['value'];
     $deadline = $this->intro[0]['DEADLINE'][0]['value'];
     $abstract = $this->intro[0]['ABSTRACT'][0]['value'];
     $table->writeToCell(1, 1, 'Requests', $fontTabintro, new ParFormat());
     $cell =& $table->getCell(1, 2);
     $cell->writeText($this->to_utf8($titre_general), $fontTabintro, new ParFormat());
     $table->writeToCell(2, 1, 'Searcher(s)', $fontTabintro, new ParFormat());
     $cell =& $table->getCell(2, 2);
     $cell->writeText($this->to_utf8($doc), $fontTabintro, new ParFormat());
     $table->writeToCell(3, 1, 'Patron', $fontTabintro, new ParFormat());
     $cell =& $table->getCell(3, 2);
     $cell->writeText($this->to_utf8($dmde), $fontTabintro, new ParFormat());
     $table->writeToCell(4, 1, 'Request date', $fontTabintro, new ParFormat());
     $cell =& $table->getCell(4, 2);
     $cell->writeText($this->to_utf8($date), $fontTabintro, new ParFormat());
     $table->writeToCell(5, 1, 'Deadline', $fontTabintro, new ParFormat());
     $cell =& $table->getCell(5, 2);
     $cell->writeText($this->to_utf8($deadline), $fontTabintro, new ParFormat());
     $table->writeToCell(6, 1, 'Sources', $fontTabintro, new ParFormat());
     $cell =& $table->getCell(6, 2);
     $cell->writeText('', $fontTabintro, new ParFormat());
     $table->writeToCell(7, 1, 'Keywords', $fontTabintro, new ParFormat());
     $cell =& $table->getCell(7, 2);
     $cell->writeText('', $fontTabintro, new ParFormat());
     $table->writeToCell(8, 1, 'Estimated Time for search', $fontTabintro, new ParFormat());
     $cell =& $table->getCell(8, 2);
     $cell->writeText($this->to_utf8($time), $fontTabintro, new ParFormat());
     $table->writeToCell(9, 1, 'Cost', $fontTabintro, new ParFormat());
     $cell =& $table->getCell(9, 2);
     $cell->writeText($this->to_utf8($cout) . html_entity_decode($pmb_gestion_devise, ENT_QUOTES, 'utf-8'), $fontTabintro, new ParFormat());
     $table->writeToCell(10, 1, 'Abstract', $fontTabintro, new ParFormat());
     $cell =& $table->getCell(10, 2);
     $cell->writeText($this->to_utf8($abstract), $fontTabintro, new ParFormat());
     $sect->writeText('Comments', $fontSubtitle, $parChapter);
     $sect->emptyParagraph(new Font(0.5), $parSeparator);
     $sect->emptyParagraph(new Font(0.5), new ParFormat());
     $indice = 1;
     for ($i = 0; $i < count($this->notes); $i++) {
         $chapter = "";
         $comment = "";
         if ($this->notes[$i]['TITRE'] == 'yes') {
             $chapter = $this->notes[$i]['CONTENT'][0]['value'];
             $sect->writeText("<br>" . $indice . " - " . $this->to_utf8($chapter) . "<br>", $fontPart, $parPart);
             $sujet_old = "";
         } else {
             if ($this->notes[$i]['COMMENTAIRE'] == 'yes') {
                 $comment = $this->notes[$i]['CONTENT'][0]['value'];
                 $sect->writeText($this->to_utf8($comment), $fontComment, $parComment);
             } else {
                 $sujet = $this->notes[$i]['SUJET'][0]['value'];
                 $contenu = $this->notes[$i]['CONTENT'][0]['value'];
                 if ($sujet != $sujet_old) {
                     $sect->writeText($this->to_utf8($sujet), $fontSubPart, $parSubPart);
                 if ($contenu) {
                     $sect->writeText($this->to_utf8($contenu), $fontContenu, $parContenu);
                 $sujet_old = $sujet;
Esempio n. 3
 private function handleTable(&$array)
     // So sayeth the spec: ...
     // There is no RTF table group; instead, tables are specified as paragraph properties.
     // A table is represented as a sequence of table rows. A table row is a continuous sequence of paragraphs
     // partitioned into cells. The table row begins with the \trowd control word and ends with the \row control word.
     // Every paragraph that is contained in a table row must have the \intbl control word specified or inherited from
     // the previous paragraph. A cell may have more than one paragraph in it; the cell is terminated by a cell mark
     // (the \cell control word), and the row is terminated by a row mark (the \row control word).
     // ...
     // But of course, not all RTF emitters actually do this.
     self::$in_table = true;
     $widths = [];
     $rows = [];
     $gaph = 0;
     while ($array && $array[0] == "\\trowd") {
         $row = [];
         while ($array && $array[0] != "\\row") {
             if ($array[0] != "\\cell" && strncmp($array[0], "\\cellx", 5) == 0) {
                 $commands = Rtf::SplitCommand(array_shift($array));
                 if (isset($commands[1])) {
                     $ws = array_sum($widths);
                     $widths[] = $commands[1] / 20 - $ws;
             } else {
                 if (strncmp($array[0], "\\trgaph", 7) == 0) {
                     $commands = Rtf::SplitCommand(array_shift($array));
                     if (isset($commands[1])) {
                         $gaph = $commands[1] / 20;
                 } else {
                     $row[] = array_shift($array);
         $columns = [];
         while ($row) {
             $column = [];
             while ($row && $row[0] != "\\cell") {
                 $column[] = array_shift($row);
             $columns[] = $column;
         $rows[] = $columns;
     $num_columns = max(mapcar("count", $rows));
     $row_number = 0;
     // Theoretically we now have an array of rows - each of which is theoretically an array of cells.
     $output = [$gaph ? "<table style='border-collapse: separate; border-spacing: {$gaph}pt'>" : "<table>"];
     foreach ($rows as $row) {
         if (count($row) != $num_columns && $row_number) {
             $output[] = $this->popTag("tbody");
             $output[] = $this->popTag("table");
             $output[] = $this->pushTag("table");
             $output[] = $this->pushTag("tbody");
         $output[] = $this->pushTag("tr");
         foreach ($row as $cell) {
             $cell_contents = [];
             $block = new RTFBlock();
             foreach ($cell as $element) {
                 if ($element[0] != "\\") {
                     $cell_contents[] = $block->outputText($element);
                 } else {
                     $cell_contents[] = $block->getHTML([$element]);
             $width = array_shift($widths);
             $cell_contents[] = $block->endOutput();
             $contents = join("", flatten($cell_contents));
             // it would be cleaner to do this with classes, but we can't guarantee that CSS classes are going to be
             // available because we're intentionally not emitting a full HTML document. But since we really only care
             // about right alignment, let's hack in a cell-wide alignment if some of the cell text is right-aligned.
             // Of course this will fail 'orribly if some of the cell text is also supposed to _not_ be so aligned.
             $output[] = "<td style='vertical-align: top; padding: 0.25em; " . ($width ? " width: {$width}pt;" : "") . (strpos($contents, "text-align: right") !== false ? " text-align: right;" : "") . "'>";
             $output[] = $contents;
             $output[] = $block->popTag("td");
         $output[] = $this->popTag("tr");
         if (count($row) != $num_columns && $row_number != count($rows)) {
             $output[] = $this->popTag("tbody");
             $output[] = $this->popTag("table");
             $output[] = $this->pushTag("table");
             $output[] = $this->pushTag("tbody");
     $output[] = $this->popTag("tbody");
     $output[] = $this->popTag("table");
     self::$in_table = false;
     return $output;
Esempio n. 4
  * Gets rtf code of font. Internal use.
  * @param Rtf $rtf Rtf object
  * @return string
  * @access public
 function getContent(&$rtf)
     $content = !empty($this->size) ? '\\fs' . $this->size * 2 . ' ' : '';
     if (!empty($this->font)) {
         $content .= $rtf->GetFont($this->font) . ' ';
     if (!empty($this->fontColor)) {
         $content .= $rtf->GetFontColor($this->fontColor) . ' ';
     if (!empty($this->backColor)) {
         $content .= $rtf->GetBackColor($this->backColor) . ' ';
     $content .= !empty($this->bold) ? '\\b ' : '';
     $content .= !empty($this->italic) ? '\\i ' : '';
     $content .= !empty($this->underline) ? '\\ul ' : '';
     $content .= !empty($this->animatedText) ? '\\animtext' . $this->animatedText : '';
     $content .= !empty($this->strike) ? '\\strike ' . $this->animatedText : '';
     $content .= !empty($this->strikeDouble) ? '\\striked1 ' . $this->animatedText : '';
     return $content;