function POST_when_public($data, $id) { $errors = $this->errors; $data->id = $id; \Rocket::call(array("ResponseTime", "on_start"), $data); $data->errors = $errors; try { } catch (\InvalidInputDataException $e) { $this->errors = $e->errors(); return $this->system->launch('/blogs/{id}', 'GET', $data); } \Rocket::call(array("ResponseTime", "on_data"), $data); //header('Location: /blogs'); die('redirect'); }
function POST_when_public($data) { $errors = $this->errors; \Rocket::call(array("ResponseTime", "on_start"), $data); $data->errors = $errors; try { $args = array("/blogs", $data); $data->save = \Rocket::callArray(array("api", "POST"), $args); } catch (\InvalidInputDataException $e) { $this->errors = $e->errors(); return $this->system->launch('/blogs', 'GET', $data); } \Rocket::call(array("ResponseTime", "on_data"), $data); //header('Location: /blogs'); die('redirect'); }
private function evaluateContexts() { $this->checks = array(); foreach ($this->contexts as $contextName => $context) { foreach ($context as $i => $check) { if (!$check[0]) { $check = $check[1]; } if (!isset($this->checks[$check[0] . '.' . $check[1]])) { if (!is_callable($check)) { if (is_array($check)) { throw new \Exception('Context check static method "' . $check[0] . '::' . $check[1] . '()" does not exist'); } else { throw new \Exception('Context check function "' . $check . '()" does not exist'); } } $this->checks[$check[0] . '.' . $check[1]] = \Rocket::call($check); } } } }
function GET_posts_tagged_tag_when_public($data, $tag) { $errors = array(); $data->tag = $tag; \Rocket::call(array("ResponseTime", "on_start"), $data); if (count($errors)) { throw new \InvalidInputDataException($errors); } \Rocket::call(array("TimeTracked", "on_input"), $data); $query = "SELECT * FROM Post WHERE id = :id LIMIT 1"; \Rocket::call(array("Tags", "on_query"), $query, $data); $statement = $this->db->prepare($query); $statement->execute($this->getDataForQuery($query, $data)); $data = $statement->fetch(\PDO::FETCH_OBJ); if (!$data) { throw new \NotFoundException(); } \Rocket::call(array("ResponseTime", "on_data"), $data); return $data; }
public function call($uri, $request_method, $data = array(), $internal = true) { foreach ($this->routes as $route => $controller) { //echo $uri . ' ' . $route . PHP_EOL; if (preg_match('/^' . $route . '$/', $uri, $matches)) { $args = array($data); foreach ($controller['args'] as $arg) { $args[] = isset($matches[$arg]) ? $matches[$arg] : null; } $context = $this->getCurrentContext(); //include $this->config['core_path'] . 'resources' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $controller['class'] . '.php'; $controller['class'] = 'Resources\\' . $controller['class']; $instance = new $controller['class']($this->db); $method = $request_method . $controller['method'] . '_when_' . $context; // + context & method signature //echo $method; if (method_exists($instance, $method)) { if ($internal || $instance::methodIsExposed($method)) { // allow hooks to access current controller \Rocket::set('controller', $instance); $data = new \stdClass(); $data->code = 200; $data->data = call_user_func_array(array($instance, $method), $args); /*try{ $data->code = 200; $data->data = call_user_func_array(array($instance, $method), $args); }catch (\NotFoundException $e){ $data->code = 404; $data->errors = "not.found"; }catch (\InvalidInputDataException $e){ $data->code = 400; $data->errors = $e->errors(); }catch (\UnauthorizedException $e){ $data->code = 401; $data->errors = $e->data(); }catch (\PDOException $e){ $data->code = 500; $data->errors = "database.error"; print_r($e->getMessage()); }catch (\Exception $e){ if (true){ // debugging // let the error system handle it throw $e; }else{ $data->code = 500; $data->errors = $e->getMessage(); } }*/ $metadata = $this->response->getMetadata(); // TODO: get metadata here foreach ($metadata as $key => $value) { $data->{$key} = $value; } return $data; } } break; } } throw new \NotFoundException(); }
function GET_blogs_id_owner_when_public($data, $id) { $errors = array(); $data->id = $id; \Rocket::call(array("ResponseTime", "on_start"), $data); if (count($errors)) { throw new \InvalidInputDataException($errors); } \Rocket::call(array("TimeTracked", "on_input"), $data); $data = $this->owner($id); \Rocket::call(array("ResponseTime", "on_data"), $data); return $data; }
function GET_users_id_when_public($data, $id) { $errors = array(); $data->id = $id; \Rocket::call(array("ResponseTime", "on_start"), $data); if (count($errors)) { throw new \InvalidInputDataException($errors); } $query = "SELECT * FROM User WHERE id = :id LIMIT 1"; $statement = $this->db->prepare($query); $statement->execute($this->getDataForQuery($query, $data)); $data = $statement->fetch(\PDO::FETCH_OBJ); if (!$data) { throw new \NotFoundException(); } \Rocket::call(array("ResponseTime", "on_data"), $data); \Rocket::call(array("\\Rocket\\User\\System", "on_data"), $data); return $data; }
public function generateResources() { $this->routes = array(); foreach ($this->specs->resources as $resourceName => $resource) { //echo 'generating resources: '.$resourceName . PHP_EOL; $parentTraits = array(); if (isset($this->specs->traits)) { $parentTraits = array_merge($parentTraits, $this->specs->traits); } if (isset($resource->traits)) { $parentTraits = array_merge($parentTraits, $resource->traits); foreach ($resource->traits as $traitName) { if (method_exists($traitName, 'on_properties')) { \Rocket::call(array($traitName, "on_properties"), $resource->properties); } } } ob_start(); echo "/**" . PHP_EOL; echo " * This class has been autogenerated by RocketPHP" . PHP_EOL; echo " */" . PHP_EOL . PHP_EOL; echo "namespace Resources;" . PHP_EOL . PHP_EOL; echo "class {$resourceName} extends \\Rocket\\Api\\Resource{" . PHP_EOL . PHP_EOL; //echo "\t" . "protected \$db;" . PHP_EOL; echo "\t" . "protected \$fields = array(\"" . implode('","', array_keys((array) $resource->properties)) . "\");" . PHP_EOL; $notExposed = array(); foreach ($resource->endpoints as $route => $endpoint) { foreach ($endpoint as $contextName => $context) { foreach ($context as $methodName => $method) { if (isset($method->exposed) && $method->exposed === false) { $methodName = strtoupper($methodName); $routeName = str_replace(array('{', '}'), '', $route); $notExposed[] = $methodName . str_replace(array('/', '-'), '_', $routeName) . "_when_{$contextName}"; } } } } echo "\t" . "protected static \$notExposed = array(\"" . implode('","', $notExposed) . "\");" . PHP_EOL; echo PHP_EOL; // Render all validation and reciever methods foreach ($resource->properties as $propertyName => $property) { echo "\t" . "function receive_{$propertyName}(\$value, &\$errors) {" . PHP_EOL; echo "\t\t" . "\$errors = array_merge(\$errors, \$this->validate_{$propertyName}(\$value));" . PHP_EOL; if (isset($property->on_receive)) { $on_receive = explode('.', $property->on_receive); echo "\t\t" . "\\Rocket::call(array(\"{$on_receive['0']}\", \"{$on_receive['1']}\"), \$value, \$errors);" . PHP_EOL; } echo "\t\t" . "return \$value;" . PHP_EOL; echo "\t}" . PHP_EOL . PHP_EOL; echo "\t" . "function validate_{$propertyName}(\$value) {" . PHP_EOL; echo "\t\t" . "\$errors = array();" . PHP_EOL; switch ($property->type) { case "string": echo "\t\t" . "if (!is_string(\$value)){ \$errors[] = \"{$resourceName}.{$propertyName}.incorrectType.string\"; }" . PHP_EOL; break; case "int": echo "\t\t" . "if (!is_int(\$value)){ \$errors[] = \"{$resourceName}.{$propertyName}\"; }" . PHP_EOL; break; case "float": case "double": echo "\t\t" . "if (!is_float(\$value)){ \$errors[] = \"{$resourceName}.{$propertyName}.incorrectType.float\"; }" . PHP_EOL; break; case "datetime": echo "\t\t" . "if (!is_date(\$value, 'Y-m-d H:i:s')){ \$errors[] = \"{$resourceName}.{$propertyName}.incorrectType.datetime\"; }" . PHP_EOL; break; case "date": echo "\t\t" . "if (!is_date(\$value, 'Y-m-d')){ \$errors[] = \"{$resourceName}.{$propertyName}\"; }" . PHP_EOL; break; case "time": // TODO: this can be improved, am/pm? no seconds? echo "\t\t" . "if (!is_date(\$value, 'H:i:s')){ \$errors[] = \"{$resourceName}.{$propertyName}.incorrectType.time\"; }" . PHP_EOL; break; case "email": echo "\t\t" . "if (!filter_var(\$value, FILTER_VALIDATE_EMAIL)){ \$errors[] = \"{$resourceName}.{$propertyName}\"; }" . PHP_EOL; break; case "bool": echo "\t\t" . "if (!in_array(\$value, array(true, 1, 'true', 'yes', false, 0, 'false', 'no'))){ \$errors[] = \"{$resourceName}.{$propertyName}.incorrectType.bool\"; }" . PHP_EOL; break; } if (isset($property->max_length)) { echo "\t\t" . "if (strlen(\$value) > {$property->max_length}){ \$errors[] = \"{$resourceName}.{$propertyName}.tooLong\"; }" . PHP_EOL; } if (isset($property->min_length)) { echo "\t\t" . "if (strlen(\$value) < {$property->min_length}){ \$errors[] = \"{$resourceName}.{$propertyName}.tooShort\"; }" . PHP_EOL; } if (isset($property->matches)) { echo "\t\t" . "if (!preg_match(\"{$property->matches}\", \$value)){ \$errors[] = \"{$resourceName}.{$propertyName}.patternMatch\"; }" . PHP_EOL; } if (isset($property->max)) { if (is_object($property->type)) { echo "\t\t" . "if (count(\$value) > {$property->max}){ \$errors[] = \"{$resourceName}.{$propertyName}.tooMany\"; }" . PHP_EOL; } else { echo "\t\t" . "if (\$value > {$property->max}){ \$errors[] = \"{$resourceName}.{$propertyName}.tooLarge\"; }" . PHP_EOL; } } if (isset($property->min)) { if (is_object($property->type)) { echo "\t\t" . "if (count(\$value) < {$property->min}){ \$errors[] = \"{$resourceName}.{$propertyName}.tooFew\"; }" . PHP_EOL; } else { echo "\t\t" . "if (\$value < {$property->min}){ \$errors[] = \"{$resourceName}.{$propertyName}.tooSmall\"; }" . PHP_EOL; } } echo "\t\t" . "return \$errors;" . PHP_EOL; echo "\t}" . PHP_EOL . PHP_EOL; if (is_object($property->type)) { echo "\t" . "function {$propertyName}(\$id) {" . PHP_EOL; echo "\t\t" . "// TODO: return query here so that users can customize result eg. LIMIT, ORDER BY, WHERE x, etc" . PHP_EOL; $target = $this->getResource($property->type->resource); $targetProperty = $target->properties->{$property->type->on}; if ($property->type->relation == 'has-one') { if ($targetProperty->type->relation == 'has-many') { if (isset($property->type->sql)) { echo "\t\t" . "\$query = \"{$property->type->sql}\";" . PHP_EOL; } else { echo "\t\t" . "\$query = \"SELECT * FROM {$property->type->resource} WHERE id = :id\";" . PHP_EOL; } echo "\t\t" . "\$statement = \$this->db->prepare(\$query);" . PHP_EOL; echo "\t\t" . "\$statement->execute(array('id' => \$id));" . PHP_EOL; echo "\t\t" . "\$data = \$statement->fetch(\\PDO::FETCH_ASSOC);" . PHP_EOL; } else { $resources = array($property->type->resource, $propertyName); sort($resources); if (isset($property->type->sql)) { echo "\t\t" . "\$query = \"{$property->type->sql}\";" . PHP_EOL; } else { echo "\t\t" . "\$query = \"SELECT * FROM {$resources['0']} WHERE id = :id\";" . PHP_EOL; } echo "\t\t" . "\$statement = \$this->db->prepare(\$query);" . PHP_EOL; echo "\t\t" . "\$statement->execute(array('id' => \$id));" . PHP_EOL; echo "\t\t" . "\$data = \$statement->fetch(\\PDO::FETCH_ASSOC);" . PHP_EOL; } } if ($property->type->relation == 'has-many') { if ($targetProperty->type->relation == 'has-many') { $resources = array($propertyName, $property->type->on); sort($resources); if (isset($property->type->sql)) { echo "\t\t" . "\$query = \"{$property->type->sql}\";" . PHP_EOL; } else { echo "\t\t" . "\$query = \"SELECT {$property->type->resource}.* FROM {$property->type->resource} JOIN {$resources['0']}_{$resources['1']} ON {$property->type->resource}.id = {$resources['0']}_{$resources['1']}.{$propertyName}_id WHERE {$resources['0']}_{$resources['1']}.{$property->type->on}_id = :id\";" . PHP_EOL; } echo "\t\t" . "\$statement = \$this->db->prepare(\$query);" . PHP_EOL; echo "\t\t" . "\$statement->execute(array('id' => \$id));" . PHP_EOL; echo "\t\t" . "\$data = \$statement->fetchAll(\\PDO::FETCH_ASSOC);" . PHP_EOL; } else { if (isset($property->type->sql)) { echo "\t\t" . "\$query = \"{$property->type->sql}\";" . PHP_EOL; } else { echo "\t\t" . "\$query = \"SELECT * FROM {$property->type->resource} WHERE {$property->type->on}_id = :id\";" . PHP_EOL; } echo "\t\t" . "\$statement = \$this->db->prepare(\$query);" . PHP_EOL; echo "\t\t" . "\$statement->execute(array('id' => \$id));" . PHP_EOL; echo "\t\t" . "\$data = \$statement->fetchAll(\\PDO::FETCH_ASSOC);" . PHP_EOL; } } echo "\t\t" . "" . PHP_EOL; echo "\t\t" . "// TODO: \$data = customHook(\$data);" . PHP_EOL; echo "\t\t" . "return \$data;" . PHP_EOL; echo "\t}" . PHP_EOL . PHP_EOL; } } // Render all endpoints foreach ($resource->endpoints as $route => $endpoint) { preg_match_all('/\\{([^\\}]+)\\}/', $route, $matches, PREG_SET_ORDER); //print_r($matches); $args = array('$data'); $argNames = array(); $routeName = $route; $routePattern = str_replace('/', '\\/', $route); if (count($matches)) { $routeName = str_replace(array('{', '}'), '', $route); foreach ($matches as $key => $value) { $args[] = '$' . $value[1]; $argNames[] = $value[1]; $routePattern = str_replace('{' . $value[1] . '}', '(?P<' . $value[1] . '>[^\\/]+)', $routePattern); } } foreach ($endpoint as $contextName => $context) { if ($contextName == 'traits') { $parentTraits = array_merge($parentTraits, $endpoint->traits); continue; } $contextChecks = $this->specs->contexts->{$contextName}; foreach ($context as $methodName => $method) { if ($methodName == 'traits') { $parentTraits = array_merge($parentTraits, $context->traits); continue; } $methodName = strtoupper($methodName); if (!isset($method->traits)) { $method->traits = array(); } $method->traits = array_unique(array_merge($parentTraits, $method->traits)); echo "\t" . "function {$methodName}" . str_replace(array('/', '-'), '_', $routeName) . "_when_{$contextName}(" . implode(', ', $args) . ") {" . PHP_EOL; $this->routes[$routePattern] = "array(\"class\" => \"{$resourceName}\", \"method\" => \"" . str_replace(array('/', '-'), '_', $routeName) . "\", \"args\" => array(\"" . implode('", "', $argNames) . "\"))"; //echo "\t\t" . "\$data = array();" . PHP_EOL; echo "\t\t" . "\$errors = array();" . PHP_EOL . PHP_EOL; $echoed = false; foreach ($args as $argName) { if ($argName != '$data') { $echoed = true; echo "\t\t" . "\$data->" . trim($argName, '$') . " = {$argName};" . PHP_EOL; } } if ($echoed) { echo PHP_EOL; } if (isset($method->traits)) { foreach ($method->traits as $trait) { if (method_exists($trait, 'on_start')) { echo "\t\t" . "\\Rocket::call(array(\"{$trait}\", \"on_start\"), \$data);" . PHP_EOL; } } } if (isset($method->delegate)) { $delegate = explode('.', $method->delegate); echo "\t\t" . "return \\Rocket::call(array(\"{$delegate['0']}\", \"{$delegate['1']}\"), \$data);" . PHP_EOL; } else { /*if (isset($method->queryParams)){ echo "\t\t" . "// check query string data" . PHP_EOL; foreach ($method->queryParams as $paramName => $param){ //echo "\t\t" . "\$$paramName = \$this->receive_$paramName(\$_GET[\"$paramName\"], \$errors);" . PHP_EOL; } echo PHP_EOL; }*/ if (isset($method->expects)) { echo "\t\t" . "// check for required input data" . PHP_EOL; foreach ($method->expects as $expectedName) { if (isset($resource->properties->{$expectedName})) { $expected = $resource->properties->{$expectedName}; echo "\t\t" . "if (!isset(\$data->{$expectedName})){ \$errors[] = \"{$resourceName}.{$expectedName}.required\"; }" . PHP_EOL; echo "\t\t" . "else{ \$data->{$expectedName} = \$this->receive_{$expectedName}(\$data->{$expectedName}, \$errors); }" . PHP_EOL; } else { // allow making virtual (non resource data) inputs required echo "\t\t" . "if (!isset(\$data->{$expectedName})){ \$errors[] = \"{$resourceName}.{$expectedName}.required\"; }" . PHP_EOL; } } echo PHP_EOL; } if (isset($method->accepts)) { echo "\t\t" . "// check optional input data if present" . PHP_EOL; foreach ($method->accepts as $acceptedName) { echo "\t\t" . "if (isset(\$data->{$acceptedName})){ \$data->{$acceptedName} = \$this->receive_{$acceptedName}(\$data->{$acceptedName}, \$errors); }" . PHP_EOL; } echo PHP_EOL; } echo "\t\t" . 'if (count($errors)) {' . PHP_EOL; if (isset($method->traits)) { foreach ($method->traits as $trait) { if (method_exists($trait, 'on_error')) { echo "\t\t" . "\\Rocket::call(array(\"{$trait}\", \"on_error\"), \$data, \$errors);" . PHP_EOL; } } } // TODO: include below logic into trait logic above "control exception trigger" if (isset($method->on_error)) { $on_error = explode('.', $method->on_error); echo "\t\t\t" . "if (\\Rocket::call(array(\"{$on_error['0']}\", \"{$on_error['1']}\"), \$data, \$errors)){" . PHP_EOL; echo "\t\t\t\t" . "throw new \\InvalidInputDataException(\$errors);" . PHP_EOL; echo "\t\t\t" . "}" . PHP_EOL; } else { echo "\t\t\t" . "throw new \\InvalidInputDataException(\$errors);" . PHP_EOL; } echo "\t\t" . '}' . PHP_EOL . PHP_EOL; $returnType = 'object'; $schema = $method->returns; if (is_array($method->returns)) { $returnType = 'collection'; $schema = $method->returns[0]; } else { if (is_string($method->returns)) { $returnType = 'relation'; $schema = array(); } } // Get all fields in resource that are not a relation $fieldList = array(); foreach ($resource->properties as $key => $value) { if (!is_object($value->type)) { $fieldList[$key] = '?'; } } // Intersect return fields with resource fields // and translate aliases if specified $excluding = count($schema); foreach ($schema as $key => $value) { if ($value) { $fieldList[$key] = true; $excluding = false; } else { $fieldList[$key] = false; $excluding = true; } } // Define unspecified fields according to exclusion request foreach ($fieldList as $key => $value) { if ($value === '?') { $fieldList[$key] = $excluding; } } // If return fields exclude, include all fields except excluded // If return fields don't exclude, include only requested $requestedFields = array(); foreach ($fieldList as $key => $value) { if ($value) { $requestedFields[] = $key; } } // If requested all fields, abbreviate query if (count($requestedFields) == count($fieldList)) { $requestedFields = array('*'); } /*$requestedFields = array(); foreach ($schema as $key => $value){ if (isset($resource->properties->$key) || $key == 'id'){ if ($value){ $requestedFields[] = $key; }else{ } }else{ if (DEVELOPING){ throw new \Exception('Requested field "'.$key.'" from "'.$resourceName.'" but field does not exist :('); } } } if (count($requestedFields) == 0){ $requestedFields[] = '*'; }*/ if (isset($method->traits)) { foreach ($method->traits as $trait) { if (method_exists($trait, 'on_input')) { echo "\t\t" . "\\Rocket::call(array(\"{$trait}\", \"on_input\"), \$data);" . PHP_EOL; } } } if (isset($method->on_input)) { $on_input = explode('.', $method->on_input); echo "\t\t" . "\\Rocket::call(array(\"{$on_input['0']}\", \"{$on_input['1']}\"), \$data);" . PHP_EOL; } if (isset($method->on_action)) { $on_action = explode('.', $method->on_action); echo "\t\t" . "\$data = \\Rocket::call(array(\"{$on_action['0']}\", \"{$on_action['1']}\"), \$data);" . PHP_EOL; } else { if ($methodName == "GET") { if ($returnType == 'object') { if (isset($method->sql)) { echo "\t\t" . "\$query = \"{$method->sql}\";" . PHP_EOL; } else { echo "\t\t" . "\$query = \"SELECT " . implode(',', $requestedFields) . " FROM {$resourceName} WHERE id = :id LIMIT 1\";" . PHP_EOL; } if (isset($method->traits)) { foreach ($method->traits as $trait) { if (method_exists($trait, 'on_query')) { echo "\t\t" . "\\Rocket::call(array(\"{$trait}\", \"on_query\"), \$query, \$data);" . PHP_EOL; } } } if (isset($method->on_query)) { $on_query = explode('.', $method->on_query); echo "\t\t" . "\\Rocket::call(array(\"{$on_query['0']}\", \"{$on_query['1']}\"), \$query, \$data);" . PHP_EOL; } echo "\t\t" . "\$statement = \$this->db->prepare(\$query);" . PHP_EOL; echo "\t\t" . "\$statement->execute( \$this->getDataForQuery(\$query, \$data) );" . PHP_EOL; echo "\t\t" . "\$data = \$statement->fetch(\\PDO::FETCH_OBJ);" . PHP_EOL; echo "\t\t" . "if (!\$data){" . PHP_EOL; echo "\t\t\t" . "throw new \\NotFoundException();" . PHP_EOL; echo "\t\t" . "}" . PHP_EOL; } else { if ($returnType == 'collection') { if (isset($method->sql)) { echo "\t\t" . "\$query = \"{$method->sql}\";" . PHP_EOL; } else { echo "\t\t" . "\$query = \"SELECT " . implode(',', $requestedFields) . " FROM {$resourceName}\";" . PHP_EOL; } if (isset($method->traits)) { foreach ($method->traits as $trait) { if (method_exists($trait, 'on_query')) { echo "\t\t" . "\\Rocket::call(array(\"{$trait}\", \"on_query\"), \$query, \$data);" . PHP_EOL; } } } if (isset($method->on_query)) { $on_query = explode('.', $method->on_query); echo "\t\t" . "\\Rocket::call(array(\"{$on_query['0']}\", \"{$on_query['1']}\"), \$query, \$data);" . PHP_EOL; } echo "\t\t" . "\$statement = \$this->db->prepare(\$query);" . PHP_EOL; echo "\t\t" . "\$statement->execute( \$this->getDataForQuery(\$query, \$data) );" . PHP_EOL; echo "\t\t" . "\$data = \$statement->fetchAll(\\PDO::FETCH_OBJ);" . PHP_EOL; } } // TODO: related properties ? if ($returnType == 'relation') { // TODO: handle id... echo "\t\t" . "\$data = \$this->{$method->returns}(\$id);" . PHP_EOL; } } else { if ($methodName == "POST") { if (isset($method->sql)) { echo "\t\t" . "\$query = \"{$method->sql}\";" . PHP_EOL; } else { echo "\t\t" . "\$fields = array_intersect(\$this->fields, array_keys((array)\$data));" . PHP_EOL; echo "\t\t" . "\$query = \"INSERT INTO {$resourceName} (\".implode(',', \$fields).\") VALUES (:\".implode(', :', \$fields).\")\";" . PHP_EOL; } if (isset($method->traits)) { foreach ($method->traits as $trait) { if (method_exists($trait, 'on_query')) { echo "\t\t" . "\\Rocket::call(array(\"{$trait}\", \"on_query\"), \$query, \$data);" . PHP_EOL; } } } if (isset($method->on_query)) { $on_query = explode('.', $method->on_query); echo "\t\t" . "\\Rocket::call(array(\"{$on_query['0']}\", \"{$on_query['1']}\"), \$query, \$data);" . PHP_EOL; } echo "\t\t" . "\$statement = \$this->db->prepare(\$query);" . PHP_EOL; echo "\t\t" . "\$statement->execute( \$this->getDataForQuery(\$query, \$data) );" . PHP_EOL; echo "\t\t" . "\$id = \$this->db->lastInsertId();" . PHP_EOL; echo "\t\t" . "if (!\$id){" . PHP_EOL; echo "\t\t\t" . "throw new \\Exception('Could not create resource');" . PHP_EOL; echo "\t\t" . "}" . PHP_EOL; /*echo "\t\t" . "\$query = \"SELECT * FROM $resourceName WHERE id = :id LIMIT 1\";" . PHP_EOL; echo "\t\t" . "\$statement = \$this->db->prepare(\$query);" . PHP_EOL; echo "\t\t" . "\$statement->execute(array(\"id\" => \$id));" . PHP_EOL; echo "\t\t" . "\$data = \$statement->fetch(\PDO::FETCH_ASSOC);" . PHP_EOL; echo "\t\t" . "if (!\$data){" . PHP_EOL; echo "\t\t\t" . "throw new \Exception('Could not create resource');" . PHP_EOL; echo "\t\t" . "}" . PHP_EOL;*/ echo "\t\t" . "\$data = array(\"created\" => \$id);" . PHP_EOL; // TODO: how to better control response here? return Rocket::handle('/resources/id')? // TODO: return complete created resource + 201 status } else { if ($methodName == "PUT") { if (isset($method->sql)) { echo "\t\t" . "\$query = \"{$method->sql}\";" . PHP_EOL; } else { echo "\t\t" . "\$fields = array_intersect(\$this->fields, array_keys((array)\$data));" . PHP_EOL; echo "\t\t" . "\$pairs = array();" . PHP_EOL; echo "\t\t" . "foreach (\$fields as \$field){" . PHP_EOL; echo "\t\t\t" . "\$pairs[] = \$field . \" = :\" . \$field;" . PHP_EOL; echo "\t\t" . "}" . PHP_EOL; echo "\t\t" . "\$query = \"UPDATE {$resourceName} SET \".implode(', ', \$pairs).\" WHERE id = :id\";" . PHP_EOL; } if (isset($method->traits)) { foreach ($method->traits as $trait) { if (method_exists($trait, 'on_query')) { echo "\t\t" . "\\Rocket::call(array(\"{$trait}\", \"on_query\"), \$query, \$data);" . PHP_EOL; } } } if (isset($method->on_query)) { $on_query = explode('.', $method->on_query); echo "\t\t" . "\\Rocket::call(array(\"{$on_query['0']}\", \"{$on_query['1']}\"), \$query, \$data);" . PHP_EOL; } echo "\t\t" . "\$statement = \$this->db->prepare(\$query);" . PHP_EOL; echo "\t\t" . "\$result = \$statement->execute( \$this->getDataForQuery(\$query, \$data) );" . PHP_EOL; echo "\t\t" . "if (\$statement->rowCount() == 0){" . PHP_EOL; echo "\t\t\t" . "throw new \\NotFoundException();" . PHP_EOL; echo "\t\t" . "}" . PHP_EOL; echo "\t\t" . "if (!\$result){" . PHP_EOL; echo "\t\t\t" . "throw new \\Exception('Could not update resource');" . PHP_EOL; echo "\t\t" . "}" . PHP_EOL; echo "\t\t" . "\$data = array(\"updated\" => \$id);" . PHP_EOL; } else { if ($methodName == "DELETE") { if (isset($method->sql)) { echo "\t\t" . "\$query = \"{$method->sql}\";" . PHP_EOL; } else { echo "\t\t" . "\$query = \"DELETE FROM {$resourceName} WHERE id = :id\";" . PHP_EOL; } if (isset($method->traits)) { foreach ($method->traits as $trait) { if (method_exists($trait, 'on_query')) { echo "\t\t" . "\\Rocket::call(array(\"{$trait}\", \"on_query\"), \$query, \$data);" . PHP_EOL; } } } if (isset($method->on_query)) { $on_query = explode('.', $method->on_query); echo "\t\t" . "\\Rocket::call(array(\"{$on_query['0']}\", \"{$on_query['1']}\"), \$query, \$data);" . PHP_EOL; } echo "\t\t" . "\$statement = \$this->db->prepare(\$query);" . PHP_EOL; echo "\t\t" . "\$result = \$statement->execute( \$this->getDataForQuery(\$query, \$data) );" . PHP_EOL; echo "\t\t" . "if (\$statement->rowCount() == 0){" . PHP_EOL; echo "\t\t\t" . "throw new \\NotFoundException();" . PHP_EOL; echo "\t\t" . "}" . PHP_EOL; echo "\t\t" . "if (!\$result){" . PHP_EOL; echo "\t\t\t" . "throw new \\Exception('Could not delete resource');" . PHP_EOL; echo "\t\t" . "}" . PHP_EOL; echo "\t\t" . "\$data = array(\"deleted\" => \$id);" . PHP_EOL; } } } } /*if (isset($method->traits)){ foreach ($method->traits as $trait){ if (method_exists($trait, 'on_data')){ echo "\t\t" . "\Rocket::call(array(\"$trait\", \"on_data\"), \$data);" . PHP_EOL; } } } if (isset($method->on_data)){ $on_data = explode('.', $method->on_data); echo "\t\t" . "\Rocket::call(array(\"$on_data[0]\", \"$on_data[1]\"), \$data);" . PHP_EOL; } echo "\t\t" . "return \$data;" . PHP_EOL;*/ } if (isset($method->traits)) { foreach ($method->traits as $trait) { if (method_exists($trait, 'on_data')) { echo "\t\t" . "\\Rocket::call(array(\"{$trait}\", \"on_data\"), \$data);" . PHP_EOL; } } } if (isset($method->on_data)) { $on_data = explode('.', $method->on_data); echo "\t\t" . "\\Rocket::call(array(\"{$on_data['0']}\", \"{$on_data['1']}\"), \$data);" . PHP_EOL; } echo "\t\t" . "return \$data;" . PHP_EOL; } echo "\t}" . PHP_EOL . PHP_EOL; } } } echo "}"; $src = ob_get_contents(); ob_end_clean(); if (!file_exists($this->system->config['core_path'] . 'resources/')) { mkdir($this->system->config['core_path'] . 'resources/', 0755, true); } file_put_contents($this->system->config['core_path'] . 'resources' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $resourceName . '.php', '<?php ' . PHP_EOL . $src); } }
function GET_tagged_tag_posts_when_public($data, $tag) { $errors = array(); $data->tag = $tag; \Rocket::call(array("ResponseTime", "on_start"), $data); if (count($errors)) { throw new \InvalidInputDataException($errors); } $data = $this->posts($id); \Rocket::call(array("ResponseTime", "on_data"), $data); return $data; }
public function generatePages() { $this->routes = array(); $parentTraits = array(); if (isset($this->specs->traits)) { $parentTraits = array_merge($parentTraits, $this->specs->traits); } if (isset($page->traits)) { $parentTraits = array_merge($parentTraits, $page->traits); foreach ($page->traits as $traitName) { if (method_exists($traitName, 'on_properties')) { \Rocket::call(array($traitName, "on_properties"), $page->properties); } } } foreach ($this->specs->pages as $route => $page) { //echo 'generating pages: '.$pageName . PHP_EOL; ob_start(); $pageName = ucfirst(str_replace(array('/', '{', '}'), array('_', '', ''), trim($route, ' /'))); echo "/**" . PHP_EOL; echo " * This class has been autogenerated by RocketPHP" . PHP_EOL; echo " */" . PHP_EOL . PHP_EOL; echo "namespace Pages;" . PHP_EOL . PHP_EOL; echo "class {$pageName} extends \\Rocket\\Site\\Page{" . PHP_EOL . PHP_EOL; preg_match_all('/\\{([^\\}]+)\\}/', $route, $matches, PREG_SET_ORDER); //print_r($matches); $args = array('$data'); $argNames = array(); $routeName = $route; $routePattern = str_replace('/', '\\/', $route); if (count($matches)) { $routeName = str_replace(array('{', '}'), '', $route); foreach ($matches as $key => $value) { $args[] = '$' . $value[1]; $argNames[] = $value[1]; $routePattern = str_replace('{' . $value[1] . '}', '(?P<' . $value[1] . '>[^\\/]+)', $routePattern); } } foreach ($page as $contextName => $context) { if ($contextName == 'traits') { $parentTraits = array_merge($parentTraits, $page->traits); continue; } $contextChecks = $this->specs->contexts->{$contextName}; foreach ($context as $methodName => $method) { if ($methodName == 'traits') { $parentTraits = array_merge($parentTraits, $context->traits); continue; } $methodName = strtoupper($methodName); if (!isset($method->traits)) { $method->traits = array(); } $method->traits = array_unique(array_merge($parentTraits, $method->traits)); echo "\t" . "function {$methodName}" . "_when_{$contextName}(" . implode(', ', $args) . ") {" . PHP_EOL; $this->routes[$routePattern] = "array(\"class\" => \"{$pageName}\", \"method\" => \"" . str_replace(array('/', '-'), '_', $routeName) . "\", \"args\" => array(\"" . implode('", "', $argNames) . "\"))"; //echo "\t\t" . "\$data = array();" . PHP_EOL; echo "\t\t" . "\$errors = \$this->errors;" . PHP_EOL . PHP_EOL; $echoed = false; foreach ($args as $argName) { if ($argName != '$data') { $echoed = true; echo "\t\t" . "\$data->" . trim($argName, '$') . " = {$argName};" . PHP_EOL; } } if ($echoed) { echo PHP_EOL; } if (isset($method->traits)) { foreach ($method->traits as $trait) { if (method_exists($trait, 'on_start')) { echo "\t\t" . "\\Rocket::call(array(\"{$trait}\", \"on_start\"), \$data);" . PHP_EOL; } } } if (isset($method->delegate)) { $delegate = explode('.', $method->delegate); echo "\t\t" . "return \\Rocket::call(array(\"{$delegate['0']}\", \"{$delegate['1']}\"), \$data);" . PHP_EOL; } else { if (isset($method->expects)) { echo "\t\t" . "// check for required input data" . PHP_EOL; foreach ($method->expects as $expectedName) { if (isset($page->properties->{$expectedName})) { $expected = $page->properties->{$expectedName}; echo "\t\t" . "if (!isset(\$data->{$expectedName})){ \$errors[] = \"{$pageName}.{$expectedName}.required\"; }" . PHP_EOL; echo "\t\t" . "else{ \$data->{$expectedName} = \$this->receive_{$expectedName}(\$data->{$expectedName}, \$errors); }" . PHP_EOL; } else { // allow making virtual (non page data) inputs required echo "\t\t" . "if (!isset(\$data->{$expectedName})){ \$errors[] = \"{$pageName}.{$expectedName}.required\"; }" . PHP_EOL; } } echo PHP_EOL; } if (isset($method->accepts)) { echo "\t\t" . "// check optional input data if present" . PHP_EOL; foreach ($method->accepts as $acceptedName) { echo "\t\t" . "if (isset(\$data->{$acceptedName})){ \$data->{$acceptedName} = \$this->receive_{$acceptedName}(\$data->{$acceptedName}, \$errors); }" . PHP_EOL; } echo PHP_EOL; } //echo "\t\t" . 'if (count($errors)) {' . PHP_EOL; if (isset($method->traits)) { foreach ($method->traits as $trait) { if (method_exists($trait, 'on_error')) { echo "\t" . "\\Rocket::call(array(\"{$trait}\", \"on_error\"), \$data, \$errors);" . PHP_EOL; } } } // TODO: include below logic into trait logic above "control exception trigger" if (isset($method->on_error)) { $on_error = explode('.', $method->on_error); echo "\t\t" . "if (\\Rocket::call(array(\"{$on_error['0']}\", \"{$on_error['1']}\"), \$data, \$errors)){" . PHP_EOL; //echo "\t\t\t\t" . "throw new \InvalidInputDataException(\$errors);" . PHP_EOL; echo "\t\t\t" . "\$data->errors = \$errors;" . PHP_EOL; echo "\t\t" . "}" . PHP_EOL; } else { //echo "\t\t\t" . "throw new \InvalidInputDataException(\$errors);" . PHP_EOL; echo "\t\t" . "\$data->errors = \$errors;" . PHP_EOL; } //echo "\t\t" . '}' . PHP_EOL . PHP_EOL; /*$returnType = 'object'; $schema = $method->returns; if (is_array($method->returns)){ $returnType = 'collection'; $schema = $method->returns[0]; }else if (is_string($method->returns)){ $returnType = 'relation'; $schema = array(); }*/ if (isset($method->traits)) { foreach ($method->traits as $trait) { if (method_exists($trait, 'on_input')) { echo "\t\t" . "\\Rocket::call(array(\"{$trait}\", \"on_input\"), \$data);" . PHP_EOL; } } } if (isset($method->on_input)) { $on_input = explode('.', $method->on_input); echo "\t\t" . "\\Rocket::call(array(\"{$on_input['0']}\", \"{$on_input['1']}\"), \$data);" . PHP_EOL; } if (isset($method->on_action)) { $on_action = explode('.', $method->on_action); echo "\t\t" . "\$data = \\Rocket::call(array(\"{$on_action['0']}\", \"{$on_action['1']}\"), \$data);" . PHP_EOL; } else { if ($methodName == "GET") { if (!isset($method->template)) { throw new \Exception('Site page must have a template specified'); } if (isset($method->data)) { //echo "\t\t" . "echo '<pre>';print_r(\$data);"; foreach ($method->data as $varName => $dataSource) { $dataSource = explode('.', $dataSource); preg_match('/\\([^\\)]*\\)/i', $dataSource[1], $matches); //if (count($matches)){ $dataSource[1] = str_replace($matches[0], '', $dataSource[1]); $dataSourceArgs = explode(',', trim($matches[0], '()')); $dataSourceArgValues = array(); foreach ($dataSourceArgs as $dataSourceArgIndex => $dataSourceArgValue) { $dataSourceArgValue = str_replace("'", '"', trim($dataSourceArgValue)); if (preg_match_all('/\\{([^\\}]+)\\}/', $dataSourceArgValue, $matches, PREG_SET_ORDER)) { foreach ($matches as $match) { //print_r($match); $dataSourceArgValue = str_replace($match[0], '$data->' . str_replace('.', '->', $match[1]), $dataSourceArgValue); } } $dataSourceArgValues[] = $dataSourceArgValue; //echo "\t\t" . "\$ref_$dataSourceArgIndex = $dataSourceArgValue;" . PHP_EOL; } echo "\t\t" . "\$args = array(" . implode(', ', $dataSourceArgValues) . ");" . PHP_EOL; echo "\t\t" . "\$data->{$varName} = \\Rocket::callArray(array(\"{$dataSource['0']}\", \"{$dataSource['1']}\"), \$args);" . PHP_EOL; //echo "\t\t" . "\$data->$varName = \Rocket::call(array(\"$dataSource[0]\", \"$dataSource[1]\"), \$ref_".implode(', $ref_', array_keys($dataSourceArgs)).");" . PHP_EOL; //}else{ // echo "\t\t" . "\$data->$varName = \Rocket::call(array(\"$dataSource[0]\", \"$dataSource[1]\"));" . PHP_EOL; //} } } } else { if ($methodName == "POST") { if ($method->actions && count($method->actions)) { echo "\t\t" . "try{" . PHP_EOL; foreach ($method->actions as $varName => $action) { $action = explode('.', $action); preg_match('/\\([^\\)]*\\)/i', $action[1], $matches); //if (count($matches)){ $action[1] = str_replace($matches[0], '', $action[1]); $actionArgs = explode(',', trim($matches[0], '()')); $actionArgValues = array(); foreach ($actionArgs as $actionArgIndex => $actionArgValue) { $actionArgValue = str_replace("'", '"', trim($actionArgValue)); if (preg_match_all('/\\{([^\\}]+)\\}/', $actionArgValue, $matches, PREG_SET_ORDER)) { foreach ($matches as $match) { //print_r($match); $actionArgValue = str_replace($match[0], '$data->' . str_replace('.', '->', $match[1]), $actionArgValue); } } $actionArgValues[] = $actionArgValue; } //echo "\t\t\t" . "\$data->$varName = \Rocket::call(array(\"$action[0]\", \"$action[1]\"), \$ref_".implode(', $ref_', array_keys($actionArgs)).");" . PHP_EOL; echo "\t\t\t" . "\$args = array(" . implode(', ', $actionArgValues) . ");" . PHP_EOL; echo "\t\t\t" . "\$data->{$varName} = \\Rocket::callArray(array(\"{$action['0']}\", \"{$action['1']}\"), \$args);" . PHP_EOL; //}else{ // echo "\t\t\t" . "\$data->$varName = \Rocket::call(array(\"$action[0]\", \"$action[1]\"));" . PHP_EOL; //} } echo "\t\t" . "}catch (\\InvalidInputDataException \$e){" . PHP_EOL; echo "\t\t\t" . "\$this->errors = \$e->errors();" . PHP_EOL; echo "\t\t\t" . "return \$this->system->launch('{$route}', 'GET', \$data);" . PHP_EOL; echo "\t\t" . "}" . PHP_EOL; } } else { if ($methodName == "PUT") { } else { if ($methodName == "DELETE") { } } } } } if (isset($method->traits)) { foreach ($method->traits as $trait) { if (method_exists($trait, 'on_data')) { echo "\t\t" . "\\Rocket::call(array(\"{$trait}\", \"on_data\"), \$data);" . PHP_EOL; } } } if (isset($method->on_data)) { $on_data = explode('.', $method->on_data); echo "\t\t" . "\\Rocket::call(array(\"{$on_data['0']}\", \"{$on_data['1']}\"), \$data);" . PHP_EOL; } if ($methodName == "GET") { echo "\t\t" . "return \$this->template->render('{$method->template}', \$data);" . PHP_EOL; } else { echo "\t\t" . "//header('Location: {$method->redirect}');" . PHP_EOL; echo "\t\t" . "die('redirect');" . PHP_EOL; } } echo "\t}" . PHP_EOL . PHP_EOL; } } echo "}"; $src = ob_get_contents(); ob_end_clean(); if (!file_exists($this->system->config['core_path'] . 'pages/')) { mkdir($this->system->config['core_path'] . 'pages/', 0755, true); } file_put_contents($this->system->config['core_path'] . 'pages' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $pageName . '.php', '<?php ' . PHP_EOL . $src); } }